Watt Communities at Mosaic, LLC Material and Labor Bond K08908825MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND CITY OF I\4ENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Govcrnment Code Section 66499.1) FOR: Streets and Drainage $395.250.00 TracUParcel Map Water System $27,500.00SewerSystem $ eo..ls Bond No. Premiu m K0890 25 $ lncl. with Perlormance SuIety Westchester Fire lnsurance company Principal: Watt Communities at Mosaic, LLC Address 70'l Pike Skeet, Suite #'1625 Address: 2716 Ocean Park Blvd , Suite 2025 Cily/State Seattle, WA City/State:Santa Monica.zip--98101 zip:90405 Phone 206-276-5144 Phoner (310) 314-2460 WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, State of California, and Watt Communites at Mosalc. LLC (hereinafter designated as 'principal'') hava entered into, or are about to enter into, the attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to inslall and complete the above designated public improvements relating to Miscellaneous Case 4061 (for Tracts 28206,.1.-2,-3 , which agreement(s) is/are hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and, WHEREAS, under the terrns of said agreement, principal is required, before entering upon the performance of the work, to file a good and sutficient payment bond wlth the City of Menifee to secure the claims to which refeience is made in lltle 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code of the State of California; Twenty Two Thous and Seven Hundred Fiftv and no/100--Dollars materials furnished or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Act with respect to such work or labor, that said surety will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabove sel forth, and also in case suil is brought upon thls bond, will pay, in addltion to the face arnount thereof, costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable aitorney's {ees, incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, to be awarded and flxed by the cout1, and to be taxed as costs and to be included in the judgment therein rendered. It is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed upon that this bond shall inure to the beneflt of any and all persons, compan es and corporations entitles to full claims underTitle 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of acllon to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. Should the condition of this bond be fully performed, then this obligation shall become null and void, otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. NOW, THEREFORE, said principal and the undersigned, as corporate surety, are held firmly unto th€ City of Menifee and all contractors, subcontractors, laborers, material percons and other persons employed in the performance of said Civil Code in the sum ol Four Hundred $_422,750.00 . for The surety hereby stipulates and agroes that no change, exlension of lime, alteration or addition to the terms of this agreement or to the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywiso affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code are not a condition precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are heraby waived by surely. MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND EREOF, this inshument has been duly executed by the principal and surety August 20 2013 IN WITNESS WH above named, on NAME OF PRINCIPAL: Watt communities al Mosai c, LLC AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S) By Name Fra^ l( Title: vi€. Prcs i&*| (lF coRPoRATtON, AFFIX SEAL) Westchester Fire lnsurance Compan vNAME OF SURETY: AUTHORIZED SIGNATUREi Attorney-ln-Fact Title Natalie K. Trofimoff (rF coRPoRAT|ON, AFFTX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEOGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY.IN.FACT. CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKIIIOWLEDGMENT crvrL coDE s ii89 State of California County of Las porsonally appeared _ on rf ,oL,rt ^ before me, /?t u R )€ //l{Qut r)or,tBhlor NsmD lnd rrtre d the Crrh6i I AL/ /'tl r'1 \FpaDr- Comm kes Jul 24. ?015 Fho. Noldry Sorl Abovs tr Corporate Ofilcer - Tille(s) ! lndividual E Parlnsr - 0 Limitod nceneral t:i Altorney ln Fact O Trustee E Guardian or Consarvator n Oth6r: Signer ls Represenling: _ who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to bs the person(q whose name{t) isiaE subscribod to tho y/ithin instrument and acknowlsdgedto me lhat hoiSelthBy executed the same in lF4f4lqir authorized capaciry(i6s), and thar byhis/tp"r/thgir signaluroF) on tha instrument theperson(g), or the entity upon behaff ol which the,person(€) acted, executod the instrument. I csrtify under PENALTY OF PEBJUBY under thelaws of the State ol Catifc'rnia that lhe torogoingparagraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and otficial seal. Signature ._?'7 MUAIET M PAOUIiI Comml.rton # 1915307 Notary Publlc ' Ctlllarnil Los Ang!1.! Counly z -4_ OPTIONAL Though rho inroliaron berow is hor rB _quired by-raw,_ ir fiay pove laruabte ro potsons erying on tho documen!and caud p@vent kaud)lent rcnoval and 'r,an;ihtuent ol thts lorn to ar!j/tho; doaJment. Descrlplion of Attached Document Title or Type ol Documenl: _ Documant Dale slgnrtuE or tlrl,{ry Publc Numb€r ol pag6s: Signe(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Clalmed by Signer(s) Signe/s Name: Slgnefs NamE D Corporate Officsr - Title(s): _-=-_ C lndividuel : Partner - flLimited DG€neral E Attorn€y in Fact D Trusls€ [] Guardian or Conservalol [f Othe.: Slgner ls Flepresenting: -- RG1tl fiUMSPStOESIGNEBIEEdFq816lllffisi o 2c10 NalionarNor.'y Allocirllon . Nariooaliliotary 5'9, i-eoo.us NotAFY {r.8oo s/6-6827) CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of Califor nra County of Los Anoeles on AU6 g 0 AgB before me,B. Wono. Nota rv Public Natalie K. Tro{imo ff who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence lo be the person whose name is subscribed to lhe within instrument and acknowhdged to me that she executed lho same inher authorized capacity, and that by her signature on the instrument the person, or the entityupon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I cortify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under lhe laws of the State of California that the foregoingparagraph is true and correct. WITNES y hand and official seal 0. woNG Com llrloo # 101024i llottiy Plblk ' odllomli Loi Anoahi Counry Co mm. Ex 0cl 2014 NO_|ARY Notary Public Seal PTIONAL - Though Ihe datg below 15 notrequlred by law, lt may provo valuable lo peGons relying on the documsnl and could prev66l kaudulonl reafachm6nt otthis form DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT: TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT: CAPACITY(IES) CLAIMED BY SIGNER(S) Signer's Name:Signer's Name_ INDIV DUAL NDIVIDUAT CORPORATE OFFICER CORPORATE OFFICER Title(s T(le(s PARTNER(S)LII,1 IED GE NERAL n prnrNearsrfl LI['ITEO GE N ERAL E ATTORNEY-IN.FACT TRUSTEE(S) ATTORNEY-IN.FACT TRUSTEE(S) GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR OTHEH:n GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR OTHER: Signer is rep196gnling: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR SNTITY(ES) Slgner is r€presontlnq: NAME OF PERSON(S)OR Er1rv, (lEs) person al y appeared, NUMBER OF PAGES: - DOCUMENT DATE: ! n \\'t.S l( llES ll..l{ Iill{fi INSLI{A\('t.t ( ( rM I)r\N\ (;oln),\a:rrbnrrai.i;i,i AUG g 0 2tlt3 : l:. ' _ Bq USED.TI.q,I.:XECUIE ANY tsoND.TU.ITH AN.IN6H,-IlON DATE:,A I THE BACK oF rrtts oocuMENT Ltsrs vAnlous sEcuFlry FEATUFES I THAi u/ll! pBorEcr aGArNsr copy cn NT Power oJ Atlontey ,^'r\ 1t) tlcdq r.,5J o. lrbr,a o t3) irmpll r: 14 coMMoNvEALTH bF pENNsyLvANrA M. Hon€y,\ .rirr harrd anii nniicd nrytilficirl!c!l at tho Crry ..{i.