KB Home Coastal, Inc. Material and Labor Bond TM30142-1 5028066MATERI.AL AN.D,L.ABOR BONDcoulYrr oF RrvERSrD4 SrATEOFCALIFORNIA(O6vcsrmhiOorlc Scqicn 66499.1)(stre.t6/Draloage & Flood Control D18t.FOR: Strects aad Dralnelc s1 Slatcr SyEtcrl SDworSystrifr ) .00 I) Principal H Zp 92595 WIiERBAS, ihG County of RiveBidc, St4? of Callf-pmtq and KB E . lnc. sttachcd blic hcrcby WIIEREA6, ul&i'Oc tcmi of 'dC agiebEicnr, pdnciFf k rcquirpd, bcforc cntcriog upo! thcpcrforrtr*of tho xor}. to frlca goid *g rrfr".rS." p"y.oiifoaa wi& tto County ot[lvaql&-to sccr{qtfiq cirine ti, fhich rcrorcn* rn rnialiliii; r -s (commoncing with scction30E2)tdPart4 of.Dtyisle! tpf il,c Clvil Cedsef the S;;-oiEiriro-r.; rqddrc&i Cityrsr4s Phooc mtrh It is &crcby cxprcssly stipulatcd and agtcd upon that rhis bond shalt inurc to thc bcncfit of anv{ia! ncpoli, compantgs and corpoiations cntitles to tuu.hi;;";;iil;;ffiffi;with sccrion 3082) of pan i of Division 3 of tlrc civir coa", * "t 0o gvc 8 right of .ction rothcro or thcir 'assigas la any suit brought upou'-tiis bond. shoutd thc condition of thie tond bc firlly pcrformcd,'thcn this oblitation shalr bocomo nul andvoid; othenrisg it shall bc ond rcmain in frrll forcc and "tr;;. - MATERIAL AN.D LABOR BOND TtG 'o{Et}', h"oy stiprddcs ri- H* E rt .T chaaga, cxrcosioo of tirac, attcration or additionto thc erms of thi. agcmt or to Oc spocificationi-""rolp*yiog tlrc samc she[ in rnywiscafroei its obrigsri'on ol rhh bond *d ir ,i;-i;;; *t ooti"c or aoy sucrr change, cxrcnsionof tire' ettc'rioaorrddi€oo:sfuryl*G*ifi;il qgrccs$ar thc paovisions of scction,&05 of thc civ, os& &B oor e .o.ditioo prJr"orioluity's outigations hcrcunder s,d archopby wrivodbyrurcty. INWTNBSS aborp oaoo4 June 14 WHBREOF, rhis iDsrruDcot hss bccn duIJ cxccuted by thc principal and sr.nuty2007oo _--l NAMEOFPRINCIPAL KB HOME AUIIIORXZBD STGNATURE(B): By: lnc. Tirleu? LA/Jb + t<okd AtLb ?oe *taYal e Titlc Tittc (TF CORPORATION, AFFD( SEAL) NAMBOFST RETY; Bond safe0ua rd lnsura nce Compan AUIIIOXTRDSE}IATURE: Bonnie Kruse lrAnorocph-Frct v Tille ([F CORPORATIoN, AFFD( SEAL) ATTACII NOIARIAL ACXNOWLED'MENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL ANDATTORMY-EI-FACT. State of California County of Riverside personallypersonally known to me (oFfr€ved+e-me-efl to be the person(s) whose name(s) islaret and acknowledged to me that he/she/+h€executed the same in his/hettsrjr authorized capacity(ies), and that byhis/herltheir signature(s) on the instrument the person(s),or the entity uponbehalf of which the person(s)acted, executed the instru ment. W|INESS my hand and official seal,(seal) PAl,tela X. r,tSEROLEcoMrn. rl5i !51r6 m (si nature)RIVERSIDE CCUN]Yily Com.n Exp. Oct ,l5, ?008 v =ul Bond Safegfudl d POWER OF ATTORNEY Ao 24040 INSURANCE COTIPANY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,that BONO SAFEGUARO TNSURANCE CO pANy, an ltinois Corpo.at on s,,ith itsp.incipal oflice in Lombard. lllinois, do€s hereby constitute and appoint MichsclJ. Schecr, James I. Moore, Ircnc Diaz, tsonnie Krus. S(ephen T. Kazeer, Dawn L. Mo.gan, pessy pausr , Kelly A Jacobs, Elaine Marcus, Jenaifer J Mcconb, Melissa Schmidr, Joet E. Specknan its tru6 and lawlut Anom€y(s)_ln-Fact to make, €xecule. olh€r writngs obligatory in nature of a bond. soal and d€liver for, ahd on its behalt as surety, any and alt bonds, undortakings or "o..orJIS,"ntl,Tln3#3"r'ilt^?{,:ltrii,.'l".rXl'ffily#j."r'.Ti,:j?:,,}j:* ,r,as passed bv rho Board or Dir.crors or B.ND s€al ol ths Company theroto Any said gxsculion ol suchhey had bg€n duly executed and acknowlodged by th€y be rsrnoved ior good causo and the authority so grantod BOND SAFEGUARD INSUFANCE COMPANY 8Y David E Campbetl President ACI(NOWLEDGEMENT R€sotved, that the siQnature of-th€ prosidont and the s€at ol the Company may be aflixed by facsimite on any power ot aflomeygranted. and the srgnature of he vice president. and rh6 s6aror l;d#ri"iil"il""n r"o ov r"*i_iiJ t" iv iJjiol,J J "ny.r"n **",:XTL"::: ffi,o"j;":jffigfil:: ::"n r.".i.ir" osn"i,," ;; J"li,"i"iL"_,",,a."0 bindins on tn€ aompany Any such power soto o" ,"rio-"nJoiiiini';;;;';;;;r:'"*t€d and soal.d shall, wilh respecl ro anv bond or und.iakins ro whilt ii'i. "n "6"0, "onrinu" "-",0*,,']"X,ll[iil ][tJ:Llr::i:ifi',ir"-'ffi'"iffi,'"?i::E couPANY has caused this instrumenr to be sisn€d by 's on thrs 7th day of Novgmber 200r, -b-oror6 m€, porsonalry camg Dalg_Ei-campb9, tO rne known, who berhg dury swom, diddepose and say rhat he is the p.€sidehr ot Bonos*ecuihol-riiuirfri"rtturnrrf *e cprporarion describ€d ii _aii wrricn erecueo[fifl;^'t-""t: that he .xecut€d salo instrument on u]#i"'r'ii"'L'ri7",,- by authorfty of his offhe unoer rre'ay-hws ot said ,OFFICIAL SEAL' LYDIA J. OEJONG Notary Public, State of lllinois My Commission Exptes th2lol {./.-' Lydia J. DeJong Notary Pubtic ^--- - r' the undersiened, vice prosid€ntor "ol.!:rraoiilJll'"",i1t "a "o*r^Ny, An ,rinois rnsuranc€ company. Do HEBEBy::fl5:S1lt*1ffi[::::ilj[T:*lgi#;;;,il;fiil:::i _,,*,** is in ,, rorce and e,,ecr and has nor been zo o7 Donald D. Buchanan Secretary ILLINOIS INSUFANCE aoo TLLtNOTS INSUFANCE3 Sign€d and Soal€d at Lombard, inois this I4th O"y ot June STATE OF lllinois COUNTY OF On DuPage ) SS. before me, PERSONALLY APPEARED Bonnie Kruse personalJy known to me (or proved to me on the basis ofsatisfaclory evidence) to be the person frl *f,or" nurn"(r-tlrZ-ri"subscribed to rhe wlthin lnstrument and ackro*l"dg;; ;; ;;that he,/she,/they executed the same tn nisZfrerZttreir JutiJzejcapaci ty(ies)., and that by his,/her,/thelr r,gr;;;;"(r' ;;;;instrument the person(s), or the entity ,poI u"l"lf of *t i.ithe person(s) acted, executed the instrument, WITNESS hand and ofllclal sea Signature Tariese M. pisciotto OPTIONAL J[x:* ff:3[,]?1,".L::lH#ffiltv raw it mav prove varuabre to persons reryins on rhe documenr and courd CAPACTTY CI^AIMED BY SIGITIER E ltrtorvrounr D conponere orrrctn DESCRIPTIOIII oF AIIACHED DOCUME]IIT TITLE OF TYPE OF DOCUMENT! ennrruenlsl El erronruey.tru-rncr! rnusrEe(s) E cuanonrurcorusERvAToR D orsen, ! uurreo E cgruenel NUMBER OF PAGES DATE OF DOcUMENi SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: RSON(S)oR ENT|IY(|EgBondSafeg ompany SIGNER(S)OTHER OFFICIAL SEAL TARIESE M PISCIOTTO NOTARY PUETIC. SIATE OF ILLINOIS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES O625NO This area lot Olftcial Notartal Seal lD 081 Rev. 6/94 uard lnsurance C ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THAN ED ABOVE