Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Subdivision Monument Bond TR31393 TM5142391SUBDIVISION MONUMENT BOND CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66496) TracVParcel Map No. TR 31393 Bond No. TM514239 1/015038417 Surety LrbeEy !{!tual lnsurance Companv PrincipaI Sutter Mitland 01 , LLC Address 450 Plvmouth Rd. Ste 400 Address 3090 Bristol Stre Suite 220 City/State Plvmouth Meetino. PA City/State Costa tulesa. CA ztp 19462 zip 92626 Phone Phone 714 2 -1604 Thal, Sutter Mitland 01, LLC. subdivider, as principal,and Libe lvlutual lnsurance Companv a corporation, as surety, are hereby jointly and severally. bound to pay to the City of Menifee the sum of Seventv Six Thousand Five Hundred Dollars, ($76.500.00) The condition of this obligation is that, whereas the subdivider, as a condition of the filing of the final map of TR 31393, entered into an agreement with the City of Menifee to set Survey I/onuments and Tle Points in said tracl and furnish'l'ie Notes therefore and to pay ths elngineer or surveyor performing the work, in full, wilhin 30 days after completion. NOW, THEREFOBE, if the subdivider shall well and truly perform said agreement during the original tern lhereof, or of any extension of said term that may be granted by the City of Menifee, with or without notice toihe surety, then this obligation shall become null and void. otherwise, it shall remain in full force and efiect. As a part of tho obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefore, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and iees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the city in successfully enforcing such obligation, all t0 be taxed as costs and included in any.judgment rendered. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteralion or addition to the terms of this agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder orthe specifications aciompanying the same shall in anywise atfect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, atteration or addition. surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of section 2845 of the civil code and commencement of construction are nol conditions precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. Premium $20589__ SUBDIVISION MONUMENT BOND lN wlrNESS WHEBEOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surstyabove named, on _Novemberl4 zotz NAME OF PRINCIPAL: Sutter Mitland 01.LLC AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S): sutter ulitland 01, LLC a Delawal6 Umited Liability Company its Managing Member By: Name:-fitle:nsJ CAnpa-,-v/. (lF CoRPORAT|ON, AFFTX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY:be AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: Its Attorney-in-Fact sharon L. rup (tF coRPORAT|ON, AFFTX SEAL) ATTACH NOTABIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PHINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY.IN.FACT. fL-- t/----- CALIFORNIA ALL-PT]RPOSE CERTIFICATE OF' ACKNOWLEDGMENT On 11-14-2012 before me, Lupe Villaneal, Notary Public (Hc'r insBl nalrte and titlc of thc otrr€c{) personally appeared Sharon L. Tupper who proved to me bn the basis ofsatisfactory evidence to-be the person(f whose name(3) iVaglsubscribed to the within instnrmegt and acknowledged to me that h/she/t-hg! executed the same in hidher/tbdr authorized capacity(if5), and tbat by pds/her/1[eir signarure(g) on tle instrument the person(gf, or the entity upon behalf oI whicfl the person($ acted, eiecuted the instrument. I certifr under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the Srate of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correst. S my hand and ofNolary Public (Nol,ry LUPE VITLARREAL Commissioo * '1957770 l{olrry Publlc - Crlllolnlr Lot fuigrlar County Comn.tlov I 2015 Lupe V rreal A.DDITIONAL OPTIONAL INT'ORI\{.4.TION DESCNPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT (Titlc or d€acription of rtra.hcd documcn0 (Titlc or description ofatlrchad docuoeot coDLirucd) Number of?ages Document Datc (Additional infonEation) CAPACTIY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER Individual (s) Corporab Ofhc6 Crrtle) Partner(s) AltomEy-in-Fqct Trustc.(s) Other INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETINC THIS FORM Aly oc*nofllc.lgrEtt co plclcn h Callonra iii6t co ah vubtas. aadty dapp@rt abor. in lD tutay ldction ot o s.Watc d.hloeldptat loMwt b.ptop. y @uplet.d ond ana.hcd to nt deaat. n. onl! d.c.ptton It tf a doddeat is to b. n@rdd otrtidc {CalIonno- l, nai LtbMa, arlt al!.rlati8acb,oel.lg att tobinA. B d.r bc p"i .l on trcL a d@ntat to to,tg ot n@vobi.g. .lo.r ,at aquir. tl. Dot@r to do ,Mthihg thdt it U.AaJ liy a notrry inCatlo h A..- dnttlns n'c adno.iz.d dFdU ol nE ttt .t). pla,. ckc& th.doMa @.l lytdptopitpurtol *onlirt ddaltdctt thBlo tt..q rd. . St tc! Courry infonEtion m[rt b. th. SnErEd Counry wtrrE ric docum.nr sisn<s) pdlondly rplcaEd bctoE dr. Enly public for acloowledsncnr. Dlc of lot riation Eu3r b. dE d.l! rhat ltc si8rE.(r) p.rsonrly rpellld*hir[ mulr ako bc thc r!,o. drt. rh. r.hovlcdgD!trt is comttd.d.. Thc Dor.ry pljblic aLn Pliii. h& or l',l r.oc !t it app.rrs airfiD hk or lE coDEi5lion foltowcn by r corslu, rlld fi.n your ndc (noDry piDtic).. Print th! nrnq') of doc!6cnt .ign.(, yllo pcNoDlly .ppclr d Urc limc ot . IDdicat rtccqEtringulu or plurlfomr by cEts ins or incamlL form! (i... hc tt.nbci iJ6) or .iftlinE d. co.r6t foE!. Flilur. to cont Uy l!dic.r(thit infonn.li@ 6., lc.d !o cj.crion of&.uo.Er r.cordilg. Ttc ioory rctl i6F..iion lEuli bc clGa ud ,hob86phic.[ry E roduobt..Imprc.si Dutr not @.r Lrt or lii6. If i€.j inptsloo rouds.s. E-al if r sutficimt rlt plmirs, orh.Nit .o6pl.E. diffsrnr lctnrytc.tmel6m. sigrrtrs. oflha nolry public l!$r maGh 0E iisn.turc otr filG *iih d'. ofltcr of .:. AdditiolJ trfom.doi ii noi EquiEd h:t .ould hclp to cnjuF thtrcldvt.dgrn ni i nor Eiorcd or rtn.lEd to ! difEr.ot docrocrl* Indic.lcl lc or D?G of.n.cicd documc( nuritrr ofp.8B rodd c.+ Indic.rc &. crplcity cliitDcd by lbc .iED!r. !f tE chiDld c.grcitl i! . rorpo l. o6c.r. indiotc urc tid. (i..- CEO. CFO. s*Eury).. S.tu ly .lt ch $is doorEctrt to d,. rilEd do,ament 200E vc.sioi CAPA v 12. 10.07 800.8?3.9865 ***.Nol!ryC'l!rsc'.coE s-4067/GE 9/09 XDP State of Califomia County of Los Angeles nn tr E o, o E d) o o c) olo a o 'o o 0) o q) o a o oc ao tr THIS POWER OF AfiORNEY IS NOT VALID UNLESS IT IS PRINTED ON RED BACKGROUNO. This POwer'of Attorney rimils (he acts of those named herein, and they have oo authority to bind the comextent herein staled. LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOWALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS COMfv|ONWEALIH OF PENNSYLVANTA COUNTY OF MONIGOMERY LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Oavid [,4 Carey.islani Secretrry tadal seal al Plymouth llle 5093157pany oxcopt an the mannor and to the oting, Pennsylvania, on the day and year /*filL rhat Liberty lllutual lnsurance company (lh€ "company ). a Massachusehs slock ins-ua6nce company, pursu'nt to and by aurhoily of the gy-law andAulhotizaton heroinafter set forth, does hereby name, c;nstilute and appoini ru,r u. rorr,xo, entc c. lioaser, rru Lr. r,n"!eap, aupe vltunnen.- ' each individuallv if there t'e more than one namec,, lts true and rauur €norney-in-fact ro make, G;i;,-;;;1.-;;ffi;Jfe ano oeriver, ror ano onits behalf as surety and as its act and deed, any and atr dnaerbt<ings, uo;ds.-r'ecognizances ana other surety obtigatioos and tho execuuon of suchundenskings, bonds, recognizanc6s and othsr surety obiigatiofls, ln p;or"n"" oithu"" p,'"""nts, shall be as bindin;upon ttrc company as lf they hadb6en duly signed by lhe presidenl and auested by ltre secietary oi ttre Co.p-y in tt un on n proper persons. That lhis power is made and exec!t6d pursuant to and by authority of thg foltowing By-taw and Authorizatjon: ARTICLE Xlll - Exscution of Conlracts: Section S. Sulety Sonds and Undo(akings.Any ofllc€r of the company authorized for thal purposi in wririnjol tro clai-nnan or the president, and subjsct to su.h limitations as rhechairman or the president may prescribe, shan appoint suct attotr"ey6rnJaa, as may Ue n"cassary to act ln UJfraif of fhe Company lo make,6xecule, s6al, acknotvledqa and delrveras suretyany ancl all underte'kinos. Londs, recognizances uriO ot "i"rr"ty oLlgatbns. Such a omeys-rn-fact, subt€ct to the limilBtions set forri rn the,r -'espeai". po*j.s oi itr'oil,uy, 'r'irrh",i" rrii po*;i;;i;; ;;;;;ffi; by rheir sisnature anderecutlon of anv sLdr insttumenls and to attach thoieto thesearor the Co"rirv wt"" so "l"ir]"i"iji,i r';l"-,iiiiji"tl i*tr beas brnding as itsigned by the president and allested by tho socretary. By the following inshumonl lhe chairman or lhe prosidenl has authorized lhe offceror othor ofiicjalnamed lherein to appolnt attomeys-in-hct. Pursuant to Micle Xlll, Section S of the By-laws. David M Carey, an officiat of Liberty Mutual lnsuranco Company, is hereby althorized toappolnt such attorneys'in_fact as may be necessary to act in bohaliof th6 company to mak6, 6xecr.rle, seat. acknowlJdqe and detivor as suretyany and all undertakings. boncts. r€cognlzances and other surely obliga.n". err e6*",. oiino;;ilG;;;;;i:,,;l6d by David M. caroyin his capacilv as an officer or oflicial oI Llbertv Mulual lnsuranc; co;pany, wherher betore, on o.;tGr ih;;;doiih";uthortzation. incrudingwithoul limitalon powers of Attomey a ested to or etecut€d as AsssIint 'decretary ol Liberty llrtriif *i"""* 6jiplny. are hereby ratifiedand approv6d. That the 8y_law end tho Authorization sel forlt1 above a.e true copies theraofand are now in fu1 brce and eflect. >ot o '6 :1€ t!c=ot!. -(l)6;'!J SEoo. <6b+ OE!o 3E .9o.c <) i3E; s3or9ic{ Fci;.ooo oPFF lN wlrNESs wHEREoF, this Powor ofAttomey has boen subscribed by an aulhorized offlcer o. otficiat of lhe company and lhe corporate soat of Lib.rlyMulual lnsurance Cohpany ias boen afftxed therelo ir plymoulh Me6ting. eennsytvania tt is a ay ol llth dav of J;l|1usrv 5S on lhiB -!3t-- day of 'Januarv. .'.,, ,,'?, 'befoa€ me, a Notary Pubtic, pecona y came oavid M. carev, ro me knowo, andacknowledged that he is an Assislanl secelary of Lrberty Mutual lnsurance compani: fiat hE inow, the soat of siid-ififfi: and thal he execuledlhe €bove Power of Attomey and affired lhe corporate s6al of Liberty Mutuar lnsurd;ce company t eiet witn rt " zuilonlf,in-j at ue oi,ection ol saiocorporation. N TESTII,ONY WHEREOF,] hav; her€unto subscr'bed my name and afixed -y nofirsl above w4tlen. . ..-..',.-,.,.-, t3 Pastella, NoLary PublicCERTIFICATE l, lhe Jndersigned, Assislaol sei6laiYbillbErty.MutJal 'nsu.ance company, do hereby cedry that the onginat power of attorney ofwhich the forego ng rsa 'uil, lrue and corrocl crpy. iS in.futi lorc; and etbct on the date of this c€ificate; and I do further cerltfy thal the officer or omcrat who executed the s3idpower of atlomey is an Assistanl sgcrelary specially authorized by lhe chakman or lhe president to "p'po,ni airome},"in'-a-J-ai p,oria"a in Articte x t,Section 5 ofthe By-laws of Liberly Mutuat lnsurance Company. This cerlillcale and the ebove powor of anofiey may be signed by facsimile or mechanically reproduced signatures uMer and by aulhoraty ortha followingvote oflhe board ol drroclors of Liberty Mulual lnsurdnce Company at a meeling duly called and held on lh'e t2th day oi frrarcrl-,'llso. VOTED lhat th6lacsimiio or mechanica|y reproduced s copy o[ any power of allomoy issued by the company safie force and elfect as lhough manLrally amxod. ignalure of any ass.slant secretary of the company, wherever appeadnq ugon a certfied 'n conneclior wilh surely oonds, shalt be valtd and binding upon the c;mpany with the OF. I have hereunto subsc.ibed mv neme and afixed the Corporate s6al of lhe saial comoany, this90I}IN TESTI WHERE Gregory W Davenport. Assistant Secrelary 14h,",, CALIFORiIIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California )County of before me,b bl,.c personally appeared isT ) RlflE t. who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be lhe person(+whose name(si is/ar€- subscribod to the within instrument and actnowledged to me that he/sh€lthey executed the same in his/hs{*heir authorized capacity(6, and that by his/he{*heir signaturelg on the instrument the person$, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the inskumenl. Commirtlor # 1968t03 llohry Pubtlc . ort[o][t. 0nr0i Co|,nty M Comm 14 201 I certity under PENALTY OF PEBJURY under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS and official seal Signatu PlaG Nc1a.y S€ai Above APTIONAL Though the inlodnation below is nol .equired by \aw, it may prct/e vatuablo to porsons retyit g on the docm@ntatl could prcvenl lftudulenl removal and @atlaahment ol thls lotfi to anotbet document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document; _ Document Date;Number ol Pages Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: _ Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signe(s) Signer's Name Signer's Name: tr Corporate Oflicer - Tille(s): tr lndividual O Corporate Oflicer - l-ille(s) tr lndividual tr Partner - tr Limited tr General fl Attorney in Fact D Trustee D Guardian or Conservator tr Partner - tr Limited Cl General tr Attomey in Fact C Truslee E Guardiin or Conservator tr Other:0 Othor Signer ls Flepresenting: _ e2fiO Natianal Nolary Assoddlo^. NauorulNotary.org . t.eoC-US NOTAFY (1-SOO-8Z6.6OA7J Gtvrl cooE s 1te9 on ila. li".z,, t Signer ls Representing: _