Pinehurst, LLC Bond Reduction Letter TR28789-1 758964PMEN!FEE
New. Better. Best.crtyolmenitee. us
Febtuary 5.2021
Pinehurst, LLC
1000 Dove Street, Suite 100
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Sublect. City of Menifee, Prnehurst, LLC. TR 28789-1
Performance Bond Reduction. Material and Labor Bond Release
To whom rt may concern,
At the January 20,2021 City Council meeting the City Council approved the 90o/o reduclion of the bond
listed below.
. Falthful Performance Bond No. 758964P - $453,500
The City Council approved the full release of the Matenal and Labor bond listed below.
. Material and Labor Bond No 758964P - $226.750
Enclosed is a copy of the Performance Bond and the oragtnal Matenal and Labor Bond.
Please let me know if you have any questions
Deputy City Clerk
Brll Zrmmerman Bob Karwtn
Counc membtf
Orstrrcl I
Dean Dernes
Col,nL rlrnemDor
Arm.ndo G Villa
Crty M,lndgor
Lesa A SoD€r
Mayo, Pro Tem
Drstrrct 3