Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Bond Release Letter TM5156514 015043705MENIFEE
New. Better. Best.
29844 Haun Rd. Menifee CA. 92586
19511672-GTn I Fax (951) 679-3843
lanuary 24,2O23
Sutter Mitland 01 LLC
Attn: Shaun Bowen
3200 Park Center Drive, Suite 100
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
RE: Sutter Mitland 01, LLC, City of Menifee, TM 32025, Bond Release
Bond No. TM5156574/015043705 & TM5156516 /075043707
To whom it may concern,
The City of Menifee's Engineering Department has approved a 90yo release of the Faithful
Performance Bond, a full release of the Material and Labor Bond and a full release of the Survey
Monument Bond for Tract Map No. 32025 based on all conditions being satisfied.
10% ofthe original Faitful Performance Bond amount will be retained as a Warranty Bond for Tract
Map No. 32O25 for 12 months from date of notice of completion/acceptance of improvements.
Below you will find the schedule of release for Bond No. CMS0338321:
*The Released Amount column represents the cumulative total of each bond's reduction from the
original bond amount and as of the Release Date.
Enclosed are the copies ofthe Faithful Performance Bond, original copies ofthe Material & Labor and
Survey Monument Bonds and the release letter from the City's Engineering Department.
Edna A. Aguilar
Management Analyst, City Clerk's Office
s912,ss0TM 5156514/015043705
(Fa ithful Performance Bond)S9,12s,soo
So.ooTM 5156514/015043705
(Material & Labor Bond)54,s62,750
(Su rvey Monument Bond)5180,ooo
5462,7so L/24/23
Bond Amount
being witheld as a
Warranty Bond
Original Bond
Ricky Estrada
District 2
Lesa A. Sobek
Drstrict 3
Armando G. Villa
City Manager
Bill Zimmerman
Bob Karwin
Mayor Pro Tem
District 1
Dean Deines
District 4
Bond No.
s8,212,9s0 rl24l23
sr.8o,ooo L/24/23