KB Home Coastal, Inc. Material and Labor Bond TM30142-1 1145787FOR: Streets and Drainage Water System Sewer System Surety gerkley Regional k)surance Conrpany AddfeSS 505 N. Brand glvd., suite 1o4o City/State Glenciale. cA MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Govemment Code Section 66499.1 ) $TracUParcel Map 30142- 1 $Bond No. Premium16E750.00 11457 87 lnctuded in the Faithful Pedormance Bond Principal Address 36310 lnland Valley Drive KB HOlvlE Coastal lDsurance Wldomar. CA Zi 91203 92525 Phone ara-ssor+or Phone 951-6s1-5245 WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, State of California, and KB HOL4E Coadal lnc. (hereinafter designated as "principal") have entered into, or are about to enter into, the attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complete the above designated public improvements relating to (TracVParcel)Tr 30142-1 which agreement(s) is/are hereby refened to and made a part hereof; and, NOW, THEREFORE, said principal and the undersigned, as corporate surety, are held firmly unto the City of Menifee and all contractors, subcontractors, laborers, material persons and other persons employed in the performance of said Civil Code in the Sum of one Hundred sixtv Eisht Thousand Seven Hundred Fiftyanci No/100 DOllafS 168.750.00 ) for materials furnished or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment lnsurance Act with respect to such work or labor, that said surety will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabove set forth, and also in case suit is brought upon this bond, will pay, in addition to the face amount thereof, costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, to be awarded and fixed by the court, and to be taxed as costs and to be included in the judgement therein rendered. It is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed upon that this bond shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies and corporations entitles to full claims underTitle 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Parl4 oI Division 3 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. Should the condition of this bond be fully performed, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. zip City/State WHEREAS, under the terns of said agreement, principal is required, before entering upon the performance of the work, to file a good and sufficient payment bond with the City of Menifee to secure the claims to which reference is made in Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code of the State of California; MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of this agreement or to the specifications accompanying the same shall in anylvise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code are not a condition precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named, on Augusl 6 NAME OF PRINCIPAL: KBHoMEcoastar rnc AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S): By: ame:t4tc4 Aec . FeeerqdN an, Tltle: y'/ LA,et 1'AurAnb ?cA .g ,a,/ O- (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY: BerkreyR Co ny AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: ttorney-in-Fact Title Brenda Wong. Attonrey-iFFact (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINGIPAL AND ATTORNEY.IN.FACT. 2010 CALI FORNIA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Riverside On Auqust 10.2010 before me,R. Keller, Notary Public,Richard personally appeared Michael H. Freeman, Jr., who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/a+e subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/shelthey executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/he#the* signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALIY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ///-1- t<_ /.t<__ Richard R. Keller (sEAL) {7m. .#ff3}1',\5i., I iffi Norove"or,.;c,1';o'nro I | \p ", ".#:llii"ii#L,,0,, I - CAL! FORN IA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Los Angeles On August 6. 2010 before me, Tracy Aston, Notary Public, personally appeared Brenda Won,q who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hie/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by hie/her/their signature(e) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and officialseal. Commts!ion # 1739959Nolory Pub c - Co tornlo IRACY ASTON Los Angeles i/rcqrrn E4ie6 County I\4cy I 5, 201 I Tracy ton No.7951 POWER OF ATTORNEY BERKLEY REGIONAL INSURAIICE COMPANY WILMINGTON. DELAWARE NOTICE: The warning fbund elsewhere in this Power ofAttorney aft'ects the validity thereol Pleasc review carefully. KNO\V ALL MEN I]\, THESE PRESEN.T.S. that BERKLEY REGIONAL INSURA.NCE COMPAN\. (tITc ..CompaITy.'), a corporatioo duly organized and existing under the la\\'s oi the State of Delau'are, having its principal office in Urbandale, lowa, has nradc. constitutcd and appointed, and does by these presents make, constitutc and appoint: Thomas S. ErtniSa\ Ashruf Elmasry, Brenda llong, Marina B. Tryia, Edward C. Spector, Noenri Quiroz or Simone Gerhsrd of Aon Risk Insursnce Services ,lest, Ina'. of Los Angeles, C.4 its true and larvful Attomey-in-Fact, to sign its name as surety only as delineated below and to execute, seal, acknowledge and deliver any and all bonds and undertakings, with the exception of Financial Guaranty Insurance, providing that no single obligation shall exceed Fifty Mi[ion and 00/100 Dollars ($50,000,000.00), to the same extent as if such bonds had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers ofthe Company at its principal ofhce ia their own proper persons. This Power of Attorney shall be consaued and enforced in accordance with, and govemed by, the laws of the State of Delaware, without giving effect to the principles of conflicts of laws thereof. This Power of Attomey is grant€d pursuant to the following resolutions which were duly and validly adopted at a meeting ofthe Board ofDirectors of the Company held on August 21, 2000: "R-ESOL!'XD, that the proper officers of the Conpany are hereby authorized to execute powers of attomey authorizing and qualifying the anomey-in-fact named therein to €xecute bonds, undertakings, recogmzances, or other suretyship obligations on behalf of the Company, and to affix the corporate seal of the Company to powers of attomey executed pusuant hereto; and further RESOLVED, that such power of attomey limits the acts of those named therein to the bonds, undertakings, recognizances, or other suretyship obligations specifically named therein, and they have no authority to bind the Company except in the manner and to the extent therein stated; and further RESOLVED, that such power of attomey revokes all previous powers issued on behalf of th€ attomey-in-fact named; and further R-ESOLVED, that the signature of any authorized officer and the seal of the Company may be afhxed by facsimile to any power of attomey or certification thereof authorizing the execution and delivery of any bond, undertaking, recognizance, or other suretyship obligation ofthe Company; and such signature and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually affixed. The Company rnay continue to use for the purposes herein stated the facsimile signature of any person or persons who shall have been such o{ficer or officers sf the Corrpany, notwithstanding the fact that they may have ceased to be such at the time when such instruments shall be issued." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has corporatc scal hereunto affixed this l1 day of caused these!.", ,presents to be signed and attested by its appropriate officers and its Attcst (Seal)By lra S. Lederman Robert P. Cole Senior Vice President & Secretary Senior Vice President WARNING: THIS POWER INVALID IF NOT PRINTED ON BLUE *BERI{LEY" SECURITY PAPER. STATE OF CONNECTICUT ) COT'\TY OI' I'AIRTIELD IIL'rkrir 1tc!ional Ilsrrr anc,-' C on4ran\,. ,20t0. Be By ,utry xrffilrsuqnce Companyf,"tr/dz ) ) Sworn to before me. a Notary Public in the State ofconnecticut, this JJ dayof lJ.' ,.' t',r.2010. byRobertP. Cole andlra S. Ledertnan who are swom to me to be the Senior Vice President, and the Senior Vice President and Secretary, respectively, of fl/-."..- 4+t <-< .tn1t'/ijuit,4r" Notary Public, State ofconnecticut CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of BERKLEY R-EGIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true, correct and complete copy of the original Po$'er of Attomey; that said Power of Attomey has not been revoked or rescinded and that the authority of the Attomey-in-Fact set forth therein, who executed the bond or undenaking to which this Power of Attomey is attached, is in full forc€ and eflect as of this date. Given under my hand and seal ofthe Company, this _ day of AUG - 6 2010 L.v-*r-.ra*(Seal) Steven Coward :'- /--,/= = Instructions lbr lnr;uiries anrl \olicet Lrntler tht Bontl ,\tlachctl lo'l hir l,orrr:r lnrtttlntt ( onrpanr. ( (,tttinenlrl \\eslerrt lnsrrratce ('onr1l:rnr.lrnd I nion lnrrtrantt,( onll)iul\. lo rtrilr lhc xulhenlicil\ ol this hrrltl. llleart,crrll ll()(|-7611-.f5.t-l or t,rrruil IIS(illrrluirl rr rrrlrr'srrrt,tr (0lll \nr rr rillen noticcs, inquiricr. tlititttr or rlcrrtir|lds to lhc !urel) on lhr hontl to N hich this liirlt,r ir x xrllc(l shou kl hr (lirt'clr(l lo: llcrkler Srrrctr ( iroup. l.l.( { 1 2 \lount Ke rrrhlr \r e nrrr. slr il(. .1 I (l\ \lorri\tor! r. \,1 llTr)6ll \tt(.rIion: SuIel\ ( lnillr\ l)(,|)artnlcnl ()r cnt rt il ll\(i( lainri.r rirbr\rrrct\.cont l'lt.use includt'riith xll n(,licc\ tlrr hon(l nrrnrller lrntl thr nlnr('ol the Jrrinr,illal on tll( llr)n(l Itcirrg urrerlcrl. l)lrir\r \rll lirrlh gcncrallr lhe hirsir ol thc eluirrr. lrr thr tlrrt,ol l)ir\nr(.nt r)r plcitsr.itlentilr the pro.icct to rhich lhc lrontl pelluins. \\ hcrc u t lairrr ir perlirrnrlnce horrtl .\