Western Pacific Housing, Inc. Bond Release Letter TM36484 9361797MENIFEE New. Better. Best. 29844 Haun Rd. Menifee CA. 92586 19511 672-6Tt7 | Fax (951) 679-3843 cityofmenifee.us December 21,2022 Western Pacific Housing Inc 2280 Wardlow Circle, Suite 100 Corona, CA 92880 RE: Western Pacific Housin g, lnc, City of Menifee, PLN2L-0010 Bond Release, Bond No.9367797 To whom {t may concern, The City <if Menifee's Planning Department has approved a full release of the Faithful Performance Bond N0,9361797 for PLN21-0010 (TM36484) based on all conditions being satisfied. Below you will find the schedule of release for Bond No.9361797: Enclosed are original bonds. Sincerely, E i lar Managenre.nt Analyst, City Clerk's Office Bill Zimmerman Bob Karwin Ricky Estrada Lesa A. sobek Dean Delnes Armando G. villaMayor Mayor Pro lem Councilmember Councilmembsr Councilmember Crty Manager Drstrict t Diskict 2 Drstflct 3 Distnct 4 9361797 (Faithfu I Performance Bond)Sls,ooo Bond No Original Bond Amount @copv Released Amount 51s,ooo Release Date L2/21122