Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Rider TM5187535 015049840( )l)li c Surety Bond Rider Ci of Nlcnifcc b e" l)rirtc i al:Ptinci tl" Currcnt Ilond r\mount:"Current Bond Amoun ()el Str ,'o al Srr Original Surety Bond Number ("Original Surety Bond Nurnber" Itcl rllrccnrc trt Strtctf ("Rcplaccmcnt Surety") Itcplacctncnt Surcw lJond Num 'l Nr 521 1807 ("Rcplace rncnt Surcty Bo Numbe r" Whereas, the Principal and the Original Sutety issued x surcty bond bearing the Original Surcty Bond Number in favor of the Obligee ('Bond"); and Whcrcas the Principal, the Original Surety and the Rcplaccment Suety wish to make thc follorving changes to the Bond. Norv thcrefore in considetation of the mutual agreements herein contained, the Principal, the Original Surery and the Replacement Sutety hereby consent to the follorving changes to dre Bond: 1. Each capitalized term has the meaning ascribcd to it in this rider. 2. -lhis rider is attached to and forms part of the Bond. 3. This rider is effective as of 12:00 am on February 9'h,2019 ('Effective Date'). 4. 'l'his ridet is effective only if signed by the Obligee. 5. 'I'he Otiginal Surety is deleted from the Bond and is teplaced with the Replacement Sutety as of the Effcctive Date. 6. 'Ihe Original Surety Bond Number is dcleted from the Bond and is replaced rvith the Replacement Surety Bond Number as of the Effective Date. 7. 'Ihe Original Surety is released from liability under the Bond as of the Effective Date. 8. ,\s of the Effective Date, the Replacement Surety assumes all obligations of the Original Surcty under the Bond from &e original date of issuance of the Bond. 9. By signing this dder, the Obligee agrecs to and accepts all terms and conditions of this rider. 10. r\ll notices under the Bond, including claims, are to be sent to: 'Itre Guatantee Company of North .r\mcrica USA One Torvne Square, Sutte 1470 Southfield, MI 48076 11. Nothing in this rider shall vary, alter or extend any ptovision ot condition of the Bond except as hetein cxpressly stated. Signed and dated this 28'h day of February, 2018. Suttcr ]\Iitland 0l LL(l $2,029,516.40 Libcrty Nlutual Insurance Company 'l'he Guatantcc Company of North r\merica USr\ I'agc I oi'2 TNr 5 I 87535/ 0l s049840 Surety Bond Rider ,/ PRINCIPA]-: BY: PRINT NAN{E AND TITLE: ORIGINALSUREfi: llY: Pl{IN'I Nr\Ntl'l AND TITLE: d 01 LLC DAVID E. BARTLETT Libe rty Mutual Insutance Company-17:.aL- Benedict J. Tockarshewsk At r -Tn-Fact ftLM REPLACEMENT SURETY: BY: PRINT NAN{E AND TITLE:I(ichartl nd, Attornc -L.r-l'act. This Bond ridet is agreed to and accepted by the Obligee. The Guarantee Company of North America USA City of Menifee c!-u 4) ( lObligee To Insert Date Here] DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS FOR RETURN OF RIDER TO SURETY OR BY HARD COPY TO: THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA 4950 YONGE STREET SUITE 14OO TORONTO, ONTARIO CANADA M2N 6K1 ATTENTION: DICK LONGLAND, NATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT, COMMERCIAL & DEVELOPER SURETY Pagc 2 ol'2 C,Ll="^---"> OBLIGEE: BY: PRINT NAME AND TITLE: DATED: 2.-'....--------- OBLIGEE TO SEND COPY OF SIGNEO AND DATED RIDER BY EITHER EMAIL (PDF) TO: brp@theg uarantee.com POWER OF ATTORNEY NOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That THE GI,JARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA, a corporation organized and existing under the laws ol the State of Michlgan, having its principal otfice in Southfield, Michigan, does hereby constitute and appoint kene LeBlanc, Theresa Hedberg, Dina Amaro-Elias, Rlchard Longland, Paul Holllngworth, Yves Boilard. Benoit Phanix, Nathalie Sanscartier, Cheryl Best-Pop6, Olga lankan6, Dan Flelcher. Michel Eourque, Frangois Forget. Steve Rees. Nelson de Ouantal, Pamola Marlln. S6an Deakln. Dana Hammond, Chelsea Flsh, Greg Forsythe, Korey Pettil, Maryse Bertrand, Kim Roberts. Davld Thorpe. Bryan Kechnle, Heldl Mcllmoylo, Thomas Mateo, Maria Suarez The Guarantee Company of Norlh Am€rlca USA its true and lawful attomey(s)-in-fact to execute, seal and deliverfor and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, cont acb of indemnity and otherwritings obligatory in the nature thereot, which are ormay be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise. The execution ofsuch instrumenl(s) in pursuance of these presents, shallbe as binding upon THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AITIERICAUSA as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if lhe same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regula,ly elected officers at the principal otfice. The Power of Attomey is executed and may be certified so, and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of Article lX, Section 9.03 of the By-LaM/s adopted by the Board of Dkectors of THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH Al,lERlCA USA at a meeting held on the 31d day of December, 2003. The President. or any Vice President, acting with any Seqetary or Assistant Secretary, shall have por4er and authority: 1. To appoint Attorney(s)Finjact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Sealof the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, contracts of indemnity and other \Mitings obligatory in lhe nature thereof; and2. To revoke, al any time, any such Attomey-in-fact and revoke the authority given, except as provided below3. ln connection with obligations in favor oI the Florida Department of Transportation only, it is agreed that the power and authority hereby given to the Attorney-in-Fact includes any and all consents for the release of retained percentages and/orfinal estimates on engineering and construction contracts required by the State of Florida Department of Transportalion. lt is tully understood that consenting to the State o, Florida Department of Transportation making payment of the final estimate to the Contractor and/or its assignee, shall not relieve thls surety company of any of its obligations under its bond.4. ln connection with obligations in lavor of the Kentucky Department of Highways only, it is agreed that the power and authority hereby given to the Attomey-in-Facl cannot be modified or revoked unless prior written personal notice ol such intent has been given to the Commissioner - Department of l-lighways of the Commonwealth of Kentucky at least thirty (30) days prior to the modification or revocation. Further, this Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile pursuant to resolution of the Board of Dtectors of the Company adopted at a meeting duly called and held on the 6th day of December 2011, of which the following is a true excerpt: RESOLVED that the signature of any authorized officer and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimil€ to any Power of Attorney or certification thereof authorizing the execution and delivery of any bond, undertaking, contracts of indemnity and other writings obllgatory in the nature thereof, and such slgnature and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually aflixed. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer, this 2d day of October, 20'15. THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA THE GUARANTEE' Ch.istine Lynn Karow Notary Public, State ol Michigan County of Oakland My Commbslon Explres Febtuory 27, 2A2l Acting ln Ookldnd County The Guarantee Company of North America USA Southfield, Michigan STATE OF MICHIGAN County of Oakland Stephen C. Ruschak, President & Chief Operating Otficer all man, Secretary On this 2nd day of October, 2015 before me came the individuals who executed the preceding insfument, to me personally known, and being by me duly s\,/rom, said that each is the herein described and autho.ized officer of The Guarantee Company of Norlh America USA; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Sealofsaid Company:that the Corporate Seal and each signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said company. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand at The cuarantee Company ot North America USA offrces tho day and year above \Mitten- =.r-,*:t+a,rlrI,;jH Ah" xy, -l/^r* I, Randdll Mussolmeo, Secretary of THE GUARANTEE CoMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Po\4er of Attomey executed by THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AITERICA USA, lvhich is stilt in fultforce and effect. lN WITI.IESS WHEREOF, I have thereunto set my hand and attached the seal ol said Company tfris Qfl Oay of€e all n, Secretary c08 ffinU,r^--''' THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA Eome Olfue, SouthJizld, Michigan STATUTORY BALANCE SEEET December 31, 2016 ASSETS Cash aad Short-Term Investnents Marketable Secwities Premium and Agerts Balances (under 90 days) Rei.nsurance Receivable on paid losses Accmed Interest and Dividenrls Other Assets Total Admitted Assets LIAI}ILI'IIES Reserve for Losses aad Loss Adjusment Expenses Uneamed Premium Reserve Accrued Expenses Ceded Reinsurance Premiums Payable Taxes, Licenses and Fees Payable Federal Income Tax Payable Net Del'erred Tax Liability Funds Held Other Liabi.lities Total Liabilities Common Stock aad Paid-In Capital Surplus Total Policyholders' Surplus Total Liabilities, Capital aud Surplus State of MichigaD Cou-trty ofOakland Swom to before me this 3rd day of March 20 17 ( Stephen C. Ruchak being duly swom, says: That he is the President & COO ofThe Guarantee Company of North America USA that said compa.try is a corpomlion duly organizeq existiog, and engzged in busifless as a sucty by virtue ofthe laws ofthe State ofMichigan, and has duly complied with all t[e requireEerts oft[e laws ofsaid statc apPlicable to said compatry a..d is duly qualified to act as surety utrder such larvs; ttrat said compaly has also complied with and is duly qnalified to act as suety urder the Act of Congress ofjuly 30, 1947, as amended (6 U.S.C- 6-13) tiat the foregoing is afull true aod mnect statedcnt ofthe tDaocial coDdition ofsaid company otr the 3ln day of December20l6. g 56,296,67 0 152,724,094 3,793,7s2 3,671,820 r,t26293. 220,511 $217,833,t40 $ 8,79s,674 16,585,684 2,658,127 3,280,155 t7 5,373 572,565 1,746,522 3,409,090 55 816 $ 37.219.006 st44,020,n0 36.533.164 ,,H*a, G 7;fir.'' C'ynthla A.Iekal No'rary Public, Shte of Mictllgan County of Oaklard My Commlssion *plres Februaly 27,2018- ActinE in OaklEnd Courity *"&Stepher C. Ruschalq President & COO CA?ITAL AND SURPLUS $180.554.i34 $2t7,833,\40 w Liberty Mutu;il SURETY Assets Cash and Bank Deposits............................... *Bonds - U.S Govemmenl................... ....... *Other Bonds............ *Stocks. ................... Real 8state................ Agenls' Balances or Uncollected Premiums. Accrued lnterest and Rents........................... Other Admitted Assels.................................... LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENT - DECEMBER 3I.20I6 Liabilities Total Admitted Assets..................................... $4I$0LEEL6& Unearned Premiums.. Reserve for Claims and Claims Expense Funds Held Under Reinsurance Treaties. Reserve for Dividends to Policyholders.. Additional Statutory Reserve........-......... Reserve for Commissions, Taxes and Other Liabilities........ Total Special Surplus Funds.....-....... Capital Stock........................... Paid in Surplus........................ Unassigned Surp lr-r s..... ............ Surplus to Policyholders Tot.l Lisbilities and Surplus $r,092,9r4.837 I,406,763.970 1 I ,379 .916,523 r0,349,76t,988 290,265,760 4,',|09,97't,463 I t2,7 57,395 I 4 .659 -523.7 5 t s6,929,'t23 ,299 t7,233,877.300 208,362,823 944,909 39,649,905 3.06t. 7.958 $27 ,473,67 6,194 16.52E.205..193 StiL0lILSer-6E7 $95,257.334 10,000,000 9,229,2s0,tM 7,193,698.055 r Bonds are stated at amonized or investment value; Stocks at Association Markct Values. The fbregoing financial information is taken fiom Liberty Mutual lnsurance Company's financial statement filed with the state of Massachusetts Department of lnsurance. I' TIM MIKOLAJEWSKI, Assistant Secretary of Liberty Mutual lnsurance Company. do hereby certify that the foregoing js a truc. and correct statement of the Assets and Liabilities of said Corporation, as of December 31, 2016, to the best of my knowledge and belief. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and aftixed the seal of said Corporation ar Seattle, Washington, this 23'd day ofl\4arch.20l7. Assistant Secretary l9t2 S'r?62LMlC/a 3/17 i ooo .G !::EA(){, E* b> oj-tc'; 3E do6.etr6 drO60,.9b o.S oo tl >i =lJ(!tr>0, E=z6 G G.(JF-a6lur o o G'!oq o p E o E o() F o +t, G EGoIot oo Eo (,$No N @o (o ot,oao) '6 E THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS NOT VALIO UNLESS IT IS PRINTED ON RED BACKGROUND. This Power ofAttornay limib tho acts ol lho6e named hersin, and th6y have no authority to bind tho Company excopl lh thc manner and to the ertent herein 8t ted. cerr,ricare No. Z9!!!97 Liberty lllutual Insurance Company The Ohio Casualty lnsurance Company WeslAmerican lnsurance Company POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOWN AIt PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS That The Ohio Casually lnsurance Company rs a corporalion duly organi:ed und6r lhe laws ot lhe Slale of New Hampshire, Ihal Lrbeny Mulual nsLrrance Company is a corporalion duly organi2ed under the laws ol lhe Slale o{ Massachus8lls, and Wasl Amencan nsurance Company is a corporalion duly William O. Haasi Dsnnis M. O'Brisn: Benedict J. Tockarshewskv all ol lhe cily of Whit€ Plains slale ol NY each individually il there be more lhan on€ nafiled. ils lrue aid lawful atlomey-in.lacl to make execule, seal, acknowledge be as binding upon lhe Companies as il lhey have been duly signed by he presidenl afld atleded by the s€cretary ol lhe Cornpanies in lheir owt proper persons. lN WITNESS WHEREOF lhrs Power ofAlloroey has been subsc{ibed by an aulhorized officer or offcial of tho Companies and Ule corporale seals ol the Companaes have been affxed m17lheroto lhis_?lll day of octobe, The Ohio Casually lnsurance Company Liberty Mulual lnsurance Company West lnsurance Company STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY ss Davd M. Caref.Assistanl Secretary On this 3!!Lday ol octobor 2017. before me p€rsonally app€ared oavid M. Carey, who acknowledged hrmsell to be lhe Assaslanl Sgcrelary ot Liberty Mutoal lnsurance Company, The Ohio Casuahy Compaay, and Wesl American lnsurance Company, and lhal he, as such, b€ing aulhodzed so lo do, erecule lh6 lorcgoing inslrum€nl ,or lhe pueos€s lherein conlained by signing on behall of lh€ corporalions by himsell as a duly aulhoired oflicer lN WTNESS WHEREOF, Lhave h€reunlo subsrribed my name and affixed my notadalsealal King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. on the day and yearlilsl above wrill€n. COM19OiIWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA /anz,/) Teresa Paslella, Notary Public rrlembe( Pcnnsylvind Asso. nno. olNoLn'ot This Power oi Allorney s nrade and execuled pursuanl and by aulhorily of lhe lollowing By-laws and Aulhorizations of The 0hio Casually lnsurance Company, Lberly i,iutual nsuranc6 Company, end W6sl American lnsurance Company which resolulions are now in full forco and effocl reading as followsi lhe provisions of this arlicle may be revoled at any time by the Board, he Chai.man, the Prcsidenl or by the officer or officeE granting slch power or authodty. execuled such insfumenls shall be as binding as if signed by lhe presidenl and attested by the searelary. obligalrons the same lorce and efiect as lhough manually aflired. heeby codjly lhat lhe onginal porer ol aflomey ol whch lh6 lorcgoing is a full, lrue and cofiral oopy ol lhe Pord ol Atomey by sad Companres, is rn fuli lolce and effecl and has not been evoked 1tll{ TESTIi4ONY WHEREoF. I have hereunto sel my hand and amxed lhe seals ofsaid Companies 2A I99 t: !1 14 I J. l!9t*-;l LMS r2373 022017 day ol Renee C slanl Secrelary 212 ol 25O By: NotanalSeal T@sa Pasteila. Norary Public Upror Meron Twp , Monlgomory Coonly My Commrsslon Erplr6. Ma.ch 28.2021 By: I9 t2 l9r,Ay: