Developers Surety and Indemnity Company Bond Release Letter 381449SMENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Menitee. CA 92586 95t672-6771 I Fax 95'l'679'3843 New. Better. Best.cityolmenilee.us November 1, 202 2 Developers Surely and Indemnity Company 1,7771. Cowan Street, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92614 RE: Cortana Club Recreation Center, City of Menifee, PP No. 2018-035 Bond Release, Bond No. 3814495 To whom it may concern, The City of Menifee's Planning Department has approved the full release of Bond No. 3814495, in the amount of $37,720.00, based on all conditions for approval under PP No. 2018-035 Cortana Club Recreation Center being satisfied. Enclosed is the original bond. Sincerel E na Aguilar Management Analyst, City Clerk's Office Bill Zimmerman M.ryor Dean Deines Nlryor Pro Tenl Distncl 4 Matt Liesemeyer Councllrnember Drstr rct 2 Armando G. Villa Crty Man.rqpr Bob Karwin Councilnrember Districl 1 Lesa A. Sobek Cooncrhnentber Drst|ct 3 MEN!FEE 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 951-672-6777 Fax951-679-3843 New. Better. Best.c ityof men ifee.us CITY OF MENIFEE Community Development Department Cheryl Kitzerow - Community Development Director October 19,2022 Developers Surety and lndemnity Company 17771 Cowan Suite 100 lrvine, CA 92614 C/o Jennifer Evans Lennar Homes of California lnc. 980 Montecito Drive Suite 302 Corona, CA 92879 C/o Dana Bieber Seapoint Consulting and Project Management RE: Bond Release for PP 2018-035 Cortana Club Recreation Center (Menifee Town Center) The City of Menifee Planning Division has completed the initial landscaping installation and post 1-year inspections for the Cortana Club Recreation Center located within the Menifee Town Center development pursuant to the conditions of approval on Plot Plan No. 2018-035 Cortana Club Landscaping. The landscaping and irrigation have been installed and maintained to an acceptable condition. Therefore, due to compliance with the conditions of approval the Planning Division approves the full bond release for this project (Bond #3814495, Developers Surety and lndemnity Company). Please contact the Planning Division at 951-672-6777, if you have questions or need additional information. Sincerely, City of Menifee Community Development Department Brandon Cleary, Ass Planner Bill Zimmerman Mayor Dean Deines Mayor Pro Tem District 4 Matl Liesemeyer Councilmember District ? Bob Karwin Councilmember Drstrict I Lesa A. Sobek Councilmenrbet District 3 Armando G. Villa City [4dodger Brandon Cleary From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Gary Hoyt < ghoyt@garlhoytinc.com > wednesday, October 19,20227:33 AM Brandon Cleary Modesto Coria; Dana Bieber Cortana Club (Lennar) at MTC - Landscape Bond Release (PP2018-035) ICAUTIONI: This email originated from outside of the organization. Oo not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good morning, Brandon. I performed the one-year bond inspection at Cortana Club yesterday and determined that all maintenance issues have been resolved. I have no issue with release of the landscape maintenance bond for the project Please call or reply if you have any questions. Regards, Gary F. Hoyt, President Gary F. Hoyt Landscape Architecture, lnc. 12888 Francine Terrace I Poway, CA 92064 Mobile. 619.306.4216 1 MENIFEE lgBJ4 H..r1 R(, ,(l '{r' 'Ic,- ':A <r: i;i 191312.6,-i7 F,r., 39' 5?9 :€nl Itlernr. ?r:tt COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION: LAN DSCAPE I NSTALLATION I NSPECTI ON careNumher: ff Zob-aaS rractr: ?1t'lq ProiectLoraron: S4eni{ce lout,' Ctn*er - (orl*nt ()wb conbct: Jgon;€{ Johnson, knnar'11 omes tl Dare of rnspection , 1 lZt lZt Contact lnfotmation for Ownet[;;a-ertnE7Efi;E on, lln So'le too,Conrz' CA q2811 Address; 4fl0 l{oateoi]o Pr. hlr +boe6 ) INSPECTOR Phone:qgl Er1'tt E-Mall Address: j enrrr'ftr'oh.a).v' P krWr.Cr> Pre-lnstallation lnspeEtion Pcrformcd Landrcap€ Check: Plant sizes, species, locatloas and quantities are installed per approved final PlantlnE PlEn Electronic copy ol Solls Management Report rccrivcd: lnspectioo for soil amendments completed lrrigation Sysle ms Check: I' lrrigation componrnls installed per approved final lrrlgation Plan and adjusted to echleve maximum efficiency and eliminatc overgpray and runoff. Z. Copies of pre{stablishment and post--€sta blishment schedules laminated and posted in controller. 3. Smart conlroller has been set to reflect the appropnatq irrigation schedule lrritation Audit completed and results elther attached or in the alectronic cage file for the Certlficate of Compl!tion. dl^ 41, 41.- al, d[, ^,1&F Verlfv that landscape on slopes has been planted accordin6 to the plan. Paqe 1 ol 2 "t-c a{5z.sst 97redu6 --- -- -EAsfE K^J t4tr)rc tff c d.U. o nt€ nn(e !rhedule hai D!-en o.ovidl.d ;.ennu t\s/l\€s ol lalilt nt d -MENIFEE :!)844 H.rL,n Ro.r(l Mr, rleFr {lA:j2iS|: .,al G72 611) Fr., 951 679 38.1.1flt COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION: LAN DSCAPE INSTALLATION I NSPECTI ON cas€Number: ff 7s1g-o75 Tractfi: 7-1t14 projectr.ocation: l4enif ee loan Ctn*er - Corl*na C)vJl contact: Jenn;F{ 5ohn5on, Lenaar J*om€s Date of rnspectron , I lZt lZt Cq!!a!t l!{otma!!on for Owner Name: Jenni.fe( toh^son )knntr +)orttc Su ile aoa,Cont- C) 9L511Address:lEo Aonlecitu Vr)q5 l Zr1-VLtb E Mail Add Prc-ln3trllation lnspection Performed Landscape Check: Piant sizes, species, locations and quantitie5 are Installed per approved final Plantlng Plan Electronic copy of Soils Managrment Report received: lnspection for soil amendment, completed lrritation Syrtemi Check: 1. lrrigetion components installed per approved final lrrigation Plan and adjusted to achieve maximum efficiency and eliminate overspray and runoff. 2. Copies of pre-establishment and post--esta blishm en t schedules laminated and posted in controller, 3. Smart controller has been set to reflect the appropriate irrigation schedule. lrrigation Audit completed and results either attached or in the electronic case file for the Certlflcate of Completion. r"*, jenn,'&r'ohn)ta € krtvr.a> INSPECTOR .4, 41.o. 4u 41.. dt ,. Verlfy that landscape on slopes has been planted according to the plan Phone: df,,. P696 I of 2 ,lJ. d+ al.5z.sst 37ddueeo .---.- EAsrfE R^J yfu ,Jr c t Pl C A.U t /o /I I