Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Faithful Performance Bond TM5187535/015049840E Ft^: {ITItr FOR LANDSCAPE: 1-Year Maintenance Total Community Development Department FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.1) $6.40 TracUParcel Map Other Project No. 31392 $2.029.516.40 Bond No. TM5187535/01 5049840 Principal Sutter Mitland 01 LLC Glendale CA City/State Costa Mesa CA code 91203 zip 92626 Phone (818) 956-42 WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, State of Califomia, and,Sutter Mitland 01 LLC (hereinafter designated as "principal") have entered into, or are about to enter into, the attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complete the above designated landscape project, related to (TracUParcel) 31392 , which agreement(s) isiare hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and, WHEREAS, said principal is required under the lerms of said agreement(s) to furnish bond(s) for the faithful performance of said agreement(s); NOW, THEREFORE, we the principal and Libertv Mutual lnsurance Comoanv , as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Menifee in lhe penal sum of Two Million.Twe ine Thousand. Five Hundred Si n and 40/100 .Dollars ($2.029.516.40) laMul money of the United States, for the payment of which sum will and truly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bonded principal, his or its heirs, executors, administralors, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform lhe covenants, conditions and provisions in the said agreement and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in lhe manner therein specified, and in all respects according to thear true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Menifee, its officers, agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void; othenvise, it shall remain in full force and effect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefore, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. Surety Libertv Mutual lnsurance Comoanv Address 330 N Brand Blvd. Suite 500 City/State zip Address 3200 Park Center Drive. Suite'1000 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of this agreement or to the work to be performed there under or the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 ol the Civil Code and commencement of construction are not conditions precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named,on 9th da of Februa 20't6 . NAME OF PRINCIPAL: Sutter Mitland 01 LLC AUTHORTZED STGNATURE(S): By: Name: Dr.l. 6n rl. V,. Title: ! i.r ftcgid.^v (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) nce m nNAME OF SURETY: L AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: MICHAEL D. STONG,ts Attorn Fact (rF coRPoRATtON, AFFTX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY-IN.FACT. Title cal-lFoRllla aLL-PURPoSE acKr{owLEDG ENT CrVrL CODE S 1189 vt-a - . Frffi:?.(aaaAa-al A notary public or other otflcer completing this cerlificate verifies only the ider ity of the individual who signed the document to which this cerlificate is attached, and not the iruthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of Calilornia County of Riverside On q before me, R. Nappi "Notary Public" Here lnserT Name and TiAe ol the Oflicerte personally appeared l,4ichael D. Stonq Name(s) of Signer(s) who proved to me on the basis ol satisfactory evidence to be the person(, whose name(4 iyac subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/slre/they executed the same in his/h.r^treir authorized capacity(ieG), and that by his/tEr/their signature(d on the instrument the person($, or the entity upon behalf ol which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. It I certify under PE|'IALTY OF PERJURY under lhe laws of the State of CaliJomia that the toregoing paragraph is true and corrgct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature Signa Notary Public OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completing this inlomation can deter aftention of the document or lraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document:Document Date: Number of Pages: _ Signe(s) Other Than Named Above Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name Signer's Name: D Corporale Officer - Title(s):! Corporate Officer - Title(s): R. NAPPI coMM. #1977782 NOTARY PUBUC . CJITIFOR}IIA RI\/ERSTDE COt r{W M, Co,nn E4it .lrn! 7,2018 D Partner - ! Limited D General! lndividual D Attomey in Fact E Trustee D Guardian or Conservalor! Other: ! Partner - tr Limited C General! lndividual ! Attorney in Fact E Trustee ! Guardian or Conservatorn Other: Signer ls Representing Econo Fence. lnc. SignBr ls Bepresenting: @2014 National Notary Association . www.NationalNotary.org ' 1-800-US NOTARY (1-800-876-6827) ltem #5907 ) ) Place Notary Seal Above POWER OF ATTORNEY and appoinl,Jeremv Penderoast: Michael D. Stono: Rosemarv NaDoi 6llot lhe city of Rivelside . date ot-!Z-e h indiviiudly illhere be rD,e tha one 08rrd, tslrue rd letuldbmay-nFtu to mde, erecute. seal, acioo{hdge be as binding upon Ule Coreaies as if hey haro bcc.l duty siJoed by UE preid€nt ad ateted by the s€.reLry of the ColrTaies in tdr onn ploper pelsons. lN WTNESS WtEREOF, lhis Po$er o{ Attorney has beon s{nscifu€d by an artrdEd oficer or official of fie Corpafts ad tE corFr& seab of lrE Compa#s have be6n atraed 2014 Amsilar Fte and Casualty Company The ohio Casually lnsrranc€ Co[p8ny Ljberly l\lutual lnsurance Company tlE,elolhis 24rh day of lnsurance Company Sy: David ltl.Assistant Sedelary tioo -G EEEE,oO6* b> EE.E =6i5g oii oior E6 O!E"O.! q,9bL=o_L o.0 O>r= (.)OE>{,6izo ss On lhb ?1!!- day ol Novemuer . ..!911- betue rE peGonaly Apoaed DarU [,t Caoy. rfto e*mu,LdgEd hinEe[ lo be tle Assindtt Secfeb.y ol AfiBrican Fie ad er6qne the bcgohg ndrunE'lt hr 0E purDole! ihsrin conldn€d by signi4g on behaf of lhe co0ordrorE b, hinBe[ 16 . dut arth.izrd oficer. lN WITNESS I^i}IEREOE I hate heleunb sSs.r5odny ntrE ad atruod my notiid seal d F?ntlrh rcoe{, P€nr6/tvalia, o.l 0E day dd Fa: frst sbove i[sn. STATE OF PENNSYTVANIA CoUNTY OF ft ONTGOIVERY lN TESTIMOIIY W{EREOF, I have hereunlo sel my hand and affxed the s6als ol s.id Companies b-, /-fi//,By: Terese Pestdla , Nolary PUUE Company, Uberty tttfud li$race Company, ad ttbstArrdcln ln3ulance Compan, vftich resolutions de not{infu blte rld ofiecl rEadi||g as folbys: lhe pDvisior6 of tds ati.le may be Evoted a dly lifiE bylhe Bodd, he Chairnar. tle Pcsident or br ltE ofrcer or oficers granting sudt pokr or aihoity. erecuted $/ch instrunenb d|dl be a6 binding 6 itEIEd br 0E pesuent rd ate6ted by lh€ set,dry. obligdixrs. lhe safile torce and eflecl as Uol8h rEually affxed. l, GEgory W. Davenport, Ihe undeGigned, Assislanl SecrElary, olAnErica Firc and C6ualty Company.Ihe Ohio Caualty tnsur ce Compary, tjbefly Mulual lnsurancs Company, and !\bsl Arnerican lnsurance Compary do hereby cedify that lhe odginal power ol Etlo[Ey of wfiich lhe forBgcing is a lull. tn]e and @recl copy of lhe Pot{er of Aflomey €r€{ut6d by said Companies, is in fullfone ad effect afld has 0ol been revoled Gregory I'V Davenpo,i, AsCstant S€cretary *(ntooo, '6 lr rE =o3p-a6:ultr o o d,3oo- .9, o '9-t =G (, E o() oF oC'tt G Eooo 6i oo;oE'ot6t00 N(v,?o I E ,nn gtln day of Bv, 174 o, 500 THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS NOT VALID UNLESS IT IS PRINTED ON RED BACKGROUND. Thi! Fora,rr o, Atlomoy limiB lhe ad. of tho!. n.[|.d h€rcin, .nd thoy hrve no aulho,ig !o Hnd th! Company arc€pt in lie m.mer and to ths ext nt herein !ht!d. Cciificata No !Z!i:3! Arnerican Fire and Casualty Company Liberly Mutual lnsurance Company Tle ohio Casually lnsurance Company West American lnsurance Company ,o)-h- ws_12873_122013 CALIFORNIA ALL. PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF AGKNOWLEDGMENT notary publ Ic oT othet offl T th rtiflcate fi ly thSceVEnon IdenlityofthehoSIsnedthdoCUmenttothiSrtiftteIS and not the truth fU nESS accu racy or a ditv of that State of California ) before me, personally appeared l]/l 6\t- SE t tby alf of WTNESS my han and official seal 6UI MEAGAN KNECHT cor+r.il2117799 NoEy tubb{dlb.rll Of,AXOE COUNTY mr Carrn .tt€ 2t.20tt Notary U Signature ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT ([ide or descripticn of atlEc]ed documenl) (rde or desc.iplion of allached document continued) Numberof Pages _ Oocumenl Dats _ nu! /o:i ldp!: D h .@e,'t Cohloru stot efict dihE noto,r votdina @dtlneed.d. shoyld k.A ptet.d @d adehed to th. do.unrn. kn^,kag; , ' ion oth.t stat.s nay be conpht.dlo, aoan nrs t ,"g serrt t" rhol s; si I;,gds E wordidA do.t hot reE it. th. Cd,lornb notan to vbtat. Cotiloniz nob; . Statc 6nd Counry information musr bc rhc ShtE and County wherc Oe documentsigner(, p.Ison Uy app€arcd b.forc thc noiary public fo. ",i.o*f.agr"ot. -'. Drtc oftrolrrization must b. $c darc $n the signc(s) pcrsonalty ar,p.arcd wiichmun also bc dE slmc dalc $c sctnowtcdgmenais c;miUca. '. The nornry pllblic musr prinl hrs or hrr name as it app€ars wthiD fus or hctconuDission follo*ld by a comnra rnd thcd your title (niiary public).. Prht .rlc ,Em{s) of docomd,l signcr(s) &to pcBondly ippor ar rhe timc ofnot rization.. lndic3tc, thc con61 sin8utar or plunl forms by crossrng ollncorrecr forms (i.c.€€r'shc/sr€r, 15 /a€ ) or circhng fic con cl forms Farturc to concc y indierc rhlsinformation msy lcad to rcjccaion ofdocu&cnt rEcordin g.. Thc nob.y s.il impiession must t cl€a! and phologrsphically Bproducibte.Irlprrssion mun lot covcr tcxt or lincs lf seal impr.sri-ori ,rra!cs,'ri_J if"suffi cien! u.a pcfinb, olhcrwrsc camplac a drffacnr a"tno*teagira,rfor-.'- - . sigmturc of$! norary public mun mdch rhc signruo on fiI.;$ dle ofilce oflhe county clc*.., Addrtonil informaion is not rEquted but could help b cnsure lhrs,cknowtcdgmenr is nor mErsed or aiached ro r diffcreni dochatr* Irdicrlc tirle or rype of atllchcd documenl, numb.r of pag€s ,na Jaic.n Indic.rc dE capaciry claimcd by rhe sig:er. ff *. "fi,riJ "L",* " "- corporatc offic€r, mdrcare $c tidc (i c. CEO, CFO, Secr.rary). Securcly atllch rhis documenr ro lhc signcd documcnl with a slaplc CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNERtr lndividual (s)E Corporate Ofiicer D D tr D Partne(s) Attorney-in-Fact Trustee(s) Other 201 5 Version wv/w.NotaryClasses.com 800-873-9865 completing individual which attached, document. County of &a,nae,----------=- On FAoo.acy tf,Zottr Mq#+JA#krt #Fqa.uL,?- I certifi/ under PENALW oF PERJURY under the raws of the state of carifornia thatthe foregoing paragraph is true and correct. (Nolary Public Seat) ( rrfle) JIIP Survlrtt6ts^iulPttY I P (rNtlt, lNC. raNE sc^rE AtaHtltcls ]ar9, coasr r.GHw Y 9rrt 2(a oar,ra,oa{l carcnraa eaa09 (t o) a.3 rrir6. r^t (e.o) 4r rdrr AMR - TRACT 31392 HOA AREAS SUMMARY PRELIMINARY OPINION OF COST GATED ENTRY AT BROKEN SPUR LN. HARDSCAPE IN AREA BUDGET QTY. UNIT COST TOTAL $ 9,000.001Slone Elon0ated Pilaster al Enlry (9'x4'x7')1 $9.000 00 $ 18,000.002slone Veneered Retaininq Wall from 4 ft to 6 ft Hiqh 160 l.f 1 $18,000 00 $ 18,000.00Slone Veneered Pilasters 4 $4.500 00 $ 7000006Pedestrian Scale Stone Veneered Pilasle.s 2 $3.500 00 7 Electrical for enlry 1 $12,34s 00 s 12,345.00 8 Lightinq for Pilasters allow $ 5,000.00 I Enhancecl Pavinq al Entry Tum A Boul (s0 1.500 $12 00 $ 18,000.00 10 $ 87,345.00Subtotalof H..d8c.pe I QTY. UNIT COST UNIT COST 11 Soil Prep and Fine Grade (s0 11705 $0.23 $2,692 15 12 Automatic lrngation (s0 11705 $1 50 $17,557 50 13 1 Year Maintenance (s0 11705 $0 92 $10,768 60 14 3" Thack Layer of Organic Muhn (s0 11705 $0 25 $2.926 25 15 1 Gallon Shrub and Groundcover 1350 $10 00 $13,500 00 16 5 Shrubs and Vines 22 $12 50 $275 00 17 24" Bor Trees 9 $275 00 $2,475.00 18 15 OalTrees 0 $80 00 $0 00 19 Rootbariers (10 30 $4 00 $120 00 20 6" X 6" Concrete L,low Curb (lD 155 $8 00 $1 240 00 21 Landscape Boulders 3' 4', 5'I $650 00 $5 8s0.00 Subtotal of Softscape $57,404.50 Subtotalof Hardscape $87,34s.00 24 Total Opinion of Cost at Brolen Spur Entry $r44,749.50 GATED ENTRY AT BUCKSTONE LN. HARDSCAPE IN AREA BUDGET QTY UNIT COST TOTAL 25 Stone Elongated Pilaster at Enlry (9'x4'x7')1 $6,500.00 $ 6,s00.00 26 Stone Veneered Retaining wall trom 4 ft to 6 fi High 160 l.f 240 $80 00 $ 16,000.00 29 Stone Veneered Pilasters 4 $4.s00 00 $ 18,000.00 30 Pedestrian Scale Stone Veneered Pilaslers 2 $3.s00 00 $ 7,000.00 31 Eleclrical for entry 1 $12.345 00 $ 12,34s.00 32 Lightinq for Pilasters allow $ s,000.00 GATED ENTRY AT BROKEN SPUR LN. SOFTSCAPE IN AREA BUDGET 1 Enhanced Paving at Entry Tum A Eoul 1000 $12 00 $ 12,000.00 Subtotal $ 76,845.00 GATED ENTRY AT BUCKSTONE LN SOFTSCAPE IN AREA BUOGET QTY. UNIT COST UNIT COST Soil Prep and Fine Grade (sD 145331 $0 23 s33,426.13 36 Automatic lrrigation (sf)145331 $1 50 $217,996 50 37 1 Year Maintenance (sf)145331 $0.92 $133,704 52 3" Thick Layer of Organic Mulch (sf)145331 $0 25 $36 332 75 39 1 Gallon Shrub and Groundcover 3344 $10 00 s33.440 00 40 5 Shrubs and Vines 60 $12 50 $750 00 41 24' Box Trees 14 $275 00 $3,8s0 00 42 15 Oal Trees 6 $80 00 s480.00 43 Rootbaniers (10 10 $4 00 $280 00 44 6'X 6" Concrete Mow Curb (10 160 $8 00 $1 280.00 45 Landscape Boulders 3' 4, 5'1 $650 00 $6s0.00 46 Subtotal of Softscape $462,189.90 47 Subtolal ot Hardscape $76,845.00 48 TotEl Opinion of Cost at Buckalone Entry $539,034.90 SLOPE AREA AT LOT 91, 95, & 96 SOFTSCAPE IN AREA BUDGET OTY, UNIT COST UNIT COST 49 Soil Prep and Fine Grade (sf)385 380 $0 23 $88,637 40 Automatic lrrigation (s0 385 380 $1 s0 $578,070 00 1 Year llraintenance (s0 385 380 $0 92 $354 549 60 3" Thick Layer of Organic [,lulch (s0 38s 380 $0 25 $96,345 00 1 Gallon Shrub and Groundcover 19760 $10.00 $197,600 00 5 Shrubs and Vines 208 $12 50 $2,600 00 24" Box Trees 34 $27s 00 $s,350 00 56 15 galTrees 218 $80 00 $17,440.00 57 Rootbaniers (lf)185 $4 00 $740.00 6" X 6" Concrete Mow Curb (lD 50 $8 00 $400 00 59 Landscape Boulders 3. 4'. 5 0 $650 00 $0 00 60 Sublotal of Softscapc $1,345,732.00 62 Subtotal of B.oken Spur Lane $ 1 il4,749.50 63 Sublotal of Buckatone Lane 5539,034.90 64 Subtotal of Slope Area $1,34s,732.00 Total Opinion o, Cost for Tract 31392 $2,029,516.40 2 lssrt r t-; 1,,t-;r;r; I 58 t------t------- t-----T------ f-;