Pinehurst, LLC Rider 758964PBOND RIDER DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY 17771 COWAN SUtrE 100, tRVtNE, CA 92614 DATE OF NOTICE BOND NUMBER TYPE OF BOND LICENSE # 8t9t20't6 758964P SUBDIV. IMPROVEMENT Nothing herein contained shall be held to vary, waive, alter, or extend any of the terms, conditions agreements, or warranties of the above mentioned bond, other than stated below. OBLIGEE: City Of Menifee 29714 Haun Road Menifee CA 92586 Gentlemenl This Rider is to be attached to and form a part of the above captioned bond effective This Rider is on behalf of Pinehurst LLC 06/10/2016 understood and agreed, effective from above date, that: Bond Number is amended to read 758964S Provided, ho\#ever, that the liability of the company under the attached bond as changed by this order shall not be cumulative. By \.".,1 r-.-- Direct Account Portland 5 Centerpointe Dr Ste 530 Lake Oswego OR 97035 PRODUCER:Morag ACo rey, Attorney-ln-F Signed this 09 day of August, 2016 POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR DEVELOPERS SURET}- AND INOEMNITY COMPANY INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA P0 Box 19725 RVINE, CA92623 (949)263-3300 KNOWALL ByTHESE PRESENTShai except as expressly limited, DEVELOPERS SUREIYAND INDEMNITY CoMPANY and INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. do each hercby make, constilute and appoinl "*"Eric Englund, Deanna Wersch, Lisa Mc Clellan, Matt Skelton, Sean Flinn, Blaine D. Williamson, Morag A. Corey, jointly or severally'"* presents. are heeby ralilied and conlimed. AND INDEMNITY Co|\.4PANY and lNoEMNlry CoITPANY 0F CALIFoRNIA. efecljve as olJanuary 1st 2008 RESO LVED, that a combination of any two ol th6 Chaiman ol the Board lhe President, Executve Vice'President Senror VicePresident or any Vice Presidenl ol he to allest lhe executjon of afly such Power ofAtto.neyl RE SOLVED FU RTHER. hal he signafures ol such officec may be alrixd to any such Por€r ol Attomey or to any ceftficate re{ating lheleto by facsimile, and any such or contracl ofslretyship lo vlhich il is atlached. lu rviTNESS WHEREOF, DEVELOPERS SURETYANo |NDEMNIry CoMPANY and INDEi\.{NITY COMPANY 0F CAL|FoRN|Ahave severally caused those presents to be signed by lheir respectjve officeB and attested by lheir respective Seoetary orAssistant Secretary his 18h day ofApnl, 2016. By Daniel You ng, Senror Vice-Presidenl By lvla* Lansdon. VicsPresident ] AND 1936 o Slate of California County olorange A notary public or other olfcer completing thrs certilicale verilies only the identity of lhe individual who signed the documenl to which this certilicate is atlached. and not the trulhfulness, accur or valdil of that document. A0ri 1 2016 before me Lucr e Rayrnond, Hqo nsdl Naru rn!Tllooilho Of6 DanielYounq and Ma* Lansdonpersonally appeared Neqs)orSEndls) who goved to me on he basis ol salislaclory a/idence lo be tre pelsoi(s) whose name(s) idare subsc,ibed lo 0re wlfin rnsfumenl and acknovrledged to me hat helshelhey exeoted he same in hi$her^heir auhorized capacity(ies), andhat by his,,her/heir signature{s)on he instum€ntlie person(s), or he endty upon behallof which he person(s)acted, executed he instrument. 2 By LUCTLtE RAr oltD Commistloo r 20Cl9a5 tlol.ry Publlc . Cdltof|ll. oranea Cou,iy lcertrly under PENALTY 0F PERJURY underthe laws ol the State of Calilomia that the foregoing paragraph is lrue and coraect. Comm rrr oct t m1 WITNESS my hand and oltioalseal Place Notary SealAbove Srgnature Lucll CERTIFICATE This Certrficate is executed in the City of lrvine, Californla lh6 th day ol Auqust d. Notary Pubilc Th€ undersigned, as Seqelary or Assistanl Se.retary of oEVELoPERS SURETY AND INoEMNITY CoMPANY or INDEMNITY CoMPANY 0F CALIFoRNIA, does hereby said corporations set forth in he Powor ol Allomey are in lorce as of lhe date of his Cedfcate /ll,,lr'b<L,1936 ocr 5 1967 lD-1380 (Rev 04h6) 2016 -J>r,-/ ocl 5 1967 0n Cassie Jfmsford Assislant Se@tary