Pinehurst, LLC Rider 757562SD€v€lop€rs Surety and lndemnity Company lndemnity Company of Calitornia CorePointe lnsurancs Company 17771 Cowan, Suile 100.lMne. Calitornia 92614 . (949) 263-3300 www AmTruatsurelv com AmTrust Surety Ar) AinTrusl FiErcial Cornpany Str RUI Y BONI) KNow Al..L MLN til l Htrstr PRUSHN I S. l hat OEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY virtue ol the la$s of the Strte of rowA in the State olCalilbrnia as Surety, are held and firmly bound uuto CITY OF MENIFEE []ond No. zszsozs Prcrn iunr $496 00 , a corporation olgurizcd aud cloing busincss undcr and by and duly liccnscd to conduct a general surety busincss PINEHURST. LLC . as Principai, and as Obligee, in the surn oI THIRTY ONE THOUSAND ANO NO/1OO I)ollaIs, (:S 31,ooo oo ) tbr which payment, rvell ald truly to be rnade, we bind ouruehes. our heirs, exeuulols and successors, joirttly and sorerally lirrnly by thcse prcscnts I}IE CONDITION OF'TIIIS OBI-ICi,{I'ION IS SUCTI THAT. WIIIJRLAS. MODEL HOME COMPLEX AGREEMENT FOR TRACT NO 28790.1, .2. AND .F REIVOVAL OF ALL IVODEL HOME SIGNAGE. REi4OVAL OF PARKING LOTS, CLEAN UP OF ANY PAINTEO CUR8S, REMOVAL OF SALES OFFICE, REMOVAL OF ALL OTHER ANCILLARY ITEMS NOT INCIDENTAL OF A TYPICAL SINGLE.FAMILY RESIDENT UNIT Signcd and scaled this rzrt day of eueust PINEHURST LLC DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INOEMNITY COMPANY3y Pc.i+rt Cplv!'r,rrrn-rlieg ts^iU<,r,lq . lts l-}1on. F-I6 \0r HELsor.l rD-1217 (CA)TitS) e roeNT B\' [.,ORAG COREY STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS On 8'13-15 , balore me,LISA ANN McCLELLAN (here name ol notary) perconally aryeared MORAG A COREY (namB(s) of Stgno4s)) personally known to nE (or proved to me on the basis of satslaclory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subsctibed to the wittin instrurnenl and ad<nowledgd lo me lhat he/sha/they executed he same in his/her/lhei authoized capactty(ies), and that W hisher/their sigaature(s) on he instrument the person(s), or the enw upon behaff ol which lhe person(s) acted, executed lhe inslrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. 1 -__ ;.isliOFFICIAL SEALANN MC CLELIANOTARY PUBIIC . OFEGONMlssroN No.474018MY COMM BER 1I ,2016 This ut'eu hr OJlicial Nrtarii Srd t,(sEAL) -oPTloNAL- Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this torm. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT ! rruotvtoulL E conpoRnre orrtceR TITLE OF TYPE OF DOCUMENl E paRruen(s) IrlLEIS) E ulatrEo E oeneRr M nrroRruev.rr.t-rlcr E rnusreelslfl cunnornrulcorusERVAToR E orueR: NUMBER OF PAGES DAIE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER IS REPHESENTING: NAME OF PEFISONIS, Oq ENIIIYIIES} Developers Surety And lndemnity Company SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE lD'1232 (REV 5/09)ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT l POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR OEVELOPERS SURETY At{D INOET'NIIY COIIPANY INDE[INITY COXPANY OF CALIFORNIA P0 8or 19i25.lRVlNE, CA 92623 (gag)261-3300 (Nor/vALL 8Y THESE PRESENTS lhat ercopt as orprosdy Lmited. DEVEIoP€RS SUR€TY AND INOEMNITY COMPAfIY dd |NDEMN|TY CO*tpANy OF CAl,tFOf,NtA. do eadrhssby m8lo, co.tdilub ad appdit "'Eic Englund. Lis€ Mc Clellan, Matt Sk6lton, Sean Flinn, Btaine O. Wi{iamsoo, Morag A. Co.ey, join{y o. ssveralty'.' By:AND Daniel Ydlng, Senor Vice-Prssii€.tt ,resgtls, aro horeby r6lifrod and cglftmed. ANo INDEMNITY COMPANY and INoEMNITY Co|,iPANY 0F CAI|FoRN|A eflEdjve as ot January tsl, 2008. RESoLVED, bal a cofibinalion o, any hxo ot ho Chairman of Ujq Board, th€ Preatdd[ Erocutv€ Vrco+resid€nl S€ii{r Vrcs+ra€idht or any Vico pr6srdc{ ol lho to aftosl lh6 oroculion of any sudt Pows ol Atlornoyi RESoLVE0. FURTHER. lhsl ttlo ggnatuos ol sudr ol6c€r3 may b€ atfixod lo ,|y $dl P*d d Atorns, or to any cstjficalo rehtng fh€rolo by la6imie, and any sudt or co0k6cl ol suretyshh lo $hrch it is atladEd IN WITNESS I4HEREOF. DEVELOPERS SURETY AN lieir rcspoctive oflic€rs aod attesled by lh6n resp6chvo 0 INDEMNITY COIvIPANY 6nd INDEMNITY CoMpANy OF CALIFORNTA hsvo ser$dty causod hese prosonb lo be suned bySedetrry or Asslshnt Sorrd6r) thi6 January 29. m 15 0cT By 10 1936 Mark Lansdon. Vice.P.esidenl c PO ocr. s 1967 Y t olary pu lr officer pletin0 th rlificate ly the ntity the srg the hrch th cate allached lhe trulh lidity I Stato ol Cdih.ob Couoty ot Ortgs or -J!!!!!ry29,4!!- b.{rr.E _0- pc.lolldy 4poa.ad LUCILLT RAN'ONO Commrslaon r 20Cr 9a5 otr.y Puuic - Cllfornla 0nne6 County Comm oct ,3 Placo Nolary Se,lAbov. rvho proved h ne on tio bas6 olsatblaclory ovrdenco lo be lhe porson(s)$/hose nalno(s)is/are subscribed lo lh6 wthln insliumenl and ackno*leted to nr€ that hs/shenhey exocuted ho same in hirher/tiei. aulhorized capaoMEs), and 0l8t by hb/herlhejr sig0ature(s)on the rnslrumenl the person(s), or the qltityupon beh€ll o{which the person(s) acled erocuted lhe inslrument oarlql YqrrE ?nq Marf, La{sdo.l N,Ei9 d SgEti) I csnify undr PENATTY 0F PER.JURY undor th6 taf,s ot Itlo Slato of Catbrni. hst th6 brcgoirB Da.agmph lstue aod cofied WTNESS my hand and o{fidal seat S€nafure , Nolary Public LLrcllo Rayfilood CERTIFICATE Th€ und€.sign€d. as secrobry or Atsbhnl s6.fdary d oEVELoPERS SURETYAND tNoElr l1y coilprNy or lNoEllltTy colfANy oF cALtFoRNA do€5 her€by sai, cqpoatironS s€t fo.h h ho Poid ol Atto.nsy a.a h lo.co as ol hi dato ol ths Certficas. Ihb Cortfcrh 6 oreorbd i0 tto Oty ot lvino, Calhnia, hb tZ$ day ot Atlst .2015 other individual document 10.1380(Rev01/15) ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certiflcate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validi of that document State of California County of Orange ) on August 14, 2015 before me,Rebecca Ngai, Notary Public (insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared Nelson Chung who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(c) whose name$ is/arc subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/sHtlre, executed the same in hisA€r*h€a+ authorized capacity(i€o), and that by his/h€rlth€ir signature(€') on the instrument the person(e), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(e) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. 12 IIIfl !mI fl I I I lllmi l I l fl fl Illlllfl lg WITNESS my hand and official seal @,,,J"'H:il!j"iilll*,,, as 3lll uu Illl llutllIIlrlIlrllrlllllllrlllllrltl lrlriI L]rllllrll Signatu re (Seal)