Pardee Homes Bond Release Letter TR31822-F CMS033938MENIFEE New. Better. Best. 29844 Haun Rd. Menifee cA. 92586 19511672-6777 I Fax (951) 679-3843 cityofmenifee.us May 2,2023 Pardee Homes 1250 Corona Pointe Court, Suite 600 Corona, CA 92879 RE: Pardee Homes, City of Menifee, PP20-0080, TR 31822-F, Bond Release, Bond No. CMS033938 To whom it may concern, The City of Menifee's Planning Department has approved a full release of the Faithful Performance Bond No. CMS033938 for TR 31822-F based on all conditions being satisfied. Below u will find the schedule of release for Bond No. CMS033938: Enclosed are the original bonds for your reference. Sincerely, ilarn Management Analyst, City CIerk's Office Bill Zimmerman Bob Karwin Ricky Estrada Lesa A. sobek Dean Deines Armando G. VillaMoyor Mayor Pro Iem Counolmember Councrlmembcr Colocilmember Crty M.rn.iger Drstricl I Drstrt.t 2 Drsr ct 3 Orstr ct 4 cMS033938 (Faithful Performance Bond)523,000 Release Date s/2123 Bond No Original Bond Amount Re leased Amount s23,000