Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Material and Labor Bond PM36485-9 TM5207444MATERIAL AND LABOR BONO CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.1) FOR: Streets / Drainage $467 500.00 Parcel Map 36485-91 Water System $ 302,500.00 Other Proj. Ref Rec. Water $ Sewer System $ 4.000.00 311,750.00 Bond No. 1M52O7 444 Premium $11 .889.00 Total $ 2,085,750.00 Surety The Guarantee Companv of North America USA Address One Town Square, Suite 1470 Sutter Mitland 01, LLC 3200 Park Center Dr.. Suite 1000 Principal Address City/State Southfield. Ml City/State Costa Mesa, CA 48076 zip 92626Zip code Phone (248\ 281-0281 Phone (714) 200-1533 WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, Stale of California, and Sutter Mitland 01 LLC (hereinafter designated as "principal') have entered into, or are about to enter into, the attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complete the above designated public improvements relating to TR 36485-9 , which agreement(s) is/are hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and, WHEREAS, under the terms of said agreement, prancipal is required, before entering upon the performance of the work, to file a good and sufficaent payment bond with the City of Menifee to secure the claims to which reference is made in Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code of lhe State of California; It is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed upon that this bond shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies and corporations entitles to full claims under Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. 9/8/15 NOW THEREFORE, said principal and The Guarantee Companv of North America USA, the undersigned, as corporate surely, are held firmly unto the City of Menifee and all contractors, subcontractors, laborers, material persons and other persons employed in the performance of said Civil Code in the sum of Two Million Eiohtv-Five Thousand Seven Hundred Fiftv --------00/100Dollars, $ 2.085.750.00 for materials furnished or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment lnsurance Act with respect to such work or labor, that said surety will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabove set forth, and also in case suit is brought upon this bond, will pay, in addition to the face amount thereof, costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, to be awarded and fixed by the courl, and to be taxed as cosls and to be included in the judgment therein rendered. Should the condition of this bond be fully performed, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. i,ATERIAL AN D LABOR BOND The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, e)dension of time, alteratton or addition to theterms of this agreement or to the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise "rea it"obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice oiany such change, exteniion of time, 1l9l1liol or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees thai the provisiins of Section zaas orm"Civil.Code are not a condition precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby wiived bysurety. lN wlrNEss WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety abovenamed, on February 2tn, 2O1A. NAME OF PRINCIPAL Sutter Mitl d 01 LLC AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S): C,1 Name: David E. Bartlett lltle: Mce President (tF coRPoRAT|ON, AFFTX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY: The Guarantee Companv of North America USA AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Attorney-i TiIIE Richard Lo land, Attorney-ln-Facl. (rF coRPoRATtON, AFFTX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY-IN. FACT. 9i8i l5 By: A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verified only the identity of the individual who siped the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfi.rlness, accuracy, or validity of that document. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COLINTY OF OflC/{\AL- ) ) ) ss. J On lV\a,tcvt \1 2018, before me, - Notary Public, personally appeared -Dr.Y16q 5. , '*'ho proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(elwhose name(s) isA*e subscribed to the wilhin instrumenl and acknowledged to me that he/sho'*erlexecuted the same in hiVhe;ltlreir authorized capacit(ee) and that by his/hcrltheirsignature@ on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(e)-acted, executed the instument. I certi,! under PENALTY OF PERJI.IRY under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. 6lll MEAGAN XNECHIcott. t2117799l€ryhJecafo. OAA'TGC COUT'TY lna CGr T.l€20ll N GUARANTEE'The Guarantee Company of North America USA Southfield, Michigan POWER OF ATTORNEY Nol'Y ALL 6Y THE3E PRESENTS: That THE GUARAI{TEE COIIPANY OF NORTH A ERICA t 3A a corporatton organized and existing u6er lhelaws of the state of Michigan, havtng its principat oflic€ tn southf€td, Michtgan, does hereby consdtuto and appolnt - lrem LcBlanc Thcr6e }l6db€r9, Dhar{mao-Ellas, Rlched Longland, P.ul l-lotllrEtrorlh. Yvss Bo{lsrd, B.flol ph6nix, Nathsllc sanscsrtiar.cl€rvl BoslPopG, oga Lnkino. oan FleEhcr, Mlch.l Bouatt6, Flsnsrl3 Fo-r!6t stcvr RG.s; N.bon dc Cjdntar, iamera urrrin. scan - attn, oam xamrnom,chersea Fish. GI€s FoGydrs. KoGy P.dr. Msry!6 B€rtrsild. xjxLxt"Ti;?i1f JHffi;1H.: xcr,.r". neia u"rr,.yc. ir,o,*" u"rco. u.,i" s,",", its true and lawful atomgy(slin-tact to exsqlt€, soal ald deliv€r fo. ard oo its bohalf as sroty, any and all bords and und€rtakings, contracb of indemoityand other witings obllgatory in the nature therool wt ch a.6 or may be allov/ed. required or p;nitii by taw, statute, ruie, regutiton, contract or othe,wlse. The e-xecution of suctt inst^men(s) ln plrsuanca ol th6se p.eseib, shall be as bindirE uporl THE GUARANTEE CO pANy oF NORTH AI|ER|CA usAas tully and arnply, to all inteflts and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and aclnowledg€d by its rcgularty et6c{ed olficers at the principaloffce- TIIT Tho Po'.!€r of Atlomey ls executed and may b€ c€rtfi€d so. and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of Ardcle lX, Sectjon 9.03 ol ths By-La,i,rsadopted bv the Boa.d of oiroctors of THE GUARANTEE cotrPAllY oF NoRrH i\f,ERtcA uSt ai a meetirig heta o" tt d gioii or o"ie.ruil zorii.The P.6ldent, or any Mce Pr€sident, acting ttilh any S@rebry or Assistant Sec.elary. shall have porer aM a-uttority: 1. To appoint Anotney(s)in-fact, and to autflorize fi€rn to exec{rte on behalf of fie Conpany. and attach ho Seat of the company thereto, bonds ardundedatlngE. coou"acts of indqnnity and othor wdtings obtigatory in lie nature thereol and2. To revoko, at any tm€. any such Attomoy-irFfact and rsvoke the autprity glv€n, gxc€pt as provid€d bdow3. ln connection with obligations in favor of the Florida De93rthefit o, Traniportation oniy. it 6 ageed tEl fl€ po, €r and authority he.eby given to Lh€Attorn€y-itFFacl irdud€s any and all consenls for he releas€ ot retalned percentaq€s and/or fi;l estimates o; eoglneedng and construdlon cont achrequi.ed by tle Stat€ of Florida Departn€nt of Transportadon. lt is fufly understood tlat consg|trE to he State ot iioada o]epartment of TransportalionmakirE paym€flt of the final gsdmate to the Cont-actor ard/or its asslgnoo, shall not rellovg this surety company of any of its obligations underlts bond.4 ln conneclion with obllgations ln favor of th€ Kentucky Dopartnsnt of High$,ays or y, it is agreea inat ne po'arcr jna authoriiy trereuy given to t\€Attomey-in-Fact cannot be modlfied o. revoked unloss prlor lrritten personal notce oi such lnisnt has been givon to the Commasioner - -Departrn enlof Hig[Mrays of ho Commor$€alth of Kenhrcky at least thidy (30) days prior to th€ modification or revocalioi. Fudher, thjs Por,e. ol Attomey is sagn€d and sealed by facsimilo pursuaot to rosolulbn of the Eoard oI Directors of the Cofipany adopted at a meetirEduly called ard held on the 6th day of Decernber 2011, of wiich the iollowing is a true oxce{pt RESOLVED tlat tho signature of any authorized offcer and the seal of the company may be affixsd by fdcsimite tc any pov,€r of Attomey o. csrtifrcatbothereo, auttFrizing fi€ ex€qJton ad ddivery of any bond. undedaking, contracts ot ird€.nnity and other wrilings oblgatory in the mturo fi6.eof. andsuch signatuas and seal when so used shall have the sam€ forc€ and eflect as lttorJgh matually afrxod. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE GUARANTEE CO PANY OF NORTH AIERICA USA has caused thls inst lmeflt to b6 signed andits corporato s€al to b€ amx€d by its authorized officer. this 2d day ol Ocl,ober, 2015. THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA ffitLU^^---- On lhis 2nd day of October. 20'15 bebre me cam€ ths indlviduals who executed th6 prec€ding instrument, to me personally koown, and being by ms duly s!!rcm, said lhat each ls th€ hersin described and aulhorized offlcer of The Guaranto€ Company of North Amorica USA that he seal affixed to salilnstrunert is the Corporate Seal ol s€id Company: that tho Corporate Seal and €ach signature vJero duly afffxed by order of the Board of Directors of satdcompany. Stophen C. Ruschak, Prgsldont A Chi6, Operatlng Offfcer an, Soc,etary lN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have he.eunto set my hand at The Guarante€ Company ot tlort! Arnerica USA offc€s tho day and year above tt itten.=.:-.tiri;+ ,,1"r4.::fifj //e" Xr,^,a/^"* Christine Lynn Karow Nolory Public, Stde ol Michlgan County ol Oakland My CoI, lsslon Exph.s Fcbruory 27, 2027 Acdq ln O&lond Co@ty l, Ran'iall Muss€.!n5n. Secretary of THE GUARANTEE COI{PANY OF NORTH ArERlcA USA do horeby ce.tify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct oepy of a PclLer of Attomey executed by THE GUARANTEE COiIPANY OF NORTH A ERIGA USA, wfiich is lN WIfNESS WHEREOF. I havs horeunto sot my hand and atlached the seal of said Company thi6f ndall Secretary ,AoE STATE OF IIICHIGAN County of Oakland THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICAUSA' Eome Olfice, So uthfield,Iltichigan STATWORY RALANCE SEBET' Decemler il,2016 Cash and Short-Term Irvesheqts Markebblo Securifies Premium and Agents Balances 0'nder 90 days) Reinsurance Receivable on paid losses Accrued Intercst aud Divide ls Other AsseE Total Admitted Assets LIABILI'IIES Reserye for Losses and Loss Adjus:hent Expenses Unearned Premium Reserve Accrued Erpeoses Ceded Reinsurance Premiums Payable Taxes, Licerses and Fees Payable Federal Income Tax Palable Net Defe rred Tax Liability Frmds lleld Other Liabil ities Total Liabiliries CA.PITAI AND SURPLUS CoEroon Stoc.k md Paid-Ln Capital Su4rlus Total Policyholders' Surplus Tolal Liabilities, Capital and Surpts State ofltrchisatr CounE ofoaklaod Swom to bcforc mc lhk 3rd day ofMarch 2017- qtephg _C:-R]rsctuk b.in_ g duly sworor saysi That he is tlc president & COO ofTtD Guaraft. Compaoy ofNorth Am- crica-U_ SA tlat said coE{r6y is a corporstioE duly orga.oizc4 aisting and enpgcd in busincss as a surcty byvirtuc offtc hvrs ofthc srrlc of !.fi.trigaE, 6d has duly compticd s,ith all thc rcquirtotns df6c tavs orsaii stateap!_ric6bl! t9 srid co.patry a.d is duly qialificd to act as surcty ..dct sach laws; ttat saiil compay has also conptcdwith aod is duly qualiE d to act as sEEtJ' uad.rthc A{, ofcoDgr.ss ofJuly 30, 1947, as ?Ecod.d a6 U.S.C- 6-l3i 6atttc folcgoiog is a iil kuc atr(l clrlcct sfit ocot oftLcfiEalcia.l c!trditiol ofsaid co.[paIly oo ttrDita d^y ofDcrlEbcf, 2016, $ 56396,670 1s2,'124,094 3,793,752 3,67t,820 1,126293 _220.511 $217,833,140 s 8,79s,674 16,585,684 2,658,127 3,280,1s5 t7s373 572,565 1,746,522 3,409,090 ss.8I6t 37279.006 $r44,W0,970 36.533.164 $1&0,554.134 $217,833,140 ,d"* C 7;fr4^- 'oynthlaA.Tal€l No',ary Publiq Stds o, Michlgan Cnuflty of Oailsnd ,r',y Commbsion BphBs &btuary 27, 201 I' Ac{ng in Oakhfld e,oufiV /1U)Notarr / Stepherc. Rusctalc, PEsid t&COO ASSETS