Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Bond Release Letter TM36484 TM5235809MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Menifee. CA 92586
951-612-6777 L Fax 951-679-3843
New. Better. Best.cityofmeniree. us
)uly 29,2022
Sutter Mitland 01 LLC
3200 Park Center Drive
Costa Mesa, C492626
Re: Sutter Mitland 01 LLC, City of Menifee, TM 36484 (GP18-076), Bond Release,
Bond No. TM5235809
The City of Menifee Engineering Department has approved the release of the above mentioned
Material and Labor and Faithful Performance bonds.
Enclosed are the original bonds.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Sincere ly,
phanie Roseen,
Acting City Clerk
Bill Zimmerman
Dean Deines
M.)yor Pro Tem
Drstnct 4
Matt Liesemeyer
Dislflct 2
Armsndo G. Villa
City Mannger
Bob Karwin
Distncl 1
Les6 A. Sobek
Distrcl 3