Golden Star Investment Properties, LLC Bond Release Letter 41411109New. Better. Best. 29844 Haun Rd. Menifee CA. 92586 lg5'll 67 2-6777 1 Fax (951) 679-38i3 cityofmen ifee.us April 21,2023 Golden Star Ivestment Properties, LLC Attn: Matthew Arfa 4040 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 309 Newport Beach, C A92660 RE: Golden Star lnvestment Properties, LLC, IP20-001, Bond Release, Bond No. 47417109 To whom it may concern, The City of Menifee's Engineering Department has approved a 500/0 reduction of Faithful Performance Bond No. 41411109 for lP20-001. Material and Labor Bond No. 47471109 will remain at 50% of the original Faithful Performance Bond amounts and will be released in full following the acceptance of the public improvements, and per City security release policy. Below ou will find the schedule of release for Bonds referenced above: Enclosed are copies of the Faithful Performance and Material & Labor Bonds. Si ilar Ma ment Analyst, City Clerk's Office MENIFEE Bill Zimmerman Mayor Ricky Estrada CoLrnctlnrember Distflct 2 4141.1109 (Faithful Performa nce Bond)540G,soo 41,4LLLOg (Material & Labor Bond)s203,2s0 50% Reduction Effective Date 5203,2s0 N/A Origina I Bond Amount Bob Karwin Mayor Pro Tem Drstrct 1 Lesa A. Sobek Councilmember Drst.rct 3 Dean Deines Councrlmember Drstnct 4 Armando G. Villa Crty MaDager Bond No. 3/21/23 N/A MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Menilee, CA 92586951-672-6777 Fax951-679'3843 New. Better. Best.cityotmenifee.us March 2'1, 2023 Kay Vinson Acting City Clerk City of Menifee RE: lmprovement Bond 50% Reduction for lP20-001 (PP2018-023) Dear Kay, Golden Star lnvestment Properties LLC (Developer) is requesting a 50% reduction in the public improvement securities for lP20-001, Menifee Plaza. The Project Manager has reviewed the request and the City Engineer has administratively approved the 50% reduction for streets, drainage, water, and sewer system securities. The Material and Labor bond amounts will remain at 50% of the original Faithful Performance amounts, to be released in full following the acceptance of the public improvements, and per City security release policy. The original security information is summarized in the table below, along with the approved reductions. Ori inal and Reduced Securities - lP20-001 Please mail bond reduction letter to:Please email bond reduction letter to: Golden Star lnvestment Properties LLC Attn: Matthew Arfa 4040 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 309 Newport Beach, CA 92660 lf you have any questions, please contact Kris Jensen Sincerely,q'!rk Oaniel Padilla, P.E. City Engineer Streets/Drainage 41411109 $ 235,500 $ 1 17,750 $ 1'17,750 N/A Water System 41411109 $ 79,000 $ 39,500 $ 39,500 N/A Sewer System 41411109 $ 92,000 $ 46,000 $ 46,000 N/A Total:$ 406,s00 $ 203,250 $ 203,250 lmprovemenl Security kiensen@citvofmenifee. us crobinson@citvofmenifee. us m atthew(A amsbrokers. com Faithful Performance 50Yo Reduction Material & Labor Original Amount 50% Reduction