Lennar Homes of California, Inc. Bond Reduction Letter TM37179 867700MENIFEE New. Better. Best.catyolmenilee. us March 8. 2022 Lennar Homes of California, lnc 980 Montecito Drive Corona. CA 92879 SubJect: City of Menifee, Lennar Homes of California. lnc., TM 37179. Bond Reductton To whom rt may concern, On February 2, 2022lhe City Councrl approved a 90% reduction of the following bond o Fa(hful Performance Bond No. 867700 The City Council approved the release of the following bond. . Material and Labor Bond No. E67700 Enclosed as a copy of the Faithful Performance bond for reference and the oragrnal Material and Labor Bond Please let me know rf you have any questtons Sincerely. teph anre Roseen Acting City Clerk Enclosure E I . MENIFEE 29844 Hnua Rood M.nre. CA 9)596 951-Ot2 6177 Far 951 679.3843 New. Better. 8est.catyormenifee.us F ebruary 24 , 2O22 Sarah Manwaring City Clerk City of Menifee Streets/ Drai e i60,450Walers56,200Sewer353,49o $1 700.500 sl 70,050 Please contact Jennifer Hernandez ifyou have any questions Sincerely, 0-,( IN P5T Daniel Padilla, PE Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer 867700 $604,500 86 7 700 867700 $s62 000 $534.000 $281 000 7 000 s850 250 250 lmprovement Security Faithtul Performance (Orlginal Amount) Labor & materials (Orlglnal Amount) Faithful Perlormance (90"/o Reductlon) Subiect: 90% Bond Reduction for Tract Map 37179 Dear Sarah: 9-" F"-b-rylv-1, 2022, the ciry of Menifee city council approved a 90% Bond Reduction for TracrMap 3 7179. The original bond information i, tirt"d beto*. Original Streets & Drainage, Water. System, and Sewer System Bond _ Bond No. g67700 Tolel fil i It i t ,