FPG Sun Menifee 80 LLC Material and Labor Bond TR36803 225121P,?l'r-rrn-MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.2) FOR: Streets and Drainage $ Water System $- Sewer System $Total $ 151.000.00 TracVParcelMaP TR3680 3 (On Site) Other Proj. Ref Bond No. 2251 tP21-014 U SEWER ON 1P Premium $2,416 Surety Westfield lnsurance Companv Principal FPG Sun Menifee 8O LLC Address P O. Box 5001 Address City/State Zip 44251 Westfield Center. OH City/State Phone (330) 887-0101 Phone WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Menifee, State of California, and FPGSun Men ifee LLC (hereinafter designated as "principal") have entered into, or are about to enter into, the attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complete the above designated public improvements relating to TR368O3 / IP21.O14U - SEWER ONLY, which agreement(s), dated 613012022 is/are hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and, wHEREAS, under the terms of said agreement(s), principal is required, before entering upon the performance of the work, to file a good and sufficient payment bond with the City of Menifee to secure the claims to which reference is made in Title 3 (commencing with Section 9000) of Part 6 of Division 4 of the Civil Code of the State of California; NOW, THEREFORE, said principal and the undersigned, Westfield lnsurance Company, as corporate surety, are firmly bound unto the City of Menifee and all contractors, subcontractors, laborers, material suppliers, and other persons employed in the performance of the agreement(s) and referred to Title 3 (commencing with Section 9000) of Part 6 of Division 4 of the Civil Code in the sum of One hundred fifty-one thousand and 0/100 Dollars. ($151 . 00.00) for materials furnished or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment lnsurance Act with respect to such work or labor, that said surety will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabove set forth, and also in case suit is brought upon this bond, will pay, in addition to the face amount thereof, costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City of Menifee in successfully enforcing such obligation, to be awarded and fixed by the court, and to be taxed as costs and to be included in the judgment therein rendered. It is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed upon that this bond shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies and corporations entitled to file claims under Title 3 (commencing with Section 9000) of Part 6 of Division 4 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. zip 10t26i20 Should the condition of this bond be fully performed, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, .alteration, or addition to the teims of the agreemLnt(s) or to the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligition on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration' or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code are not a tondition piecedent to suiety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named, on June 30,2022. NAI\,,lE OF PRINCIPAL: FPG Sun Menifee 80 LLC AUTHORTZED SIGNATURE(S) By: ame: Ua'Q-*\{<,-\ Title: 5s<, sf,-,.',..\-j.--*.-r-\ (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY: Westfield surance o AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE:rl Choltus Its Att rney-n-F ct Title (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY.IN.FACT. ,1 t0126/20 NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of County of O ..,v-\.-,.,--.! On ta before me, personally appearea \iSfi.,.* (2.-.-S'.,-f personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal Commission Expiratio n Date: Notarv Seal:r CAROLA THO'IAS. toT FY Pt 8l0, sr rE 0F ifl CUJNTY OF OAXLANO tlY COII$lSSrOtl EXPIRES M.v4' Xy25 rcING lN cqrNw 06()G{_\*\ N.-a\ t tota.y sisnature-- -A S.-:a\:='=-:\ A. $OT44, A(.rg Ltc NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of Oreeon County of Multnomah On 6130 022 before me,Michael Merlz persona lly appea red Karl Choltus personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and officialseal. Nota ry Signature: Commission Expiration Date:.,une 13. 2025 Notarv Seal: THIS POWER OT ATTORNEY SUPERCEDES ANY PREVIOUS POWER BEARING THIS SAME POWER # AND ISSUEO PRIOR TO 09/03/20, FOR ANY PERSON OR PERSONS NAMED BELOW General Power of Attorney POWER NO. 3616922 00 Westfield Westfield National Ohio Farmers lnsurance lnsurance Insurance Co. Co. Co. K ow All Men bv Tnese Presents, That WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMTRS INSURANCE COMPANY. corporations. herernafter referred lo rndrvrclually as a "Company and collectrvely as Companies.' duly organrzed and exrsting under the laws df lhe Stale ol Ohro. and havrng tts pllnctpal olrrce rn Wesdield Cenler. Medrna County Ohio. do by lhese presenrs make. conslilute and appoint KARL CHOLTUS, NATHAN WONbER, EMILY NAGEL, BRAD MAPES, SARAH HARREN, JOINTLY OR SEVERALLY CERTIFIED COPY Westf ield Center, ohio COMPANY have.a affixed this 03rd da ed these presents to be signed by therr lational Surety Leader and Senior Exscutive and their corporate seals to be hereto or SEPTEMBER A.D.. 2020 . of PoRTLAND and State ol OR rts lrue and laMul Attorney(s) rn Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred in its name, place and stead, to execute, acknowledge and delrver any and all bonas, rocognizancos, undertakings, or othar instruments or contracts of sur€tyship- LIMITATION: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY CANNOT B€ USED TO EXECUTE NOTE GUARAiITEE, MORTGAGE DEFICIENCY, MORIGAGE GIIAFAFTEE, oR BANK DEPoSIToRY BONDS. and to bind anv of the ComDantes thereby as tullV and to lhe same exlent as il such bonds were srqned by the Presrdenl. sea,ed w,lh the corporate seat of the aoStrcable Com6anv and duli attesteil bv its Secrerarv, hereby rarifvino and confrrminq all thal the sard Allorney(s)-rn-fact may do rr lhe orem,sei.' Sard apporrirmdnr is maale under anij bv authoriti of lhe lollowinq-resolut,on adoited by lhe Board of oir'ectors of each of the WESIFIELD INSURANCE CoMPANY, WESTTIEI D NATIONAL INSTIRANCT COMPANY and OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY:'Be lt Resotved,lhal the President, any Senior Executive, any Secretary or any Fidelity & Surety Operations Executive or olher Executive shall be and is hereby vesled wrlh full powor 6nd authoflty to appo,n't any one br mo,e suitable persona as Anorney(s).,n.fact to Iepresenl and act for and on behall of the Company sub,ecl to lhe followrnq provisions: lt,d AttotnL:v tn Faal haibe o_iven full power andaulhority forand rnlhe name ofand on beha'fofthe Company, to execute. acknowledge ano detiver. any and atl bonos, iecoqirzances, contracts. aqreem6nts ol indemn'ly and other cond,tional oI obl,gaiory- undenakings and any 6nd all nolrces an_d documents canceh-nq or term,natinq lhetompany's lrabrhly thereunder, and any such rDstruments so execuled by a,]y such attorney-rn-Fact shatl be as oindrn"q upon the Comipany as rf irgn'eo bythe?resrdent and sealed 5nd attested by the Corporale Secretary - 'Bait I unhcr Resotvea. that the" sr'qnature ol airy slch Oesr"gnatedperson and the seal ol the Company herblofore oi hereatte' atfixad lo any oower of altornev or anv cenrfrcate relatinq theretdby facsimi16, and dny Dower o{ attorney or certrfrcate 6ea'rnA facsimile siQnatures or lacsrmrl_e ledt shall be val'io and 6,nd,ng upon the C"ompany with .espoct to any 6o'nd or undeflakirig to which it is attach-ed." (fach alopted at a meet ng held on February 8, 2000) tn WiLness Whereot. WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY. WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE s Corporate Seals Stale of Ohio County of Medina State of Ohio County of Medina .;*5''Solft,, !r-i spar- ifi::o).i .'^ i'.V'. ..'ol-s'i a....-.-...r' ..' 'r,.,,.,,1,,..,..J By Gary W mper, A/at and David A. Kotnik, Attorney at Lav,t, Notary Public My Commission Does Not Expire (Sec. 147.03 Ohao Revised Code) WESTF IELD INSURANCE COI\IPANY WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OHIO FARN/ERS INSURANCE COMPANY f"*J / A"*, la4a On this 03rd day of SEPTEMBER A D., 2020 , before me personally came Gary W. Stumper ro me known. who, being by me duly sworn, d,d oepose a,1o say. thar he resioes rn Hanford, CT; that he rs National Surely Leader and Senior Executive of wESIFIELD II/SURANCE COMPANY. WESTFIEI D NATTONA| TNSURANCE COMPANY and OH|O FARMERS I}'JSURANCE COMPANY. rhe companies descflbeo in and wh.ch executed the above instrumentj that he knows the sealS of said Companies; thal the seals affixed to sard rnslrumenl are such corporate Seals;lhat they were so alfixed by order of the Boards of Directors of said Companies; and lhat he signed his name therelo by like order. Notarial Seal tul/fifrftA SS e or I, FTANK A, CATTiNO, SecTeIaTY oI WESTFIELD INSURANCE COI\,iIPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAT INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMERSINSIJRANCE COMPANY. do herebv ce(ity thal the above and foreqoinq rs a lrue and correcl copy of a Power of Attorney, executed by said ComPanres. whrch__'s strl' rn full forie and 6ffect: and funhermore the-res6lulrons of the Boards of driectors. sel out rn the Po-wer of Alto'n6y arein full force and effect ln Wihcss Whcreof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals of said Companies at Westfield Center, Ohio, this 30th day ofJune AD ' 2022 u ..:$w4,g'., iE.i sear #'--'.i'. ..b.''.-4\. J oj', a'....... / -.s,r,.,,,,i,,,,,.,u4 SET.t BPOAC2 (combined) (06-02) Frank A. Carrino, Secretary Sectacry Senior RIDER NO. This Rider to be attached to and form part of Bond No. 225l2ll'effective 6il012022 , coveflng I'crlornrancc Bond on behalf of l- l'](; S,,n Mcnili:t:80 1.1.(' and in favor of Citv [i)uncil ofthc Cirv ol Mc ili.: Srxlc ol'( alitbrnia Change the Surety Company: From: Westfield Insurance Company 'l'o: Westfield National Insurance Company The attached bond shall be subject to all its agreements, limitations, and conditions except as herein expressly modified This Rider is effective from the .lolh day of .lune 2022 si9 ned and dated this 5th day of .lul\2022 E WESTFIELD INSURANCE COI\,4PANY E WESTFIELO NATIoNAL INSURANCE CoMPANYE oHto r ERS INSURANCE COMPANY B Ilrad M Attorney-in-Fact B BD ss96 OFWWN (03-01) Accepted THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY SUPERCEDES ANY PREVIOUS POWER BEARING THIS SAME POWER # AND ISSUED PRIOR IO 09/03/20, FOR ANY PERSON OR PERSONS NAMED AELOW General Power of Attorney POWER NO. 3616922 00 Westfield Westfield National Ohio Farmers lnsurance lnsurance lnsurance Co. Co. Co. CERTIFIED COPY Westfield Center, Ohio Know AII f,)lcn bv Thcse Presenls- lhal WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY ANd OHIO ranilia.s ir'rs,;irlri6r cor,rrperttV co1oo'ation.. her ernif lo,cle'red lo rnotvioually as a 'conrpdny" and collectrvely as 'Comoanres. duly o.qanrzed and cxrstrng under lhe laws of tne Sldle o{ Ohro. .rno hdvrng ils princrpJl ollice rn Wesllrcld Ccnlcr. Mcdind Counly. Ot\ro. do by these presents makc. conslilute and appoinlknnr cgorrus. NATHAN woNbER, EMTLY NAGEL, BRAD MAPES, SARAH HARRtN, JoINTLY oR SEVERALLY ol PORTI AND and Stale ol OR its true and ldw,lut Altorncy(s) rn.t dct. wrlh f ulr power dnd dulhor rly hereby conlcl I ed rn rls namc piace int iGaO. lo execure. actnowledge and de|ver any and all bonAs, recognizances, undertakings, or other instruments or contracE ol suretyship- WESl F IELD INSURANCI- COTIPANY WESl FIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COIV]PANY OTlIO FARIV]E RS INSURANCE CON,IPANY LIMITATION: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY CANNOT BE USED TO EXECUTE NOTE GUARANTEE, MORTGAGE DEFICIENCY, MORTGAGT GIIAFANTEE, oR BANK DEPOSITORY BONDS. and to brno anv ot the Comoanres lhc.cbv us lulrv and ro lhc s,rnc exLcnl as rf suc4 bonos wc'c siqncd by thc Prc\idenl. scalcd wllh lhe roroo'alc spjrt ot rhe aodlcable Combanv 3nd d,rlv dtte5le-o bv (S Scc.cta.V hc'ebv ralrlyrnq und confr'm'riq dll lhal lhc said Allorncy(s)_in l act rnay do rn Lhc orcmtscs' Said aoooidtmdnt 's made under antj bv authorit'; ol rhe followlnq-rcsolulron adoalcd by lhc Eoard of Direclors of nach of lhc wLsII ItI D INSURANCL CoMPANY WTS IT IT I D NAIIONAL INSURANCL COMPAI{Y and OHIO fARIr'TRS INSURANCT COMPANY'Be lt Rcsotvrd. th.tt the Presrdenl. dny Senior Ixecutrve. any Secretary or any lrdelily & Su ety Opcralrons Lxecutrve or olhcr Ixecutive shdll Uc anO is r'crefry vestcd wilh futl powcr jno duthoriry to apporni any one 6r mori \urlahl6 Ocrsoni as Atlorney(5l.in ldcl lo rcp/cscnl and dcl for dro on hehall of tho Compdny subicc( lo Ihc followrnq provisronr Ihe Attorncv. l.faq. hat' tc Oivcn tult powcr anal ;ulhor rty lor dnd rn rhc nanrc ol irnd on bchdll ol lnc Cornpdny. lo cxcculc iLlnowledgc dnd octrver. dny dn'o att bonos. /ccoqi'ranccs. cont,acts. aqrccm6nt: ol rndemnrry and olher conditiondl o'obliq,rlo y underldkrnqs,rnd any and a1l nol'cet anb documcnts canccliio or tc.rnrnarrne Ihe-Cornoanv s liabilily lhcrcundc.. and any such tnslrumcnls so exccuted by dny such Attornev in I act shail bc as brndtio uoon the Comiodnv as ,, srqn-cd bv the ?.e\idcnl and sealed ind Jltesled by lhe Cor po'atc Secrelary. ' Beit fnrha Rcso/t/ed that rhd sronaturc ot anv sil]ch ocsr-qnarcd Oc.son ano thc scal ol lhc Cornpany hcrclofo'e or he'cdllc' alfixed to lny oowcr oi dflorncv o. dnv ccrtrlicdLc relatinA lherero'hV l,rcsimr16. ano jnV powcr ol ii(rorncy o'c.rliticalc hcar'nq facsimrlc srqnalurcs o, foc5,'nllp 5cdl shatt bcv.ifidandbindirOupontheCb'npanywilhrcspcLrtoany6onoorunocrldkingrowhr.hrrrsdttached.'(taLhJdooteddld'neetrnq held on Februdrv 8.2000).h WihCSS W\ATCOI, V\iESTFIELD INSURANCE CO['PANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY ANd OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY havc caused these prescnts to be signcd by thcir National Suaety Leader and Senior Executive and lheir corporatc scalS to bc hcrcto alfixed this 03rd day ol SEPTEMBTR A D. 2020 . I ionaYsuretv Lcadcr and Senior (xecuttve On rhis 03rd day of SEPTEMBER A.D., 2020 , beforc nrc personally came Gary W. Stumper lo nrc known who being by mc duly sworn, did depose and sav. rhar he resides rn Hanford, Ct; that he rs National Surety Leader and Senior [xecutive ol wtsII ILI IJ INSURANCI cOvphtrv. wt S tt It r u un t tout TNSURANCL COMPANY and OHrO rARMLRS tltSunaruCt CO[,,IPANY. rhc companies oescflbeo In ano whrch executed the afrove instrumentr that he knows the seals of said Companies; tha( the seals affixed lo said instrument are such corporate sealsi lhat thcy werc so affixcd by order of lhe Boards of Directors of said Companies; and thal he signed his namc thereto by like order. Seal tutz/6, Stale ot Ohio County of L4cdina Slatc of Ohro Counly of Medina s tly Gary W mper, ruat David A. Kotnik, Attorney at Law, Notary Public My Commission Docs No{ Expire (Sec 147 03 Ohio Revised Code) e or I FTANK A CATTiNO, Sec IeIaTy of WESTF IELD INSURANCE COMPANY. WES I F IE LD NATIONAL INSU RANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARME RS INSURANCI COMPANY. do hcrcbi ccflrfy rhar rhe abovc and foreqornq rs il truc ano co'recr Lopy of a Powcr ol Alro'ncy. cxeculed bV saioCompdnics. whrch rs slirl in full lorie ano illcct: dnd lurlhcflnorc. the"'esdlulions of the tsoa'os of Cir/ectors scl out rn the poirc'of Alto'n6y arcn full forcc and effcct. ln Wilness Whereof, I have hcrcunto set my hand and affixed the seals ol said Companies at Westfield Center, Ohio, this sth day ofJuly ^D 2022 6^a I A-,^o,"*"or: -.giLirji!,'a.;,- :Ei snnr, ih:'1"i'. . r; ?...... .....r..s'1",,.,,.i.,.,. ." a BPOAC2 (combaned) (06-02) Frank A. Carrill(,, iccrctilry SE,[,1