Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Material and Labor Bond 31822-22 TM5207429tlq:TE, t/ =l{., MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.1) FOR. Streets / Drainage $1.07 0.500 00 Parcel Map 31822-2 Water System $ 206.000.00 Rec. Water System $8,000 00 Sewer System $ 184.250.00Total $ 00 Surety The Guarantee Company of North America USA Address One Town Square, Suite 1470 Phone - Bond No. TM52 07429 Premium $ 8.372.00 Principal Address S er Mitland 0 1. LLC 3200 Park Center Dr.. Suite 1000 City/State C Mesa. CA zip 92626Phone (714) 20G1533 City/State Southfield. Ml zip code 48076 WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, State of California, and Su!!elu!!!and-91' LLq,.(hereinafter designated as "printipal") have entered into, or are about to enter into, the attached agre-ement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complete the above designated public iriprovemenis relating to fn StglZ-Z , which agreement(s) is/are hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and, WHEREAS, under the terms of said agreement, principal is required, before entering upon the performance of the work, to file a good and sufficient payment bond with the-City of ltlenifee to secure the claims to which referenie is made in Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code of the State of California; It is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed upon that this bond shall inure to the benefit of any and all peisons, companies and corpoiations entitles to full claims under Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) oi Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. Should the condition of this bond be fully performed, then this obligation shall become null and void; othenarise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect' s.,ti, l: Other Proj. Ref. MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of this agreement or to the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code are not a condition precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named, on December 'lls, 2017 NAME OF PRINCIPAL: Sutter Mitland 01 LLC AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S): By Name: Dave rtlett Title: Mce President (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY: The Guarantee Company of North America USA AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Katie son,-in-Fact Title (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGiIENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY.IN. FACT. 9i 8i l5 n notary public or other oflicer completing this certificate verified only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document- STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS COTINTY OF on Deco,rnbor- \t 2017, befbre me.6x\ Y _, Notary Public, personally appeared _, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose namee is/ere subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/shoathcy/executed the same in his/herlthsir authorized capacity(ies) and that by his/herlthek signature(s) on the instrument the person@, or the entity upon behalf of which the person$acted. executed the instrument. I certi! under PENALry OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal ) ) oul MEAGAN KNECHTcont.*2117799 NoIfy Publilcdlh.n! ORAXGE COTJXTY mL Notary Cdrm..,u E 2J19 GUARANTEE'The Guarantee Company of North America USA Southfield, Michigan POWER OF ATTORNEY lN WITNESS WHEREOF. THE GUARANTEE CO PANY OF NORTH A!{ERICA USA has caused this instrument to be signed andits corporate sealto be afixed by its authorized oficer, thas 2d day of October, 20j5. THE GUARANTEE COIIIPANY OF NORTH AI'ERICA USA fu^U-1,1- STATE OF MICHIGAT{ Counly of Oakland Stephen C. Ruschak, Prosident & Chlst Oporating Offlcor Randalt Mus3elman, Soc.etary On this 2nd day of October. 20'15 befors me came the Individuals who erecuted the precedang insrument, to me personally knoffr, and being by me dulyslvgm, said that each is the herein descaibed and authorized oflicer of The Guarantee Company of North Americ€ USA; that the seal amxCO to saiiinstrument is the Co.porate Seal of said Company: that the Corporate Seal and each signature were duty affixed by order of the Board ol Directors ofsaid lN wlTNESS WHEREOF, I have hercunto set my hand at The Guaranlee Company ot North America USA otlices the day and year above written. q ^-a,al o 7-a.Aa.- l, Randall Mt sselman, Secretary of THE GUARANTEE COIIPANY OF NORTII AIIERICA USA, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attom6y executed by THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AITERICA USA. which is sdl in tult force and eflect. lN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have thereunto set my hand and atached the seal of sald Company urE I I th day of Decernber,20l7 IHT NOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That THE GUARAiaTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AITIER|CA USA a co.poratjon organized and exjsting under lhelaws ot th€ state of Michigan. having ib princjpal offic€ ln southfetd, Michigan, doos hereby constitute arll appoinl oebra watterson' Joseph A. Sprys. Edward G. woods. Kathleen Runeslad, Lora O'Brien, Sara Schrauben, Jeffrey Jubera, Kalje coalson,Edrr/ard Oovries, Cor€y Carmichael The Guarantee Company of North America USA its true and lawfulattomey(sli+tact to execute. seal and deliverfor and on its behaltas surety, any ard a bonds and undertakings, contracts ofinde.nnityand other writjngs obligatory in the hature thereof, wt ch are or may be allou/ed. required or pe;ifled by ta*, ;t"t G, .i;, .eg;a0on, cootract or otherwise. The e.xecution of such inslrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, shallbe as binding upon THE GuARANTEE colupANy oF NoRTH AMERICAUSAas-fully and amply. to all intonts and purposes, as if the same had been duly executea and acknowtedged by its r€gutarly elected officers al tho princjpaloffice. The Pou€r of Attomey ls exeqrted and may-be_co.tified so, and may be revoked, pu.suant to and by authority ot Arlicle lx, soction 9.03 of th€ By-Lawsadoptod bv the Board of okectors ot THE Guanenree compmi or roarx imeatc.l usl ai a meering heb on trri it. oay or oecemuer. zooa.The President, or any Mc€ President, acting with any Seqetary orAsslstant Secretary, shall have gnwer and a-uthority: 'l To appoint Ahomey(s)-in-fact and to autDriz€ them lo execul€ on behalf of the company, and attach the Seat of the Company therelo. bonds andunde.takings, contracls of indemrrty and ofier witjngs obligatory ln the nature thereot and2. To revoke, at any lims, any such Attomey-]n-fac1 and revoke theauho.ity giveo. except as proMd€d b€low3. ln connection with obligations in hvor ot the Florida Dopartment of Tran;p;nabn onty. it is ag.eed lhat th€ pows. and authority hereby given to theAtlorneyln-Fact lncludes anyand allcohsents for th8 release of retained pbrcentages ind/or firiat estimates on engineering and constructbn contractsrequlred by the Stale of Florida Departnent oI Transportation. lt is fully underslood lhat consentng to the Stateof f'torioa oipartnent of TransportalionmakirE payment of tho firlal €stimato lo the.Conlraclor ancuor its assagnee, shall not relaeve this sr-irety cornpany of any of its obligalio.s underits bond.4. ln connection with obligations in favor of lhe Kentucky Department bf High'.€ys only, it is agrsed -rlal 0ie po,,r,er ind authori'ty hereby given to theAttomey-in-Fact cannot bo modifi€d or revoked uni6s prior written persooat notice oi suctr tnient has been given to the Commiisioner - bepartmentof Highaays of the CommonlEalth of Kentucky at l€asl thirty (30) days prior to the modilication or rorocatjoi. Funher, this Pol.l€r of Attomey is signed and seal€d by facsimile pursuant to resoluljon of the Board of Direclors of the Company adopted al a me€tingduly call€d and held on the 6th day of D€cember 2011. of wiich the fofiowing is a true excerpt: RESOLVEO thal the signature olany authorized otlicar and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Pou€r of Aflomey or certilicatjonthereof authorizing lhe execulion and delivery of any bond. undertaking, contracts of in;emnity and ;ther,/vritjngs ob'ligatory in the nature the.eoI, andsuch sionature and seal when so used shall have the same force and €ffect as though manualli amxed. Cynlhia A. Takai Nolary Public, Stale ol Michigan County of Oakland tW Codmisslon Exph.. F.bruory 27, 2018 Acllng ln Odklond County Randall Musselman, S6crotary tu tu ACKNOWLEDGMENT A nolary public or other officeI completing this certiflcale veriies only the identity of lhe individual who signed the docun€nt to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, alccuracy, or valid of that document State of County of Michigan On 12t11t2017 before rne,Lora O'Brien personally apPeared (insert narne and title of the ofhcer) Katie Coalson who proved to rne on the basis of satisfactory eviJence to be lhe person(s) whose narne(s) iyare subscribed to the within instrurnent and acknowledged to rne lhat he/she/they executed the same in his/heritheh authorized capacity(ies), and thal by his/hernheir signaturqs) on the instrument the person(s), or lhe entity upon behall o{ which the person(s) acted' executed the instturnent' I certiry under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the taws ot the state ol califomia that the foregoing paragraph is true and conecl. V/ITNESS my hand and official seal.LoI! O B.bn Notrry PLtb, $na ol Hchlgrn Corntty ol Od&nd My Commlssbn E$rirB ,9.11 21 ' 2924 acting in Oaklsnd Countv Signature (Seal)ra r.en THE GAARANTEE COMPAI,IY OF NORTH AMERICA USA Homc Olfrce, Sodhfwl4 Michigan STATUTORY BA LANC E S HEET Deccmb* 31, 2016 ASSETS Cash and Short-Term lnvestmeBts Marketablc Securities Premium and Agents Balanc€s (under 90 days) Reinsuraace Receivable on paid losses Accrued lnterest and Dividends Other Asses Total Admitted Assets LI-ABTLITIES Reserve for Losses and toss Adjusrment Expenses Uneamed Prcmium Reserve Accrued Expenses Ceded Reinsurance Premiums Payalle Taxes, Licenses and Fees Payable Federal Income Tax Payable Net Defened Tax Liability Funds Held Other Liabilities Total Liabilities CAPITAL AND SURPLUS Common Stock and Paid-In Capital Surplus Total Policyholders' Surplus s 8,79s,674 16,s65,684 2,658,t27 3,2E0,155 17 s,3't3 s12,56s t,746,522 3,409,090 55 8r6 $ 37.279.006 Iirtal Liabilities, Capital ard Surplus $217,831, r 40 Statc of MichiSan County of Oali,and Stcphcn C. Ruschak bcinS duly swom, saysi Thar hc is lhc Prcsidcnl & COO of Thc Guarantee Company of Nonh Amdica USA: that said company is a corporalion duly or8ani2a4 cldsrin& aDd cngagcd in busincss as a surcty by virtuc ofthc laws oithc Starc of Michigarl snd has duly complicd with all tha rcquircmcnts ofthc laws ofsaid state applicablc to said company and is duly qualificd !o 6ct as surety undc{ s,uch laws; that said company has also comPlied with and is duly qualified to acl as surcty undcr thc Act ofcongrcss ofruly 30, t947, Ls amcndcd (6 U.S.C. 6-ll); that thc forcgoing is a firL Euc and conccl slalcmcnt ofthc fiia.cist candition ofsaid company on lhc 3l r day of Dcc.mbcr 20 I 6. ,Hr4-, C. €fi.-,- WthATdrJ Notry ft,blic, S-Ho ol MId{qEr C.lnty ol O6thttd irty Conrmbdon ExplE WlJ,,ry n ,fr14 AcrrE h o.r&rd Cosnty N"&Srcphcn C. Ruschalq Prcsidcnl & COO Swom to bcforc mc this lrd day of Marcb 2017. $ 56,296,670 t52;124,094 3,793,752 3,671,820 I,125,293 220-5tlII{"J" $ r44,020,970 36.533.t64 $180.554.r34