Lennar Homes of California, Inc. Bond Release Letter TR34406-6 SU1149775MENIFEE 29844 Hdu,r Ro(r.l Mcnili..e. CA 9258f: 951672 6Tn Fax 951-6/9 3843 New. Better. Best.cityolmenifee.us November 29,2021 Lennar Homes of California Attn: Bryce Fleming 980 Montecito Drive, Suite 302 Corona, CA 92879 RE: Lennar Homes of California, City of Menifee, TR 34406-6, Plot Plan No. 2018-082 Heritage Lake Greenbelt; Bond Release, Bond No. SU1149775 On November 20,2020 the above mentioned bond was reduced to 9211,200. The City of Menifee Planning Department has approved the release of the remaining amount. Enclosed is the original bond. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, ,l t V|.ttI\ ' , rtC/\l'i Stephanie Roseen Deputy City Clerk Brll Zimmerm6n Armando G vrfiai'] ,," " ''' ), / MENIFEE 29844 Haun Ro,rd Men'tee. CA 92586 951 672.677', Far 951-679.3843 New. Better. Best.cityotmenilee.us November 24 2021 Arch lnsurance Company 300 Plaza Thiee, 3rd Floor Jersey City, NJ C/o Bryce Fleming Lennar Homes of California lnc. 980 Montecito Drive Suite 302 Corona, CA 92879 RE: Security Bond Release fot PP 2018482 - Horitage Lake Groenbelt The City of Menifee Planning Department has completed the initial and post installation landscaping inspections for the Heritage Lake Greenbelt located along the railroad track in the Menifee Valley Ranch Specific Plan pursuant to the conditions ofapproval on Plot Plan No. 2018-082 Heritage Lake Greenbelt). The landscaping and irrigation have been installed and maintained in an acceptable condition per the attached letter from Valleywide Recreation Drstrict. Therefore, due to comptiance with the conditions of approval the Planning Department approves the bond release for the remaining bond balance of 5211,200 (Bond #SU1149775) Please contact the Plannrng Drvision at (9511 672-6777 , rf you have questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Brandon Cleary Associate Planner Bril Zrn) rerrn.tr Bob K.rrwi,r Oean Derne\A.mando G Vi --