Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Subdivision Monument Bond TR31393 TM5142391 (2)Surety Libertv Mutual Address 450 Plvmouth Rd . Ste 400 SUBDIVISION MONUMENT BOND CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66496) TracUParcel Map lnsurance Companv PrincipaISutter Mitland 01 LLC Address 3090 Bristol Street. Suite 22A City/State Plvmo uth Meetino, PA City/State Costa Mesa CA zip 15462 zip 92626 Phone Phone (7'l 200-16044 That, Sutter Mitland 0'1. LLC. subdivider, as principal,and Libe Mutual lnsurance Companv , a corporation, as surety, are hereby jointly and severally. bound to Pay to the CityofMenifee the sum of Seventv Six Thousand Five Hundred Dollars,($76.500.00) Now, THEREFoFIE, if the subdivider shall well and kuty perform said agreement during the original tern thereof, or of .any extension of said term that rnay be granted by the City of Menifee, with or without notice to ihe surety, then this obligation shall become null and void;otherwise, lt shall remain in fuil forca and effect. As a part of the obligalion secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefore, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and iees, including reasonable attorneys fees, incurred by the city in successfully enforcing such obligation, all t0 be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no chango, extension of time, alteralion or addition to lhe terms of this agreement or to the work to be pertormed thereunder or the specificalions aciompanying the same shall ln anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and il does hereby waive notice oi any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code and commencement of construction are not conditions precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. No. TR 31393 Bond No. TM51 42391/01500841 7 Premium $765.00 The.condition of this obligation is that, whereas the subdivider, as a condition of the filing of the {inal map of rR 31393, entered into an agreement with the city of Menifee to setsurvey /onuments and Tie Points in said tract and furnish Tie Notes therefore and to pay the engineer or surveyor performing the work, in full, within 30 days after completion. SUBDIVISION MONUMENT BOND lN WITNESS WHEBEOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principai and sursty above named, on _ November 14 _ , _ 072 NAME OF PRINCIPAL: Sutter Mit|and01 LLC AUTHORTZED STGNATURE(S): Sutter l/itland 0l, LLC a Delawdf'6 Limited Liability Company its Managing Member By:rL--lF Name: Title:Vf,tJ 0/v^,-- (lF coHPoRAT|ON, AFFTX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY:be rance AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: Its Attorney-in-Fact sharon L. ru (lF coRPORAT|ON, AFF|X SEAL) ATTACH NOTABIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATUBES OF PBINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY-IN.FACT. CAI,IFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT' State of Califomia County of Los Angeles On 11-14-2012 before me, Lupe Villarreal, Notary Public (Hcrc illcrl name and title of 6e oftic6) personally appeared Sharon L. Tupper S my hand and offici LUPE VII,LARREAL Commlssion t 1957770 llotsry Publlc - Crlitornlr Los Ang.lct Counly (Nolary Comm. E lre: llov 'l 2015 ofNotary Public Lupe rreal ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION who proved to me bn the basis ofsatisfactory evidencc to.be the person(/ whose name(S) is/a/subscribed to the within instrumegt and ackr:owledged to m e that\dshelrhg! executed the same i-n hidher/tlCr authorized capacity(ly's), and tbat by fds/her/1fieir sigrature(rrr) on tbe instrumetrt the person(iI or the entity upon behalf of whicli the person(l) acted, ex'ecuted the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJLIRY under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. z2> DESCRIPTION OF THE ATIACHED DOC1JMENT (Title or description ofatlachcd documcno (Title or description ofatiachcd documcnt coDlinucd) Number ofPages Documcnt Datc (Additional iEfonEation) CAPACITY CLATMED BY THE SIGNER Individual (s) Corporate Officer (Titl€) Partner(s) Attomcy-in-Fact Trustec(s) Other !I 2008Vc.sion CAPAvl2.l0.07 800-873-9E65 wwv.NotaryClarscs.com INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM Any "chrowbdgnvrt co pl.J.d in Calilomlt ntl, contaih y@ tgc aadty a app.a6 abot ia th. notzry leclion or a t.p.d. achtowlcdenat hm nutt beprorytf! arylacd ond ataclAd to lnt .1o.1@at nrc onl! aapttoa h f E.loctn nt b to b. rcdd.d o tid. ofca lontio. In,u.h i,Btand!. aay dltutatue ocbtowbngnatt vqbidA. 6 ru, bc pri\r.d on rut o dodhat i tore at av.rbidtc .lo.r Nt rcqrir. tc noto,t to.lo totn tlifig that i, t gol/oi a notLry ilCl, Iotdd A.c. c.'ttlrhz nt. authoriz.d apaclt! o! thl ttgr.r). pter. check tttdo.rlnci. drufn\ fu ptop.t ttotarlol tot ltry an ! dtad thts fotn tf ..auid. ' Slrle rnd Coulty infonrrtion lDnst bc tlc Strt rld County whc!! 6e docus.nt sisnc(s) pcrsonally .ppca rcd b.foE dG not2ry public fo' icr:ro*Ugm"or. Drr. of not.riz.rion nru5t be dtc d.t! 6ar thc sigrc(3) p.l'orElty lppcalld which nustalso b. th€ssE. date tllc acloo\rlcdgmcnt is comFtcrd_. TIE notiry public mun pri hi! or hcr naln€ !s ir ap9ca6 wjthin lis or ficr commission foltowed by, comma.od rlEn your tirle (norary publk).. PriDt lll. nsrc{s) ot dorlrE nt tis'E(, vlro pcllorrlly sppea r r he dm€ of . Itrdiqt rh. conccr !n,$hr o, pluEIforDs by crEssins otr incoElcr forrs fi.e. hc /rh.,lhet ie rr.) orcircling dtc co.rccr forEr. F.ilur. to comcdv indicalEdJr infonnltioa hly l.ad to Eiccdon of d6'@.trr Eordine. Th. not ry rcll i,lpEsrion mlst bc cl.ar ! photoglopl|icIlt Eprotucibl.. Imprcssion musr oot covEr rrt or ljnei. If rc.l impreesion tmud86, c-ert if.sumcicnt.Es p.mi6,orh.Bisoopl.E! differtnr.ctnoyt€dmdtfom. Sigrutur. oftllc noEry public rnu5r mstch tic sign.turc on fitc wiil ,.orlcrof * Additionrl iliomsdon is not rcquir€d bur could t|ctp ro cnsurc uri! .cbEwledgn.nr k not '!i6us.d orarrch.d to ! d ifcrcnt doulEetrt.+ Indicrtc tidc or 9p. ofstlsch.d docom.nt. numb<r of pagcr md d! 1..+ Indi.3t! dE clpacity claj,r)cd by dr. sistr<r. tr dE cr0iDrod caprcity i, 0, coryontcofficll' indicstc tlrc dae (i.c. CEO, CFO. Secrct rt).. Sc.ur€ly atEch Ilis d@rmcnr ro dle sigD€d docrElent s-4067/GE S/09 XDP Tn oo o o E otr o, C) irgo qJ ," 0, G) ofo, a(l aro o o a) (s o) o C o, t! C)c c) =a tri! 'THrs powER oF ATToRNEY ts NoT vALlo UNLESS lT tS PR|NTEO ON RED BACKGRoUNO. 5 0931 5]'rhts Power'of attornoy lirrits the ac(6 oa lhose named herein, a,rd lhey have oo authority to bind tho company sxcept tn {le manoer arld lo theexlent h€rein stated. LIBERTY MUTUAL IIISURANCE COMPANY BOSTON, I/IASSACHUSETTS POWER OP ATTORNEY KNOW ALL PERSONS BY IHESE PRESENTS: That Liberty ftrutual lnsurance Company (the "Company"), a Massachusetts stock lnsurEnce company, purcuant to and by authorily of the By-law andAuthorization here nafter set forth, does h€reby name, constitute and appoint IM M. TOMKO, ERIC C.THORSEN, TIM M. TINNEGAN, LUPE VILLARREAI,SHARON L. TUPPEB, TESSA A. BOMERO, ALL OF THE CITY OF GLENDALE, STATE OF CALIFOFNIA..... , each individually if its behalf as surety undedakings, bonds been duly signed by there be more than one named, its true and lavdul attorney-in-fact to rnakB, execute, seal. acknowledge and deliver, for and onand as its act and deed, any and all undedakings, bonds. recognlzances and olher surety obligations ;nd he execution of such, recognizancos and other surety obiigations. ln p!rsuance of these presents, shatl be as bindingupon the Company as lf they hadthe presjdent and atlested by tho secretary of the Company in their own proper percons. That this power is made and €xecuted pursuant to and by authority of lhe following By-law and Aulhorizationj ARTICLE Xlll - Execution of Contracts: Secuon 5. Surety Bords and Undedakings. Any otllcer of the Company authorized for thal purpose in writing by the chairman or the presidant, 6nd subject to such limita ons as thechairman o' the presid6nt may prescribe, shall.appoinl such atlo'n€ys-inlacl, as may b€ necessary to act in behalf of lhe Company to maielexecule, seal, acknow-leoge and oeliver as surety any and all Lndenakings, bonds, rec;gnizances and other surety obrigations Sicnirtorneyilin-fact. subjecl to t,re limitBtions set fo4h in their 16spective powers of attomey, sharl hav-e futl power to bind the C;mpa-ny uy tnerr srgnaturei'noexocutloo of any such instruments end to attach lhereto the seal of the Company. when so execuied such instrume;ts ;hrl be as 6inding as ifsignad by the presldenl and altestod by the secretary. By the following instrument the chairman or the president has aulhorjzed the officer o. othor omcial named therein to appdnt atlorneys-in-fact: Pursuaot to Artlcle Xlll, Section 5 of ihe By"laws, David M. Carey, an ofiicial of Llberty Mutuat Insurance compBhy, is hereby authorlzed toappoint such attomoys.in-ract as may be necessary to act in behalfof the company to mako, execute, seal, acknowtiuge and oiliver as suretyany and all undertakings. bonds,_recogniz€nces.and other surety obtigations. A[ powers ofAnorney attested to or execited Oy Oavia Ut. Careyin his capaclty as an offlce. or offic;al of Liberty Mutual lnsurance company, whether before, on or;ter the date or rne nr*roiizaiion, incruJin!without limitation Powers ofAttorney attosted to or executed as Assistant Secretary of Liberty Mutual lnsuranco company, are trer"iy ,rtin"iand approvod. Ihatthe By-law and the Authorization set forth above are true copjes thereof anct are now in fullforce and efiect. >lI o (,q'6 Jll o =olE..JF-o6luJ EEoo.tsb+LEqrq ;r!oqo-; .9o-coIoiOE}E PECP o9E!! FN =l;oo o9Fr lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Power olAttorney has been subscribed by an aulhorized offlcer or official ot the Company and the coDorate s€al of Libertl\4utual lnsurance Company has boen afflxed therelo in Plymoulh t4eeling, Pennsylvania this day of 12lh day ol2412 LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY By David M. Carey,aslant Secretarv nd alflred my otarial seal at Plymouth Meeting, pennsylvania, on the day and year v COMIt4ONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY Onthis 12lh dayof .tanuarv before me, a Notary Public, persona y cane David M. carev, to me known, andacknowledged that he is an Assistant sec.etary of Liberty Mutuar rosurance companyj that he knows thJsear of said corporation: ard that he executedthe above Power ofAttorney and afjixed the corporate seal of Liberty l\,lutual lnsurance Company thereto with the autho;ity and attie di|oction of saidcorporation. lN TESIIMONY WHEREOF;.lhavit hitreunto subscribed my name a firsl above wlrtlen. . -,- ',..:. : '' : ; 1..:: .;. ss 'Sy /-fi/L l, tne undersigled. Assistanl Sei(aaiybl .lberty Mutuat hsLrrance Com a frJll, lrue and conecl copy, iS.ln.fu,i lorc; ano effect on the date of this power of atlomey is an Assistaol Secretary specially authorized by lhe Section 5 ot the By-laws ol Liberty Mutual lnsurance Company. pany, do hereby cedi{y that the original powerofattomey of rNhich the foregoing tscertificale; and I do furthor certify lhat the officer or ofllcial who executed t-he ;idchairman or the presidenl to appoint attomeys-in-fact as provided in Article Xl , Pastella, Notary Public This certificate and lh€ above power of atlorney may be sign6d by l6csimile or mechanically reproduced signatures under and by authority ot th9 followingvole of lhe board of directors of Llborty Mutual lnsurance Company at a meeting duly catled and held on the 't 2th day of March, 19g0. VOTED that the facsimile or m6chanically reproduced signature of any asststant secrelary of the company, wherever appoaing upon a certifiedcopy of any pow6r of atlorney issued by the company in connection with surely bonds, same lorce and effecl as though manualiy afft'xed. shall be valid aod binding upon 60 company with the WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and afilxed the mrporate seal of the said company, thbIN TESTIMON pors- Gregory W Davenpo(, Assistant Secretary f4h o* ", I GALIFORilIA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMEUT Ctvll coDE S rlag State oI California County of On before me, personally appeared ,.+Ji s T' ) b'h+/1 P*,",;tL ) Name(s) oi Sisne(G) [. H$CH who proved to me on the basis of satisiactory evidence to be the person(sf-whose name€) is/ar€- subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/sheAhe5/ executed the same in his/h€d+heir authorized capacity(i6), and that by his,4ler/their signaturelg on the instrumeflt the person$, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(9 acted, executed the instrument.Conm.tib 14 I certily under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the toregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS d and official seal Signatu OPTIONAL Though the Info hation below is not required by law, it may prcve valuable to porcons retying on the documenl and could prcvenl lruudulent Bmoval and @attachment ot lhls lorm ta another document. Oescription of Attached Document Title or Type of Document Document Date:Number of Pages: Signe(s) other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signe(s) Signer's Name Signer's Nanre: E Corporate Oflicer - Title(s) D lndividual ! Parhrer - tr Limited tr General ! Atlorney in Fact E Trustse D Guardian or Conservator E other: Signer ls Bepresenting: _ D Corporate Officer - Title(s) tr lndividual E Partner - tr Limited E General tr Attomey ifl Fact C Trustee O Guardian or Conservator E Other: Signer ls Representing: _ Tc,p ol thumb herc Top ot lhLr6 h6re @20i0 NationalNolary Associa,ion. NalionalNolsry.org . 1.e04-US NOTARY (1-800-876-6827) ilw l:.t,* aale Fl.c€ NolEd S.al A6ove Comrnlrrlor t 1960t03 {olary Putllc . Crlltorlrlt onrg. Cgunty nrGHTEur,'BFEiEoFstorEH., ".