Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Bond Reduction Letter TR36485-9 TM521455829944 Haun Road Menrlee. CA 92586
951-672-6Tn F.x 951'679 3843
New. Better.
December 28,2020
Sufter Mitland 01, LLC
3200 Park Center Drive, Suite 1000
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Re: Sutter Mitland 01, LLC, City of Menifee, TR 36485-9, Plot Plan No. 2018-015
Bond Reduction, Bond No. TM5214558
To whom it may concern;
Per the City of Menifee, Community Development Department, the landscaping, and irrigation
improvements have been installed to City specifications and standards. The bond has been
approved to be reduced from $99,895.44 to $4,610.20. Enclosed is a copy of the bond.
Faithful Performance Bond No. TM5214558 - $99,895.44
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Stephanie Roseen,
Deputy City Clerk
Bill Zimme,man
Lesa A Sobek
Mayor Pro Tem
Distrlct 3
Armando G. Villa
Crty Mandger
Bob l(arwin
Distflcl 1
Matl Lresemeyer
Distict 2
Dean Dernes
MENIFEE 29844 Hdun Rodd Men,lee CA 92586
951-672.6?77 F,rr 951-679.3843
New. Better. Best.(ityotmen ee,us
Decomber 22, 2020
Continontal Casualty Company
333 South Wabash Avenue
Chicago, lL 60604
CC: Sutter Mitland 01 LLC
3200 Park Center Drive, Suite 1000
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
RE: Security Roduction for Plot Plan 2018-015 - Patriot Drive Stro€tscap€ Landscape andlrrigation Plan (TR 36485-9)
Please contact the Planning Division at (951) 723-3745 if you have questions or need additional
City of Menifee Community Development Department
Z,*l, a*
Russell Brown, Associate Planner
The HoA-maintained landscape and inigation plan on Patriot Drive located in Planning Area 11Aand 1 1B of the Audie Murphy Ranch specific Plan (TR36485-9), has been installed in accordance
with Exhibit L approved through Plot Plan 2018-015lhe installation was conlirmed by the city's
Landscape Consultant. The applicant is requesting a reduclion of Bond # TM5214558 for Landscape
and lrrigation lmprovements to reduce the bond amount from the original amount of g99,895.44 to
$4,610.20 (1-Year Maintenance). The remaining amount for this bond is $4,610.20, which can be
released after requesting and receiving successful completion of the one-year post installation
landscaping and inigation inspection pursuant to the conditions of approval for the Plot plan
(PP2018-01 5).
Bill Zimmerman Lesa A Sobet
Mayor Pro Tem
Drslr'cl l
Matt Lreiemey(
Orslr,cl 2
Desn Oeines
D'stncl 4
Arm,indo G Villa
Crly M.rI1,rclF,r
Bob f.rttin
Orslrct I