2023-11-08 Chair Script REGULAR MEETING (6:00PM) CALL TO ORDER CHAIR: I call this meeting to order at (state the time). ROLL CALL CHAIR: Could the Clerk please call roll? PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CHAIR: Call on someone to lead the flag salute. PRESENTATIONS ­ NONE AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS CHAIR: Are there any modifications to the agenda? Modification: Item 7.1 – Agenda Title: October 25, 2023 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes. CHAIR: Ask the Commission for approval of the agenda. (All in favor) PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS) CHAIR: Ask the Clerk if there are any requests to speak or if anyone in the audience would like to make a public comment. CHAIR (IF YES): Read the public comment statement: This is the time for members of the public to address the Commission about items which are NOT listed on the agenda. The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Commission’s ability to respond to comments on non­agendized matters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on any single item. APPROVAL OF MINUTES CHAIR: Could I ask the Planning Commission for approval of the October 25, 2023, Minutes? (all in favor) CONSENT CALENDAR ­ NONE PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS Golden Meadows Major Modification and Zoning Code Amendment CHAIR: This is Item No. 9.1. Could the Deputy Community Development Director please introduce this item? Senior Planner Russell Brown will be presenting this item. CHAIR: Ask the Commissioners if they have any questions for staff. CHAIR: Open the Public Hearing. State the time. CHAIR: Ask the Clerk if the hearing was legally noticed and if any correspondence was received. CHAIR: Invite the applicant to the podium to speak and ask if they agree with the conditions of approval. CHAIR: Ask Commissioners if they have any other questions of the applicant. CHAIR: Ask the Clerk if there are any requests to speak or if anyone in the audience would like to make a public comment. CHAIR: Close the Public Hearing. State the time. CHAIR: Ask the Commissioners if they have any comments or discussion. CHAIR: There are 2 resolutions for adoption. CHAIR: Ask for a motion and a second to adopt a resolution recommending the City Council adopt an Addendum to the certified Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) (State Clearinghouse No. 2003061122) for Golden Meadows Tentative Tract Map (TTM) No. 31194; and (Electronic Vote). CHAIR: Ask for a motion and a second to adopt a resolution recommending the City Council adopt an ordinance approving Zoning Code Amendment (ZCA) No. PLN21-0201 and approving Major Modification (MJMOD) No. PLN21-0199 to TTM No. 31194 (Electronic Vote). Development Code Update CHAIR: This is Item No. 9.2. Could the Deputy Community Development Director please introduce this item? Principal Planner Doug Darnell will be presenting this item. CHAIR: Ask the Commissioners if they have any questions for staff. CHAIR: Open the Public Hearing. State the time. CHAIR: Ask the Clerk if the hearing was legally noticed and if any correspondence was received. CHAIR: Ask the Clerk if there are any requests to speak or if anyone in the audience would like to make a public comment. CHAIR: Close the Public Hearing. State the time. CHAIR: Ask the Commissioners if they have any comments or discussion. CHAIR: There is 1 resolution for adoption. CHAIR: Ask for a motion and a second to recommend the City Council find Development Code Amendment, Planning Case No. LR23-0012, exempt from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to Section 15061 (b) (3) “Common Sense Exemption” and based on the City’s previously certified 6th cycle, 2021-2029 Housing Element Project Final Program Environmental Impact Report; and Adopt a resolution recommending the City Council adopt an ordinance approving Planning Case No. LR23-0012 to amend housing related provisions of the Development Code (Title 9 of the Menifee Municipal Code) as required to comply with State law and to implement the City’s 6th cycle, 2021-2029 Housing Element. (Electronic Vote). DISCUSSION ITEMS - NONE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS CHAIR: Ask the Community Development Director if there are any comments. COMMISSIONER REPORTS ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES CHAIR: Ask the Commission if they have anything to report on committee activities. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS CHAIR: Ask the Commission if they would like to request any future agenda items. ADJOURN CHAIR: Adjourn the meeting. State the time.