23-1274 A RESOLUTION DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ANNEX TERRITORY INTO CFD No. 2017-1 (MATNTENANCE SERVTCES) OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, ADOPTTNG A MAP OF THE AREA PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED (ANNEXATTON NO. 17) AND AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OF SPECIAL TAXES THEREINRESOLUTION NO. 23.,1 27 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ANNEX TERRITORY INTO COMMUNITY FACILITIES olsTRrcT No. 2017-1 (MATNTENANCE SERVTCES) OF THE C|TY OF MEN|FEE, ADOPTTNG A MAP OF THE AREA PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED (ANNEXATTON NO. 17) AND AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OF SPECIAL TAXES THEREIN WHEREAS, pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982 (the "Act"), on November 1 , 2017, the City Council (the "City Council") of the City of Menifee (the "City") approved Resolution No. 17-654 establishing Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) of the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California (the "CFD No. 2017-1") for the purpose of levying special taxes on parcels oftaxable property therein, which taxes would be used to provide certain services necessary to meet increased demands placed upon the City by development; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received a written instrument to initiate and conduct proceedings pursuant to the Ac1, to annex territory into CFD No. 2017-1 and to consent to the shortening of election time requirements, waiving of analysis and arguments, and waiving of all notice requirements relating to the conduci of the election; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised that certain property owners have requested that the area described in Exhibit A be annexed territory into the boundaries of CFD No. 2017-1, and that a rate and method of apportionment of the special tax to be levied therein be established. NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Menifee, California, acting as the Legislative Body of Community Facilities Districl No. 2017-'l (Maintenance Services) of the City of Menifee, determined and order as follows: Section 1. lntent to Annex. The C ity Council, acting as the legislative body of the CFD No. 2017-'l hereby declares that it proposes and intends to conduct proceedings pursuant to Article 3.5 of the Act for the annexation into the CFD No. 2017-1 of the territory described in Exhibit A attached hereto. The City Council determines that the public convenience and necessity require that such territory be annexed to CFD No, 2017-1 . Name of the Communitv Facilities District. The existing community facilities district is known as "Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services)." Section 3. Descri on of Territorv lnclud in Fxistino CFD No 20'17-1 The boundaries of theot Section 4. territory currently included in the CFD No. 2017-1 are described and shown on that certain map entitled "Proposed Boundary Map - Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California", as recorded on November 7, 2017 in Book 81 of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts, at Page 69, and as Document No. 2017-0465706 in the official records of the County of Riverside, as amended by the following: Description of Territory Prooosed to be Annexed. Annexation Mao. The tenitory proposed to be annexed is included within the boundaries within which property may annex to CFD No. 2017-1 and is more particularly described and shown on that certain map entitled "Boundaries - Potential Annexation Area Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) of the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California," as recorded on November 7, 2017 in Book 8'l of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts, at Page 70, and as Document No. 2017-0465707 in the official records L Section 2. S on 5. Section 6. of the county of Riverside. The territory proposed to be annexed to the cFD No. 2017-1 is described in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. such territory is also shown and described on the map thereof entifled ,'Annexation Map No. .17, community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance services), city of Menifee, county of Riverside, state of california," which is on file with the Acting city cierk (the ',Annexation Map") and attached hereto as Exhibit D Description ofAuthorized services. The services proposed to be financed by the territory proposed to be annexed to the cFD No. 2017-1 (the "services") are the sime as those services authorized to be financed by the existing territory in the cFD No. 2017-1 and are described in Exhibit B attached hereto. The cost of providing the services includes "Administrative Expenses," which include costs associated with the creation of cFD No. 2017-1, determination of the amount of special taxes, coflection or payment of speciar taxes, or costs otherwise incurred in order to carry out the authorized purposes oi crD No. 2017-1 . The services authorized to be financed by cFD No. 2017-1 are in addition to those currently provided in the territory of cFD No. 2o1l-1 and do not supplant services already available within that territory. Plan for Providino services. The services will be provided within the territory proposed to be annexed to the cFD No. 20'r7-1 and the existing territory in the cFD No. 2017-1 on the same basis. Levv of special raxes. Except where funds are otherwise available, a specral tax sufficientto pay the costs of the Services (including Administrative Expenses), secured by recordation of a continuing lien against all nonexempt real property in cFD No. 2017-i, will be levied annually within the territory proposed to be annexed to the cFD No. 2017-1. Section 7. Section 'l 1.Notice of Pu blic Hearino be published, a notice of S Lev o 17-The City Council does not pro pose to alter the special tax rate levied within the existing territory in the CFD No. 2017- 1 . Section 9.ion of exation M Pursuant to Section 31 10.5 of the Streets and Highways Code, the City Council adopts the Annexation Map as the map of the area proposed to be annexed to the CFD No. 2017-1. Pursuant to Section 3111 of said Code. the Actin S City and shall flle a copy verside no later than Section 10.Public nnq The City Council hereby fixes 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as The rate and method of apportionment, and manner of collection of the special tax are specified in Exhibit C. Clerk shall flle the original of the Annexation map in his or her office of the Annexation Map with lhe County Recorder of the County of Ri 15 days prior to the date of the hearing specified in Section 7 hereof_ practicable, on wednesday, March 1, 2023 in the city council chambers located at 29g44 Haun Road, Menifee, California 92586, as the time and place when and where the City council will conduct a public hearing on the proposed annexation of the area depicted on the Annexation Map and described in Exhibit A hereto territory to the CFD No. 2017_1. The Acting City Clerk is hereby directed to publish, or cause to said public hearing, in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit F, one time in a newspaper of general circulation published in the area of cFD No. 2017-1. The publication of said notice shall be completed at least seven days prior to the date herein fixed for said hearing. Said notice shall contain the information prescribed by Section 53339.4 of the Act. 2 Resolution of lntention Annex 17 Resolution No. 23- Section 8. Secti n 13.rization ake The officers, employees and agents of the City are hereby authorized and directed to ta ke all actions and do all things which they, or any of them, may deem necessary or desi rable to accomplish the purposes of this Resolution and not inconsistent with the provisi ons hereof, section 14. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption Resolution of lntention Annex 17 Resolution No. 23- Section '12.Mailinq Ballots election on the Attest Kay cting City Clerk Approved as to form from the landowners, the city council hereby authorizes the Acting city clerk to mail to each landowner in the territory proposed to be annexed to the cFD ruo. zotz-t a ballot in substantially the form set forth in Exhibit G hereto. A copy ofthe waiver and consent form signed by the property owner is attached hereto as Exhibit E and incorporated herein by this reference. PASSED, AppRoVED ANo ADopTeo this _lffoav or tnruarg ln anticipation of its action on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, to call the annexation for the same date, pursuant to waiver of election time limits 2023 Bill Zimme ayor 3 T. Melching, City ?t^ \# llrtil STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF MENIFEE l, Kay Vinson, Acting City Clerk of the City of Menifee, do hereby certify that the foregoing City Council Resolution No. 22-1274 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Menifee at a meeting thereof held on the 18th day of January 2023 by the following vote: Ayes: Deines, Kanrvin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, ZimmermanNoes: NoneAbsent: None Abstain: None SS ) ) ) {(.,,0,,-*,-.. xay Vi n s\0.!)ti n g-c"ni cr';r EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED TERRITORY TO BE ANNEXED The City of Menfee Community Facilities District No. 20'17-1 (Maintenance Services) (the "CFD No. 2017-1,,)Annexation No. 17 is currently comprised of two (2) parcels, located within the City boundaries. The property isidentified by the following Riverside County Assessor's parcel Number (ApN). Assessor Parcel Numbe(sl Owner Name 329-020-009 VSK I LLC 329-020-022 VSK lnvestments, LLC EXHIBIT B DESCRIPTION OF AUTHORIZED SERVICES APPENDIX B CITY OF MENIFEE coMMUNrTy FAC|LtTtES DtSTRtCT NO. 2017-1 (MATNTENANCE SERVTCES) DESCRIPTION OF AUTHORIZED SERVICES The services which may be funded with proceeds of the special tax of cFD No. 2017-1, as provided by section 53313 of the Act, will include all costs attributable to maintaining, servicing, cleaning, repairing and/or replacing landscaped areas (may include reserves for replacement) in public street rilht-of-way, public landscaping, public open spaces and other similar landscaped areas officially dedicated for public use. These services including the following: (a) maintenance and lighting of parks, parkways, streets, roads and open space, which maintenance and lighting services may include, without limitation, furnishinB of electrical power to street lights; repair and replacement of damaBed or inoperative light bulbs, fixtures and standards; maintenance (including irrigation and replacement) of landscaping vegetation situated on or adiacent to parks, parkways, streets, roads and open space; maintenance and repair of irrigation facilities; maintenance of public signage; graffiti removal from and maintenance and repair of public structures situated on parks, parkways, streets, roads and open space; maintenance and repair of playground or recreation program equipment or facilities situated on any park; and (b) maintenance and operation of water qualaty improvements which include storm drainage and flood protection facilities, including, without limitation, drainage inlets, catch basin inserts, infiltration basins, flood control channels, fossil fuel filters, and similar facilities. Maintenance services may include but is not limited to the repair, removal or replacement of all or part of any of the water quality improvements, fossil fuel filters within the public right-of-way including the removal of petroleum hydrocarbons and other pollutants from water runoff, or appurtenant facilities, clearing of inlets and outlets; erosion repairs; and cleanup to improvements, and other items necessary for the maintenance and servicing ofthe water quality basin improvements within flood control channel improvements; and (c) public street sweeping, on the segments of the arterials within the boundaries of CFD No. 2OL7-Ii as well as local roads within residential subdivisions located within CFD No. 2017-1; and any portions adjacent to the properties within CFD No. 2OL7-!: and ln addition to payment of the cost and expense of the forgoing services, proceeds of the special tax may be expended to pay "Administrative Expenses," as said term is defined in the Rate and Method of Apportionment. The above services may be financed by proceeds of the special tax of CFo No. 2017-1 only to the extent that they are in addition to those provided in the territory of cFD No. 2ou-1 before cFD No. 2017-1 was created or those provided in the territory annexed to CFD No. 2017-1 before the territory was annexed, as applicable. City of Menifee Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) 72 EXHIBIT C RATE AND TIETHOD OF APPORTIONMENT RATE AND METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF SPECIAT TAX FOR coMMUNTTY FAC|UTtES DtSTR|CT NO. 2017-1 (MATNTENANCE SERVTCES) OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE A SpecialTax (the "SpecialTax") shall be levied on and iollected from each Assesso/s parcel (defined below) in community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance 5ervices) (the "cFD No.2017-1" or,,cFD,,; defined below), in each Fiscal Year, (defined below), commencing in the Fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018, in an amount determined by the City Council ofthe City of Menifee, acting in its capacity as the legislative body of CFD No. 2017-1, by applying the rate and method of apportionment set forth below. All of the real property in CFD No. 2017-1, unless exempted by law or by the provisions herein, shall be taxed to the extent and in the manner provided herein. A. DEFINITIONS "Acre" or "Acreage" means the land area of an Assesso/s parcel as shown on any Assesso/s parcel Map, or if the land area is not shown on the Assesso/s parcel Map, the land area as shown on the applicable Final Map, or if the area is not shown on the applicable Final Map, the land area shall be calculated by the Administrator. "Administrative Expenses" means the actual or reasonably estimated costs directly related to the formation, annexation, and administration of cFD No. 2017-1 including, but not limited to: the costs of computing the Special Taxes and preparing the annual Special Tax collection schedules (whether by the city or designee thereof or both); the costs to the city, cFD No. 2017-1, or any designee thereof associated with fulfilling the CFD No. 2017-1 disclosure requirements; the costs associated with responding to public inquiries regarding the special raxes; the costs of the city, cFD No. 2017-1 or any designee thereof related to an appeal of the Special Tax; and the City's annual administration fees including payment of a proportional share of city overhead and salaries and benefits of any city employees whose duties are related to the administration of CFD No. 2017-1 and third party expenses related to CFD No. 2017-1. Administrative Expenses shall also include amounts estimated or advanced by the city or cFD No. 2oL7-L for any other administrative purposes of cFD No. 2017-1, including attorney's fees and other costs related to commencing and pursuing to completion any foreclosure of delinquent Special Taxes. "Administrator/ means the City Manager of the City of Menifee, or his or her designee. "Approved Propert/' means all Assessor's Parcels of Taxable property that are included in a Final Map that was recorded prior to the March 1 preceding the Fiscal Year in which the Special Tax is being levied, and that have not been issued a buildinB permit on or prior to the June 1 preceding the Fiscal year in which the specialtax is being levied. City of Menifee Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) 1 "Assessor/s Parcel" means a lot or parcel of land that is identifiable by an Assessor's parcel Number by the County Assessor of the County of Riverside. "Assessor/s Parcel Map" means an official map of the Assessor of the county designating parcels by Assessor's Parcel Number. "Assessol's Parcel Numbe/' means that identification number assigned to a parcel by the county Assessor ofthe County. "Building Square Footage" or "BSF" means the floor area square footage reflected on the original construction building permit issued for construction of a building of Non-Residential property and any Building square Footage subsequently added to a building of such Non-Residential property after issuance of a building permit for expansion or renovation of such building. "calendar Yea/' means the period commencing January 1of any year and ending the following December 31. "cFD" or "cFD No. 2017-1" means the city of Menifee community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services). "City'' means the City of Menifee. "Contintent Services" means services permitted under the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982 including, without limitation, those services authorized to be funded by cFD No. zolT-L as set forth in the documents adopted by the city council at the time the cFD was formed to be provided by the city in the event the Administrator makes a determination pursuant to section c(2)that a property owners, Association fails to adequately provide such services. "CounV' means the County of Riverside. "Developed Property'' means all Assessor's parcels of Taxable property for which a building permit for new construction has been issued on or prior tojune 1 preceding the Fiscal Year in which the Special Tax is being levied. "Exempt Property'means all Assessors'parcels designated as being exempt from the special rax as provided for in Sectlon G. "Final Map" means a subdivision of property by recordation of a final map, parcel map, or lot line adjustment, pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act (California Government Code section 66410 et seq.) or recordation of a condominium plan pursuant to California Civil Code 1352 that creates individual lots for which building permits may be issued without further subdivision. "Fiscal Yea/' means the period from and including July 1't of any year to and including the following June 3oth. "knd use categor/' or "LUc" means any of the categories contained in section B hereof to which an Assessor's Parcel is assigned consistent with the land use approvals that have been received or proposed for the Assessor's Parcel as of June 1 preceding the Fiscal Year in which the Special Tax is being levied. "Maximum special Tax" means either Maximum special rax A and/or Maximum special rax B (Contingent), as applicable. "Maximum special rax B (contingent)" means for each Assesso/s parcel and each Fiscal year, the maximum Special Tax B (Contingent), as determined in accordance with Section c below that can be levied on such Assesso/s Parcel in such Fiscalyear. City of Menifee Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) 2 "Maximum special Tax A" means for each Assessor's parcel and each Fiscal year, the maximum special Tax A, as determined in accordance with Section C below that can be levied on such Assesso/s parcel in such Fiscal Year. "Multi-Family Residential Proper$' or "MFR" means any Assesso/s parcel of Residential property upon which a building or buildings comprised of attached Residential Units sharing at least one common wall with another unit are constructed or are intended to be constructed. "Non-Residential Propert/' or "NR" means all Assessor's Parcels ofTaxable Property for which a building permit(s) was issued for a non-residential use. The Administrator shall make the determination if an Assessor's Parcel is Non-Residential property. "Property owner's Association" or "poA" means the property owne/s association or homeowner,s associat;on established to maintain certain landscaping within a Tax Zone. "Proportionately'' means for Taxable property that is: (i) Developed property, that the ratio of the actual special rax levy to the Maximum Special Tax is the same for all parcels of Developed property, (ii) Approved Property, that the ratio of the actual Special Tax levy to the Maximum special Tax is the same for all Parcels of Approved Property, and (iii) Undeveloped Property that the ratio of the actual Special Tax levy per acre to the Maximum Special Tax per acre is the same for all Parcels of Undeveloped P roperty. "Residential Unit''o. "Ru" m€ans a residential unit that is used or intended to be used as a domicile by one or more persons, as determined by the Administrator. "Residential Propert/' means all Assessol's Parcels of Taxable Property upon which Residential Units have been constructed or are intended to be constructed or for which building permits have been or may be issued for purposes of constructing one or more Residential Units. "Service(s)" means services permitted under the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982 including, without limitation, those services authorized to be funded by cFD No.2ol7-1 as set forth in the documents adopted by the city council at the time the cFD was formed as identified in Appendix B. "single Family Residential Propertl/'or "sFR" means any Residential property other than Multi-Family Residential Property on an Assessor's parcel. "special rax(es)" means the special rax A or special rax B (contingent) to be levied in each Fiscal year on each Assessor/s Parcel of Taxable property. "Special Tax A" means the annual specialtax to be levied in each Fiscal Year on each Assesso/s parcel of Taxable Property to fund the Special Tax A Requirement. "Special Tax A Requirement" means for each Tax Zone that amount to be collected in any Fiscal year to pay for certain costs as required to meet the needs of such Tax Zone within CFD No. 2017-1 in both the current Fiscal Year and the next Fiscal Year. The costs to be covered shall be the direct costs for maintenance services including but not limited to (i) maintenance and lighting of parks, parkways, streets, roads and open space, (ii) maintenance and operation of water quality improvements, (iii) public street sweeping, (iv) fund an operating reserve for the costs of services as determined by the Administrator, and (v) Administrative Expenses. under no circumstances shall the special Tax A Requirement include funds for Bonds. "special rax B (contingentl" means the annual special tax to be levied in each Fiscal year on each Assessor's Parcel of Taxable Property to fund the special rax B (contingent) Requirement, if required. City of Menifee Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) 3 "Special rax B (contingentl Requiremenf means that amount required in any Fiscal year, if the poA is unable to maintain the Contingent Service(s) to: (i) pay the costs of Contingent Services incurred or otherwise payable in the Calendar Year commencing in such Fiscal Year; (ii) fund an operating reservefor the costs of ContinBent Services as determined by the Administrator; less a credit ior funds available to reduce the annual special rax I (continBent) levy as determined by the Administrator. "Taxable Property" means all Assesso/s parcels within cFD No. 2017-1, which are not Exempt property. Saxable Unit" means a Residential Unit, Building Square Footage, or an Acre. "Tax Zone" means a mutually exclusive geographic area, within which particular special Tax rates may be levied pursuant to this Rate and Method of Apportionment of Special Tax. Appendix C identifies the Tax zone in cFD No. 2017-l at formation; additionalrax zones may be created when property is annexed into the CFD. "Tax zone 1" means the specific geographic area identified on the cFD Boundary Map as Tax zone 1. "Tract(s)" means an area of land; i) within a subdivision identified by a particular tract number on a Final Map, ii) identified within a parcel Map; or iii) identified within lot line adiustment approved for subdivision. "Undeveloped Properff'means, for each Fiscal year, all Taxable property not classified as Developed Property or Approved Property. B. ASSIGNMENT TO LAND USE CATEGORIES For each Fiscal Year, all Assessor's Parcels of Taxable Property within CFD No. 2017-1 shall be classified as Developed Property, Approved property, or undeveloped property, and shall be subject to the levy of Special Taxes as determined pursuant to Sections C and D below. Assesso/s parcels of Developed Property and Approved Property shall be classified as either Residential Property or Non-Residential Property. Residential Property shall be further classified as Single Family Residential property or Multi- Family Residential Property and the number of Residential Units shall be determined by the Administrator. C. MAXIMUM SPECIAT TAX RATES For purposes of determining the applicable Maximum specialTax for Assessor,s parcels of Developed Property and Approved Property which are classified as Residential property, all such Assessor,s Parcels shall be assigned the number of Residential Unit(s) constructed or to be constructed thereon as specified in or shown on the building permit(s) issued or Final Map as determined by the Administrator. Once a single family attached or multi-family building or buildings have been built on an Assessor's Parcel, the Administrator shall determine the actual number of Residential Units contained within the building or buildings, and the Special Tax A levied against the Assesso/s parcel in the next Fiscal Year shall be calculated by multiplying the actual number of Residential units by the Maximum Special rax per Residential unit for the Tax zone below or as included in Appendix A as each annexation occurs. For purposes of determining the applicable Maximum special rax for Assessor's parcels of Developed Property and Approved Property which are classified as Non-Residential Property, all such Assessor/s Parcels shall be assigned the number of Building square Footage or Acres as shown on the Final Map as determined by the Administrator. once the Administrator determines the actual number of City of Menifee Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) 4 1 Building square Footage or Acres for the Assessor's parcels, the special rax A levied against the Assessor's Parcel in the next Fiscal year shall be calculated by multiplying the number oi Building Square Footage or Acres by the Maximum Special Tax per Taxable Unit identified for the applicabl! Tax Zone below or as included in Appendix A as each annexation occurs. Special Tax A Develooed Prooertva (i)Maximum Special Tax A (ii)lncrease i n the Maximum SD The Maximum specialrax A for each Assessor's parcel of Developed property shall be specific to each Tax Zone within the cFD. when additional property is annexed into cFD No. 2017-1, the rate and method adopted for the annexed property shall reflect the Maximum special rax A for the Tax zones annexed and incruded in Appendix A. The Maximum speciar rax A for Deveroped Property for Fiscal Year 2018-19 within Tax Zone 1 is identified in Table 1 below: TABTE 1 MAXIMUM SPECIAL TAX A RATES DEVETOPED PROPERTV lTaxA on each July 1, commencing on July 1, 2019 the Maximum special rax A for Developed property shall increase by i) the percentage increase in the consumer price lndex (All ltems) for los AnBeles - Riverside - orange county (1982-84 = 1oo) since the beginning of the preceding Fiscal Year, or ii) by two percent (2.0%), whichever is Breater. (iii) Multiple Land Use Cateqories ln some instances, an Assessor's parcel of Developed property may contain more than one Land Use Cate8ory. The Maximum Special Tax A that can be levied on an Assessor's parcel shall be the sum of the Maximum special rax A that can be levied for each Land Use category located on that Assessor's Parcel. For an Assessor's parcel that contains more than one land use, the Acreage of such Assessor's parcel shall be allocated to each type of property based on the amount of Acreage designated for each land use as determined by reference to the site plan approved for such Assessor's parcel. The Administrator's allocation to each type of property shall be final. b. Aoproved Prooerw The Maximum Special Tax A for each Assessor's Parcel of Approved Property shall be specific to each Tax zone within the cFD. when additional property is annexed into cFD No. 2017-1, the rate and method adopted for the annexed property shall reflect the Maximum special Tax A for the Tax zone annexed and included in Appendix A. The Maximum special Tax A for Approved property for Fiscal Year 2018-19 within Tax Zone 1 is identified in Table 2 below: City of Menifee Community Facilities District No. 20U-l (Maintenance Services) 5 Tax Zone Tract Land Use Catetory Taxable unit 1 TR 35299-1 & PM 9504 Single Family Residential Property RU s1s8 Multi-Fami Residential Pro rty RU S1s8 Non-Residential Pro rty Acre 5r,7t4 Maximum Special Tax A TABTE 2 MAXIMUM SPECIAL TAX A RATES APPROVED PROPERTY Tax Zone Tract Land Use Catetory Taxable unit Maximum s lTaxA L TR 36299-1 & PM 9s04 Single Family Residential property RU S1s8 Multi-Fami Residential Prope RU Srse Non-Residential P rope Acre 57,714 on each July 1, commencing on Jury 1, 2019 the Maximum speciar rax A for Approved property sha increase by i) the percentage increase in the consumer price rndex (A[ rtems) for Los Angeres - Riverside - orange county (1982-84 = 1oo) since the beginning of the preceding Fiscar ye"r, oi ii1 bytwo percent (2.0%), whichever is greater. on each July 1, commencing on Jury 1, 2019 the Maximum speciar rax A for undeveroped property shall increase by ilthe percentage increase in the consumer price rndex (All ltems) for Los Angeles - Riverside - orange county (1982-84 = 1oo) since the beginning ofthe preceding Fiscal ye"r, oi ii1 bytwo percent (2.0%), whichever is greater. UndCvelooed Prooertv The Maximum special rax A for each Assesso/s parcer of undeveloped property shall be specific to each Tax zone within the cFD. when additionar property is annexed into cFD No. 2017-1; the rate and method adopted for the annexed property shall reflect the Maximum special rax A for the Tax Zone annexed and included in Appendix A. The Maximum speciar rax A for undeveroped property for FiscalYear 2018-19 within Tax Zone 1 is identified in Table 3 below: TABTE 3 MAXIMUM SPECIAT TAX A RATES UNDEVETOPED PROPERTY Tax Zone Tracts Taxable Unit Maximum Special Tax A 1 TR 36299-1 & PM 9504 Acre s 1,s1s 2. SpecialTax B (Contingentl The city council shall levy SpecialTax B (contingent) only in the event the poA defaults in its obligation to maintain the contingent services, which default shall be deemed to have occurred, as determin; by the Administrator, in each of the following circumstances: (a) The POA files for bankruptcy; (b) The POA is dissolved; (c) The POAceasesto levyannual assessments for the Contingent Services; or (d) The POA fails to provide the Contingent Services at the same level as the City provides similar services and maintains similar improvements throughout the city and within ninety (90) days after written notice from the city, or such longer period permitted by the city Manager, fails io remedy the deficiency to the reasonable satisfaction of the City Council. a. Develo ProDertv City of Menifee Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) 5 c. (i) Maximum SpecialTax B (Continqent) The Maximum SpecialTax B (contingent) for each Assesso/s parcer ofTaxabre property is shown in Table 4 and sharr be specific to each rax zone within the cFD. when additionar property is annexed into cFD No. 20u-1, the rate and method adopted for the annexed property sha reflect the Maximum special rax B (contingent) for the Tax zones annexed and included in Appendix A. The Maximum speciar rax B (contingent) for Fiscar year 2o1g-19 within Tax zone 1 is identified in Table 4 below: MAXTMUM spEcrAr- IliT tlo"r,*uENrl RArEs DEVELOPED PROPERTY ln some instances, an Assessor's parcet of Developed property may contain more than one Land Use Category. The Maximum Special Tax B (Contingent) that can be levied on an Assessor,s Parcel shall be the sum of the Maximum special rax B (contingent) that can be levied for each Land use category located on that Assessor's parcel. Foran Assessor,s parcelthat contains more than one land use, the Acreage of such Assessor's parcel shal be aflocated to each type of property based on the amount of Acreage designated for each land use as determined by reference to the site plan approved for such tusessor's parcel. The Administrator's allocation to each type of property shall be final. b. Aoo P rooertv City of Menifee Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) The Maximum special Tax B (contingent) for each Assessor's parcer of Approved property shal be specific to each rax zone within the cFD. when additional property is annexed into cFD No. 2017- 1, the rate and method adopted for the annexed property shall reflect the Maximum special rax B(contingent) for the Tax zone annexed and included in Appendix A. The Maximum special rax B (Contingent) for Fiscal Year 20j.8-19 within Tax Zone 1 is identified in Table 5 below: 7 Tax Zone Tract Land Use Taxable Unit 1 TR 35299-1 & PM 9504 Single Famil Residential Prope RU So Multi-Family Residential p Non-Residential Pro Acre So Maximum Special Tax B (Contingent) RU So (ii) lncrease in the Maximum Special Tax B (Continqent) On each July 1, commencing on July 1, 2019 the Maximum Special Tax B (Contingent) for Developed Property shall increase by i) the percentage increase in the consumer price index (All Items) for Los Angeles - Riverside - orange county (1982-84 = 100) since the beginning of ihe preceding Fiscal Year, or ii) by two percent (2.0%), whichever is greater. (iii) Multiole Land Use Catesories TABLE 5 MAXIMUM SPECIAT TAX B (CONTINGENT) RATES APPROVED PROPERTY Tax Zone Tract Land Use Category Taxable Unit Maximum Special Tax B (Contintentl 1 TR 36299-1 & PM 9s04 Single Family Residential Pro perty RU 5o Multi-Fami Residential Pro e RU So Non-Residential Pro perty Acre on each July 1, commencing on Jury 1,2019 the Maximum speciarTax B (contingent) for Approved Property shall increase by ilthe percentage increase in the consumer price lndex (All ltemslfor tos Angeles - Riverside - orange county (1982-84 = lm) since the b€ginning of the preceding Fiscal year, or ii) by two percent (2.0%), whichever is greater. c. Undeveloped Properw The Maximum Special rax B (contingent) for each Assessor's parcer of undeveloped property shal be specific to each Tax Zone within the CFD. When additional property is annexed into CFD No. 2017- 1, the rate and method adopted for the annexed property shall reflect the Maximum special Tax B(contingent) for the Tax Zone annexed and incruded in Appendix A. The Maximum speciar Tax B (Contingent) for Fiscal Year 2018-19 within Tax Zone 1 is identified in Table 6 below: TABTE 6 MAXIMUM SPECIAL TAX B (CONTINGENT) RATES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY I Tax Zone Tracts Taxable Unit Maximum Special Tax B (Conti ntent) 1 TR 36299-1 & PM 9504 Acre So on each July 1, commencing on July 1, 2019 the Maximum special rax B (contingent) for Undeveloped Property shall increase by i) the percentage increase in the consumer Price lndex (All ltems) for Los An8eles - Riverside - Orange County (1982-84 = 100) since the beginning of the preceding Fiscal year, or ii) by two percent (2.0%), whichever is greater. D. METHOD OF APPIORTIONMENT OF ANNUAL SPECIAI TAx Special Tax A Commencing with Fiscal Year 2018-19 and for each following Fiscal Year, the City Council shall determine the Special Tax A Requirement for each Tax zone and shall levy the special Tax A on all Assesso/s parcels ofTaxable Property within such Tax Zone untilthe aggregate amount ofSpecialTax A equals the special Tax A Requirement for such Tax Zone. The Special Tax A shall be levied for each Fiscal year as follows: First: The Special Tax A shall be levied Proportionately on all Assesso/s Parcels of Developed Property up to 100% of the applicable Maximum Special Tax A to satisfy the Special Tax A Requirement; Second: lf additional moneys are needed to satisfy the Special Tax A Requirement after the first step has been completed, the special rax A shall be levied proportionately on each parcel of Approved City of Menifee Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) 8 So 2. Property at up to 100% of the Maximum SpecialTax A for Approved property; Third: lf additional monies are needed to satisfy the Special Tax A Requirement after the first twosteps has been completed, the Special Tax A shall be levied Proportionately on all Assessor,s parcels ofUndeveloped Property up to 100% of the Maximum Special Tax A for Undeveloped property. Special Tax B (Contintentl commencing with the first Fiscal Year in which SpecialTax B (contingent) is authorized to be levied andfor each following Fiscal Year, the city council shall determine the special Tax B (contingent) Requirement for each Tax zone, if any, and shall levy the special Tax on all Assesso/s parcels of TaxableProperty within such rax zone untir the aggregate amount of special Tax B (contingent) equars the 5pecial rax B (contingent) Requirement for such Tax zone. The special Tax B (continge;t) shall ie leviedfor each FiscalYear as follows: First: The special Tax shall be levied Proportionately on all Assessor's parcels of DevelopedProperty up to 100% of the applicable Maximum Special Tax B (Contingent) to satisfy the Special Tax B(Contingent) Requirement; second: lf additional moneys are needed to satisry the Special Tax B (contingent) Requirement afterthe first step has been completed, the Special Tax B (Contingent) shall be levied -proportionately on e"ch Parcer of Approved property at up to loo% of the Maximum Speciar rax B (contingent) for Approved Property; Third: lf additional monies are needed to satisfy the Special Tax B (contingent) Requirement afterthe first two steps has been completed, the SpecialTax B (Contingent) shall be levied proportionately onall Assessor's Parcels of Undeveloped property up to 1oo% of the Maximum special Tar B (contingent) for Undeveloped property. E. FUTURE ANNEXATIONS It is anticipated that additional properties will be annexed to CFD No. 2017-1 from time to time. As each annexation is proposed, an analysis will be prepared to determine the annual cost for providing servicesto such properties Based on this anarysis, any properties to be annexed, pursuant to iarifornia Government code section 53339 et seq. will be assigned the appropriate Maximum Special Tax rates forthe Tax Zone when annexed and included in Appendix A. F. DURATION OF SPECIAT TAX For each Fiscal Yeat the speciar rax A shal be revied as rong as the services are being provided. For each Fiscal Year, the Special Tax B (Contingent) shall be levied as long as the contingent services are being provided. G. EXEMPTIONS The city shall classify as Exempt property within cFD No. 2017-1, all Assessor,s; (i) which are owned by, irrevocably offered for dedication, encumbered by or restricted in use by any public entity; (ii) with publicor utility easements making impractical their utilization for other than the purposes set forth in the easement; (iii) which are privately owned but are encumbered by or restricted solely for public uses; or(iv) which are in use in the performance of a public function as determined by the Administrator. City of Menifee Community Facilities Oistrict No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) 9 H. APPEATS Any property owner claiming that the amount or application of the Special Taxes are not correct may filea written notice of appeal with the city not later than twelve months after having paid the first installment of the special rax that is disputed. The Administrator of cFD No. 2017-ishall prompfly review the appeal, and if necessary, meet with the property owner, consider written and oral evidence regardingthe amount ofthe specialTax, and rule on the appeal. lf the Administrator's decision requires that the special rax for an Assessor's parcel be modified or changed in favor of the property owner, a cash refund shall not be made, but an adjustment shall be made to the special rax on that Assessor,s Parcel in the subsequent Fiscalyear(s). I. MANNER OF COTTECTION The Special Tax shall be collected in the same manner and at the same time as ordinary ad valorem property taxes, provided, however, that CFD No. 2017-1 may collect the Special Tax at a different time or in a different manner if necessary to meet its financial obligations. City of Menifee Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) 10 APPENDIX A CITY OF MENIFEE COMMuNtTy FActLtTtES DtSTRICT No. 2017_1 (MAITTTENANCE SERvtCES) COST ESTIMATE special rax A services - The estimate breaks down the costs of providing one year's maintenance services for Fiscal Year 2023-24. These services are being funded by ths revy of special Tax A for Community Facilities District No. 2017-1Tax Zone 17. TAX ZONE 17 (SERV|CES) PM 37145 Item Description Estimated Cost 1 54,437 2 5738 3 Streets S2,064 4 Drain e 54,923 5 Reserves S1,508 6 Adm inistration S1,3s2 Total 515,122 special Tax B contintent services - There are no maintenance services proposed to be funded by thelevyof specialrax B (contingent) forcommunity Facilities District No. 2oL7 -L Tax zone 17. TAX ZONE 17 FY 2023-24 MAXIMUM SPECIAL TAX RATES Land Use Catetory Taxable Unit Maximum Special Tax A Maximum Special Tax B Developed Approved Undeveloped Acre Acre Acre S3,137 S3,137 S3,137 So So So City of Menifee Community Facilities District No. 2Ol7-l (Maintenance Services) 1,t Landscaping tighting MAXIMUM SPECIAT TAXES ASSIGNED TO EACH TAX ZONE Tax Zone Fiscal Year lncluded Tract No. of Taxable Units Land Us€ Category Taxable Unit Maximum SpecialTax A Maxlmum SpecialTax B (Contingent)Subdivider 1 2018-19 36299-1& PM 9504 426 Slsg so Stark Menifee Land, LLC 548 51s8 so Stark Menifee Land, LLC & Menifee Multifamily, LLC 27.68 NR Acre 51,7 t4 5o Several 2 2020-27 TR 37576 65 SFR RU 5s39 S43 Meritage Homes 3 2020-21 TR 28859 161 SFR RU s727 so 4 2020-2t TTM 31098 258 SFR RU s878 SO Lennar Homes of California, lnc. 5 2020-27 TTM 35852 SFR RU sTss S 151 Strata Holland, LLC 6 202t-22 TTM 37558 t75 SFR RU S76s 529s Meritage Homes of California, lnc. 7 2022-23 TTM 31456 SFR RU S996 So RCFC lnvestments, LLC 8 2027-22 TR 32102 & TR 32102-1 255 SFR RU S674 So Diamond Brother Five Partnership, LP and Pulte Home Company, LLC 9 202L-22 TTM 37400 t74 SFR RU s703 so D.R. Horton Los Angeles Holding Company, lnc. 2022-23 TPM 37380 3.62 NR Acre s3,s88 S1,646 Br &74 LLC 11 To Be Determined 12 2022-23 TR 37408 & TR 37409 SFR RU se63 Ss BLC Fleming LLC 13 2022-23 TR 36803 80 SFR RU Sss6 s 171 FPG Sun Menifee 80 LLC 74 2022-21 TR 32628 303 SFR RU s281 s4s FPG Tricon Menifee Property LLC 15 2022-23 PLN 20-0167 M FR/N R Acre s3,86s s2,37s Boulders Menifee LLC 16 2022-23 LLA 17-007 72.44 MFR 53,273 S2,119 Jefferson Menifee, LLC 77 2023-24 4.82 NR Acre 53,13 7 So VSK lnvestments, LLC 18 To Be Determined 19 2023-24 PLN 22{199 0.96 NR Acre s2,99s so DSMD Cajun Properties ESCATATION OF MN(IMUM SPECIAT TAXES on each July 1, commencing on July 1, 2019 the Maximum Special rax shall increase by i) the percentage increase in the consumer Price lndex (All ltems) for Los Angeles - Riverside - orange county (1982-84 = 100) since the beginninS of the preceding Fiscal year, or iil by two percent (2.0%), whichever is Breater. City of Menifee Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) 5FR RU MFR RU Woodside O5S 68 716 10 7,O22 9.92 Acre PM 37145 L2 The services which may be funded with proceeds ofthe special tax ofcFD No. 2017-1, as provided by Section 53313 of the Act, will include all costs attributable to maihtaining, servicing, cleaning, repairing and/or replacing landscaped areas (may include reserves for replacement) in public street right-of-way, public landscaping, public open spaces and other similar landscaped areas officially dedicated foi public use. these services including the following: APPENDIX B CITY OF MENIFEE coMMUNtTy FAC|LtTtES DtSTR|CT NO. 2017-1 (MATNTENANCE SERVTCES) DESCRIPTION OF AUTHORIZED SERVICES (a) maintenance and lighting of parks, parkways, streets, roads and open space, which maintenance and liShting services may include, without limitation, furnishing of electrical power to street lights and traffic signals; repair and replacement of damaged or inoperative light bulbs, fixtures and standards; maintenance (including irrigation and replacement) of landscaping vegetation situated on or adjacent to park, parkways, streets, roads and open space; maintenance and repair of irrigation facilities; maintenance of public signage; graffiti removal from and maintenance and repair of public structures situated on parks, parkways, streets, roads and open space; maintenance and repair of playground or recreation program equipment or facilities situated on any park; and (b) maintenance and operation of water quality improvements which include storm drainage and flood protection facilities, including, without limitation, drainage inlets, catch basin inserts, infiltration basins, flood controlchannels, fossil fuelfilters, and similar facilities. Maintenance services may include but is not limited to the repair, removal or replacement of all or part of any of the water quality improvements, fossil fuelfilters within the public right-of-way including the removal of petroleum hydrocarbons and other pollutants from water runoff, or appurtenant facilities, clearing of inlets and outlets; erosion repairs; and cleanup to improvements, and other items necessary for the maintenance and servicing of the water quality basin improvements within flood control channel improvements; and (c) public street sweeping, on the segments of the arterials within the boundaries of CFD No. 2017-1; as well as local roads within residential subdivisions located within CFD No. 2017-1; and any portions adjacent to the properties within CFD No. 2017-1; and ln addition to payment of the cost and expense of the forgoing services, proceeds of the special tax may be expended to pay "Administrative Expenses," as said term is defined in the Rate and Method of Apportionment. The above services may be financed by proceeds of the special tax of CFD No. 2017-1 only to the extent that they are in addition to those provided in the territory of CFD No. 2017-1 before CFD No. 2017-1 was created or those provided in the territory annexed to CFD No. 2017-1 before the territory was annexed, as applicable. City of Menifee Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) 13 APPENDIX C CITY OF MENIFEE coMMUNrTy FAC|UTtES D|STRtCT NO. 2017-1 (MATNTENANCE SERVTCES) PROPOSED BOUNDARIES City of Menifee Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) L4 EXHIBIT D ANNEXATION AND POTENTIAL ANNEXATION BOUNDARY MAPS ANNEXATION MAP NO.17 COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 2017.1 (MAINTENANCE SERVICES) CIry OF MENIFEE COUNTY OF RIVERSIOE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA SHEET 1OF 1 SHEET THIS MAP SHOWS THE BOUNDARIES OF ARTAS TO BE ANNEXID TO COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO, 2017 1 (MAINTENANCE SE RVICEs), OF THE C TY OF M E N IFEE, COU NTY OF R VERS DE- STAT€ Of CATIfOANIA FILED INTHE OFFIC€ OFTHE CITYCLERK,CITY OF MENIFEE,THIS 20_ TI]E BOUNOARIES OF WI]ICH COMML]NITY FACILITIES OISTRICI ARE SHOWN AND OESCRIBED ON THT MAP THEREOF WHICH WAs PREVIOUSLY RECORDED ON NOVEMBER Z 2017 IN 8OOX 81 OF MAPS OF ASSEsSMENT AND COMML]NITY FACILITIEs DIsTRICT AT PAGE 69 ANO AS INSTRUMENT NO,2017.0465706 INTHE OFFICE OF TH' COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERS'DE, CITY CLERX CTY OF MENIFEE FTLED TH|S _ DAY OF _ 20_ AT.HE HOUR OF O'(.OCI( V N BOO( OF MAPS OF ASSESSMENT AND COMMUNITY FACILITES OISTRICTS AT PAGE - IN THE OFFICE OF THE COIJNTY RECORDER, IN THE COUNTY OF NIVENSIDE, I HEREBY C€RTIFY THATTHE WITH N MAP 5HOWING PROPOsED BOUNDARIES OF COMMUNIIY FACILITIES OISTRICT NO. 20171 (MATNTENANCE 5ERV|CES), OF lHr ClTy OF MENTFtE, COUNTy OF R VERSIDE,sTATE OF C]{LIFORNIA, WAS APPROVED AYTHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE AT A REGUTAR MEETING THERTOF, HELD ON DAY OF - 20- BY IT5 RESOLUTION (O, FEE: _NO t PETER ATDANA, ASSESSOR, COUNTY CLERL RECORDER END N+ @ s MENIFEE 29-020 009 17 329-020-422 """9__E CITY CLERX CIIY OF MENIFEE oro oz o d, zI o1EA EDIolJI E,.\ J. (0)r: H + E dd EI i-l 3t = i,l9r P lr r EO -EI s5 :Eaqd '1 i ltl E SE d, d3 ,2li di PT <i I .{q=:; {' E; E J:;;5 lassi O:<FEiX3'dttg: p =9ABE" E aaE r; "*Hq= E* H -ei EoH E EEa i Hfif E ==EF HEE - ><f' t=o14 Z-.) H= H $8 i 63aL o -t-1 gn .c ;{ 52Eita<a<gEEEE;eYiqsE:ip! !iEEE iSSaatr:E! essFB i.;9:E E6E8TEg6r.oeE-lt6 etPES EE=;FIgiEr si gEIf- r F'l<J EXHIBIT E PETITION PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE REQUESTING ANNEXING TERRIT0RY INTO COttlitUNtTY FACtLtTtES D|STR|CT ilO. 2017-l (lrtAtilTENANCE SERVTCES) OF pROpERTy WtTHtil THE CtTy OF itEiltFEE At{D A WAIVER WTH RESPECTS TO CERTAIN PROCEDURAL MAITERS UNDER THE MELLO.ROOS COMMUNITY FACILITIES ACT OF 1982 AND CONSENTING TO THE LEVY OF SPECIAL TAXES THEREON TO PAY THE COSTS OF SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT 1, The undersigned requests that the City Council of the City of Menifee, initiate and conduct proceedings pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Faciiities Act of 1982 (ha'Act") (Goveinment Code Section 533'l I et seq.), to annex territory into Community Facilities Dishici ru0. Zbiz-t (Maintenance Services) of the property described below and consents io the annual levy of special taxes on such property to pay the costs of services to be provided by the Community Facilities District. 2, The undersigned requests that the community facilities district provide any services that are permitted under the Acl including, but not limited to, all necessary service, operations, administration and maintenance required to keep the landscape lighting, street lighting, Rbod controi facilities, ground cover, shrubs, plants and trees, inigation systems, graffiti removal, sidewalks and masonry walls,-fencing entry monuments, tot lot equipment and associated appurtenant facilities within the diskict in a healthy, vigorous and satisfactory working condition. 3. The undersigned hereby certifies thatasofthedate indicated opposite its signature, it is the owner of all the property within the proposed boundaries of the Community Faciliiies District djscribed in Exhibit A hereto and as shown on the map Exhibit B hereto, 4. The undersigned requests that a special election be held under the Act to authorize the specialtaxes for the proposed annexation into Community Facilities District No, 2017-1. The undersigned waives any requirement for the mailing of the ballot for the special eleclion and expressly agrees that said eleition may be conducled by mailed or hand{elivered ballot to be retumed as quickly as poss-ible to the designated election official, being the office of the City Clerk and the undersigned request that the results of said election be canvassed and reported to the City Council at the same meeting of the City Council as the public hearing on annexing territory into Community Facilities District No. 20i7-1 or at tire next available meeting. 5. Pursuant to Sections 53326(a) and 53327(b) of the Act, the undersigned expressly waives all applicable waiting periods for the election and waives the requirement for analysis Jnd arguments relating to the special election, and consents to not having such materials provided to the landowner in t-he ballot packet, and expressly waives any requirements as to the form of the ballot. The undersigned expressly waives all notice requirements relating to hearings and special elections (except for published notices iequired by the Act), and whether such requirements are found in the California Elections Code, the Califomia bovernment Code or other laws or procedures, including but not limited to any notice provided for by compliance with the provisions of Section 4101 ofthe California ElectionsCode. 6, The undersigned hereby consents to and expressly waives any and all claims based on any irregularity, error, mistake or departure from the provisions of the Act or other laws of the State and any and all laws and requirements inmrporated therein, and no step or action in any proceeding relative to annexing territory into community Facilities District N0.2017-1 ofthe portion ofthe incorporated INAME 0F LANDoWNERI By: Name: Sunn Title: Memeber OWNER'S PROPERTY: TRACT MAP OR PARCEL MAP NO. or PROJECT N0. OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS: 41805 Albrae Street Fremont, CA 94538 FITED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENTFEE TH|S_DAY 0F_.._ 20_. City Clerk of the City Council of the City of i/enifee area of the city of Menifee or the special election lherein shall be invalidated or affected by any such iregularity, enor, mistake or departure. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand this 4_day of_-!AI,lUdBl, 20 23-. Acknowledgment Regarding Property to be rncluded into community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) The developer/property owner of (Tnct l{o. / Auersor,s parcelNo.l PM37145 929-O2O-OO9 & 022 hereby acknowledges lhal: lf the landscaping, drainage,lighting and eligible pubtic improvements within the Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) the maintenance areas of (Alsestor,s Parcel Nos.329-022-009 &022 which is to be included in the Commun ily Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) of the City ol Menifee are completed prior to the levy and collection of special taxes upon pro perty within said tract for the maintenance of such landscape and rmprovements, the de veloper/property owner will continue to be responsible for and will maintain the landscaping, d rainage, lighting, and eligible pubtic im provements within such maintenance areas at its sole expense,and the City will not assume responsibility for the maintenance of such landscap rng drainage, lightrng and eligible public improvements until such time as the City is able to co llecl such special taxes to pay the costs of the maintenance of such landscaping, drainagc, lighti ng, and eligible publtc improvernenh DAIEo:Omen(s): VSK lnvestments, LLC, Sunny Goyal Print Name (Signature) Member (Tiile) (Signature) (Iitle) (Print Name) EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCELS OF LAND BEING PARCELS l THROUGH 4, INCLUSIVE, OF PARCEL MAP 37145, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN PARCEL MAP EOOK 253, AT PAGES 99 THROUGH 102, INCLUSIVE, OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN THE CITY OF MENIFEE, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. CONTAINING: 5.01 ACRES, GROSS. EXHIBIT B: TRACT/PARCEUSUBDtVtStON MAp ro' 'mrrr9! ,!@!,-t-rrE44s r rilcr"cE, ararrr.BtE nfiPAAl,,;,tt PAR@EL MAP 3VN45 n.i r .ljd i fE,. .rffi5cE 'st .Liq , { ii iB E 'ii_i( *ffiEi*eH"ffirsTfrffi-oF mtE& reE"{''e [€'.gEI E|E&R #!,B-e-*.3F Hffi!'iffiffiffis-tffi-* /4) . - "4_:itE. "." rFY;-ii.i:(r@ 1,,*.4{ffi*fiffi*flffiig#,s* ,n6*I'iiI *'l.. -wJ^-L -a"&*Je;6{I;d6 .!11!!!{i!.!!! tlra.ara rmsrTqtarrxtr! 5.rr'.99"*H; "*.#.rlg g#..-'I$.sF'--.gig.l+ Hi? H,YIT ffi L:sf s* fl'lsExlH',Hg@hrEm@-ti*cti' ".@tk,^4 L ,*'fujL-,-. ,.{t'dinM-l bcErc . ri La cE-;* ,frrtf aa'-a tf o rirr,t,llEta[r* PAR@EL MAP 3VN45 a'.89r9.!-r'la, - a4te_ 6 - Lr-o \r5 L-. sn *tu''. td-L a-t@ - ,.t4 .lL..r.-rtu e - tte.3.-q.-e,Ag&r*'r4 *- )t*l -rex.,t,.ttu -*6rltle fl 4,1 --n,rdya &b*ll-rno-.eut -d-.5d.-. =dhc*--6f at'tctl'C E,ftc6,rtn G rn6ac, rrt?tcqrEs PAR@EL MAP 3VN45p.r@&,turrEa ffii,ffir#ffisr.""%f ,trf ,ffi,1 Eff"-'i .rffit/rEryersr r^Errtaa esr, r a ,raFrt ,# t ) Dc@amaE rla(lrs5E d t) .,et@@R.tt r*.t qBi,r, I I EB.rBaa...eaL+a 1.U.1@EEEE&saE',7le,j, csi @d .JljjLrLleE_lL JL a4 o, l.rrBt t ! s € ffigffi?HD 'b',kl6!n arxr{icl,cr {af ^r rdrr }' Drs rnGiL rrs of:.,t PER @{ir @3t lt* @Nn 6 n|tfiE Pft M. Na?ffi-6'5@ Raa E L1pt twl E !rn,:xtl w ^tt t tt I e B i ) I I I I I I I I I I 1- I -:--- 0 { , ea!@q mrr 'tr/rin6e@( ) @Br@ehdp! '!E-rc lx6 o@ / I &a.@eDad d e@r.2 Lle l, @ar@unaa.r a tle,-etrt .cAfi.@Be@@il!^EE'a. o 0@-..ft.a.+r ).i :,\ .o {(lrprao6rdElwd an l.,ad.t@cMMh @ a./gfl.hdt8tuN A a@,n6c.ftl3fun A a@nh*dtuMdi- ..furyuf,unm6*rotnd o 0a!-,-,<,,[. a erar!,,'x _q a # *^nar- og* E-_-E16rd-L I I I id o6.*s-rr- oqECdEdr ! I ! I EXHIBIT F NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the city councit of the city of Menifee on January 18, 2023 adopted its Resolution No. 2023--, in which it declared its intention to annex territory to existina Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance services) (the "cFD No. 2017-.1"), and to levy a special tax to pay for certain maintenance services, all pursuant to the provisions of the Mello-Roos Community Facilities A;t of'1982, Chapter 2.5, Part '1, Division 2, Title 5 of the Califomia Government Code. The resolution describes the territory to be annexed and describes the rate and method of apportionment of the proposed special tax. No change in the tax levied in the existing CFD No. 20i7-.1 is proposed. NorlcE ls HEREBY FURTHER GtvEN that the city councit has fixed 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as practicable, wednesday, March 1, 2023 in the city council chambers located at 29g44 Haun Road, Menifee, Califomia 92586, as the time and place when and where the City Council will conduct a public hearing on the annexation of territory to CFD No. 2017-1. Al the hearing, the teslimony of all inierest persons for or against lhe annexation of the territory or the levying of the special taxes will be heard. lf and to the extent participation in the March'1,2023 meeting must occur by teleconference, videoconference, or other electronic means authorized by the Ralph M. Brown Act or an Executive Order of the Governor of california, the means and methods for participating the meeting shall be posted on the Agenda for said meeting, which shall be posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting on the city of Menifee (www.cityofmenifee.us), and outside of city Ha at 29844 Haun Road, Menifee, catifornia 92586. A copy ofthe Agenda will be made available upon request to the Menifee city clerk's office at 951-723-3471. 2023 Acting City Clerk of the City of Menifee ,2023 DATED PUB NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ANNEX TERRITORY TO AN EXISTING COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO.20'17.1 (MATNTENANCE SERVtCESI (ANNEXATTON NO. 17) EXHIBIT G BALLOT couNry or *rE[Bt,1t#lEto, "o,-,.o**,ocoMMUNtTY FACtLtTtES D|STR|CT NO. 2017_1 (MATNTENANCE SERVTCES) ANNEXATION NO. 17 (March 1, 2023) This ballot is for the use of the authorized representative of the following owner of land withincommunity Facilities District No. 2o'17-1 (Maintenance services) ('cFD-No. 2017-1") ortn" Citvof Menifee: Name of Landowner VSK lnvestments, LLC Number of Acres Owned 4.82 Total Votes According to the provisions of the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, and resolutions of the city council (the "councit") of the city of Menifee (the "city"), the above-named tandowner is entitled to cast the number of votes shown above under the heiding .Total Votes,', representing the total votes for the property owned by said landowner. The city ha! sent the en;losed ballot toyou so that you may vote on whether or not to approve the special tax. This special tax ballot is for the use of the property owner of the parcels identified below, whichparcels are located within the territory proposed to be annexed to the cFD No. 2017-.1, city ofMenilee, county of Riverside, state of california. please advise the Acting city clerk, at (951) 672-6777 if the name set forth below is incorrect or if you are no longer one df thiowners of t'heseparcels. This special tax ballot may be used to express either support for or opposition to theproposed special tax. To be counted, this special tax ballot must be signed below by the owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. The ballot must then be delivered to the Acting City Clerk, either by mail or in person, as follows: Mail Delivery: Kay Vinson Acting City Clerk City of Menifee lf by mail, place ballot in the return envelope provided, and mail no later than Februarv 15. 2023.two calendar weeks prior to the date set for the election Mailing later than this deadline creates the risk that the special tax ballot may not be received in time to be counted. lf in person, deliver to the Acting City Clerk at any time up to S:00 p.m. on March 1 , 2023, at the Clerk's office at 29844 Haun Road, City of Menifee, CA 92586. However delivered, this ballot must be received by the clerk prior to the close of the public meeting on March 1, 2023. Very truly yours, Personal Delivery: Name & Address of P roperty owner:Assessor's Parcel Num s VSK lnvestments, LLC Attn: Sunny Goyal 41805 Albrae Street Fremont, CA 94538 329-020-009 a nd 3 29 -O20-O22 TO CAST THIS BALLOT. PLEASE RETURN THIS ENNRE PAGE. OFFICIAL SPECIAL TAX BALLOT CITY OF MENIFEE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 2017-1 (MAINTENANCE SERVICES) AN 'X" OR OTHER MARK WLL CAST ALL VOTES ASSIGNED TO THIS BALLOT Certification for S cial Election Ballot The undersigned is an authorized representative of the above-named landowner and is the person legally authorized and entitled to cast this ballot on behalf of the above-named landowner. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct, and that this declaration is executed on 20_. Sunny Goyal Member Signature SPECI AL TAX TM EASURF Shall the City Council of the City of Menifee be authorized to levy a special tax on an annual basis at the rates and apportioned as described in Exhibit C to the Resolution Declaring its lntention to Annex territory to Community Facilities District No. 20.17-1 (Maintenance Services) adopted by the City Council on January .lB, 2023 (the "Resolution"), which is incorporated herein by this reference, within the territory identified on the map entifled "Annexation Map No. 1 7 of Community Facilities District No. 2017-.1 (Maintenance Services) City of Menifee" to finance certain services as set forth in Section 5 to the Resolution (including incidental expenses), and shall an appropriation limit be established for the Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) in the amount of special taxes collected? MARK'YES'OR'NO' WTH AN "X": YES NO Print Name