Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Rider 30027001CNA To be attached to and form a part of: BOND NO. Type of Bond: Date Effective Executed by: 30027001 Performance & Material and Labor Bond December 11'h, 2017 Sutter Mitland 01 LLC, as Principal, and by: Continental Casualty Company, as Surety, in favor of the City of Menilee (Obligee) in consideration of the mutual agreements herein contained the Principal and the Surety hereby consent to changing the bond amount: Performance Bond FROM:s1,809,s00.00 S45z,ooo.oo Material and Labor Bond FROM:$904,7s0.00 s226,000.00 Nothing herein contained shall vary, alter or extend any provision of condition of this bond except as herein expressly stated. This rider is effective: october loth, 2019 Signed and Sealed october 17 2019 Sutter Mitland 01, L[C TO TO LrlBy I Casualty ComContin ny A pr i I Mo tthez, A tlorne y. i n - F oc ! SURETY RIDER NO. 1 C-L.,---. A notary public or other otficer completing this certificate verified only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity ol that document. ss On 2019,fbre Daniellc Moni ue Moss Notary Public, personally appeared proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be person(f whose name{6j gare sLl scribcd to ffi,she/thev/executed the saffle Ir cr/lhcir , who thc within inslrurnenl and acklr,,$ledsed to me thal arrtlrorized capacirylfit and rhat by @lier/their signatureJ5f on the instrument the personlp/,0r the entity upon behalf of which the personlsfacted, executed the instrument. I certifo under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS rny hand and official scal DANIELLT I,{ONIQUE MO55 Notary PubLic' C.lifornl. 0raoge County Cornmiseion # 22546E1 lry Comm. ExPires Aug 17, 2022 Notarv Public STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) COUNTY OF Orange ) lrL,b^ 5 z A Notary Public or other off,rcer completing this certitlcate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity ofthat document. State of Califomia County of Los Anseles on ocT l7 20tg belore me, D. Casillas. Notary Public, personally appeared April who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that heishe/they executed the same in his/trer/thei+ authorized capacity(ies), and that by*is/her/thei+ signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalfofwhich the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certif, under PENALTY OF PERIURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and conect. WITNESS my hand and oflicial seal. 64 z,otnia Signature Signature of Notary' Public CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT . tZ1 I'OWI]R OI.' A'I"I'ORNEY APPoTN'I'IN(; INDIVIDLIAL A1'TORNI'\'-IN.FACT Know All Men By These Presents, Thll Conrincntal Crsuillry Conlpany. an Illinois insur{ncc conrprny. National Firc Insur{nce Conrpany ol''Hartfbrd, an Illinois insurance company. and American Casualty Conrpany ot Rcading. Pcnnsylvania, a Pcnnsylvania insurance company (herein called and that thcy do by virtue ol'thc signalurcs and scals hcrcin dltlxed hcreby makl], constitulc and appoint Tracy Aston, Tom Branigan, Edward C Spector, Lisa K Crail, Simone Gerhard, R Aleman, K D Wapato, April Martinez, Samantha l-azzini, Marina Tapia, Donna Garcia, Rosa E Rivas, Individually of Los Angeles, CA, their true and lawful Attomcy(s)-in-Fact with full power and authorily hereby confened to sign, seal and execute for and on their behal f bonds, undcnakings and othcr obligatory instruments of similar nature This Power of Attomcy is made and cxecuted pursuant to and by aulhority of the By-t w and Rcsolutions. printed on the reverse hereof, duly adopted, as indicated. by lhe Boards of Directors of the insurance compaoies. In Witn€ss Whercof, the CNA Companies have caused these presents to be signed by their Vice President and their corporate seals to be hereto affi xed on this l3th day of February, 2019. Continental Casualty Company National Fire Insurance Company of Hanford American Cas ty Company of Reading, Pennsylvania Paul T. Brullat Vice President Stale ofSouth Dakora, Counry ofMinnehaha. ss: On this I 3th day of Fcbruary, 2019, betbre me personally came Paul T. Bruflat to me known, who, bcing by me duly swom, did depose and say: that he resides in the City ofSioux Falls, State of South Dakota: Ihar he is a Vice President of Continental Casualty Company, an tllinois insurance company, National Fire Insurance Company of Hanford. an llinois insurance company. and American Casualty Company of Reading, Pennsylvania, a Pennsylvania insurance company described in and which exccuted the above instrumenti (hat he knows the seals ofsaid insurance companies; thal the seals affixed to the said instrument are such corporate seals; that they were so affixed pursuanl to autho.ity given by the Boards of Directors of said insurance companies and that he signed his name thereto pursuant to like authority, and acknowledges same to be the act and deed ofsaid insurance companies. J. Mohr Notary Public CERTIFICATE I, D. Johnson. Assistant Secretary ofContincntal Casualty Company, an Illinois insurance company, National Fire Insurance Company of Hartfbrd. an Illinois insurance company, and American Casualty Company of Reading, Pennsylvania. a Pennsylvania insurance company do hereby cenify that the Powcr of Attomey herein above set forth is still in force, and funher ce(ily that the By-Law and Resolution of the Board of Directors of the insurance companies printed on thc reverse hereof is still in force. In testimony -b"cY'iY nto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the said insurance companies this day of Continental Casualty Company National Fire Insurancc Company of Hartford American Casualtv Company of Reading, Pennsylvania D. Johnson Assistant Secretary Form F6853 4/20l2 /UtY 'Ir92SE.AL ,897 J- MOHR SEAL 897 rraSU, ,uLY !t.t!2 Go to www.cnasuretv.com > Owner / Obligee Services > Validate Bond Coverage, if you want to verify bond authenticity. - In flnlinritcd Amounts - and to bind them thcrcby as fully and to the same cxtenl as ifsuch instruments were signed by a duly authorizcd officer oftheir insurance companies and all the acts of said Altomcy. pursuant to the authority hereby given is hercby ratilied and confirmed. My Commission Expires June 23,2021 Authorizirrg ll-y- l,arvs anrl ltr:solutions ADOTTED BY THE BOARD OI] DIIIECI'ORS OII CONTINI]NTAL CASTJALTY COMPANY '[ his Power ol Attorfley is made rnd cxcculcd pursuant rc and by uuthority ol thc lbllowing .csolulion duly irdoptcd by the Board of Dircctors of lhr Company al a meetinS held on May 12, 1995: "RESOLVED: That any Scnior or 6roup Vicc President mry authorizc irn ollicer o sign specific documcnts, agrcements and instrumenls on behalf of will be provided in writing by lhc Senior or Croup Vice Presidcnt 1() the Secrct ry ol the Cotnpany prior to such execu(ion becomint effecrive." This Power of Atlomey is signed by Paul T. Brullat. Vice President, who has been aurhorized pursuunt to lhc above resolution to execute power of rttorneys on behal f of Continentil I Crsrrulty Company. This Power of Attorney is siSned and sealed by facsimile undcr ond hy lhc xuthorily of lhe lbllowing Resolution adopled by the Board of Directors of the Company by unanimourj written oonsenr dirred rhc 25'h day of April. 20 t2: ''Whereas, the bylaws of the Company or spccific resolution of thc Board ol Diresloni has authorized varil)us oll'icers (the "AulhorizEd Officers") to cxecute various polici€s, bonds. undertakings und other obligatory instrumcnts of like nalurei and whereas, from tint to time. the signaturc of lhc Authorizcd Ofllccrs. in .ddirion lo bLing provided in originrl, hard copy format, may be provided via facsimile or otherwise in an clcctronic lormal (colleclivcly, "Elcctronic Signatures")l Now therclbre be it resolvcd: thal lhe Electronic Signature ofany Authorized Officer shall bc valid .rnd hinding on (he Compilny." ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OIT DIRECTORS OI: NAllONAL FIRE INSURANCI.: COMPANY OF HARTFORI) This Power o[ Attomey is madc and execuled pursuanl to ,nd by authority of thc following resolution duly adopted by the Board of Dircctors of the Company by unanimous wrilten conscnl d:rled Muy 10. 1995: "RESOLVED: That any Senior or Croup Vice Prcsident may authorize an ofnccr to sign specific (locumcnls. agreements and instruments on behalf of the Company provided that the name of such ruthorized ol-licer lrnd a dcscription ofthe d()cumcnts. agreenrent$ or instrumeots that such officer may sign will b€ provided in writing by thc Scnior or Croup Vice Prcsidcnt $ thc Sccrctrry ofthe Company prior ro such execution becoming effeclive-' This Power of Attomey is signed by Paul T. Bruflat. Vice Prcsidcnl, who has bccn aulhorizcd pu$uanl to &e above resolution to execule power of allomeys on behalf of National firc lnsurance Company of Hanford. This Power of Attomey is signed Jnd sealcd by tacsinrilc undcr ond by lhe aurhorily of thc folbwing Resolulion rdoptcd by the Board of Direclors of lhe Company by !nanimous wrilten conscnt dated lhc 25'h day ol April. 20l2: "Whereas, lhe bylaws of lhc Company or spccific acsolution of lhc Board of Dircctoni h:$ aulhorizcd variouli oflicers (the "Authorized Officers") to erecule various policies, bonds, undcflakings and other obligatory inslflrmcnts of likc naturc; and Whereas, from time to time, lhe signature of lhe Authorizcd Ofticcni, in addition lo being pmvided in original, hard copy format, may be provided via facsimile or othcrwise in an clcctronic format (collectivcly. "Electronic Signnturcs")i Now therefore be il rcsolved: thal the Elec(ronic Signalure of any Authorized Of,lcer shall be valid and binding oo lhe Company." ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRELTORS oIJ AIIERICAN CN SUAI-l'Y COI\IPANY OI. RTN DINC. PENNSYI-VANIA This Powcr of Altomey is made and execuled pur1ilant lo ilnd by aulhority of the following resolution duly adopted by lhe Board of Direclors of the Company by unanimous written consent dated May 10, 1995: "RESOLVED: That any Senior or Croop Vice President may .uthori?r an olficcr to sign specilic documenls. agreements and instrumenls on behalf of lhc Company provided that lhe narne of such authorized ofllcer and a description of the docunlents, agrccnBnls or inslrumenls that such officer may sign will bc provided in writing hy the Senior or Croup Vice Presidenl lC, lhc Secretary of the Company pior lo such cxccution becoming effeclive." This Power of Altomey is signcd by Pall T, Bruflal, Vice President, who has bean authorized pursuant to thc abovc resolution to execute power of allomeys on behalf of American C&sualry Company ol Reading, Pennsylvania. This Power of A[omey is signed and sealed by fac$imile under and by rhe authority of the followin8 Resolution adopted by the Bodrd of Directors of the Company hy unanimous written consenr darcd rhe 25'h d y of Aprjl, 20 l 2: "Whereas. the bylaws of the Company or rpccific resolution of the Borrd of Dircctoni has authorized various officers (lhc "Authorized Officers") to erecute various policies, bonds, undenakings and other obligatory instrurnents of liko odlure; and Whereas. fiont time to lime, the signature of rhe Authorized Officers. in addiricrr ro bci g p..ovided in original, hard copy formal, may be provided via f'acs im ile or otherwise in a n electrcnic format ( collectivcly, " Elcclron ic S ignilturcs" ); Now thcrclore be il resolved: that the Electronic Signature of any Authorized Officcr shall be valid and bindiog on lhe Company.'