Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Bond Reduction Letter 30027001 TM36485-11MENIFEE 298.14 Haun Road Menilee CA 92586 951-672-677, Fax 951 679 38a3 New. Better. Best.cityolmenilee.us June 13,2022 Sutter Mitland 01, LLC 3200 Park Center Drive, Suite 1000 Costa Mesa, CA92626 Re: Sutter Mitland 01, LLC, City of Menifee, TM 36485-11 Bond Reduction, Bond No. 30027001 Bond Release, Bond No. 30027004 On May 18,2022 the City Council approved the 90o/o bond reduction of the Faithful Performance bond and full release of Material and Labor Bond and Survey Monument Bond listed below. Performance Bond No. 30027001 Material and Labor Bond No. 30027001 Survey Monument Bond No. 30027004 Enclosed is a copy of the Faithful performance bond and the original Material and Labor and Survey Monument Bonds. Sincerely, Stephanie Roseen, Acting City Clerk y'* Enclosures MENIFEE )844 r ;t 61' New. Better. Best.cityotmenifee-us May 79, 2022 Sarah Manwaring City Clerk City of Menifee Subject: 90% Bond Reduction forTract Map 36485-11 Dea r Sa rah: on May 18, 2022, the City of Menifee ciry Council approved a 90% Bond Reductron for Tract Map 36485-11 and release of the Survey Monument Bond. The original bond information is listed below. Original Streets & Drarnage, Water System, Recycled Water System and Sewer System Bond - Bond No.30027001 Streets/Drain e s180 950 0riginal Survey Monument Bond Su Monument Please contact lennifer Hernandez ifyou have any questions Sincerely, DJUh Daniel Padilla, PE Deputy Public Works Director/Ciry Engineer 30027001 $1,178,500 $s89.2s0 $1 17,850 Water 30027001 s270.000 $135.000 $27,000 Recycled Water 30027001 $34.500 $17,250 $3,450 Sewer 30027001 $326,500 $163.250 $32.650 Total $1,809,500 $904,750 Falthful Pcrlormancr (e0'6 R.ducllon) 30027004 $37.440 N/A Falthful Pcrformance (Orlglnrl Amount)(Ori inal Amount Labor & llaterlals Frllhtul L.bor & Il.rlalrPcrformrnco (Orlglnrl (Orlglnal Amount) Amount) lmprovcmcnt Srcurlty lmprov.mcnt S.curlty