Lennar Homes of California, Inc. Bond Release Letter 72BSBHZ6899 (2)SURETY BIDEH To be attached to and form a parl of Bond No. 72BSBHZ6899 Chelsea al Heritage Lake Phase lV dat€d 11t1t2018 effeclive (i,ONTH.DAY.YEAF) executsd by Lennar Homes of Califomia, lnc. (PRINCIPAL) and by Hartford Fire lnsurance Company , as Principal, , as Surety, in lavor of City of Menifee (oBLtGEE) in consideration of lhe mutual agreemenls herein contained lhe Principal and lhe Surety hereby consent lo changing The Bord Amount lo: Thiny-eighl Thousand Fave Hundred Fifty And No/100 ($38,550.00) Nothlng herein contained shall vary, alte. or exlend any provision or condition of this bond excepl as herein epressly stated. This rider is elfeclive 510212019 ([,toNTH.OAY-YEAR) Signed and Sealed 5t14t2019 (i,toNTH-oAY YEAB) Lennar Homes of California, lnc., a California corporalion (PRtNC|PAL)av: .-/-%'-z- (PRTNCTPAL) Harllord Fire lnsurance Company By: My HUa -in-Fact s 0443/GEEF 1 0/99 State of Cat rn ta Co On before me,D Gpersonally appeared Nome ond Ti e the Oflicer ctvrL cooE S J189 u of ) IU q b LO,0 lnseft Nome(s) of Signe4s) acy, A nota ub c orry othe ofiipce c0m neti thispl ceI VErtiricaterifles erh donly ofthe ndentityividua sio theto docuchgned meuisrhecrtificatesadnnotthecuracvaloroldocumdityet.n who proved to me on the basto the within instrument and aauthorized capacity(ir,gt upon behalf of which the and t pers cer - Title(s): imited D General tr Attorney in Fact tr Guardian of Conservator Signer's Name rporate Officer _ Tifle(s); rtner - tr Limited g Generalo lndividuat El Trustee tr Other: is/subscribed hirrl or the enrity oture of Notory pubtic Number of Paoes: C] Attorney in Fact Et Guardian of Conservator JODIE ATHA Notary Publia - Califomla Hivprside County Commiss on S 2230896 MyComm. Expires Feb 11,2022 I certiry under PENALT OF PERJURY under thelaws of the State of California that the foregoingparagraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and officiat seat. Ploce Nototy Seal ond/or Stomp Above Signature OPT'ONAL Completing this info,rmotion con deter olterotion of the document orfroudulent reottochment of this t r; lr';;;;;;;"nded document.Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Signe(s) Other Than Named Above: CapaciMiesl Claimed by SignEr(s) Signer's Name: tr Corporate Offi E1 Partner - tr L trCo oPau tndlvtdual El Trustee El Other: Signer is Representing Signer is Representing CALIFORNIA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGXTENT attached,truthfulness,that (e2017 National Notary Assoclation L:: CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy or validity of that document. State of California County of Orano On ilAY 1 1, 2019 before me,Kathv R. Mair, Notarv Public DATE iName ot Notary Public and T le'Notary Public-l personally appeared M IName(s)ol Srgne(s)l who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/a+e subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(es), and that by his/her/thei+ signature($ on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. d TI z (ATHY R, MAIB Notary Public - Catilornia 0range County Commissrofl # 2193966 zz Comm Ex pire s May 22,2021 ry Public Place Notary Seal Above OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date:Number of Pages Signe(s) Other Than Named Above Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name Mv Hua ! Corporate Otficer - Title(s)! Corporate Officer - Title(s)E Partner- E Limiteo !Generat! tndlvidual X Attorney-in-Fact Partner - lnd iv id ua I Trustee Otherl Limited E General E Attorney-in-Fact E Guardian or ConservatorTrustee Other: D Guardian or Conservator Signer is Representing: ) ) WITNESS my hand and official seal. Ma-u\ Signeas Name. Signer ls Representing: POWER OF ATTORNEY Direct lnquiieslolaims to: THE HARTFORD BOND, T"I2 One Hartford Plaza Hartford, Connecticut 06155 Bond.Claims@thehartford.com call: 888-266-34€8 or faxr 860-757-5835 Agency Name: MARSH USA INCKNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS THAT:Agency Code: 72-18 428',7 x Hattford Fire lnsurance company, a corporation duly organized under the la*s ofrhe stare ofconnecticut Hartford casualty lnsurance company, a corporation duly organized under the laws ofthe stare of lndiana Hartford Accident and lndemnity Company, a corporation dulv organized under the laws ofthe State ofConnecticut Hartford Underwritgrs lnsuranca Company, a corporation duly organized under lhe laws ofthe State ofConnecticul Twin city Fire lnsurance company, a corporation duly organrzed under the raws ofthe state ofrndiana Haftford lnsuranco Company of lllinois, a corporalion dul] organized undcr the laNs oflhe State oflllanois Hartford lnsurance Company of thg Midwest, a corporarion duly organized under the laws ofthe State of lndiana Hartlo,d lnsurance Company of the Southeast, a corporation duly organued under the laws oflhe State of Florida X x I having their home office in Hartford, C up to the amount of Unllmrted onnecticut, (hereinafter collectively refe rred to as the "Companies") do hereby make, constitute and appoint, My Hua, MecheLle l,arkin, Kathy R. Mair of IRVINE, California their true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact each in their separate capacaty if more than one is named above, to sign its name as surety(res) only asdelineated above by fi, and to execute, seal and acknowledge iny ind att bonds, undertakings, contracts arid other written inslruments jo thenature thereof, on behalf of the companies in their business of guarinteeing the fidelity of perso;, guaranteeing the performance of conkacts andexecuting or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or p;rmitted in iny actioni or proceedinls allowed b"y tawl ln witness whe.eof and as authorized by a Resolution of the Boa.d of Directors of the companies on l\ray 6, 2015 the companies havecaused these presents to be signed by its Senior Vice Presidenl and its corporate seals to be hereto affixed,;uly attesled by its AssistantSecretary' Further, pursuant to Resolution of the Board of Directors of the companies, the companies hereby unambiguousty affirm thal they areand will be bound by any mechanicalty applied signatures apptied to this power ofAttorney. @@@ffi@ffi rtN John Gray, Assistanl secrelary lvl. Ross Fisher, Senior Vice President t1 ', /l': .l, . r- No6 M Strsr*o Nohry Public My Comissiod Expircs M&h I l.2018 the above and foregoing is a lrue and correct l.lAY l( 20ls CERIIFICATE - l, the undersigned, fusistant Vice president of the Companies, DO HEREBY CERTIFY thatcopy of the Power ofAltorney executed by said companies, which is stiti in fullforce effective as ofSigned and sealed at the City of Hartford. tt7a 191, !e?r tD70 lrtt@@@ffi@ Kevin Heckman, Assistant Vice President I I STATE OF CONNECTICUT \ 1 ... Hartford COU TY OF HARIFORD , , On this 11th day of January, 2016, before me personally came M. Ross Fisher, to me known, who being by me duty sworn, did deposeand say' that he resides in the county of Hartford, state of conn;cticutt that he is the senior Vice presioent of tie'Companies, the corporationsdescribed in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seals of the said corporations; ttrat-tne seats affixed to the saidinstrument are such corporate seals; that they were so affixed by authority of the Boaros or oirector! oi;;iJ;;;;;;i.". and that he signed hisname thereto by like authority. /;w--