KB Home Coastal, Inc. Subdivision Monument Bond TM30142-1 5028034SUBI'IVISION MONUMENT BOND COI,'NTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATB OF CALIFORNIA (Govcmmcnr Code Section 66496) Tfact/Parccl Map No. 30142-1 (inctudinq channet) Bond No.5028034 Premium: $so1.oo Surcty Bond Safeguard lnsurance Comoanv Principal KB HOME Coastal lnc Address 1919 S. H land Ave Bldo A Suite 3o0 Addrcss 36310 Inland Valley Drive City/Statc Lombard IL City/Statc Wildomar CA Zp 60148 7i9 92595 Phonc 630-495-9380 Phonc 95'1-691-5245 KNOW AII MBN BY THESE PR,ESENTS: That,KB HOME Coastat, lnc subdividpr, as pincipal, and Bond Safeguard lnsurance com a coryorrtigg as surttyr arc bcrcbyjointly and severally bound to pay gr" pa q6 Seventy Seven Thousand Dollars anij 00/100 Dollars to thc County of Rivcrsidc 77,000,00 ) Now, TIIEREFORE, if thc euMividcr shall wcll and tsutypcrform said agrocmcnt during thc original tcrn tlcmof, or of ary .ntcosioo of said torm tbu may bc grantod by thc Couaty of Rivcrsi&, wilh or withont rotico to tbc sunty, thcn this obligation shall bccomc null and void; otbcrui$, it stall nmin in fulI foluc and cffect, As a part of thc obligrtion sccumd hcrcby aad in additioo 3o thc facc amouut spocified ttcrcforc, tbcrc chal bo inctudcd costs lod rcas@sblo cxpcoscs ud fccs, including rcasonablc attomey's fccs, incunod by tho couoty in nrccassfully cnforcing such obligatior, all to bc taxcd as costs and includcd in rny judgcmnt rtodcrcd. Thc surety hcrcby stiput*cs and agrccs that no chsngc, cxtcnsion of titrtc, altcration or addition to thc tcrms of this Egrlcncat or to tbc wort to bc performcd thcrcundcr or lhc spccifications rccompanying tho saoc shill in anywisc aficct its obligation on this bond, rnd it does hcreby waivc noticc of any swh changc, oxtonsion of time, altcration or addition. Surety further stipulatas and agrccs that thc provisioas of Scction 2M5 of thc Civil Codc and courmcncomcnt of constnrction arc not cooditions preccdcnt to suctyrs obligations hcreunder rnd arc hcrcby walvcd by surcty. Thc coudirioo of thir ohllgedo ir that, wbrcrs thc subdividcr, as a condltim of thc filiag of thcfml mp of Tfrct/Parcel M? NuDbGr 30142-1 (inctudinq 6an0{otcrrd into an agocmcot with lhc Comty of Rivereldc to rct Srrrcy Mooumcnts and Tic Points io said trapt ad fumish Tie Notcs tltotrforc od !o pay th oOginccr or sun eyor pcrforming thc worlq itr firll, wirhin 30 daye aftcr cooplaioo. SUEDIVISION MONUMENT BOND IN WITNESS WHBREOF, this itrstrumcDr has bccn duly cxecutcd by the principal and surctyj[6yg nrnCd, 96 June 1 l 007 AUTIOREED SIGNATURE(S): By V? . auoT'loFur.,,alD pcv,./trru Titlc Titlo (IF CORPORATION, AFFD( SEAL) NAMEOFSURETY ; Bond Safeguard lnsurance Company AUIIIORXZBD SIGNATI,JRE: Dawn L. Morgan Its Attomcy-iD-Facr TitleSurety Phone No. 630-495-9380 (IF CORPC'RATION, AFBD( SEAL) AITACH NOryARNL ACXNOWLEDOMENT OF SIGNATUNES OF PRIT.ICIPAL ANDATTONNEY-IN-FACT. ? I NAIIIBffiPRS{CPAL; KB HoME coastat, tnc. State of California County of Riverside personally known to me personally to be the person(t w (orprove+to-me-ofl t and acknowledged hose name(s) is/are executed the same in his/h€#thei r authorized ca to me that he/sh€lth€y hislhet'tfieir signature(1t on the instrument the pacity(ies), and that by behalf of which the person(s) person(s) or the entity uponacted, executed the instrument. WIINESS my hand and official seal,(seal) PAMELA K, M'SE ROLE =tlJ NU Cottlt't. rtS iCgo m(re)RiVERS]OS UOU Nn= Comm. Erp. O.t r5,2008 l Bond POWER OF ATTORNEY oo 51139 INSURANCE COMPANY ,zo o7 fr, Donald D. Buchanan Secretary Safegluard Fresorved rhat the presidenr ot the company is heroby aulhorized to appoint and empower anv reril:ff If :'ff *Jiffi ::r'"ff *.*l*i*f",,'**i":r,ffi --rtr-f t*"'tr*#fl fu niii}[s*,*"*r*execute through its dulv electe;d otficers, and-atfix ,t" .""i ir ii" c"rpany rhereto. any saio execri-oi or such docum€nts bv anAtlorne,,-ln'Fact shall be as binding upon rt e corpany ,s ii tilv i"i'u""n ,jrrv *""ri"Jiro ""'r"'*','l"Jg"o by the ragurarry erected:J:i::::,|i":;Hil[iH#[?x,#Iii:,,;;il';i"d'Jlvno'3,","o,"0'ro, s";;;;;";;;;e"a,tno,ity so sranred may be Resolved' that the sionalure ot the Presid€nt and the sear of the company may be affixsd by tacsimire on any power ofatlornev granled' and lhe sionature ot ttre vrce pies-;Jent. ""i',i"""11,'"t "" co,,prn), ,rl u-u-"iir"liy'i"""irir" to any cerriricate ot f["T"{fiI!i131ilff::'"i::::?J.":','J::[fli1ti""'-*l1il"ir" "isn"t,,u'"nj"""i"i,,ii",,rff"ld bind,ng on the companyit is attached, "ontinr" to ue *it-olio uinoing'o, ir; c#;;;;"-" -"i "ealod shall, with respect to any bond or un;orlaking to ;;;; '.",*1,:I'il::i,J,Li1ll1;?31;,:l',,',.",',i::,Ii:l#,T:;T*Ny has caused rhis instrumen, ro be sisned by its .o'.orllilii33lill.:tl1'3#Ii,'r"if,il ff;#i:1ir,#fr;iTitf:"-,i;i*las passsd by ,h€ Board of Diredors of BoND BOND SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY BY Oavid E. Campbell Pr€sid€nt "OFFICIAL SEAI,,, MALIRDEN K. AYENot8ry Public, Sra My Commlasloo Er te of Illirols plre! 09,/21D9 ureen K. Aye Public CERTIFICATE on this 7th day of November, 2001,-be,ore me, personary *r.1+y]d E. campbe, to me known who being dury sworn, didoepose and sav that he is the President-or eoio-srift'uXfii,i3l"on". co#ii,i,'irl,'lilllljiion oescribed in and whjch:i::'JX1[:r:n:: instrumenr: that he executeo saio instrum-en] L-n ["i"rr or ,n" "o,poration oy aurnoiirli Jnis oflice unoer rhe By_raws :X*fi#jsi,jm","X$ilruJ:yit'":T,U":ffii:iff1,.?".Tllll;l,i,1,;11:,1?:#H.*HH?lH,T?l Signed and Seated at Lombard, tinoas this llrh Day of June PFIESENTS,KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE principal otfice in Lombard, lllinois, Sp€.Iruh, Hcrhcl A nature of a bond. ACKNOTIVLEDGEMENT CALtFONill^ ALL'UiPS I ACf,XOWLEDOTIXT State of ilti ots County of On DuPage June 11 2007 belore me,Tari M. PisciottoD T!,ulI, rnr G otrEEt -€.o.,.J nE DOC |ITTAAY AJ.IJCp€rsonally app€ared Dawn L an El pereonally known to me. OR - E proved to rurG(o of mNEr(8) mo on the bacls of satlsfaclory evldencslo be thc person(s)whoee name(s) ls/aresubscrlbecl to th€ wIthln lnstrumsnt and ac-knowledgod to mo that he/she/they executedthe same ln h le/her/thelr authorlzedcspaclty(tss),and that by hle/her/thelrslgnature(s) on the lnetrument the person (s),or the entlty upon b€half ol whlch theperson(s) acled executed the lnstrument. ESS my hand s€al. oF flot^nY Tariese M. pisciotto ----- oPnoNAL- mtilfr$ffi:Iffffi o, n", lr rmy prov. \duebtc b p.rori. ,.tytne on rD dodrmcnr.nd coutd prv.nr GtpActTy cuilEo Ey stoilEn DESCB!m0[ ot ATTACHEo ooGUr[EilTLr tNoMDrr tlJ conronereoracen tT!q8)T]TLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMET.IT tr PARTNEn(s) E uuneoE oercnr ATTOtr{EY.I'{.FACT TBUSTEE(S) oUARDllt\t/ooil{iERV TOR trtrtrtr NUMBER OF PAOES OTHER: OATE OF DOCUMENT $O Ei E REPBESETTTINO:r{rrx c '!aaor{a) ot gnrY0EB) ompany sroNER(S)OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE TA NOTAR OFF C]AL SEA L R CEIE M P SC OIToPUETICTsTEOFNOrScoMMtssloNEXPIRES06t25t10 Bond Safeguard lnsurance C ri \\ s Orfg iu'I|Oltl^! t{OIAny fBSOOU,TtOit . !2f Bri,fi Ar,!., p.O. !o[ 71f4. C.rq. p]t C 0r$7t!4 T Richeleu Secretary CERTMCATE OF SECRETARY KB HOMECOASTALINC, IRTVERSIDE DTVISIOM I, TonyRichelieu, do hereby certily that I am the dury elected, qualified and acting secretary ofKB HOME Coastal Inc., a Calilomia corporation (this ,,Corpora-tion,,). I do further certify that the resolutions attached hereto are a true and completerepresentation of such resolutioru that were duly adopted by an urunimous written consent ofthe Board of Dirrtors of this corporation as o f iwre i, zooo,' arrd that said resolutio* t ".,r" ,rotbeen rescinded mod.i:fied or revoked, and are in full force and effect. WITNF-qS MY HAND this 21rt day of June 2006. {t iorlE I 10990 WlLSllln€ 8(VO I tOS lnOELES, Cl 9oo2a lar !10 231 ao00 | f^r 310 23t a222 | xAtOMt,COM KB *u,offiBTrfor^.. ETVERSIDE DWISIONI RESOLUnONS ADOPTED.&S OF ILINE 2,2m6 Signing Audrority - Rivergide Division BE ff RESOLVED that the following reeolutioru shall zupersede andrep,lace..8n{ and all. resolutions previously a-dopted with reepect L the powereandauthority herein granted includin& but not limited to, ;esolutions ldoptedae of May 15, 2fi)6, and any euch prior authority is hereby revoked and reetatedin ib entirety as follows: Executive Vice President and President, Riverside Dvieion Senior Vice Preeident Senior Vice Resident Vice President, Customer Service Vice President, [and and Forward planning Vice Preeident, Finance Vice President, Sales and Marketing Vice PresidenL Operatioru and purchasing Manager, Feasibility (Desert) Diteclor of Development hoject Manager Project Manage! Project Managet Director of Marketing Regional Corutruction Maruger (Desert) DUP Maruger Senior Project Manager Project Maruger Desert Businees Unit Manaser Directror of L-and Acquisitiol Stephen I. Ruf{ner John P. Fenn Eric J. Hoffuran Karen A. Edie Michael H. Freeman, Jr. Scott A. Huson Daniel C. Loth Craig A. Stinger Michael Aruutsong Allm Barrett Bob Casey Scott Harum Mark Irving Bob Kronenfeld Dave lewis Marilyn Pfau Mike Reynolds Tim RoberB Mark Rowson Eric Weltz RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following officere and/or employeee ofthis Coqporation be, and they hereby are, authorEed to act on'behalf of tirig(rrporatiory provided, however, that auch authority alrall be limiH b suchauthority ae may be provided herein below and to other ordinary course ofbrrsinese Ean'actioru rerating to the operaHons of this colporation as Indicatedherein below: RESOLVED FURTTGR, tl.ra] tl9 fgllowing persorl acting alone, be and hehereby is, authorized for and on behalf .f thi, C";;;;; ; execute and deliver(a) any and all doclments and to take and d;;;';;;; uuy deemneces.sarl or lppropriate with respect to the acquisition or dispoiition of bulkf_lil:f:lp:operty by this Corporatioo ir,Jludir,f butiot rimited topurcnase andfale agreements, effiow irutructioru, airendmene andassignments thereto, grant deedr, promissory notes, JJilf trust and rerated l111elf:9] lt and alr document tt.t "1ry U" **"t"j and detivered by, to 31:-T1-1.-Ty "p tu, 13I E aone by authbrity conferred upon in *.h .;;-any orncer or employee of this Corporation aa de6cribed hereinfulow ana t"l *yTj_d.9ft* 9=lents or agreements de€med necessary or appropriate inconnection with this Corporation,e. o:d.inary couree day_io_Ly businessoperations and within the intent of the fo."goi"g ,e;llior; Stephen J. Rulfner RESOLVED FURTHER, that 0re signature of the preeident or preeident ofa epecific division of this Corooration U r[quirea * *y "rra "ff ai"Uu"r"_*c i.excess of $1,000 for non<onk'act irerru ,t r;;;;i iiaair"r"a for and onbehalf of this CorporationJ RESOLVED FURTHER, rlal fte fjlloynq persoru, acting alone, be, andeach hereby is, authorized to execuE and deliver for and on belulf of thisCorporation any and all docrmenjsdeened bf ;;;r;^; ;**ry .,appropriaE in connection with this Corpor"U,i",, tal i""a-irnprovqnent andconstsuction activities including but "ot ti_it"a to p'ur.f,"*-"1a"r, *asubconhacb for labor and cudriars; (ut il;;;;r;ffi;; developmentactivities induding but not timited ro, ,i*-*e1 a"".f"pi*I"gr€emene,applications for land develoommt approvals and subdi;sion approvals,declarations of covenanc, dnditio;;J;;;;;;d1""d;n and tsact urapsand exhibits therero and supporting a*r-*t"""aJjiif*? ou o,r,",documenb or agre€mmb deemed ireceqsary ., "ppr;;;L;dri" the intmt ofthe foregoing resolutiors: Mike AnruEong fohn P. Ferm Eric l. Hoffuran Dave Lewis Mark Rowoon Edc Weits AIIen Barrett Michael H. Freenu+ Ir. Scott A. Huson Mike Reynolds Stephen J. Ruffner Bob Cacey Scott Hansen Mar& Irving Tim Roberts Craig D. Stinger RESOLVED FLJRTHER, that the following pereona, acting alone, be, and eadr hereby ie, authorized to eign, exectrte and deliver for and on behalf of this Corporation (a) any and all docurnents required in connection with the development of real property including but not limited to, lmprovement bonds, rubdi-viaion improvenent agreernmta, rubdivioion rupo, building permit applications and audr other documente related to the pemrit proceas; and p) any and all other docusrents or agreementB deemed neceasary or appropriate within the intent of the foregoing reeolutions: MikeAmrsfong Mchad H. Freeman" Ir. Scott A. Huson Tim Roberte Craig D. Stinger MidraelArmstsong Eric J. Hoffrran Craig D. Stinger Allen Barrett Scott Hansen Mark Irving Mark Rowson Eric Weitz John P. Fann Scott A. Huson Iohn P. Ferm Eric J. Hoffrun Mike Reynolds Stepherr J. Ruffner Michael H. Freerurg Jr. Stephen J. Rulfner RESOLVED fURftIE& tlut the folowing persors, acting alone, be, and each hereby is, authorized and empowered to take all actions ani execute, deliver, fiIe and record any and all certificatee, irstrumentB, agreeurenta and docummta as uray be required or ao auch person may deem neccssary, advisable or proper in cormection with the financing of this C-olporationjs land improvement and development activitiee, indudin& but not limited to, (a) the formadon of assessment districb or commurdty facilities districb pureuant to the MelloRoo,s Community Facilitiee Act of 1982, ac amended or any other comparable or oimllar etatuE or regulation; @) authorizing the tevy of aqeessments or special taxes agairut the real prcperty of this C.orporation by any zuch asseosmmt disEict or community facilideE district and (c) authorizing Ore' icsuance of bonds by any euch asseosment dictrict or comErunity facilitiee dietrict eecured by a 6rst pledge of the proceedc of the cpecial tExes or assessmenb levied on the real property of thic C.orporation: RESOLVED FURTHE& that the following persons, acting alone, be, and eadr heteby is, authorized to sign, execute and daliver for and on behalf of this CorporaHon any and all docu:nents deemed by them to be nres8ary or appropriate in connection with the oale of residential lob by thic Corporationinduding, but not limiEd to, property dicclosure stabEren6, temte-reports, notices of completioo purchase and sale agreements, escrow instructiois, John P. Fmn Scott A. Hueon Craig D. Stinger Eric J. Hoffman Mark Rowaon Miduel H. Freema4 fr. Ivfark Roweon Eric Weitz Scott A. Huson Stephm f. Ruffner Eric f. Hotfrun Stepherr J. Ruf{ner genaryn_to an! assignments thereto, grant deede, promissory notee, deeds of Eust and related docurnnte and (b) any and all othei documenb or agreemerru deened.neceasary -or appropriate in connection with thig Corporationfe ordinary course day-bday bueineas opetations and within the generai inEnt of the ' foregoing reoolutions: RESOLVED FURTHE& that the following pereon, acting alone be, and ahehereby is, authorized to sigrr execute and delivs-for and on beliaf of this Corporation (a) any and dl documents de€med by her b be neceaeary orapploFiaE h connection witr the eale of rcgidential lots by thle Corporauonindydinq but rytlimibd b, property dirloeu:,e etaCments, EmdE'reports. noticee of completiorl purchace and eale agreemenb, eeoow instsuctids,arr€ndrrenb and aesignmmb thereto, cxce?t g.nt deeds and @) any and all other danrmenb or agreecrents deeured neceesary or appropria'e wiihin tre intentof the loregoing resolutioru: Marilyn Pfau RESOLVED FT RTHE& that the following persoru, acting alone, be, and each hereby is, authorized to execute and deliver(a) any and alt -doc.unenb required to be eubmitted to the Califomia Deparhent;f ReaI Estate ("DRE) inconnection with this Corporation's preliminary and final subdivicion public'report procecs, and to support filingB requiled to be Etade pusuant to such DRErguuements; @) utility contsacts and (c) applications andbther ancillary documents required to obtain dty and/or county permiB for projecb developed by thia CorporaHo,n: RESOLVED FT RTHE& that Bob lGonmfel4 Director of ldarketing of thisCorporation be, and he hereby is, authorizrd to execuE and detiver any an'd attdocuurmts with reepect to the marketing of residential dweUinge ownid ty Oriscorporation RESOLVED FLTRTIfi& that tre following pereone, acting alone, be, and each herety ia, authorized and eurpowered to €xecllE, adsowbage and deliver on belulf of thJs C-orporation any and all docunenb deemed neceasary orapproprirE (a) b convey title in and b property whidl comprieee the-corrmon i* T pI"*,4 *ldent'ral prcjects d€\reloped Uy t* CorporaUor b be conveyedb eadl respective ho,eownera association and any and all regtrictive cov€r,a;ts,conditioru and easemerrte and any 1nd all aupplementat declarauons with r.fpectthereto; (b) in cormection with the developmerrt of real property; (c) in corurecton John P. Fmn Dave [,ewis C:aig D. Stinger *S,*: p=rn+S processing_wi0r respect ro such real property devetoplrentaand (d) b allow the Califomia Deparurent of ReaI Estate b'icsul a public reporUsuch documents to lndude, without limitatioo consultant contsacts, utility ' contsacb, imptoveoEnt bonde, suHivision improvemerrt apeemente, *Ldi*,i"ioomaps, tsact maps, parteJ mapa and building perrrit applicatioru: Michael H. Freemal |r. Eric J. Hoffrun MarL Roweon SEphen |. Ruffner Eric Weitz John P. Fenn Scoft A, Hugon Craig D. Stinger _ RESOLVED FURTHE& tlut Karer A. Edie, acting alone be, and shehereby is, authorized and empowered for and on behalf if thir C.orporation to 1Sru erluq ana detver any and all documents required in connection with thisLorporatron 8 customer service and new home warr-anty activities and otherbusineas ope-ratioru including but not limited to, settleirent agreemente,purchase orders and rubcontsacb for labor and uraterials. ' RESOLVED FLTRTHE& that the following persoru are authorized andempowered to act on behalf of this Corporation iiriE capacity as a mer&er ofany limited Iiability company or as a partsrer of any par&rereftp in which thisuorporatson ow l an interest: Stepherr f . Ruffner (krdividually) Together w/one another John P. Ferm Eric J. Hoffman @ DirG.lortl Offi<ar Mrnh Ughbrinfh SLph.n ,. Ruff!.r. John P, Ftrur. E k,. Boditun Iclty M N,rd.* Dollnfto CacG't..n Cory F. ColEr.q KrtEl A EdlC MkJucl H. F !.tu& rr..WiUn R Houtl8cf* Scott A Huen. D.nfd c. [orh. c,lig.q" Sdq€a Tony Rkh.!.ud J.y DEU.r Ro. A K.yfr St n tCyrll.d* D.vid B. Slnlon .B Miduel ArEl'Eory. AlLn B.rEfl. Bob c.,cy. Scott H.na.n. M.rLLvh8. Dob Ktqn ru.td. Devc l,cwir. Mrilyn Pr.u. Mib R.frotdr. TlEl Rob.rrr. Marl Xorrroi. EI& W.itz. AddE .6 for tho.. llracd dovc: M&dn Utht rlnl. ,.y L Md.i Rob.n Frlcd* Pndd.nt rrd Prt jdrrl S.n Dt to.nd Onnt! Co6ty Dit t loiuEx.odva Vka PrEld.r ud ftt,ld.nl Rivcntde DM.lon Salrbr Yt! Pr,.ild.nr S.t$or Vb. Hdant V/a. Prslddt.nd Trsauia, Vi! Pirddart Vk hGrld.nr.nd Adrtlfl S.olt.rvVir hlrJdan! Curblr. S.n kVic. PE id6f trnd .nd Bolwrrd pt nnineVir Pr.ri.{.nU CFO .rd A.itr.nt Sccrtr.;Vt! PE id6! FlrurE! Vk! Prt id!t{ S.L! .nd Mrl.dng VL! hadd.trt, Opa.tbru.nd putrh.ring S.qatary Ard.t nt S.s!trt, A.sirt nt S.q!t ry A.lrlrtrnt SacraLry Aglrt nt Sac.chry Mruts, F..rlbfliry (D.r.rt) Dirrtor ol Dcv.toplslt Pr{cct Merupr Pr$cct Mrnrgcr @cd Mrnegrr Dln(tor oI Mrrl*ing R.gidul Co.uEuctton Muuqrr lD..cd) DfrP MeIl.gtt Saljor Ptlrad M.tug.t Ploict Mlrq.t D.r.rt DurtEa Unit Marug.t Dt Eloro,Lr tt Acquf.irbn KB HOlv{E Cbrr!.1 kr. (RiverrHt Divt lm)Uan YEz Ro.4 Sujr. toa, TclrEul+ CA 925gl KD HOME Co.rt l ltr. (O!.4t! Coonty Dtvirbo) 3r6uE,SuIr.lm, LvtE, CA lE KE HOI,IE Co..trl ttr. (S.n DL8o DMrion) 12235 E C.!&r R..t slib l@, nn Dtto, CA 9U S&2m6 l(E H@r (Co.pont Orfl(.) 10990 f$bh&t Blvd. arh.nd 6tfi _ Ah pboD, t,6 Aryd r, cltironJ. 9@a t<E Holrl (W.trut C,G.L Offt !) 1tr,3 Nodh C.tibrni. Boq.h.d Sutb aSOWdnut Crtcl, C-{ {595 KB HOME COASTAL INC, r Crllfornie corporrdon [R.lvcrddc DMtlonl Noa-Offlr r, gFdfla, U&Ir.d gtnbt tuUrdtt,. vvrll,qrrJ ! r vrUU Page I ol 2 Company Profile BOND SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY IOOO2 SHELBYVILLE ROAD, SUITE IOO LOUISVLLE, KY 40223 JERE KEPRIOS, C/O CT CORP'-fii3.-"'!T"#';''1'";"JST,EVENTH STREET, 2ND FLOOR LOS ANGELES, CA 9OOI7 Unable to Locate the Ace nt for S ice of ss? Reference Information NAIC #: 27ogl NAIC Group #:0000 Date authorized in California: License Status: ' Company l ype: State of Domicile: December 21 , 2004 UNLIMTED-NORMAL Property & Casualty ILLINOIS Lines of Insurance Authorized to Transact The company is authorized to transact business within these lines of insurance. For an explanation ofany of these terms, please refer to the elossary. SURETY Company Complaint Information Want More? http://interactive.web.insurance.ca.gov/webuser/idb_co_prolurl.ger_co3rof?p_EID=61 g97 g/22/2007 ID #: Company Enflorcement Action Documents Company Performance & Comparison Data Composite Comolaint Studies Help Me Find a Company Representative in My Area Financial Rating Organizations Page 2 of 2 Last Revised - July 27,2007 I l:t 7 AM Copyright @ California Depanment of Insurance vurrrPqrr] r r ur rr(j hnp://interactive.web. insurance.ca.gov/webuser/idb_cojrof utr.ger_cojrof?p_EID:6 r g97 8122/2007 uuJuNJJ JC,alLlt Page I of I DISCLAIMER: The informarion displayed here is cunent as of AUG l't,2oo7 and is updated weekly. It isnot a complete or certified record ofthe Corporation. Corporation iKB HOME COASTAL rNC. Number: C 1687483 Date Filed: 5/31/1991 Status: active urisdiction: Califomia Address 3 JENNER STE IOO IRVINE, CA92618 Agent for Service of Process DAVID B SIMONS I O99O WILSHIRE BLVD STE 7OO LOS ANGELES , CA 90024 http://kepler.ss.ca.gov/corpdata,/ShowA List?euerycorpNumber=c l 6g74g3&printer=yes 8/2212007 I Blank fields indicate the information is not contained in the computer file. Ifthe status ofthe corporation h "Sunender", the.agent for service ofprocess is automaticary revoked.Please refer to Carifornia corporations code Sectio-n 2 r ra for informa'tion reraring to service'upon "-- corporalions thal have surrendered- Califomia Business Portal of strtc DEBRA BowEN l. I *