Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Rider TM5207444IeroRANrEE'
D"tW- /thtfuruor-
To be attached to and form a part of:
BOND NO. TM5207444
Type of Bond: Performance & Material and Labor Bond
Date Effective: February 28th,2018
Executed by: Sutter Mitland 01, LLC, as Principal,
and by: The Guarantee Company of North America USA, as Surety, in favor of
the City of Menifee (Obligee) in consideration of the mutual agreements herein contalned the Principal
and the Surety hereby consent to changing the bond amount:
FROM: 54,171,500.00 (Performance)
S2,085,750.00 (tabor & Material)
TO S1,043,000.00 (Performance)
5521,500.00 (l-abor & Material)
Nothing herein contained shall vary, alter or extend any provision of condition of this bond except as
herein expressly stated.
This rider is effective: October 10th,2019
Signed and Sealed: October 18th,2019
Sutter Mitland 01, LLC
The Guarantee Company of North America USA
Debra Watterson, Attorney in Fact
One Towne Squars, Suit6 1470, Soulhlleld, Michigan, USA48076 I Te|i248.281.0281 1.866.328.0567 | Fax:248.750.0431
@ 2017 The Guarant€€ Company of North America. Th€ Guarantee is a trademark ofThs Guarantee Company of North America. All rights reseNed
aJ€ 8*_-
Excellence, Expertise, Experience ... Every time
A notary public or other officer completing
this cerlificate verified only the identity of
the individual who signed the document to
which this certificate is attached, and not the
truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that
COUNl'Y OF Oranse
On ,20 9.b orc lle
personally appeared
proved to nre on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persol.l
the within instrument and acknowled ed to rne that @she/they/executed th
Moss , Notary Public,
whose nameq re subscribed to
e same tn r/their
entity,y4.@n"or theaLrthorized capacity!,$ and that by erltheir signature;pfon the instrument the perso
tupon behalf of rvhich the persog@f a , executed the inatrument.c
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing
paragraph is true and correct.
WITNESS rny hand and official seal.
^.OSSNot.ry gubhc'Calilornla
a otarv Public0r.nge Count!
Commission ,2?54683
$y Comm Expires Aug 17, 2022
A notary public or other officer completing this
certiiicate verilies only the identity of the individual
who signed the document to which this certiJicate is
attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or
validity of that document.
State of
County of
Oakla )
10t14t2019 before me, Lora O'Briei
(insert name and tille of lhe officer)
personally appeared
who proved to me on
Debra Watterson
the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are
subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/shenhey executed the same in
his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on lhe instrument the
person(s), orlhe entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument.
I certily under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the forego,ng
paragraph is true and correct.
Sig nature (Seal)
Lora O'Brien
Lore O'B en
Noterv Publlc' Stetc of Michigen
Countv ol Oaklend
Mv Commlsslon Expires April 21' 2024
ActlnO ln Oskland CountY
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
1t(The Guarantee Company of North America USA
Southfield, MichiganGUARANTEE'
NOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA, a corporation organized and existing under the
laws of lhe State of [,Iichigan, having its principal ofllce in Southfield, Michigan, does hereby constitute and appoinl
Debra Watterson, Edward G. Woods, Kathleen Runestad, Lora O'Brien Sara Schrauben, Jefftey Jubera,
Katie Coalson, Edward Devries, Dwight Teter Casey M. Strohauer, Montina Cenance, Olga Tasselmyer
The Guarantee Company of North America USA
its true and laMul atlorney(s),in-fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, cont.acts of indemnity
and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allolaed. required or permitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise.
The execution of such inslrument(s) in pursuance oflhese presents, shallbe as binding upon THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA
as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected offcers at the pdncipal
The Po\ €r of Atlorney is executed and may be cerlilied so, and may be revoked, pursuant lo and by authonty of Article lX, Section 9.03 of the By-Laws
adopled by the Board of Directors of THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AiIERICA USA at a meeting held on the 31" day of Oecember, 2003.
The President. or any Vice President, acting with any Sec.etary or Assislant Secretary, shall have power and autho.ity:
't To appoint Atlorney(s)-in-fact, and to authorize them to execule on behalf of the Company, and altach the Seal of the Company lhereto, bonds and
underlakings, conlracts of indemnity and other wilings obligatory in the nature thereof: and2 To revoke, al any time, any such Attorney-in{act and revoke lhe authorily given, except as provided below3 ln conneclion with obligations in favor of lhe Florida Department of Transportalion only, it is agreed lhal the polver and authority hereby given lo the
Allorney-in-Fact includes any and allconsenls forlhe release of retained percentages and/or finalestimales on engineenng and construclion contracls
required by the State of Florida Departmenl of Transportatjon lt is fully understood that consenting to lhe State of Florida Department of Transportation
making payment oflhe llnal estimate lo the Conkactor and/o. ils assignee, shall not relieve this surely company of any of its obligalions under its bond.4 in connection with obligalions in favor of the Kentucky Department of Highways only, it is agreed that lhe po$€r and authority hereby given to the
Attorney-in-Facl cannol be modilied or revoked unless prior written personal nolice of such intenl has been given to the Commissioner - Deparlmenl
of Highways of lhe Common\4ealth of Kentucky al leasl thirty (30) days prior to the moditcation or revocalion.
Further, this Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile pursuant to resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company adopted al a meeting
duly called and held on lhe 6th day of December 201 1, of which the followng is a lrue excerpl:
RESOLVED that the signature of any authorized oflicer and lhe seal of the Company may be afllxed by facsimile to any Power oI Attomey or certification
lhereof authorizing the execution and delivery ot any bond. undertaking, conlracts of indemnity and other w'itings obligatory in the nature lhereof, and
such signature and sealwhen so used shall have the same force and effect as lhough manually affixed.
lN WITNESS WHEREOF. THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AI{ERICA USA has caused this instrumenl lo be signed and
its corporate seal lo be aflixed by its aulhorized ofrlcer, this 1st day of March, 2018
County ot Oakland
Stephen C. Ruschak, President & Chief Operating Officer Randall I{ussolman, Socrotary
On this lst day of N,4arch. 20'18 before me came the individuals who executed the preceding instrumenl. lo me personally kno,/vrr. and being by me duly
sworn, said that each is the herein described and authorized offcer of The Guarantee Company of North Ame.ica USAi that lhe seal aflixed to said
inslrument is the Corporale Seal of said Company; that lhe Co.porale Seal and each signature $€re duly afiixed by order of the Eoard of Directors of said
lN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sel my hand at The Guaranlee
Company of North America USA offices the day and year above lwitten.
,.?'7 ^-tAt-1, A. 7-aJ4-<--
L Randall Musselman. Secretary of THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AITERICA USA. do hereby ceriify that the above and fo.egoing is a true
and correct copy of a Power of Attorney executed by THE GUARANTEE COMPAT{Y OF NORTH AIUERICA USA, v/hich is still in full force and eflect.
lN WITNESS WHEREoF, I have lhereunlo set my hand and attached the sealof said Company this l8th day of October , 2019
Cynthia A. Takai
Notary Public, State ol Michigan
County of Oakland
My Commission Expit s Februory 27,2021
A.ting in ooNond county
Randall Mussolman, Socrotary
Home Ofiice, Soulhfreld, Michigan
D.ccmb€r il, 2018
Cash and Short-Term Invcstnedts
Marketable Securities
Prcmium and Agetrts Balances (urder 90 days)
Roinsurance Recoivablo ou paid losscs
Accrued Intsre$ and Dividonds
Not Defened Tax Asset
Othcr Assets
Total Admitted Assets
Common Stock and Paid-kr Capital
Total Policyholdcrs' Surphrs
Sworn to bcforc mc thiE l9th day of Mrr$b 2019.
tl J* / ) 'l i/'_ -// -cr',t.3_ L,. /^.{:.!tt-_
^or'y cynthia A Td(ai
Notary Publlc, Stalo ot Mhr gan
County of Oakla{d
l,ly Commllslofl Exdr.8 F.boary 27, 2m4
Actlng ln Oakland county
$ 88,508,407
15 r,857,94I
Reserve for Losses and Loss Adjuslrrent Expcnses
Uncamcd Prcmium Roserve
Accrued Expcnses
Ceded Rcinsuraace Premiums Payablc
Taxcs, Licenscs and Fees Payable
Fcdaal Income Tax Payable
Funds Hold
Other Liabilities
Total Liabilities g 49.626.919
Total Liabilities, Capital and Surplus
Stqt ofMichiS!tr
Colmty of Oaklud
Slcphcn C. Ruschrlbcing duly swom, sys: Thsl te is tE Ptrsiri6rt & COO ofThr Citrf.ltcc CoEploy ofNorth
Ao.rics USA: tbd srid coEpsDy i! a corpotdion duly orgaiu4 cxi*irg, aod cag4cd io hsiacsr I a srlay by
virhrc of thc lrws of tic Statc of MicbigrL lild h!3 duty caoplicd wirl sll thc rlquirle(tr8 of tho hw! of sdd do
rpplicsbl. to said c@psny lDd is duly qudificd to arl rs Etr.ty undcr $ch hwq fhd srid oompany bs dr coqlictl
widl aod is duly quslificd to nd rs surcty wdcr tbc Ad of CoDgrgss of July 30, Ig,|7, .. @!od.d (6 U.S.C 613):6r
tlc forcSoing k 6 irll, tuc dtd coftct stdcmcit ofrhc firrncid condition of sdd coorgroy oo thc 3lr dry of
Dcccrnbcr 20 I t
g 9,077,422
t.844.929 & COO