Golden Star Investment Properties, LLC Bond Release Letter 41429057MENIFEE 29844 Haun Roacl Menifee, CA 92596
951-672-6777 Fax95t-679-3843
New. Better.
December 20,2022
Golden Star Investment properties, LLC
4040 MacArthur Blvd, Suite 309
Newport Beach, CA92660
Enclosed is the original bond.
Oean Deines
Mavor Pro Tem
Drstrict 4
Matt Liesemeyer
Drsllict 2
Armando G. Villa
Cily llanaq.r
41429057 Faithful Performance Bond $85,500 $0.00
$85,s00 t2/20/22
Bond Amount
being witheld
Bill Zimmerman
Bob Karwin
District I
Lesa A. Sobek
Distnct 3
RE: Golden star Investment properties, LLC, city of Menifee, pLN19-00g2 fMenifee plaza)
Full Bond Release, Bond No. 4l4ZgOS7
To whom it may concern,
The city of Menifee's Planning Department has approved a full release ofthe Faithful performance
Bond for Landscape and Irrigation for PLN19-0Odj, based on all conditions being satisfied.
Below you will find the schedule of release for Bond No. 4L429057:
Management Analys! City Clerk,s Office
Bond No.Release
MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Menifee. CA 92586
951-672 6777 Fax 951679-3a43
New. Better. Best.cityof menifee. us
DATE:December 12, 2022
RE:Request for Bond Release and attached mailed letters for planning
Application No PLN19-0082 - Menifee Plaza Landscape and lrrigation plan
Kay Vinson, Acting City Clerk
Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Development Director
FROM: Jessica McMillen. Assistant Planner
Attached please find Landscape executed Agreement & Bond Release for Planning Application
for PLN19-0082 - Menifee Plaza Landscape and lrrigation plan.
Project Description:
Planning Application PLN19-0082 - on-site landscaping and irrigation for pLN'lg-0082 has
been installed by the applicant and approved by the city and has completed the 1-year
maintenance period. The applicant is requesting to release the on-site landscaping and irrigation
Bond for PLN19-0082 in the amount of$85,500.00 (Bond No.41429057).
Planning App No.:
Applicant Name:
Surety Name:
Bond No.:
1-year Alain.
Total Amount:
PP201 9-0082- Onsite Landscape Plan
Golden Star lnvestment Properties, LLC
Platte River lnsurance Company
Please email a PDF copy fully executed agreement and bond to Jessica McMillen att
mcmille ct ofm
Thank You,
City of Menifee
29844 Haun Road
Menrfee, California 92586
J mcmilenrO citvofmenifee. us
ffi MENIFEE 298:14 Hdun Po.rd Mcnr,r.r iA 9?586
951672 67n I Fdr 95r.679 3843
New. Better. Best.
December 12,2022
Golden Star investment Properties, LLC
4040 MacArthur Blvd, Suite 309
Newport Beach, CA 92660
RE: security Bond Release for PLN19-0082- on-site landscape and irrigation plan on MenifeePlaza Landscape and lrrigation plan
on-site landscaping and irrigation for pLN 1 9-0082 has been installed by the applicant andapproved by the city and has completed the 1-year maintenance period. The applicant is
req.uesting to release the on-site landscaping and irrigation Bond for PLNI9-0082 in tire amountof $85,500.00 (Bond No.41429057).
Please contact the Planning Division at (9s1\723-312s, if you have questions or need additionatinformation.
Jess c Millen. Assistant Planner
City of Menifee Community Developmenl Department