Pinehurst, LLC Subdivision Monument Bond TM38789-1 758965PSUBDIVISION MONUMENT BOND CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66496) Tracl Map No 287 89- 1 Bond No. Surety Premium $ - Sufely :":-r'! I ' 'L:l'-l ir'r r:'i'f'r' -i ' I "l Address : E' City/State 1000 Dove Street, Suite 100 Principal Address Pinehurst, LLC City/State Newport Beach, CA Zip zip 92660 Phone Phone (S49) 660-8988 ,a corporation, as surety. are hereby jointly and severally bound to pay to the City of Menifee the sum of Fifty Nine Thousand Four Hundred and no/100 , Dollars,s 59.400.00 . The condition of this obligation is thal, whereas the subdivider, as a condition of the filing of the final map of II4@!EL, enlered into an agreement with the City of Menifee to set Survey Monuments and Tie Points in said tract and furnish Tre Notes therefore and to pay the engineer or surveyor performing the work. in full. within 30 days after completion. NOW, THEREFORE, if the subdivider shall well and lruly perform said agreement during the original tern thereof, or of any extension of said term that may be granted by the City of Menifee, with or wilhout notice to the surety, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effecl. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefore, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of this agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying lhe same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 ol the Civil Code and commencemenl of construction are not conditions precedenl to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety- 1at0 78:r I5.lr and ii.. ,.' i rr, 'l r t - That, lilgXgg.!'.,.LLC_, subdivider, as principal, SUBDIVISION MoNUi,IENT BOND lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named. on NAME OF PRINCIPAL: Pinehurst. LLC AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S ): NAMEOFSURETY: :- -r L'r By. Pacific Communities Builder, lnc., its Manager By Name. Title: son Chung President (rF coRPoRATtON, AFFTX SEAL) AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: Its Attorney-in-Facl. ,,,r ,- Title r"' !,,- (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEOGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY.IN.FACT. /tt caLtFont{rA aLL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE S 1189 ,r:a.x-<:<-<.<,..<^ 1<.-< tt^ ? rr r .x ^1.-.-- ! \ rr <:i.rr-l:7yxilr 3.tz3 ta.^2 A notary public or othsr otficer completing this csrtilicate vgrifies only the identity ol the individual who signed tho documenl to which this cartificat€ is attachgd, and not the lruthfulness, accuracy, or validity of thal document. State of California County of Orange On June 15, 2016 _ before me,Rebecca Ngar, Notary Public Date personally appeared Here lnsetl Name and Title of the Otticer Nelson Chung Name(s) ol Signe4s) WITNESS my hand and official seal who proved lo me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personN whose name\ is/aie subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/sdthey executed the same in his/hc#lhcir authorized capacitylEs), and that by his/h€#+h€ri signatureN on the inslrument the personN, or the entity upon behalf of whictr the personfs) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALry OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that lhe foregoing paragraph is true and correct. Signature s,gra ol Notary Public 'nIl IIulllllll xI lllUIIlllul I lI l ll Infi tl' Place Notary Seal Above OPTIONAL fhough this section is optional, completing this inlormation can deter alteration of the document or lraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended documenl. oescription of Attached Document Title or Type ol Document:Subdivision lvlonument Bond Document Dale: June 10,2016 Number of Pages: 2 Signer(s) Other Than Named Above Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: Nelsoo Chung E Corporate Officar - Title(s): PferqedjL&Eqc!9trlsn,r€s E Corporate Officer - Title(s) ! Partner - n Limited D General &j der hc Maneser ! Partner - Ll Limited U General @"ffi*m"*7 = t, =. ! lndividual fl Trustee! Other: ! lndividual D Trusto€tl Other: ! Attorney in Fact or P'nchu''t tLc il Attorney in Fact I Guardian or Conservator[] Guardian or Conservator Signer ls Representing: owner Signer ls Representing: 02014 National Notary Association ' www.NalionalNotary.org . 1-800-US NOTARY (1 -800-876-6827) Item #5907 Signer's Name: ''. .a !: r::.. , :EF- ra ,r,l:,,1 i..,r. i, ,:.r.,,.I r..:i..f.r- ,.j:i.]. , j.i:1r.rr'1,r., rin,,,;i , "'Errc Englund, Deanna Wersch, Lrsa Mc Clellan. N.4att Skelton, Sean Flinn Blalne D. Williamson, Morag A. Corey, join y orsovcrally"^ presenls are hereby rallied 8nd conhrmed POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR OEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY CO'IPANY !NOEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Pr_,8., 1(.rt25 1P,,'NE ,:.A U26?i i!i49r 263 3J00 ft::iiE*rrrrr, "U ANO INDEIVNITY COMPANY and INOEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA eI'ecINe a5 oIJanuary 1sI 2Oo8 RESoLVED $aia cornbl,atDn olany lwo otlhe Chaman ol lie Eoaro lhe Plrsrdenl EreculNe Vrce-Prsdent SenDr Vlce.Pre3ide o any Vce presdefotthe lo an€st lhe executon ot any sLEh Power ol AIomey o, colruacloi srrevst.p to which rt E a[ached lN V"l rN ESS WHER E OF DEVE LoPE RS S{IRETY ANo 1NoE MNIT Y C oMPANY and rNOE MN ITY CoMPANY OF CALTFORNTA have severalty c€used lhe.e pres€nts to bE sqned by lher rsipeclrve ofliceD ad altested by the{ respoctrve Seielary or AssElanl Secretary th6 18th day otApfil 20j6 6r B, Dar€ YourE Senor V ;zz+ocr 5 196r On p€,sonallv appeare,d 0,^- r uc[. Lt CommritDn , 20t l ta5 ttolary Puuic - Ctllto.nh 0r.o!. Coudy A nolary publrc or other oftrcer complelng thrs certftcate venllcs 06ly the dentiy ot the mdivrdual who sgned the docunrenr lo whrch this cerlrfiLale rs altached and nol lhe truthlulness a ol thal documenl Luc,Ie Ralmord otary pUU!! 8.. r,w NrD rJ r,i. d ,r ort, Danret lourE 6nd gs11 1a.,6a^ tr-dr rr leiFrll fho groved ro nE m m basis ol sar6laclory eydence lo be fie p€rso(slwhos€ n3,n€(3) 6/are subocnu€d lo lhe wrlhm rryluthefl and aCrnqvhdg€d lo,rE ,ta hdslw$ray Crgclted lh€ samc In h,s/hernhe( authonze{ ca9aolyi.es) and lhalby hsrherlhef sqnalure(s] on tte wlrumenl the rersonlsl o. he enl y ugon Dehatlol whEh lhe person(s) aded executed lhe Insttumenl lcenrl/ under PEI,IALTY 0F PERJURI under lhe lass ol the State ol Cal orfta hal Ine lorego,ng Oaragraph 6 ,ue aM conect The {rndelsDneo as Secrelary or Assrslanl Sscrelary ol DEVELOPERS SITRETY AN0INDEIINITY CoMPA Y or INDEMNITY CC PANY 0F CALIFORNIA doos hereby sad.reoralions s€l lonh rn lhe Pder ol Aflorney arr m lqce as ollh€ dar? ollh6 Ceflftele C onm 0ct CE RIIFICATE ' i I r, oct 3 1967 2016 "--tl:#,"&z*10E t,!! .o \ 'o"t n" %-,tr fr SIATE OF ORTGON lCOUNTY OF @p 6-10-16 CLACKAMAS belorc me Lisa Ann McClellan (herc nsed name ol nolary) pcsonally appeared Morag A Corey name(s) ol sqne4s)) personally known lo me (ot proved to nE on lhe basis ol satislaclory evdence) lo be lhe N6on(s) whose name(s) E/are subscnbed to the withn instrument and ad,nd4tdged to ne thal he/she,lhey execuled lhe same n h&her/lhet( aulhonzed capacityles) and thal by h.sherfihek sigature(s) on lhe nslrumenl lhe personls). ot the enhly upon behall ol whtch the pcrson(sl acled. execuled the nstrument. WITNESS my hand aN otlidal seal. 1. Sqnalure /,',i,11",'t L-(SEAL) I ht\ , ,,1 l, ( )lttt t,tl \ttttl tttl .\ 'tl -OPTIONAL- Though lhe data below rs not requtred by law, rl may prove valuable lo persons relyrng on lhe documenl and could prevent lraudulenl reattachmenl ol lhis lorm. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT llrruorvrounr i r conpoRarr orrrcEn TITLE OF TYPE OF DOCUMENT l-- panrruentsr fl lrurreo I-l celtennt EI erronrurv-rru-racr E tRusreetsr ! culRotlr.ucol.tsERVAToFr NUMBEF OF PAGES Ll orxen,__ DATE OF DOCUI,,IENT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING SIGNER(S) OTI-iER THAN NAMED ABOVE tl, ' lrl ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT QgwlgpeE 9!f9!I 4!q ll!-g.mnity company _