Centerpointe, LLC. Bond Release Letter PPPLN20-0226 800055466MENIFEE DATE: January 10,2023 TO: CC: Edna Aguilar, Management Analyst I Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Development Director 29844 Haun Road r Menifee. CA 92586 951-67 2-6777 , Fax 951-679-3843 FROM: Ryan Fowler, Principal Planner RE:Bond Release for Planning Case PP PLN 20-0226 "Center Pointe Site Reconstruction Agreement" Planning App No Applicant Name: Surety Name: Bond/CD No.: Bond Amount: Other: PP PLN 20-0226 Centerpointe, LLC Atlantic Specialty Insurance Company 800055466 $56,192 Attachments:. Bond Release Letter. Receipt for New Security Deposit. Replacement Agreement by "Charles Park and Karen Park, Trustees of the Park Family Trust dated February 22, 2001'o Previous Faithful Performance Bond for Site Reconstruction Agreement New. Better Best.cityofmenifee.us Attached is a bond release letter and a replacement agreement for the new owner of the Center Pointe easterly parcel. They have submitted a cash security deposit in the same amount as what the original developer (Centerpointe, LLC) had provided in bond form. We'd like to release Centerpointe from its current bonding obligation and replace it with the attached new agreement with the new owner. Prciect Descri,tion Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0226 proposes minor revisions to previously approved Plot Plan No. 2018-217 ("Center Pointe Development"). Plot Plan No. 2018-217 (PP 2018-217) was approved by the City of Menifee Community Development Director on October 3, 2019 for the construction and operation of a retail commercial center ("Center Pointe"). MENIFEE 29844 HaLrn Road r Menifee, CA 92586 951-572"6777 Fax 951'679 3843 cityofmeniJee.us January 10,2023 TO: Atlantic Specialty lnsurance Company 1777 Sentry Parkway West, Suite 230 Blue Bell, PA 19422 CC: Centerpointe, LLC 402 W. Broadway, Suite 780 San Diego, CA 92101 Attn: Jonathan Cheng RE: Security Release for Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0226 (Center Pointe Site Reconstruction Agreement) The City of Menifee Planning Division has received a replacement security deposit in the amount of $56, 1 92 from "Charles Park and Karen Park, Trustees of the Park Family Trust dated February 22,2001" (Prospective Landowner) for Bond No. 800055466. Bond No. 800055466 was for site reconstruction improvements related to Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0226 (Center Pointe). Therefore, based on the receipt of the replacement security deposit, the Planning Divrsion approves the bond release for this project (Bond No. 800055466). Please contact the Planning Division at 951 723-37 40, if you have questions or need additional information. Sincerely, City of Menifee Community Development Department /Lffi.. New. Better. Best. L