FPG Sun Menifee 80 LLC Rider 225121NRIDER NO. This Rider to be attached to and form part of Bond No. 225l2lN I'crli)nrrilnLe llond effective 6/30/2022 , covenng on behalf of trPC Sun Menit'ee 80 t-t-C and in favor of ('irv ftrrncil r)f lhe Citv olN,4enilte Slxre ol ( alilornin Change the Surety Company: From: Westlleld Insurance Company l-o: Westfleld National lnsurance Company ! WESTFIELD INSURANCE CoMPANYE WESTFIELD NATIoNAL INSURANCE coMPANYfl oHto F I\,4 E RS SURANCE COMPANY B Ilrlrl Nl Attorney-in-Fact Accepted By BD 5596 O!'WWN (03-01) The attached bond shall be subject to all its agreements, limitations, and conditions except as herein expressly modified. This Rider is effective from the 30th day of Junc , 2022 Signed and dated this 5rh day of Julv ,2022 THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY SUPERCEDES ANY PREVIOUS POWTR BEARING THIS SAME POWER # AND ISSUED PRIOR TO 09/03/20, FOR ANY PERSON OR PERSONS NAMED BELOW General Power of Attorney CERTIFIED COPY Know All Men bv fhese Presents, That WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO tlrinirEn'-s' iirsit-Cirltg 'c"tjMpe vl iii.rjoriiioni. hereinafter referred to individually as a'company and collectrvely as Companies," duly ;;g;nl)id dnJ ciisii;,g ,,noei rne tars cji rte Slare of ohro. ano hav,ng its princ'pal o-llice rn weslf icld tenler. Medina Counly. ohio do by Ihesc Dresenls make, conslrlute and appornlkani cxo[rus. wlrHnr worubER. EMtLy NAGEL. BRAD MAPES, SARAH HARREN, JoINTLY oR SEVERALLY of PoRTLAND and state ol oR rts rrue dnd lawlul Attorney(s).rn.Facl. with full power and authority hercby confcrred in its name, piui" iirJ iteaO. to execute, icinowteOqe anO dctiver any and all bonili, recognazances, uhdenakings, or other instiuments or contracts of suretyship- LIMITATION: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY CANNOT BE USED TO EXECUIE NOTE GUARANTEE, MORTGAGE DEFICIENCY, MORTGAGE GIIAFANTEE, oR BANK DEPOSITORY BONDS. ano Lo bind anv ol thc CornDanies lhcrchv as {ully ano lo thc sanrF exlenl as rl Such bonds wcre srqncd by thc Presroenl. Sedled wilh the corpordle ilir'.r1iiiiii,,{r'i"6rc coinSin, ino oui'/ aricsreit l)v irs Sccrcrary. ncreby rdlrlyrnq and confirmiiq alr Ihal Ihe saro Atlorncy(s)-rn-l art rnay do rn in. *.nl,..\ Saro aoooiritmtinr ts maale under aaa bv author'rv of the lollowlnq resolulion aooplcd by thc Boa'd ol Direclo's ol eacn ol lne wiiiiilL-ii I rus-u aeNbi cOvpnruv. wtS r F tLt D NATT6NAT TNSURANCt CoMPAI!Y ano oHlo TARMtRS INSURANCt CoMPANY:Be h Resotvcd, thal thc prcsrdcnt. any Scnror txeculrvc. any Secreta'y or any I idelily & Surcly O0eralrons L)(ecutive or olhcr Ixeculive shJll te anO is f,-crcftv "diieo w,rn fuff powei 5nO authority lo dppo'ni any one 6r mord surtabl-e oerson5 as Altorncy(s) in l_acl lo lep.esenl dnd act fol .lnd on hchall oflhc Comoanv subrect lo lhe,ollowrna Drovrsrons'- -ri.Aitoi,t* inl ic1 ma/oe oircn ir.rlt oower and autho'rly lo' ano in rhc n,lrnc of a'rooobehdll of lhc CornpJny tocxcculc. Jcknowlcdgc ano dcl,vei arrv dn'd all bonds. recoOi,zanccs 'contracts. aq ocm6nts ol indemnrly and olhe- conortron,rl or oblrgalory undc.lakings and dny and all nor,icr in6 ooiu,r,cnrs i'aniei'iq or tcrrrrndtrne thc"Comoanv s lability l6ercundnr. and dny 5uch rnstlumcnts 5o cxcLtrlco by dny \uch ni-ncu 'n tocr inait be as bino'rio uuon thc Com"pany as il siqn'co bv lhe'p'csidcnl dnd scalco ;nd allcslcd hy the Co por,llc SecIeLary."B( ru,trte, Rc5otved trdt lhe- sr'anarure ot anv (uah dcs,-qnatcd pcrSon and tnc scal of rhc cornp,rny hcrclolo'c o. hc-cirllcr Jltrxed lo dny t)ower of attoTncv or inv ccrtrfrcatc .clatrno lhc.clo bv ldcsirntla, and any power of allorney or cerLiIi(;rln bcdrinq ldcsimlle SlqnatuIcs oI lilcslrnlln \eJt shd be valio and bindinq upon thc Cimpany wirh rcspccl to any Dond or undcrrakrng Io which rl rs alldchcd" (Each ildopted al a meeting hcld or) FcbruarV 8 2000). tn Witness whcreof. WESTFTELD INSURANCE COI\,IPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAI INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE coMpANy havc cduscd thcse prcscnts to be signed by their National surety Leader and senior Executive and their corporate seals to be herelo dffrxeo rhrs 03rd day of SEPTEMBLR A D. 2020 . ....1k \!.f .41:,4,.1,.. ! 1-u. '.2'. ::.! SEAI ifi:+.. .,siZ a....---....- .j 'r,,,,,,1,,,,...J Seals State of Ohio Counly of lledina State of Ohio County of Mcdina s l-s t^/ I ionaYsurety LcaderSenior Executive On this O3rd day of SEPTEMBER A.D., 2O2O , beforc nre personally came Gary W. Stumper to rc- nown. who bcing by rne duly sworn, ord depose and sav. ihar he -esidcs rn Hanford, CT; lh,ll nc rs National Surety Leader and Senior Executive ol WLSTtlltD INSURAI\ICI coupAttv. wrstflcrD NATToNAL TNSURANCL coilPANy and OHtO FARMLRS NSURANCT Co[rPANY. rhe companies oescflbeo rn and wh,rh cxecutcd thc above instrumentt tha( he knows the seals ol said Companiesi that the seals affixed to said instrument are such corporale scals: tha( lhcy werc so affixed by order of the Boards of Directors of said Companies; and that he signed his namc therelo by lke order. Seal fuld(frfr/A Ily Gary W unrper, N.rl and rI,David A. Kotnik, Attorney at Law. Notary Public My Commission Does Not Expire (Sec. 147.03 Ohio Revised Code) € or r. Frank A. Carrino, Secrelarv of WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY, WESTr IELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARNIERS INSURANCt COMPANY. oo hercbi cc'tily lhat lFe ahovc ano {orcqornq rs .r I'uc ano corrccr .opy of ir Power ol Atrorncy cxccuted by sdrd Conpanrcs. whrcl rs srll rnfull forcc and cffccl ,rnd furtheflno'e. lhcresolurionsofthcBodrdsofDircctor:.scLoutrnthePowcrofAllorneyac rn furll forcc and cfle.t ln Wilness Whcrcof, I have hereunto sct nry hand and affixcd thc seals of said Co,npanics ar Wcstfield Centcr Ohio. this sth day ofJulY AD. 2022 ....i:!.|rl.ru.. i:i SEAI- in: '.Y'. ..'o -"1 1......_...,.' ....'a",,,,,,1,,,,..."'" 4BI 6*.,/, ,1 /./ , t-N*t-.-Q S"r.a"rt BPOAC2 (combined) (06-02) POWER NO. 3616922 00 Westfield lnsurance Co. Westfield National lnsurance Co. Ohio Farmers lnsurance Co. WestField Center. Ohio ss WESTF IELD INSURANCE CO[,4PANY WESI FIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COIIPANY OHIO FARIVIERS INSU RANCE COIV]PANY /' //! Frank A. Crriino, Secrelary THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY SIJPERCEDES ANY PREVIOIJS POWER BEARING THIS SAME POWER # AND ISSIJED PRIOR TO 09/03/20, FOR ANY PERSON OR PERSONS NAMED BELOW General Power of Attorney POWER NO. 3616922 00 CERTIFIED COPY Westfield Westfield National Ohio Farmers lnsurance Co. lnsurance Co. lnsurance Co. Westfield Center, Ohio Ktlow Atl Men by lhese PreseDts, That WESTFIELD INSURANCE COI\,4PANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FAR^.4ERS TNSURANCE COI\,4PANY, corporations, hereinafler referred to individually as a 'Company' and collectrvely as "Companies," duly orqanized and exisiing under the laws df the State of Ohio, and having its principal offrce rn Westfield Center, I\redina County, Ohio, do by these presents make, constitute and appoint KARL cHoLTUS, NATHAN wONDER, EMILY NAGEL, BRAD MAPES, SARAH HARREN, JOINTLY OR SEVERALLY ot PORTIAND ano State of ORils lrue ano lalvlul Altorney(s) i_ Facl. with ILrlr power and autForrty hereDv conlerred rn its name, place and stead. lo execute, acknowledge and deliver any and all bonijs, recognizances, undertakings, or other inslruments or contracts of suretyship- ' - Corporale LIMITATION: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY CANNOT BE IJSED TO EXECUTE NOIE GUARANTEE, MORTGAGE DEFICIENCY, MORTGAGE GiiEE-ANTtrE, oR BANK DEposrroRy BoNDS. and to bino any of the Compan.es thereby as f-lry and to the same extent as il sucl' bonds were s Oned by the President. sealed wrth lhe corporale sea,ot the aDD'lcable Comoanv and dulJ atteste'd bv [s Secretarv. herebv ratifvino and conf'rriiq dlt6atthe sa.d Atlo'1ev(s).rn-Fact rrai do n Lhe premises' Sa,d appor.irmdnt rs made u"oer anij by autholli of the lol,owinq-.eso,ut on aoo"pted by lhe Board of Drr-ecto's of each-of the WESTTIILD INSURANCT CoI\,4PANY wES I FIELD NATIONAL INSURANCT Co[,PAI{Y a.o OHIO FARMERS INSURANCT COI,PANY:'Bc h Rc-olvccl lhat the Pres.denl, anV Sen,or Executive. anV Secretary or any Fidel,tV & Surety Operatrons ExecJtive o. olher Executive shall be and rs hereby vested w,th t,l power dnd aulhoriry lo appoini any ore -o'mord suitaDle personiasAtlorney(s).ir Fact to'epresent and acl for and on behall of the Company subiecl ro lhe fol,owrnq provis,ons: In- Altot4tyin.td(t inaf ne give- full po\rer and;uthority lor and nlhe name ofand on behall o,the Company. to execute. acknowledge ano deliver, any arid all bonds, iecoqiizances, contracts, agreem6nts of indemnity and other condrtiona or oblrgaiori undertakings and any and all nottLes ant documenls canceli-nq or termrnaline the-Companys l,ability thereunder, ano a1V such ,nsti"menls 5o executed by any such Attornev-rn-Fact shalt be as biroin"a ,oon the Com_pany as rf !igr-eo by the?resrdent ano sedled 6nd allesled by the Corporate Secletary. - 'Bcir I unto Reso/vad that the" sronature of anv iuch des[nateo'oerson ard (he seal of the Comoanv ner(:tolore oi hereafte' affrxird to anv nower of afiornev or anv cedrfrcate relatino thereto-hv tacsimrl6. and anv oower of attornev or certific;le 6earino lacsimrle sionalures or facsimilF sea shail be vallo andbrnoinq upon tt'e C"ompany wfih respecr lo any 5oho o. unoelalin'g to wh,ch it rs a(ach"ed.' (Each alopted dt a rreeting held on Februarv 8.2000). In wiLness Whercof, U,ESTF ELD INSURANCE COMPANY, WESTF ELD NATIONAL NSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARITTERS INSURANCE coMPANY have caused these presents to be signed by therr National surety Leader and senior Ex€cutive and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed this 03rd day of SEPTEMBER A.D., 2020 . ..1;i:i'ri.l.ri?., :Ei SEAL f:,.2.. ,'o',sz ",.......,...I ..- State of Ohio Counly of Medina ss WESTFIELD INSU RANCE CO[i]PANY WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSU RANCE COI\,,IPANY OHIO FARN/]ERS INSURANCE COI\4PANY Bv:'cary W umpet, Natio ety Leader and Executive Seals la4A...:....' . Senior On th s 03rd day of SEPTEMBER A D., 2020 , before me personally came Gary W. Stumper ro me known. who. being by me duly sworn, drd deoose ano sav. tl'ar he res,des rn Hartford, CT; rhar he is National Surety teader and Senior Execulive of wESIFIELD INSURANCE cot\,4PANY wrsrrffLo NATToNAL tNSTJRANCI Cot/PANY and oH'o tAR[rtRS ttsunntcr CoMPANY. the compan,es desc-beo in and wl-ich executed the above instrumenti that he knows the seals of said Companiest that the seals affixed to said instrument are Such corporate sealsithal they were so aff xed by order of the Boards of Directors of said Compan est and that he signed his name thereto by like order. Notaria Seal ful/ilfrfrA\AL E or i, FTANK A, CATTiNO, Secrelarv oI WESTFIELD ]NSURANCE COMPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMERS NSURANCE COMPANY. do l_prebi ceflrfy that ll'e above and foreqoinq is a true a'd correct copy ol a Power ol Attorney. exPculeo by sa,d Companies. whrch s slil i^ lull forae and effecl: and lunhermore. the resolutons ol the Boaros of Directors, sel out rn lhe Power of Attorney are rn full force and effect. ln Wilness Whercof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals of said Companies at Westfield Center, Ohio, this 30th day ofJune AD. 2022 State of Ohio County of [/edina ss .':li'iil:ili..'r,:r:,.r'o:." ':9*'.- ;9,-i spAL iFi'-E'. .,o'-.s ", t.'.....'.'t ..' David A. Kotnik, Attorney at law, Notary Public My Commission Does Not Expire (Sec. 147.03 Ohio Revised Code) {^*J1 / *^^, BPOAC2 (combined) (06.02) Frank A. Carrino, Secretary Se€.acOSE,[.L