Lennar Homes of California, Inc. Bond Reduction Letter SU1149775 PP2018-082MENIFEE New. Better. Best. November 20,2020 Lennar Homes of California Attn: Bryce Fleming 980 Montecito Drive, Suite 302 Corona, CA 92879 29844 Haun Rond Menrhe. CA 92586 951.672.6777 Fax 951.679.3843 c rtyolmenitee.us RE EA ED COPY RE: Lennar Homes of California, City of Menifee, PP 2018-082 Bond Reduction, Bond No. SUll49775 The City of Menifee Planning Division has approved a reduction of the bond listed below to the one-year maintenance amount of $211,200. Faithful Performance Bond No. SU1149775 Enclosed is a copy of the bond for your reference. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, ruu D*\- Ste Deputy City Clerk phanie Roseen Brll 2rmmerman Matl Lresemeyer Mayor Pro Tem Drslncl 2 Greg auqusr Councrtmember D'slrcl I DF.rn Derne! Councrlmember Or5ltlcl4 MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Menrfee, CA 92586 951672-6tn Fax 951.679 38a3 New. Better. Best.crtyofmenifee-us November 9, 2020 Arch lnsurance Company 300 Plaza e, 3'd Floor 1 . Jercoy C C/o Bry ing Lannar Homes of California lnc. 980 Montecito Drive Suite 302 Corona, CA 92879 The City of Menifee Planning Division has completed the initial landscaping installation inspections for the Heritage Lake Greenbelt along the northern boundary of the Menifee Valley Ranch Specific Plan Planning Area 39 and the railroad tracks within the Heritage Lake development pursuant to the conditions ofapproval on plot plan No. 2018-082 Heritage Lake Greenbelt. The landscaping and irrigation have been installed and maintained in an acceptable condition per the attached letter from Valleywide Recreation District. Therefore, due to compliance with the conditions of approval the Planning Division approves the bond reduction for this project down to the 1-year maintenance ($21 1,200) (Bond #SU1149775). Please contact the Planning Division a|951-67?-6777 , if you have questions or need additional information. Sincerely, City of Menifee Community Development Department B_--/- ( Brandon Cleary, Assistant Planner Brll Zrmmerman Matl Liesomeyer D,sttrcl2 ' Greg August Councrlmember Drstr(t 1 D€an Dernes Councrlmember O'sttict 4 Armando G Villa Crry Man.rgPr RE: Security R€duction for PP 2018-082 Heritage Lake Greenbelt \,------ VATTEY-MDE RECREATION AND PARK DISTRICT GoRecreation.@rg Me Oua(a John Sragg St6ve Srmpso^ Secretarv December 6. 2018 Christina Bustamante City of Menifee 29714 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 valley-wide Recreation and Park District has received a request to provide the city of Menifee with a clearance letter for an Agreement of Park Fees, specifically condition 50.Planning.13. The developer has salisfied this condition by eniering into an agreement with Valley-wide for this tract and all subsequent phases therein; therefore, we take no €xception to clearing this condition. I have attached a copy of th€ agreement for your reference. we respectfully request the city of Menifee to execule tha building permit thresholds which it recommended to ensure that this long anticipated asset is completed 1o benefit our residents. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (951 ) 654-1505 Sincerely, Loretta Domenigoni, Park Plan ) DisfrictValley-Wide Recreation and Pa Jeremiah Acayturri via email at jeremiah.acayturri@lennar.com Attachment: Executed Park Agreement Districr Oflic6 .9Ol W65l Esglan.de Avonuo'St^ Jscinto, CA 92582'{95r) 6tl 15o5'Fat {951,654'5279 M.nifa€ whoatliold Pa.t olti.o . 30627 Msnrfse Road . Menifor, cA 925A!. $5t) 672-6714. Fsx (9511 672'5740 Rsncho Solla vistr communitv conlor ' 31757 Browning st.€et ' Murri€[., ca 92563 ' (951) 89'- 146a ' F6r (951) 894-1470 BOAn0 0f DIRTCTORS Jsn B,as€ll GeneralManagcr RE: TRACT NO. 34400 - HERITAGE LAKES - PARK CLEARANCE LETTER Dear Ms. Bustamante: