Commerce Pointe ll Menifee, Inc. Faithful Performance Bond K09122084EN IF FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR GRADING PROJECTS AND / OR EROSION CONTROL OR LANOSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.1 ) FOR GRADING: Mass Grading Erosion Conlrol WOMP Total Address 9200 kdale Ave.Itn Floor s 1.456.000.00 Com erce Pointe I and ll 131 .00 Other Project No GP12.04 0.00 Bond No Premium'1.587,000.00 $ $ $ PfinCipal Zsd6'! Roqd Bushcsi psrr. hc. s cetfoml, comorrron and Cdrn.rcs Pohr. M.ntf... tnc. . Cititor^t. coroomton Address 3250 Vista Dieoo Road Zip code 91311 zip City/State 9193 Jamul. CA 5Phone 818-428-3558 Phone ot 9-6688 WHEREAS, th€ City of Menifee, State of Catifomia, and ,Zeid€rs Road Business Park, lnc. aCalifoia corooratio n and Comm Pointe ll nifee. lnc. a lifornia coroo h ration(hereinafter designated a agreement(s) whereby pri r€lated to (Project Nam€.) s "principal") have entered into,or are about lo enter into, the attached WHEREAS' said principal is roquired und€r the terms of said agreement(s) to furnish bond(s) for thefaithful p€rformance of said sgre€m€nt(s); ncipal agrees to install and complete the above designated grading project, to and made a part hereof; and, Com rce Pointe I and ll , which agre€m€nt(s) is/are hereby referred NOW, THEREFORE, we the principat and ASsurety, are hsld and firmly bound unto th tveHundEiqhtv Seven Thousand and no/100 Dollars {$ 1.587.000.00 ) taMut money of theUnited States, for th€ paym€nt of which sum will and truly be made, w€ bind ourselves, our heirs.successors, executors and administrators, joinfly and severally, firmly by these pr€sents. Th€ condition of this obligation is such that if the above bond€d principat, his or its heirs, ex6cutors,administrators, successors or a8signs, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keepand perform the covenants, conditions and provisions in the said agreement;nd any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or thEir part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the mannerthersin specified, and ln all respecls according to their true intent and meaning and shall indemnifyand sav6 harmless the city of Menifee, its officers, agents and 6mployees, as t6erein stipulated, thenthis obligation shall become null and void; oth€rwis€. it shall r€main in full force and effect. As a part of the obligation s€cured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefore, thereshall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fe€s, including reasonable a[orney's fees,incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be tixed as costs and included inany judgment rendered, I\ K09122084 $11 .903.00 Surety Westchester Fire lnsurance Comoanv City/State CA of in th€ penal sum of FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR GRADING PROJECTS AND OFUEROSTON CONTROL OR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration oraddition to the terms of this agreement or to the work to be performed there under or thespecifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, andit does hereby waive notice of any such change, er:tension of time, ai-teration or addiiion.Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code andcommencement of conslruction are nol conditions precedent to surety's obligations hereunderand are hereby waived by surety. when the work covered by the agreement is complete, the city of Menifee will accept thework and thereupon, the amount of the obligation of this bond ls reduced by goo/o wiih theremaining 10% held as security until receipt of the Notice of Termination from the State WaterResources Control Board as provided for in the agreements(s). lN wlrNESS wHEREOF, this. instrument has been duly executed by the principal and suretyabove named, on November 19 2014 NAME OF PRINCIPAL ZEIDERS ROAD BUSINESS PARIq NC., a Califomia corporation By: Strategic Property Advisers, lnc. a Califomia corporation Its I d Authorized Agent By: ward,Presidenl COMMERCE PO MENIFEE, INC. a Califomia corporation By: Strategic Properry Advisers, Inc. a Califomia corporation lts In and Authorized Agent By, Peter G President x t la, runq e il, (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) ENIFEE NAME OF SURETY: Westchester Fire AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: T. Tho Its Attorney-in-Fact ( Title )rsen, (tF coRPoRAT|ON, AFFTX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY-IN-FACT. CALIFORNIA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGME NT .! x ( II IIIt I ( I iI t I\ T(I T I I I : i i I F t I iI ( r ) State of Cat(ornia County of Los Ange I es o" _r[aqJ_belore me Sonia Vizcarrondo, Notar y PubI i. c personally appeared lggareta T. Thorsen Description ot Attached Document Trtle or Type ()l Docunrenl. Documen! Date Srgnerls) Olher Than Named Above Capacity(ies) Ctaimed by Signer(s) Srgner's Name Corporate Otlrcer - Ti €(s): _. lndividual Pann€r - Ltmded Genaral Attorney in Fact Trustee Guardran or Conservator Oth6r: WITNESS my hand nd olfrcial seal Signalure: Number of Pages Srgner's Name _ Corporale Otlic€r - Tifle(s): - - lndividual Parlner - Lrmitsd General Anom€y rn Fact Trustee Guardian or Conservator Olher: Srgn€r ls Flopresent,ng: _- s0t{rA vllcaRR0i{00 Commrrtlon , 20796t0 l{otary P!Dhc - Crlrlor't|r Los Anoll!3 County C.m- trp,,?! Sr, ?a 20!E who proved lo me on lhe basrs of salislactoryevidence to be th€ person(s) whose name(s) rs,/are subscribed to the wilhin instrument and acknowledgedto me lhal ha/she/they execuled the same inhiyhernherr authorized capacity(ies). and lhat byhiyhernheir stgnature(s) on the instrumenl thepsrson(s). or the entity upon bBhalf of which lheperson(s) acled. executed the inslrument. I certity under PENALTY OF PERJURy under thelaws of the State ol Catifornia that the foregoingparagraph is true and correct. OPTIONAL fhough the nlomabon bett w 6 not requ@d by ancl coulc! yevenl lGuclulent remgval ldw. n fidy ptove valuede lo porsons ftrlymg on th€ d@umen!aNt rcanadrmenl ot lhts lofin to enolhet ct@unent mwgffil Srgner ls Representtng CALIFORNIA ALL.PUBPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT crvtL coDE s 1189 ria\ {itar.r'.rrad<t f-g.Y:4 :ra:^.r{t "ari\unoao -.layr \-ea?:(<?rr?wr.\a'?{r'{€d.-?\(rr\.-v:-vt-\..!ar.ri .:r./x!.rrz-..u <'- State of California lCounty Onl ot .(o-'.D I p,o o t /,9^lP.tLa -G-before me,--' -Z;ra personally appeared Name and Ti ol the O Ptr.(€ R C A/LwARD Namef) of Sionerf) l. GEORGT MOUAWAD Commrttlon ,20at0t! Lotrry Publtc - C. totnir S.n 0lr0o Colltty Comm I rrs oct a 2017 who proved to me on the basrs of satrslactorv evidence to be the personJdl wnose name(f@rc subscribed to th6 within instiument and acknowledged !p me that (h*he*hey executed the same in(Bne*Sel! authonzed capacrty(ioc{, and that by @,h€#tturr signatureJ4 on t6e rnstrument theperson6), or the entify upon behalf of which the personlt, acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Calilornia that the foregoing paragraph is true and correcl. WITNESS Signature lLQL;a my nd and officia al Place Notary Seal Above na ol Nolary Pu OPTIONAL Though this section is oplional, completing this inlormation can deter alteration ol the document or traudulent reanachment of this form to an unintended document. Description o, Attached Document e'J L Title or Typ Number of e ot oocumenl: {"..k i,{ (1".L-..,. ,.,,.t,r\Paoes: 1 Sioner(# Other T'han laimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name ! Corporate Officer - Title(s): llPartner- tr Limited ! Goneral Named Above Signer's Name: E Corporate Officer - Title(s) L l Partner - tl Limited n General E lndividual D Trustee D Othsr: fl Attorney in Fact [] Guardian or Conservator ! Trus idual fl Attorney in Fact n Guardian or Conservatort Other: Signer ls Representing:Signer ls Representing: O 2013 National Notary Association . www.NationalNotary.org . 1-800-US NOTARY 0-800-876-6827) ltem I tt /t9 / ,9 ol ltDocument Date: CALIFORiIIA ALL.PUBPOSE ACK OWLEDGMENT ctvtL coDE s 1189 State of Calfornia County ol On - before me,U te Name and Title of the personally appeared -TgR G A/ L rr-;AR DPr Nameq of Signerlfl GTr-rilCt uOurwro Commrt3to0 , 2Oa,Ot! Xorrry Pubtc . Cdlorll Srn oiaeo Cofl, Cornm oct a I I certity under PENALTY OF PEHJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS Signature my han icial Place Notary Seal Above ol Notary OPTIONAL Ihough thls sectlo n is optional, completing this inlormation can deter altention ol the document or fraudulent reaftachment of this lorm to an unintended document. Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name n Corporate Officer - Title(s):tl Corporate Ofricer - Title(s): [.] Partner - ! Limited f] General E Partner - ! Limited fl General D lndividual [J Attorney in Fact [] Trustee fl Guardian or Conservator lnd ividual D Attorney in Fact fl Guardian or Conservator who proved lo me on the basts of satisfactorv evidence to be the personJ$ whose namegJ@ari subscribed to the within instiument and ackn5wle-dged !e me that (nls**lrcV executed the same in @he#th.ir authorized capacityG5 , and that by @lherAhff signaturefr') on t6e instrument theperson(d), or the enti(y upon behatf of which theperson(F, acted, executed the instrument. 1n ee n Othe.I Other: Signer ls Representing:Signer ls Represenling O 20'13 National Notary Association . www.NationalNotary.org . 1-800-US NOTARY (1 -800-876-6827) lt 07 ,]..4. \ .l '.. .. ((Document Oate:tu /rg /!,"tlt Number of Pages: ,) signer!, otne, irran ruameo euove: Signer's Name: Description ot Attached Document Trtle or Type ot oocument:( - Ll- Power of Attorney slrar! rrl ll&.r. v|. ''6ldd Kooe .1, lD.o by 1t... ,tr..!!: IrE WESTCEE8TEn nlE lltlaun^,lcE COMPANY,. cdrrr..non of lhc Co?n,tlon*t6lth of P.nnnlrlln|. pl,lu.fl !o th.followinS R..olurDtt adorrd by lh. losd of Drl!c|o6 of Ur rd Cdirrt) ot! Olcfibcr t t, :Oo. o w{ tll (r, _TEIIoLVBD- tr tlt tlLsa..tu !-td,rltrr,-,-,lb.iacut rddr C&r-r. dtoa, 6drtqr\ Elir6 ffir rn dn, d|ri mrtur o,$. Ctryrdrra 'ib $.diE, E[dt{- t..1 . _Vffi C{6r1 C.dt.far at J14 tlr rtri&r rn d. vr- i-ibr.ri. ClErr. hr.rt.6d Dca{ r, r}dr aoi!i-. (r.a 6 !adt.{|,t. c6Fr di.r .h. qt.t ri. ( orD.rr d a.d.lrl,.rForil aa.r+rld.a* &.F ! rnat *idr r-- r, rvnr. co dtt.qt6rtltct..Csr.r.!.rl,nl.rd.aG.Cct[t{ortr,$..ba.sdnl.r.,iar{ u.uh-i..att !d otFElry,.B &.ra,u rr- aF rr.-.a.tr+h BdoltCirr-!artLrhrdbvE'l-rl-C5.Ca-.'nr.at-.,ul,a.ra-Bdl.at.C-Fr.*.rrqqa.tr.6ar..cr.F..r-.larco.F rGfll F-.a.-tt5.-.t .acta{..ll.br-r..- a. - C..c-E r-.-..ta ar.; Can;ECit c6ri. d, r.lGii ! id, 6ErFhd, r da-ll-rqr.tr-tt rrt rlr'-C-r-- t rd..-C-r dl r.a, rynrlcr.ir;' b.r6.Ct -.-hrhraVert-i5Ca.C.ur.lla, &, braa!ad.r&C!.t.r, bfft-6,.t.yoL.oaldo,i.C..riFi,rtt -n.v.c&.' hr.aci !.dt.(tcdFr. 'r- - cql-rcr.i.... rd rv,n c.-rr- c..;, r r lronr -.d it- or;t-r.id riEti-d i! t rta-irr!..t .altr-C-radha-L--da.Et!r*unDC.-r-- D..ai!rr.d.toal-rftFaGqarvlloO-...r.ty--r.r|r.aac-ra.t-lE..n.i.-1.,..Cd!..r.r.,n.ftr.abAtuho.d'WnE C!-rErrstDf..r{a- FU*IHar lIlOi"VBD, i'I u. ftti.r,| t .ldotllFrt d-id r L - -lwfrrrora. Fs -l..ri.,'t., dn..r rrLr- fil o{b Fm b n lqrdo badtoldrC.d9.V,.ia rd! l-lfio |n.[ 'ra nrddodrr!.dt q.-rrrct.ry ra Ff, r.ub-, drw da, tLa- c ina rnc &i ls'r{ul iuotrEy-rn-frt ro rnrlc, .x!crit!. raal ard dalw., gl lE bdlrlf. rd .. nt Et .rd d6d rry rnd all boidr, undrrlltng. caogrz.rclr. conulctr rndorlE $,n!i8. rn tlE n ll,l dErtof in pc'.loB ma cr.Godrit T.n nallirr (blbn I sro c.oB (t lo.mo.Ooo oO) lnd lh. .rccrnron of-nah ;tmgr In p('lusft. otdE.c F G&nls sh.ll b. tr brdin3 llDorr rri, Comp.iy..t fldly ari.mply.. 'flrE, hrd b.G. duly 6r.cuEd cd lctrEwlcdgcd b, rh! rcBulorly ciictod oflicen ofttrComFny d lprrrripol oficc, IN WITNESS WHERIOF.lhc txd Stlp|tn M Hs!y, vc.Prlq&nf h.r lE ttlnto autE rH h,! nrm. lrd tfir.d dE CorDor.tc !.6t ol lh. rsrd wf;s_TcttfsT!:RFIItE INSURANCE COMpAt{y ltrlt 28 d.y ofM.rch 20t! WESTCHESTSR fl R8 INSUR NCS COMP,TNI' $ffi l, rhc und.6€ncd Atssunl &ctltty of 0E TVESTCHZSTER nnE INSURANCE COMPAN\, do hcr.by ccdrry lhd ltr oflIrml PO\YER OF ATTORNEY. of whrch lh. fo..gorn8 rt s luhrunlidly l,lr! ard q)ncat copy. u m hrl folt .rd .firci ln wrhc$ whcrcof. I ilavc lErlunlo $br.arb.d my ndnc ar Alalll,x Srclct!ry, .nd oflhdt thc corDohr. 3..1 of thc Corporunor. th'r l l dry ot N trn f-r'abt, t ,].IIIS POWER OT A1TORNEY MAY NOI BE USED 1O IXLCUII ANY BOND WINI Alr INCTTTION DA'TIJ AT I'L'R M.rCh 2t. 20I5 zo (\ I ! rflE BAcx of rHls DocuitEt, Lrsrs vaaloug Eecuerv rtlrunrs I Txai w|L! p8orEcr acatl{sr copy cour{TERFETT aNg alTEnano . ! -Af," m /+.-^.'.- WESTCIIESTER FIRE INSURANCf COMPANY COMMONWEAL'I1I OF PENNSYLVAT.JIA('OUNTY Or PHILADELPHIA rs On lh',2t dly of Mscr! AD 20ll bcfd! Inc, . Xdt y Publr ofdE Comlllonwl'ith of Pcrwylvsh,. ln rrd for lh. County of Ph rt.dclphlr carn. SEph.nM l lall.t ,vic!-Pt!$d.nt ofu. wEsTClIuSTEn flrc II{TURANCE COMPANI' to mG pcrroirll, trlwn !o b.lrE rndrvrdusl lnd ofiiclr llho.r.cuEd rhc $! raid aoryorar. !a!lard hi .i8n l.u$ \[tlt duly.ffuad by 0x rxhdit uld d'llqrcn of th. l.ld corDorrtio4 ond thal RGrotuDn. ndoprad by rhe tlord oiDrimor"o[rsd Comp$y, rrf.ftd lo rn tha pEc.drn8 inrEl,lrnr, lt now ln forra lN rI;STIMONY WltEREOf. I h.vc h.rcunto lcl my hrrd rri .mrd fiy oilcrd !.d rt th. Crry of Phrhd.lphr rh. .lry ord ycar firll akrc $ir .n