Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Bond Release Letter TM5214557MENIFEE New. Better. Best. ila r t Analyst, Ciry Clerk's Office 29844 Ha! n Ro.rcl Menrf( cityofmenitee. us cA 92586 l8rr3 December 8,2022 Sutter Mitland, LLC 3200 Park Center Drive, Suite 1000 Costa Mesa, CI^92626 RE: Sutter Mitland, LLC, City of Menifee, PP2018-014 Partial Bond Release, Bond No. TM52L4557 To whom it may concern, The City of Menifee's Planning Department has approved a partial release of the Faithful Performance Bond for Landscape Agreement for PP2018-014, based on all conditions being satisfied. Belowyou will find the schedule of release for Bond No. TM5214557: Enclosed is a copy ofthe original bond, Ladscape Agreement and Department request for bond reduction letter. Sincerel v, a Mana en TM5274557 (Faithful Performance Bondl $211,595.04 $10,676.70 0riginal Bond Amount Released Amount $200,erg34 Release Date t2/B/22 Bond No Bond Amount being witheld Bill Zinlmerman Dean Deines Bob Karwin Matt Liesemeyer Lesa A. Sobek Armando G. Villa MENIFEE 29844 Haun Rood I Menifee, CA 92586 951 672 6777 Fax 951-679 3843 New. Better. Best.cityofmenifee. us DATE:November 22, 2022 RE: TO:Kay Vinson, Acting City Clerk Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Development Di FROM: Jessica McMillen, Assistant Planner Attached please find Landscape executed Agreement & Bond Reduction for Planning Application lot PP2018-014 - Valor West Landscape and lrrigation Plan. Project Description: Planning Application PP2018-014 - On-site landscape and irrigation plan for "Valor West HOA Trail On-site Landscape and lrrigation Plans" for a HOA-maintained community trail within TR36485-7. ,.fo Planning App No. Applicant Name: Surety Name: Bond No.: 1-year Main. Total Amount: Other: PP2018-014-Valor West Planning Area 13 Onsite Landscape Plan Sutter Mitland 01 LLC The Guarantee Company of North America USA rM5214557 $10,67s.70 $211,595.04 Thank You, ,<aul1'/fu%(kn City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee, California 92586 951-723-3725 J mcm ilen@citvofmenifee. us Bond Reduction for Planning Application No. PP2018-0'14 - HOA-Trail Landscape and lrrigation Plan Bond and Agreement for "Valor West", Planning Area 13 within the Audie Murphy Ranch Specific Plan (TR 36485'7) Please email a PDF copy of the fully executed agreement and bond to Jessica McMillen at imcmillen@cityofmen ifee.us.