Commerce Pointe ll Menifee, Inc. Material and Labor Bond K09122084CO MERCE OINTE I ND II Other Projoct No GP 12-004 Bond No. K091 2084 Pfemium $includod in oorformancs bond Surety W€stchsster Fire lnsurance Companv Principal z.d.E Ro.d Burmc p.,r rk . c.lro.nr. **Eijo..rn Cohln.r polnt ll M.nlt . in. ! Cllllomr. ffidEn Address 32so vtsra oteoo Road wHEREAS the city of Menifee, state of california, and zeiders Road Business park. lnc. a Q"lifqrnig .o':oor"tion ,nd Cor,.n"rqg point" ll M"nif"".ffi ,(hereinafterdesignatedas..principal,,)haveenteredin@ attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complete the above designatedpublic imp-rovements retating to GQMMERCE polNTE I AND ll, which agreement(s) is/-arehereby referred to and made a part hereof; and, WHEREAS, under the terms of said agreement, principal is required, before entering uponthe performance of the work, to fite a good and sufiicient payment bond with the citiofMenifee to s€cure lhe claims to which reference is made in Title 15 (commencing with Section3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code of th€ State of California; Address 92oo eAve.,6'n Floor CityiState Cha ,CA City/State Zip 91 1T Zip 91935Phone 818-428-3558 Phone 619-6688 NOW THEREFORE, said principal and the undersigned, as corporale sur6ty, are held firmly unto the City of Menifee and all contractors, subcontractors, laborers, material persons andother persons employed in the performance of said Civil Code in the sum of SevenHundradNinetv Three Tho nd Five Hundred a no/100.Dollars, $ 793.500.00 for materials furnished lnsurance Act with or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unernployment respect to such work or labor, thal said surety will pay the same in anamount not exceeding the amount hereinabov€ set forth, and also in case suit is brought upon this bond, will pay, in addition to the face amount thereof, costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the city in successfully enforcing such obligation, to be awarded and fixed by the court, and to be taxed as costs and to be included in the judgment therein rendered. It is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed upon that this bond shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies and corporations entitles to full claims under Tifle ,lS (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. |aENIFEEl! MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.1) FOR: Grading / Drainage $ 72B.OO0.OO ErosionControt $__!EEgA.Ag_woMP $ 0.00Total $ 793.500.00 .A should the condition of this bond be fu[y performed, then this obtigation shall become null and void; oth€rwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration oraddition to lh-e terms of this agreement or to the specifications accompanying the same shallin anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice-of any suchchange, extension of time, alteration or addition. surety further stipulates and agr;es that theprovisions of section 2845 of lhe civit code are not a condition precedent to suiety'sobligations hereunder and are hereby waiv€d by surety. lN wlrNESS WHEREoF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principat and suretyabove named, on November 19 2014 NAME OF PRINCIPAL i.\- ZEIDERS ROAD BUSINESS PARK I}.iC., a Califomia corporation Its ln trnent thonzcd Agent ''. ^-,--..d' ,. ., rt /&/JcI( t, l'{By Peter l*'ard. Its PrEident By: Strategic Propeny Advisers, lnc a Califomia corporation Its n}9r and Au Agent lward, Its (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY: Wes rFi n AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: rg T. Thorsen,ls Attorney-in-Fact ( Title ) (tF coRPoRATtON, AFFTX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL ANO ATTORNEY.IN.FACT. By: Strstegic Property Advisers, Lnc. a Califomra corporation COMMERCE POINTE II MENIFEE. INC. a Califomia corporation B)': CALIFORNIA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of Calilornia county or L": 1"9S]S ? on tt\.rrLq Sonia Vizcarrondo, Notary public personally appeared T lr.6 r.Dfl Nllrr .id rib ThorBen I I I T II f T lt I I T!( E i rI Il I I! {I C !ri x I { I I i t c I before m€. Margareta s0li{lA VtICAnRO 0O who proved to me on lhe basis of satistactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) ivare subscribed to the wilhin instrument and acknowladgedto me lhal he/she/they executed lhe same inhis/hertheir authonzed capacity(ies). and that byhiyher/their signature(s) on the rnstrument theperson(s), or the entity upon behalf ot which theperson(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certaty under PENALTY OF pEBJURy under the laws of the State of Catifornia that lhe foregoingparagraph is true and correct.Commr!sron r 20196l6 Notary Pubtrc . Catdornra Lo! Ang.r!s C?unty:C-r .r: .s <.a "a :^WITNESS my hand -a: n Oescription ol Attached Documenl Trtle or Type ol Docllment Documenl Date Srgne(s) Olher Than Named Abov€ Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Srqne. s Nan'e Corporate Ottrcer - Tifle(s) lndrvidual Signature - Number ol Pages Srgna. s Name: Corporate Otlicer * Ti e(s): _ lndividual Panner - Limited General Atlomoy in Facl Trusle€ GuardEn or Conservalor Other: OPTIONAL fhough lhe nlomatan b€tofl 6 nol @qu@daN @ud prevent hauduleot Efio by lerr. 1 may prove valuable to N$q$ elyng on the clocumentval and reafiachrnenl ol th,s lon to eno?her d&ument EffiI EwPartner - Ltmited General Atlorney rn Fact Trustee Guardian or Conservator Other: Srgner ls Representing: _ - offrcial J I C.a4rr.A ,S""r K 8"er"a*x"gL CALIFORNIA ALL.PUBPOSE ACKNOWLEOGMEI{T clvrL coDE s 1189 State of California County ol on \\ /&a/,gatL before me.6"t" 1 Name and Ti e ol the personally appeare PF-(€R a AYLTXTARLd Namef) ot Sisnerlt) GE0RGt M0UArlA0 Conmrtuor ,2044013 ldry fubllc - Crlilotnlr t.n O.eo Coun, Coom I certify under PENALry OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the Iorsgoing paragraph is true and correct. Place Notary Seal Above WITNESS Signature igna of Notary Pu who oroved to me on the basis of satisfactorv evrdence to be the personfi) whose namelrJ@rs subscribed to the within insttument and acknowledged !e me that 6bh#+h€y executed the same inftilhe#their authorized caoacitv(ie6{. and that bv @e+*nen signaturejd on t'65 instrument tne person(4, or the enti(y upon behalf of which the personlg, acted, executed the rnstrument.I my da otlicial 1 Number ol Pages: .j Signerfsf other Than Named Above: ___- Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name ! Corporate Officer - Title(s):D Corporate Officer - Title(s) D Partner- D Limited D General D Partner - tr Limited E Generaltl lndividual [] Attorney in Fact t I Trustee fl Guardian or Conservator ! lndividual { l Attorney in Fact D Guardian or Conservalor D Other:r- oth Signer ls Representing Signer ls Bepresenti @ 2013 National Notary Association . wv{w.NationalNotary.org . 1-800-US NOTABY 0 -800-876-6827)f5907 Signer's Name: ,r*r^ "- "*r*,," *r"^, ".@"W rn,r,nro*"rM fnuclulent reattachment of lhis fom to an unintended document. Description ol Attach€d Document - "" J TiueorTypeof Document: V,.\.'',^J- I*,..1 .I-o!t...,t;'Document ox", tt f t9/,gol h CAL]FOR'{]A ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT clvrL coDE s 1189 , State of California County of ) On personally appeared \\ /a4ebate - before me, Name and Tit 6P CA YL le ol the er ,i\l, Nanep of Signerl/) GTORGE MOUAWAD Colnlll,ttloi , 2oatot3tolx, h/olc . calto(nl. Srfl Oago Coqrat Cornm who proved to me on the basis of satisractorvevidence to be the personld whose name6rJ{Q6rg subscribed to tA-. within instiument and ackn6wte-dged J9 m€ that A#helth€, executed the same in ([9/he#rthelr authorized capacityjjfEll, and that byqlghe#{ftrr signatureJs) on the instrument the person(6J, or the entr& upon behatf of whrch thepersonlil acted, executed the rnstrument. lt I certity under PENALTY OF PEBJURY under the taws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS Signature: my hand and offi I seal Place Notary Seal Above s,9n ol Notary Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration ol the document or lraudulenl reattachment of this lorm to an unintended document. Description oI Attached Document -J,}B^^./ Title or Type or oocumont: f{ " t il:.{- A ,J I'Document Oate Number ot Pages: .9 Signer(4 Other Than Named Above imed Srgner's Name E Corporate Officer - Title(s)l l Corporate Officer - Title(s) D Partner - D Limited D General [] lndividual O Attomey in Fact D Trustee {l Guardian or Conssrvator fl Other: [,] Parlner - fl Limitad D General dual U Other: Signer ls Representing trT E Attomey in Fact O Guardian or Conservator O 2013 National Nolary Association . www.NationalNotary.org . 1-6OO-ra *OTARY 0-800-876-6827) ltem OPTIONAL l /tj /,gotlt by Signer(s) Signer's Name: Signer ls Representing: (lt Power of Attorney Xoow.ll mlr by 1h... pr...nt: TliJ WESTCHESTER PIRE T SUMNCE COMPANY,. corFr{rcn of th. Cotrrmonw!.irh of P.nnrylvoE purlulrr ro lhcfollo$llu Rcrolunon. .dortcd by tha Bori of OrEcta! olth. r.d CofiF,l) (,1 fb..nrbd I l,:m6. to krl "LEaOl-VtD. i.bllrera.adr& d- r 6. ce.6r.do dldloarlr aE*.r. ol!or.t, ortdrtUsl,s dfu u.l ds f6 m.mn otdr aoieotd.!d 'D di oraNr.dd.,lm l-.i . "w,fi teorn') EA Ct! tl.,tE!ll'. ''!i.n rl li. Mo h-!.. Ji. Cs. r'.a, -..r-a.q-., !}.i- C'.En n rd c !a.ir.,ar C6r.r, !i..0. -l or.L ccE , &.1oir..'Fq|ld -cilrFDtd ordr C6r-y r h6!r.rb.rd b G--.r \Yrh CeE ir 6, id o Llrlrd6. C.nF, Gr !h. -l.ld. CaD.r, a.!i6$.. b 5. db. GntuCtdi.tr.A.nI(llyt,rard.,FmFritaarid!.-rr-F6 ..ra.-rr+a3r r.d.ra. CL6-. ar. 't-rbi !a O. vd i-rb!.r- CdE h r-rr -..-r b .!a r t.rdr.a ar CdEr. . .rF. rit rx, Fs ar.rbrr+r! oao. coeir yd ldl F{r.rl.rtry D!4. b.a d WCrr. C+r, *L !-.a.arl. C+, r.a..u -C $ni a br.,r.(dt-r. r5.Fft-!.trjn,ardtu( rr.i ?-i- re L t r-J tF - C..Cri: a-r, *!-o.ad ! .q Ftclr. rrn- C-'lr! E dr o,tu C,.,D\ & lrrrbr rd vs t!.|-drrr C6r-r. Lt,.rLn..4 b 116 nl.l,.,ir cd!.,r, b.Ll.rd. sr,t.,.rh.6mo o, rh. Cdtdr ,..,r8, baE{fo,riotddt.,d.C6F.uiLa.C&Frlrar{.rr.drlt - Ceardr Ct Ccr!-r. E.r-Ld '' r.} E-r 'lJ.rr , ttr.t,.al|ff r, r.,,,miJ trr.6.L.o,w.b CcDrr.! d br Fi@ d- r drFE& !V.b Ctur It.Ftuoa.rdi*r.t lrEo.ra-r wd-acr.rllrr-rdardrer-r.lr. r-ld6.n lt.-t olh.aois.L dr 6..rn.d br,sat.i r.nrv.d- C66nmr q 6!. edlld o ltJ.a6 lurtrlarTAaOLWD,rt.6.lMat-le'J|atDr!.d-rdbI.*ts{rlr|.dot!||.F6.r/*ddtoto,l.drnCq-nddhn,lt.rbsto,oJ{trldtof6. c.,g.,ry, .d rd l-Iu[ idl .r. I'd' r .i-E .td a. tu o, r, rd ,.E d .-.r d!.* r.l{, .rEd o, ,-.d Dcr hccby nomln.E, corarllrn! id r0polnr MsfEo T Th.rrn. all orrr! Cry ot PASADENA. C.ltfo.n'.. c-h rndDdu.lly rf |hcrt b. mor! rhln onc ll! rcd, ,t5 dEc. !(tt!flt thall be o, bitding qDon 'rid Cbn r,ly. !. n ly rd .mply ar ifdEy hd bcn duly .r..ut!d !d ..lno*'ld8.d by t l. r4uhrly !l.d.d om.lri of rhcComFry d lll pnncipd oilc!. lN wlTNESs wll!:RIOF, *'. taid Strphin M thtEy, vrc.-Prctrdrnr hlr h.Eunto tullcnb.d hr!nrmclnd amx€d rlr Corlomrc !!{loflhr loid W}:STCHDS I }:RflRE lt{StJRANCE COMPATY Uir lt d.y of M.Eh 201! IVESTCH[ST[R FIRI INSTIRANCU COMPAN}' a-r,*-rr\ StDlEr M llrE,. v|. lrt.6.tr COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVAN!A COUNTY Or PHILADELPHIA tr On lhs :t d.y of t rth AD. 201! b.for! n*. r Noaary hrua of 0E Cerr6nwlslth o, PlnEylv.ni. n .d for UE Co|lnry of Phd.dclph'r crm. St phcn M tl!tl?' .VlcePr6iLrt of lrE W&STCHESTSn nnG !NSUnA!CA COM?A[{Y to mG polordly lm$,n ro b. rlE rndrvrdud lnd of,ic.r v.{lo cx.cura, th. FE dmS rntrum.nl, ard h. sbbtrLdSd d|.l hccxarr.d lha En!, rd lhd lhc El.tnx.d lo rrr! Flc.dina inlrur nl lt ti. co.po6tr l.d of!.rd Cornpoy, rfur U|r said oorPo6t !.al.nd hir rigrtun wll! duly !f,lxad by dE.udrority rrd dirlctbn ofth. t d corpor.tD[ rnd thrt RlrolutDr\ sdopr.d b, thi lrosrd ofDl'lcror] ofsald Compriy. Efcnld lo in dE D[!.CIU intrruncnf b iow ir forc. lN TESnMONY WIIEREOF, I htv? h.r!u,no r.t rny hc md rmEd rily omglll !..1 .t dr C'ly of Ph'hd.lphr rh. dry od v.., tiEt obo!. *nlt.n WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCI: COMPANY l. lhc undrrrrSn€d A$lltrnt Slc..trry of thr WESTCIIETTR SIRE INSURANCE COMPANt. do h!r.!y ccntry thd U. on$rul POWtiR Of A fIORNEY. ol whrch tha fo.lgoin, rs a tut r,untid ly l,lE.nd corncl cofy. u ln full ,br.. ud cfF.cr ln wrin.ss nh.l!o( t hrvc h.r.urto rub*rib€d my i.rn. !t Attsllit sc!r!Ey, rn,l atflrcd $. co.po.d. s.d ofrfrc Coryorarron. rhrs \( U.y of N cU UJo'f zolY I llls I{)WER (r' AI-TORNEY MAY NOI BL IJSED IO r:XECUTE ANY BOND WITH AN rN( t,n ION DAI L Al:1I,R Much:t. 20lJ {ffi 4t*fuy CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE . The Westchester Fire lnsurance Comoanv (hereinafter called the Surety) hereby continues in force its Bond No. K0g122OB4 in the sum of Qng Million Five Hundred Eiohw Seven Th6usan-d Doilars and oo/.t00 ($1.587.ooo.oo) Dollars, on behalf of Zieders Rd Business Park lnc&Com Pointee ll in favor of Citv of Menifee subject to all the conditions and terms thereof throug hN mber 18. risk Ma rga T. Thorsen rney-in-Fact lnc 2020 at location of This continuation is executed upon the express condition that the Surety'sliability shall not be cumulative and shall be limited at all times by the amount of thepenalty stated in the bond. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety has caused this instrument to be signed byits duly authorized Aftomey-in-Fact and its corporate seal to be hereto afiixed th-isI day of October, 20'19 B Premium Amountr $1.130.00 A nobry publk or ot lcr ofllce. comPl.lng tilr csrlfrcsbvcrllr33 on,ytne E.{rlttyofthe hdtvtdurl who rigrcd $e documont !o whlch lhls certicrb ts rtlciE l, rnd not t D tufiflrnrss, EcoJtscy, or lf,lldlty oflrrat dooJ[rcrt caulolNlr ltl.puipoal AcgowliDorrrrr cML CODE ! fi89 State of C€llfomls County ot Los Angeles On ts \r \11 bBtor€ me,Sonia VrzcaBondo, Nota ry PublicMeHarc lnsaft Nom. ond fua ofulF. Ofrcf,tr pemonally appalrcd MelEarBta T. Thorson No/7o6i d SE,,,rN ) solltA ytzc^RRonDo lot ry P!bh( . Gtifo.nl. Lor Ang.te1 (olnty (omfrr$ron, 2t56tl7 r,lf Comn. t$r?r S€9 2i, 2022 I cGrory under PEt{ALry OF pER.jURy under thoIrurs ot the Stlta ot Cslrlbmt! that thc for€gohg pErlgrBph ls trua and conact WI?NESS my hlnd lnd ofrchl s€al.J*L2 /"Slgnsture Pld(e Noc,l1t Saol gf,d,6r SEnp 4DolG SlgnoturB Public OPTIOXAL Compldng thb lnlbtflradon cqt deE,t otb|Aon of th. dcrjurt:p,nt orfr?a,Nufutt t!o,bdl,/,nrrt d tlt lbm b dn Ln,nE,,i.d/,d d@)mcnt Dxc.lpdon ct Altach.d Dodrnt.nt Tltlc or Typa ot Documant Documar DsL:_ Numb.rofpsgcs:_ Slgner{s) Oth.r Thm }Gm!d Aborr: _ crp.dty(lB) Chlm.d bV alghro) Slgn€fs NEme:T. Thoo.n SlEne/s Namo: tr CorpoEte Ofllor - 11!.(rI _El Prrtncr - O Umh.d O c.n rlltr lndlvldusl I AComry tn Fldtr Trurt.c o GtEngln ot Collssrrrltrtr Other: Slgner ls Represao[ng:Sulltv O2O17 Nauon.l Notrry A8octtdon El Corporrt Oltlc.r - TitLF[ -- ff Pattrar - tr Umltrd EI G.norrl O lndMdull tr Atbmry tn Flct O Trurtr. r, Gulrdlrn ot Consuvator tr O?-r'ar - Slgner b Rrpruantlng: . e4)-t-.- MarqaGtr Power of Anorne) \\ r':trh(.\t ct lire ln\ut .t n(' (:( rtrl l) n\ i /\( ll.:.\|r[1.1( n llNUtitrr.(,( i )nllxn\ lnsrru.fnG mnd|rUorrhutntth.qnF:nd(,l!mlstorJ|.ifxtlkarkhorrk rlrhoot.nr hqrunr nltcrrtrd lo in i.]t h.rn.h or drkatlo|tr rd.t''ritr {at\ ( thtrtF(laydf rl,y, ZOl9. (-|i!r-,-rx \r'r eh.]oal{' *t" ^ kl.--.-. .*I/:.' a '+. sl,t I ti (,t \t.ra JullsEY (,trintv0l llmlc.{l,I hv aurhonl| otst(l(irnp.Ih\end lndfthrt..'( Fr\.n.r roi.rr iax , Il' -Gitrr-.-l--',€,ilrL (u,fie, CERTIPICATIOTI fn(tR m,, 0 rll ur(!nr'y drB,d tirlxr G-h .1r r(fr urr nldi rrh ol tt (:urr,! $. rlErd.tr ,'d lhr ll.. ndd.ntr ,r r,r (r,rF.t r ltr.!, rrhdr.rl bdmn rrn wrlra l)mitfin rq rnrj on b.h.u ot r|t (nmpo\ dd.r ilrr.l oa rh. (lfFnv d (ih..rr.. lah d v {'Dmd rrdlr].lrr d dr oaFr, .lEr{r rrlr,.t'rl l0.r<!..n, *.n6.riutlrr h. &d d lrir.! or lh. rin{s} nnJ6 k ul ot ttr rrDrysr ,tr"rltu b't (.h''r rlE rrn -rra !.ulrn .d br rlF !-rr d tr!.r' Fortli i, nun F$r rrrar rlirrrm r rrtr er,mg.nirar tlrh d il* tjtErrri' rn ,rt{*t ra ln. vlQ h*dti! d, ft.(;r,mF,tytlErirrrrut <Lldrdo b.lt loa r!. urrc.rr. to .]lottr ar.drr ,,i, Ftutr rrF {(,lBnlri .{ rL orrp.nv tlth ftnl ,.F.rn.dlomrbadrq tlr:rd d !.i.tor rh. (:onv.r, u.d, ttr E ot rL. cdriii! -itic.ta -r, irr- r,r-rurrrrn "rrm' rrqrnv .r ti., b. PCdH h st *tltd .rrrf,utE. rlrHr rF rrr, rt t! 1'r l.rrr, rytr d .t r o, wrrd (:r,mrnror or Uy +rtr-aon or "* ,. ** p.ir"r.. r?tt nr tli trurMr. lL hrr'd rBl lhr vrr l'rdhrnr ol rlr.rr,{rry n lEtt'r .rtub( rd .nd d b.td ot $. li{t9 nr, |U .tt?r. ii $rr| ro dt .rhd odk- {{ rhrr:nll.,r r .ito.ry lo.t(ut !,r &.t d trlut o{ rh. urqrr ufll.r dr Lidnprnvr .i d rx!.rrt.. Bh wrrd (bmir.rrr,r rf.,-"rrr,ry . i*.*,L,r " "*r,crrrd Ill*L,t rhldr{Rrlhrt n rDt l* ta ,ffd .uF{ .trs,{ wn!6 (i-rrffiB d br qE,(rrr.roa. or frrt Ft&, wrt.n oufi;a;b nE t'al&ol&,,lner ({ orn .Ixr.d@llqa$, wmcn {lfi{nEr n.riitr ,{ &Lrrrn F&.rr lD ll. r-lft.,.rrd dFsi oath. cdF , 'r., h. rnrsr !rLrrrll r. ch \+rrr(rr urrr nEr d fn.n @rtrEr d d.tgfir rlr r)nru''r .nn r(h *.tlurr {h.,t rrr tr {r,rh.sk.tts( th" dmL,rrr {rt Fnt d aurlt.rv.{tm qtidr,...rrr{ d lri.rt. l, r hr t 'ry{rrr$r Xwrlurrr\ a&{4!d hy rhi &un, r,t t)trsdo^ . rf I hr, Compan t\ am I n .. (omr.l nDd rn fult torr ind etk ai.(ll) lhr l,RtolqE l,t,w?r uf Auorn€! h t nx , turr(1 l,|d ln trll fi,n. efld crrrl (nnn un& r mr haid arxl {.aL or \al, crmrBrrcl a whnclr'rn . eark r !. rhr OCtObef 3, 20.1 I f)our-\tr eNoll( . ir ,,r , t vwlc a^]c re lI Jal _ l,{.nt fr. l\ ltlr, Ltt\-1tri: rr l\rl r r ftrt'Y lrlf, {t1H}\n(:nl(l| llt[lI\Lr0r{ tlnlrt rr\ (,t ^\) I xtl vA tl tir.r \f(iln.t\t't|\{t CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE Performance and Labor/Material Payment Bonds Premium Amount: $1,130.00 The Westchester Fire lnsurance Companv (herernafter called the Surety) hereby continues in force its Bond No. K09122084 in the sum of One Hundred Fiftv Eiqht Thousand Seven Hundred and no/100s ($1 58,700.00) Dollars, on behalf of Zieders Rd Business Park lnc & Commerce Pointee ll Menifee lnc in favor of Citv of Menifee subject to all the conditions and terms thereof through November '18. 2019 at location of risk. This Continuation is executed upon the express condition that the Surety's liability shall not be cumulative and shall be limited at all times by the amount of the penalty stated in the bond. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety has caused this instrument to be signed by its duly authorized Attorney-in-Fact and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed this 19 day of September, 20 18. Westchester Fire lnsurance Comoanv Surely T, ThO Attorney-in-Fact CAUFONNlA A!.1-PURPO3G ACXNOTIILEDOMEI'T crvtl coDE g ,r89 A not8ry pub llc or ourer ofilcer complrgng tfils aenficBte ve,lies only th6 ldent ty ot the lndMdull who shncd tha docu ment to whlch thls certric8te ts sttsched, ond not th€ fulhfulnsss, acoJr8cy, or vrlldlty sfthst document. st6le of callfornls County of Los Angeles On 'kr(r"6"16," ,", Sonia Mzcarmndo, Notrery Public Hara ln'rtt Nome qnd Tltlc olthc Off,carDote Jerson8lly Eppgsred Margar6ta T. Thorsen None(s) of Slgn.is) who proved to me on the bssls of satlsfbciory ev|dcnce to be the peEon(s) whose name(6) ts/aro sub6crlb6d to the wlthln ,nstrument and Bcknol^ladgeci to me thst ha/sha/they e)(acuted th6 sams ln htyhar^helr authorlzsd cspsclMles), 6nd th8t by hls/h.r/th.lr slgnaturs{s) on th. ln3trum6nt the pcBon(s), or fir en tyupofl behalt of whlch the personls) 8cted, executed the lnstrument. 2 s0t{rA vlzcABR0ND0 Commrssron t 2079616 Nolary Publrc - Catltornta Los An0elcs.County I cerfry undar PEIIALTY OF PERJURY under the lsws of the Stlta of Csllbmle thet thr foGgotngpar8gEph ls t uE and conoct WTNESS my hlnd snd olflchl se8l. Colnm trortqs S?9 24 2018 Signature Ploce NobrySeolon or Sump Above SlEnoirre ol Publc OPTIONAL of the document or fraudulent redffichment of thls {om b on unlnEnded document" Descrlptlon of Attlched Documcnt Tltle or Typc ol Document DocumentD8le: Numb€rofPages:- SIgner(s) other Thrn Nsmed Abova: caplclt) lcs) Chlmod by slgn.d8) Slgneds Neme:MeDErEla T. ThoGan Slgner's Nama: tr Corporate Ofilcsr - Tltle(s):El Corporrto Of,lc€r - Ttde(s): o Psnner - o Llmlted o Gensrsl cl Plrtnar - tr Llmltad tr GenEral tr lndlvldu6l E Attomay ln Frct tr Trustee o GuEdirn of Conslrv6tor E Attomoy ln Fsct o Gusrdlan ol Conservstor D Other:tr Other: Slgner ls Representing:Suletv Com9anv SIgner ls Roprec€ntlng: tr lndlvlduEl: Trustee Compledng thls lnlotmodon cdn deter l @ 02017 N.Uon.l Nolrry Arsoch{on Powerof Attorney WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY WESTCTIESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY At;* Sl. ha M lr.!q. v.. Pr.da ('( ,",,, \,&J*bs. ,o (t NulNm o\Jn^E( l),\n \1 ( l',rJr ,\1(\r,nr S.. r.h,r x,wdrns by rE pGrm rn wESIclcllYEr frRE rNlui^|€e @ P xY . dF..r F oa or. cdnmdD-In or P..rrvrrr pd.ua.i ro fr lotrm.9 tL.oruio^ 8dopla, Dy 'no Eoad oro,trioA d rh. $d c6p y nn oanh.. r r 2000 ro sr FTESOLVEO rlEr rh. dloi.,t .rEr&r rllta o or &.qrc. i, rl o oJrn d or c.rn .at ol tud! stlidorct Eqrrlti* cdt &u dd orE s rdr i:,'n!rFll. ol rrE cdl!.nt mraq, hlo ln. otlt cqr- ol brr!a.. l-n .'vm.r cdn r-r1 eadrdlEo!.llln 0rPr&!dlr\tal!frraorlllco.rE ! tr-v.riditd lo .r.r. rt wrEr cdrricr'll E jd oi Da.lt d rr cor4't l,rt or rad oatt Eaan du, tolEinld ado.rE .r!.r.d ol 1116 Conloart 'r ha$, rrhc':d b s-ro r, w.ld Cdm nrr lo rrn ., ral or ,r cl,rrtlrt 6<rn rh. ..d r'l lh. CdrE ry o nt ws lo lh.drm rxr a.dr ..Er lt lrrEtt d !r rn. 9,r .', !o.... Fterrl- lr |n .rdi Fjt mrl. +Fl.rnrn B a.n .nd.r--rtt E.d' d r!. O!r,M ,. Po6.n rr, tn r/ta. B,rrara d fi Can9.tt a|r ir arlclaad.,q fit 6 orJ ol ln. clrv.nt brydr. nn 19 6t r.5 rr.rr4tE {-rcr ol itrcdDr!,*{rll,Ff. rnrrsr, bdE E lo.ao!.r-drrcrtp',rr lr-dtncorEtd orrraa ar(rr w r,rcdtwrrtnrd.IcriErro.rsrn. riror.a.r*r' smoreo,r,trr. d$.C.ri.e.n.'O.!,t -rqFd.-dsnt Conntllrl q !, rr-idF o, d c nEt lrnorr lvrfi,r Cdlt tlrl e.dr or ln. qln n or Priid.ir rn $.. Prt a.,r. or 0r C..r!r,. rrra,.riarr.d td.,n o bhdl d rr, c.nprly !o or.c!r.. snrlo,t dtE dnd d m co.tprr nE arrbrr b erG/ro.l!.d dt b.Lror llcon!f,t 'rrd,i.csiEv.rrdol|!5-, rdrllttlLn@nfitnr.r.oltrc..E o r..Fnd..dt *rlrr dd.lloct ir*h.rdnci6 n€r ba oy o.ira ryD. d dr ol w nco.rrur'r dt laolE&r orr.o.Elcrtar,lllrtl-cctr !!rl n i{ n.drtorlt.,crEFEiG-re ,, fr! C.rtn$lr o.!,!tltrl r d-Fi!| E r,rblr R..dr!ounrt.-lolrriCoilrt.tra.int.d6,tEtl.(,rrdr lrlllErcoFlttlr d {t!r !@llrr r.fa-r (l) at (!) (.) (5t Doi ndibv lr.,r1d. dtur. *{, .frrli MJo-.o I trEirr ft|' 8da, aI d ,! Or, d PASIO€M C.urm! *n &ren!.ll, 'l !rF. n lEn tu @ Mrs. [. uE 116 rl.lu .lrrE]{n l-r r)6..!GrE.or-c(5r,6'!6.nd,*,!rta-rra.tqrr.,EtlorEtEt.-olrrrbrda.at',ndr.irEa6Lrirr.rrE!,'nF!l!.r.trsr.id.cFlvEMlu.loaloo(L^rs a reRo cErvts tta lDdr ot rrl lh..eEr ol rEr -!rn9.. E rrEdar..Erlri-b.trFI'!rptrldCdnorDr.rn r rn rdr s r rry r[d D..n ddy._rr.d ri{andr.d{.6 !y rr. Grlllrrr drr.d dics or tr c{,rDr! , ln F.E!a .nc. Lx IIlTNESS IVHEFaOF !r! ed Sri9r6 M Hr$y VrcP,a.dd n- '!r,t &!.(d nr '!E r'd .6r.d rp Cdrrrb qr or n ed WE!IC'|.G,'IEF F|RE rr€(rMr\E€ @LPAr{Y 'ri 19 d.y or Onrls lld.r.,Ap rlad!.!@.Nd,Pridkdrltcor.ndrfllndFrtt ,rt n.{ ro rr Counr ol rt-olpr. llr ardD l{ rla, vEa.ex oa o.lElrIrCXq]tE l fliErl{IJF tGEcpl/P^,avD Eurd,lbsr5btrlr|lniarndta{EErrrlrF.qt cnti,Dr ra l.rtrod.4r,tart.clerr..Jr.,,!rlaLr-rn6.,bnr.starleorurfi. nr@Dd.5r-dEd(!tE! arai.-.rrE-.-lr,rr.T r'.d, dt .d!, o..rourr.t dlt rb oaart- drEacl rd r lLdr&1.@rd, t,nt 6o.d or tl,@. d.- odrpry rlirri bn ar rrit !! n i,rri.,En Er, N rEsrlrrclllly w]€FECrr lr.t hrrt io -i,r l!r.!r6.d,! dba - i rr ry FrrE r r. (.y dr r- ]r.!oa vru. , j.;i..r l:' "-q,Ai. lrl5r'(rwttl,rI ArIr)HNIYMATNOI 8t llstt,I(rixtr.Ult ANrflt)NoWlrrlANlN(tr'rl()Ni)AIl rtrrlr?A,lir, lq 2l)2r) d:-- CONTINUATION CERTTFICATE The Westchester Fire lnsurance Comoanv (hereinafter called the Surety) hereby continues in force its Bond No. K091 084 in the sum of 9ne Million Five Hundred Eiohtv Seven Thousand Dollars and 00/100 ($1.587.000.00) Dollars. on behalf of Zeiders R Busrness Park. lnc Commerce Pointe ll Menifee. lnc. in favor of Cilv of Menifee subject to all the conditions and terms thereof through Novem bet 18.20"17 at location of risk This Continuation is executed upon the express condition that the Surety's liability shall not be cumulalive and shall be limiled at all times by the amount of the penalty stated in the bond. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety has caused this instrument to be signed by its duly authorized Anorney-in-Fact and ats corporate seal to be hereto affixed this 1 3 day of October, 2016. Westchester Fire I surance Comoanv Surety B T. Thorsen Attorney-in-Fact Premium Amounl: $1 .1 90.00 On lclrlltt CAL]FONN|A ALL.PURPIOSEACK'{OWLEDG ENT crvrL cooE s r 189 A notary public or olher ofiic€r complsting lhis c€nificate verifias only tho rdsntity ot tho individual who signed the docum€nt to which this c€rlificato is attach€d, and not the trulhfulnoss, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of Calilornia ) ) Carmen T. Pedroza, Notary Public County of Los Angeles belore me, Date personally appeared Here lnsetT Name and Title ol the Olfrcer Margareta T. Thorsen Name(s) ol Signe(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisfaclory Gvidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to th6 within insuument and acknowledged to me that he/sho^hoy executed the same in hivher/their authodzed capacity(ies), and thal by hivher^heir signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf o{ which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALW OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Calilornia that the forsgoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and otficial seal /--) Signature )" Signature tary Publico Place Notary S@l Abov6 OPT'ONAL Though thts section is optional, completing this infomation can deter alteration of the document or trauctulent rwttachmqtt ol this lom lo an unintended document. Description ol AttsclFd Docum€nt Title or Typo of Oocument: Document Date:Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Nam€d Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signe(s) Signer's Name Signer's Name: Corporate Otficer - Title(s). , Corporate Ofticer - Title(s): ,Partnor - n Limited [ ] General I Individual E Attomey in FaclTrustee tl Guardian or Consorvator Other: Signer ls Reprosenting:Signer ls Ropresenling 02015 National Notary 4s6oo",1on . www.tlationalNoiary.org . 1-80GUS NOTARY (1-80G876-6827) ltem s5907 Commr!sion , 2036500 Nolary Public - Callloanlt Los Angrl.s County Comm.1 tlPartner - E Umited ! General L.l lndividual l] Attomey in Fact tl Trusto€ D Guardian or Crns€rvatorr other - llt 0) (tt tt, Power of Attorney Kooe.llm.n by th.s. p.ct.trrt: Il|rl W[tt[( ttf,Sff,R fl RU INSURANCE COMPANy, a corpoI.t|on of lhc Common\rellh ot pcnnrylv!Dr! purrusnl lo thclbllowin8 R€solut'on, adoptc/ by thc Bo{rd of D'rccroB offic i!'d Company on Dcccnb.r I t. 2006,lo wit 'rlsotvElr, rh! ln. aoooEa rlic.r'|m rJr - ri. Grd. t id6Lt llcai.c.q-r.oatd.\ 'drrrr.t! rEa!-... t6-dcb6- ffilEl or-OorE.,-rd.d 'ibln.d{'E} 6a.abdr- tdr.'W..lr Cerld'f - t dr o,tu crlllD nr haarr.n D. vE tr-n-..ari.C$r o Lti, !a.n.d D 4i.n, t '!- C@,rnd i..ar. ta.fo,t aaAn ..&n -t.t6. C.4., d E d.U,.rrouEdeh.r-ct.r o.rnt CqlF, trhra,.rn n d e aEJ.-r wr.5br.m &..ao tdtCa. C..F.t. u& 6..d of i. C.qo{ dotirri- b d. i:I 6.|ldr -!6 tr.tr Enrd br JI atur cl r.it Fn.L n d id Fan Eli A.i-d. rA dr|!.rctb a.doraf c!.,M, !,rrr-di'dlo.vc rr-i!orr.cdlFiyrLtr!,.rlEuLL ra6aaat.,a.c+r,D.,'..rrinin,, t.-n ..-lL|.ta!.crr.'. -!ttull r*' ,a dL.t b cura ft,.d - ha.rr.rrb C69,, ur& 6. -.,t C.eq r.a.ra rd sr- Ci.da-..-(*;r"rr trrailr. ",ar mn* l!ld rrud rc,litu 6y !. nr |.EJ !yr.d.t- o,n b a---r, t Faor-r dl!.d,Ii- O@ tr.iortu cllE.'i. Pr-&r.d v-rlrrh!.ti.Csr.t ar&. t ioi.rrdr.ca-..di-.rrtr-.Ct ..aa.CE-r a..ia.,ir.*r. r.'.'do tdda.ft CorErr .ir 'lrc.sr'r- r -E rd q,'tc- .,-A;r.rFid6.6.-da.c.t tr;i6dqib.cEr.l rr. o, .r! ., lrnr6 Col8h.. r bi r-6..r .re r 6 !.rdt r rh.. C-r- IrE rrreoarr.rne,oln. Fln.rer,tn, w,rr-C.furdow.dtr6-iErt,i6Ebl-a6. rdt-t.a6.Gr!..,, ,t lllu.ttlbnt.o.drwnh C.mr6r or 6h Fab5r r d.rjo rUaIllE& EsoN-vaD. rb t fd.ac.al-l|. .LldL.hritrl.nctrrffir.lll.rorir.{dr.q.t.anrr-drr-rldcn Fft b d tb! rdo b.tf oa6.Corper. tn r6h taldd t|.ll lt{ td| r ollldr rlt6 t.u.,r, i.d r- (.d..rr.a.. dt{, r;ddvri t)(xs h.rcby nommsG. aoBl,lutc snd appornl John G Koolooacdaa, MarSrEo T Thon.l\ lrlrt D Wall,n& rll ofth. Cl, of lrvm., Oltfornl!' lrah hdividurlly rflhct bc morc than onc nsm.d, rts tru. snd lswful d!onry-lll-f.c!, lo fiula, qccut . t d .rd &tNcr on iri bchal(, !d ar tt! .cl |,d dlad ury and rll boid!,undcnrltng!, rlcoSnrrarct!. .onE!d! and o$.r urlrlngr in tha naxft $crlof in paraltiaa nd axrradot Tan filhon dollaE A raro cath ('IO,OOO,OOO OO) nna mcxcculron of3uch wtrtmS, m pu.ru&c.! ofth6r pra!.nt! ahall b. r! brndrnt uFn raid CoftFny. st furly ard.nply !! ifthcy hrd bcan duly Gxccutld llld&knowl€dgcd by $. rcaulsrly cl.ctld omcclr ofth! ComFDy !t lq prucipal ofEc., lN wl'fNtSS wllLREOt, fu sad Sbph.n M HuEy. vrcc-Pr"trdcln, hls hcrru osub*nbcdhl!n n and aflix.d thc Co.po'su rEd ofrh. r.td WESTCHEETERIlRf, lNSt'RAllCE (IOMPANY thr! l5 d.y ofJunc 2015 WEI;TCHESTER FIRE INSUNANCf, COMPANY 4.t.,,^ t\\/+.-"-- WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY $*n il ltlEr. Vi.r ?r..addt COMMONW}:AL'TH OIJ PENNSYLVANIA('OUNTY OF PHII,ADELPHIA 3t on thrs l5 day of Jurl., AD 2015 b(fotr mc. ! Nobry Pubhc of$G Csllmcnirl.lth ofPaurylvar[ in lrd 6. Ua Coimty of Ptiladclpln! all|tla Staphrn Mlirnc) .vrcc-Pr6rd.nl of th. WDSTCHESTER FIRE INSUR,{NCE COMTANY ro m. p.norllly k E*r to b. Us Mivdu.l ll|j otfic.r stlo'cx.curod lh.prcccdng rnslrumcnt. ord h! a.knowlcdgcd thll hc cxccuEd lhc lsmq .rd thlt dl! 3!d iffnGd to tha pr.aadmg ingtumant l.t tha corDol'lo alsl ofrd Conp.Dy: thar ol sud Comp{ny, rcltnrd to rn fi. pr.ccdrnS rn.rumcnr. ls now rn Jorcc l:'l ll:s llMoNY wHERI:()l.l hrvc hcrcunlo s.t m) hsnd &d.lfixld my offic[l lcrl at thc Cry olPtilddph!! th. dly &d yc!, firn nbovc w'rrln >l I l. rhc undcBitncd As.rstmr S!.r!bry oflhc wET CHESTER PtRf, TNSURANCE COMPANY, do tErb, crrrrry thr U. angitt ! POWER OF ATIORNEY. of*trch th. forcgorn8 ls r subBlantirlly tru. ard conocr copy, is m firll f(,.E ll'd lfEar ln \ rlncse $hcrrol l hs!€ hcEunto subacnbcd my rumc s! Alsltlr sc.rd!y. dd .f6r.d llr corpo.nr !.!r of dE Caralrdl. tlit l 3Ooy ofoc h6..- ? ,., , t ri tllls POWER OI ATIoRNEY MAY NOT 8E USED TO EXtCLTTE ANY EOND WITH A INCEPIION DATE AFTER JurE 15,201? ,1fu.r^2./uI!! L K.Ib.,tdE{rErlrrrr