Pinehurst, LLC Bond Release Letter TR28789-1 758965PMENIFEE
New. Better. Best.c rtyolmenrlee. u5
August 9, 2021
Pinehurst, LLC
1000 Dove Street, Suite 100
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Sub,ecl. City of Menifee. Pinehurst. LLC, TR 28789-1
Survey Monument Release
To whom it may concern,
At the July 21 ,2021 City Council meeting the City Council approved the release of the bond listed below
Enclosed is the original bond.
Survey Monument Bond No. 758965P - $59.400
Stephanre Roseen,
Deputy City Clerk
Bill Zimmerman Bob lG,wan
Drstnct I
Dean Oelnes
Coun( rlnrnmber
Lesa A Sobek
Mayor Pro Tem
Drslnct 3
Armando G. Vrll.-r
Crty Manaqer
Please let me know if you have any questions.
New. Better. Best.
August 4, 2021
Sarah Manwaring
City Clcrk
City of Menif'ee
Subject: Survey Monument Bond Release forTract Map 28789-7
Dear Sarah
On fuly 21, 2077, lhe City of Menifee City Council approved the release of the Survey Monument
Bond for Tract Map 28789-1. The original bond information is listed below.
Original Streets & Drainage, Water, and Sewcr Bond - Bond No. P802497500811
Monument Faithful
Labor & Material
$ N/ASt rccts a n(l
I) ra in age
$ 5e,400
Please let me know ifyou have any questions
)t 0il
I)a n iel Patlilla, PE
Dcputy Public Works Director/City Engincer