KB Home Coastal, Inc. Faithful Performance Bond 0151417FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR GRADING PROJECTS AND/OR EROSION CONTROL.LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Bond No. 0151417 Premium $438.00 Surety Berkley Regional lnsurance Company Address so5l'1. Brand El.,,d Suite I040 Glendale. CA 91203 Phone No: 81&550-1403 Fax No: 86G943-s880 GRADING: Rough (US)$ Precise (US)S EROS tON CONTROL.LANDSCAPE : (us)s Toul: 0JS)$ 25.000.00 25 Principal Address KB HOME Coastal lnc Tract/Parcel Map: Other Project No: Tr 30142-1 36310 lnland Valley Drive P,GR Wildomar CA Whereas, tlre City of Menifee , State of Califomia, and (hereinafter designated as "Principal") has entored into Agr."t.nt rvhereby Principal agrees to install and com arid/or erosion control-landscaPe improvements, relating referred to and made a part trereof; and KB HOlvlE Coastal lnc , or is aboul plete the abov to Tract 30142-1 to enter into, the auaclred e-designated grading project rvhich Agreement is hereby WHEREAS, the Principal is required under the terms of the Agreement to rumish a bond for the [aithful performance of the Agrecment; NOw, THEREFORE' rve, the Principal and Berklev Regional lnsurance companv - - ' , as surety, are firmiy bound unto the citv of'l"lenifee " ' in the ollars ($ ?sPss+ ) i*rn,t *on"y-f tn" Unit.a St.tolGiIG puyt*nt of rvhich sum rvell and truly to be made, rve bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The conditions of this obligation is such that if the above bonded Principal, his or its.heirs., executors ,i111inirrrutoo, successors ir assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and rvell and truly keep ,iJ p"rfo*, the covenants, condilons and provisions in the Agreement and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or tlreir part, to be kept and performed at the same time and in th€ manner therein specified, and in all respecti accordin* to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemni& and savg harmless the Cityof lvlenifee iis agents and employees as therein stipulated, then this obligarion shall become nuil and void; otherrvise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. As part of the obligation secured lrereby and in addition to the.face amount specified lherefore, there shail be included costs and reasonable expenseS and fees, including reasonable attorney'S fees, incurred by city in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and inotuded in any judgment rendered. Phone No: 951-691-5245 Fax No: 951-677-2190 The Surety hereby agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition lo the terms of the Agreernent or tO the work to be perlormed there Under or the specifications accompanying the same sh-all in any .rvay affecr its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the work or to tle specifications. Surety further agrees thal the provisions of Sections 2845 of the Civil Code are not a condition precedent to the Surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby rvaived by the Surefy' When the rough or precise grading and/or the erosion control-laodscape rvork covered by this Agreement isiompiete, .nd th. B'-rilding Director ofthe City has approved and accepted the rvork, th; Building Direcior shall authorize the release of the appropriate amount of this security. In ,rvitrless rvhereof, this instrument has been ddy executed by the Principal and Surety above named on August 6. 2010 S HOI\,'l AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (S): u t cU Aec A.Titte vP LAr)4-flirzuA LAlvll /to o' Fa€cnA,u,fl. By Title (lf Corporation, Affix Seal) NAME OF SURETY: serkt llnsura c AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: a Wong. Attomey-in-Fact (lfCorporation, Afiix Seal) (ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURE(S) OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY-IN-FACT.) (Date) NAME OF PRINCIPAL: CALIFORNIA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Riverside On Auqust 10, 2010 before me, Richard R. Keller, Notary Public, personally appeared Michael H. Freeman, Jr., who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/sheAhey executed the same in his/h€#th€i+ authorized capacity(ires), and that by his/he#thei+ signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. RICI{AND R. KEI.I."ER Comrnlsclon # l719140 Nolory Publlc - Collfornlo Rlvorslda County trty Comm. Expli,:s Jon 21. 20'l I//re rc-lk -- Richard R. Keller (SEAL) 1 CALI FORN IA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Los Angeles On Auqust 6. 2010 before me Tracy Aston. Nota ry Public, personally appe ared Brenda Wonq , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(e) is/a+e subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/th€+ signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALW OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and officialseal. rR,AcYA sIONCommjssion #t 73995Notory v 9 los Ange/es Counl Co,itor;lo: IttVCcanx.&ptee tf"ry lq 2ot I Pub,ic. gele4 Tracy Aston No.7951 POWER OF ATTORNEY BERI(Lf, I' REGIONAL INSURAIiCE CONIPANY WII,MINOTON, DELAWARE NOTICE: The uarning found elservhere in this Po[er of Attomey at'fects the validity thereof. Plcase review carefuliy. KNOW ALL MEN Ily TltIlSE PRESENTS. thar BERKLEY REGIONAL II{SUII.ANCE COI\{PANY (the "Company"), a corporatiou dlly organized and existing uflder the la$'s oi the State of Delauare, having its principal ottice in Urbandale, Iowa, has n.radc. constitutqd and appointed, and does by these presents urake, constitute and appoint: Thonas S. Bro gan, Ashraf Dlmtsry', Brenda ll/ong, Marina B. Tryia, Edward C. Spector, Noemi Quiroz or Simone Gerhard of,1on Risk Insurance Seflices West, Inc. of Los Angeles, C,4 its true and larvfi,ll Attomey-in-Fact, to sign its name as surety only as delineated below and to execute, seal. acknouledge and deliler any and all bonds and undertakings, with the exception of Financial Guaranty lnsurance, providing thar no singte obligation shall exceed Fifty Million and 00/100 Dollars ($50'000'000.00), to the same extent as if such bonds had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers ofthe Company at its principal office in their own proper pemons. This Power of Attomey shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and govemed by, the laws of the State of Delaware, without giving effect to the principles of conflicts of laws thereof. This Power of Attomey is granted pursuatrt to the following resolutions which were duly and validly adopted at a meeting ofthe Board of Directorc of the Company held on August 21, 2000; "RXSOLVED, that the proper officers of the Company are hereby authorized to execute powers of attomey authorizing and qualifying the attomey-in-fact named therein to execute bonds, undertakings, recognizances, or other suretyship obligations on behalf of the Company, and to affix the corporate seal of the Company to powen of attomey executed pursuant hereto; and furthcr RESOLVED, that such power of attomey limits the acts of those named therein to the bonds, undertakings, recognizances. or other suretyship obligations specifically named therein, and they have no authority to bind the Company except in the mamer and to the extent therein stated: and further RESOLVED, that such power of attorney revokes all previous powers issued on behalf of the attomey-in-fact named; and funher RESOLVED, that the signature of any authorized officer and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attomey or ce ificatio[ thereof authorizing the execution and delivery of any bond, undertaking. recognizance, or other suretyship obligation of the Company; and such signature and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as ihough manually affixed. The Company may continue to use for the purposes herein stated the facsimile signature of any person or persons who shall have been such officer or otficers of the Company, notwithstanding the fact that they may have ceased to be such at the time when such instruments shall be issued." caused these presents to be signed and attested by its appropriate officers and its Attest ,2010. Berkley Lederman Robert P. Cole Senior Vice President & Secretary Scnior Vice President WARNINC: THIS POWER INVALID IF NOT PRINTED ON BLUE (BER-I,iLEY" SECURITY P.A.PER. STATE OF CONNECTICUT ) ) ss: COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD ) Sworn to before me, a Notary Public in the State of CoDnecticut, this _-.r11 day o1 ' Iir ,. t :. "y, 2010, by Robert P. Cole and lra S. Lederman who are sworn to me to be the Senior Vice President, ana tn 3."1o, Vi.iTr.r7*t and Secretary, respectively, of lI rLLI\' Iic3ionll Insurlnct' ( orDpanr (Seal)Ily By Power of Attomey is attached, is in full force and eflect as of this date. Given under my hand and seal ofthe Company, this _ day of ll Ins eCompany ,r', i, , i . ':1. ',.. ir,s)i: r ' Notary Public, State ofconnecticut CERTIFICATE l, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of BERKLEY REGIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, DO HEREBY CER'IIFY that the foregoing is a true, correct and complete copy ofthe origina! Power of Attomey; that said Power of Attomey has not been revoked or rescinded ard that the authority of the Attomey-u-Fact ser forth therein, who executed the bond or undertaking to which this AUG - 6 2010 (Seal) steven ()*tr--<- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has corporate scal hcreunto affixed this 11 day of lra S. Coward lnstructions lirr lnquirics and \oticcs I nder the Bontl ,,\ttachetl to-l'his l,orrcr lnsurance ( ontpanr. ( r)ntincntAl \\estt'rn lnsrrranct ( onrpant. antl t'nion lnsurlnee ( onrl)irr\. lo rtril\ lhc xltlrrnticit\ ol'thir llorrtl. plelse e:rll 1166-761{-.15.1J or t,rnlil l}S(ilnrluirr rr rr rbcsrrrclr.conr \n\ \r rillljn noticcs. inqttirirs. clainrr ol rlt,rrralltlr lr) lhc sur(.t\ 0rr the ltond to nhich this Ritlcr ir irttlr:hrd rhou ltl hc rlircctcd to: lit'rklc1 Su rr:tr Groull. l-1.(III \lounl Kt.nrhlr \renur slrilc.lll)\ llorristorr n. \.1 079611 \ilcntion: Suren ( lirimr l)rpxrtnlcnt ( )r e ttut il llS(,( lrrirn.l rrrhc\lrr'(l\.(r,nl l'lt'urc irtt lutlc s ilh all noticcs tlrc hond nunrher anrl tlrr nxrlr ol thc princip.rl on lhe l)on(1. \\ hclc ir cluinr i,. Ittittg:trscrlrtl. I)ler\c \cl lirrtlt gcrrerallr thc husis ol lhc clainr, ln tlrc crrrt,ol-{ pn\ntrnt or pcrlirrntancc bonrl. ;tlt'ust itlrnlilr lhr projcr:t lo rlhich thr hott(l;lertainr.