KB Home Coastal, Inc. Material and Labor Bond TM30142-1 5028033MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND COI'NTY OF RTVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Govcmnrnt Codc Section 66499. l) FOR: Str!.ts and Drainrgc Wrtcr SystcrD Scwcr Systcn Tract No.3014^ 1 (in.ft,.ring .h.^har) Parccl Map No. Bond No,502 3 PlcttliUm Inclurlerl in Perfnrmrnce [sndSutply Bond Safeouard lnsurance Comoanv Ad(hES6 ,l919 S. Hishtand Avr., Btdq. A. Suite 3OO Principal Address 36310 lnland lev DCitylstitcLombard.tL City/State Wildomar CA 7ip 60148 Zip 92595 Phooc 630495-9380 Phonc 951-691 -5245 WHEREAS, thc C.ounty of Rivcrgidc, Statc of Califomia, and KB HoME Coastat, tnc. (tradnaffcr dasigndcd as 'lrrincipal,) havc entcred iDto, or arE about !o antcr into, tbe $tachcdogrearcot(s) whurby pnucipal agrccs to iastau and complcte tlre abovc dcsigaatcd public iEprovctDcnt!rclaring to (Iract/Parccl)r01.2-i (includino chenn.r) , which agrecmcnt(s) iVam hcreby rcfcrrcd to and mldo I prt hcrtof; s$d, NOUTHEREFORE, sdid pnncipd and thc undcrsigrcd, as corporatc surtty, arc hctd finnlyunto thc Qounty of Riversidc and all conlnctot8, subcontractors,laborcrs, matcrial pcrsons and WHEREAS, undcr thc tcrns of said agrccmcnt, principal is rcquircd, bcfore entcring upon thepcrfomrncc of tho worlq to filc a good and sufficicnt paymcnibond with thc Counfi oiRivcni& to sccr.uc tho ctaims to whicfr rpfcrencc is made in Title 15 (commcncing *itt S."tion3m2) of Pafi 4 of Divlsioo I of the Civil Codc of thc State of Califomia; ffi '#,,1sr"',":p#:l#,fl"m.H#Hll#ff "pr,"d Civil Codc in thc sum of One Hundred Dollars 168 750.00 for matcrials firnishod or labor ttcrcoo of any kind, or for amorrnrs duc uadcr tbc Urcmploymcnt InsuranccAct wt[ rtlpcct to such work or labor, that said surety will pey the samc in ar anrount not cxcccding tbc amouot lrorcinrDovc sct forth, ond also in casc suit is brought upon this bond, will pey, in additior to thc face amount thcrrof, costs and rcasonable cxpcnscs and fecs, including rrasonablc ettohcy'i fcas, incurrcd by thc County in succcssfrrlly cnforcing sueh obligation, to bc awardcd and fixed by thc court, and to bc taxcd as costs and to be includcd in thc judgcmcnt tbcrcin rcndcrcd. It is hc-rcby exprcsslv stipulatcd and agrced upon that this bond shall inurc to thc bcncfit of any !! { ncrsons, corpanics and corporations cntitles to full claims undcr Titlc l5 (commencing with section 3082) of Part rt of Division 3 of the civil codc, so as to givc a right of oction to thcm or thcir assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. Should thc coodition of this bond be fully performcd, then this obligation shall become null and void; othcrwisc, it shall bc urd remain in frrll forcc and cffcct. ts-_ s 168.7s0.00 KB HOME Coastal lnc MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND Ttp rqfty bcrcby stiPulatcs rrd agrccs'{td no chaoga, cxtc,nsioo of timc, altrrttion or additiontt-thc tcnqs of this agrcc,pnt or to thc spocifrcations mmpaaying thc samc shall in rnywisceffcct its obligation ol rbts bond, rnd it docs iorcby wrivc n-oticc of r"y ,u"t "u*gr, exansionof timc, dtcratiooor rfiition. Su&ty furthor stiprtircs and agecs- ftar ihe provisiois'oiscction 20'{5 of thc civil C'd' arc not a dorrdition preccdcat to surcty's obligations hcrcundcr and arrborby waivcdbynucty. IN WIINESS WHEREOF, this instrumcnr has bccn duly cxccutcd by thc principal and sultyabow nste4 oo J ne 11 20 7 NAME OFPRINCIPAL KB HoME coastat lnc AUTHORXZED SIGNATURE(S): By: TirlcIJP tApD + Fon,o Ar-b PLAv itd e Title ALilloRZEDSIGi'IATURE: Dawn L. Morgan hAttorncpi+Frt Titlc (tr CORPORATION, AFFD( SEAL) AITACII NOTARIAL ACKNOWI.EDGMENT OF SIGNATI,'RES OF PRINCIPAL AI.IDATTORNEY-[tI-FACT. Titlc (IF CORPORATION, AFFD( SEAL) NAIvtB OF ST RETY: qond Safeguard tnsurance Qompany l State of California County of Riverside personally known to me personally to be the person(s) wh (orprere+tarne-on t and acknowledged to ose name(s) islare executed the same in his/he'rltheir me that heitffiney his/he#tneirs ignature(+on the i authorized capacity(ies ), and that by behalf of whic nstrument the person(s), or the entity uponh the person(+ncted , executed the instrument. WfINESS my hand and official seal.(seal) IJJ /(.9,5. PAMELA K. MtSERoLE/,+ Jf.,..\ Colill,t. 11! .9!06 ltr-.T5Hrr:r rJi,tiry pu') c crribmr.\' ,r,;/It' / AivERsrJJ Lourift \*\Z tly co"',". e.p. ocl rs, 2oo8 m (si re)0I ER OF ATToRNEY Ao 51 1 3 g Safe$uard rNsuRANcE coMpANy KNow ALL MEN BY THESE PREsENTS' that BoND SAFEGUARD lNsuRANCE coMpANy, an lrinois corporation with 1sprincipal otflce in Lombard, lllinois, do€s hereby constitute ano slppqinf 1...s l. voor., r.cn. or.a so-i. rir*., srcpl,.n r. x.ono. Drwn L. Morsr,, c!$.r A. B€cI, Trics. M r,r.,*"ffi_ f :H:ffi liHlf,b jff ;(;liffi ';;" * This aulhority is made undor and by the authority of a r€soru^tron whrch was pass€d by the Board of Direclors of Bo^lDSAFEGUARo rNsuRANcE coupANv; fi ;il ;;';' i:;#,ili,"roo, as rorows j Resolved' lhat the Prosrd€nl of the company is hereby authoriz€d to -appoinr and empower any repr€sentative or th€ companyor other porson or persons as l,ornev-rn-Facr i;;";;';;'#'#'orrne company an; ;;;'",'#"ril-,"9s, porrci€s, conrracrs orind€mnity or orher writings obtioarory in natrr" or " uonJ'noi i" *i*o Sr ooo,odo.o6, oi" rritri;;ffi;:, which ths company mighr€xocute lhrough its dulv elected otfrcers. and "rii irr" ""ri ;-f ;;;;rp""y th6rero. Any saio execriion or such documsnrs by anAnorney-ln-Fact shall be as brnding upon the company ". ir rn"i tri o""n drry "r""ri"J'ril -""-x""*r"-Jg"o by the regurarry erecl.d:J:i::::'$"ffH",1[jl:fJfl?"i;ffiT,, ;;'"o*,"L; ";:y'il ,",o,"0'ro, ;;;J;;#ffiI'a,u*rority so sranred may be Resolvod' that lhe signalur€.of the President and the s€at or. the company may be atfix€d by tacsimile on any power ofanornev granted' and the sisnaturo ol th€ vic€ pr""ia"nt, ,ni tt " ."Jr or tn" corprny ;rJ;;;;#b;i"csimirs to any certificate ofany such power and anv such Dow€r or csrtificate b€aring su"t i"""iiir" "ig*tr.'rri """ii"riii-u1,"*r'lo o,no,ng on rhe company.fH,Hir3:::fii,,il;Jf"';ilfl:"#T.Tlr"il'il;;'""#;H:ili",i"r"o"r,",r-*Ii.-;;;ffi;;iloorundertakinstowhici lN wlrNEss THEREoF' aoND SAFEGUARD lNsuRANcE COMPANY has caused this instrument to bo signed by itsPresident, and its Corporate seal to be atfixed thi" Zth O"y of ruorerOrr, ZOOf. POw Bond on this 7th day of Novembsr,2oo'r. b€tore me, personafly ""r.1g3.u]d_ E campb€fl to me known, who being dury sworn, diddepose and sav that he is the Presidenl or eoNo sAiEduittrlrSlnance conpini, ',r,i, '"-p"r"iion oescrioeo in and which:i::fl""l',H.X[:: instrument; thar he oxecureo sa]olnstr:uiliio-n tlil, or,n" "o.p.i"ir"iir"r,i",irv'i''iis otrice unoer rhe By.raws ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (OFFICIAL SEAI,' MALREEN K. AYENotrry Publiq State ofJlllnolsMy Commissioo Erplres 09/214D CERTIFICATE BOND SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY BY David E. Campbofl Presidsnt aureen K. Aya Public ,zo o7 fiA./r Donald D. Buchanan Secretary fru;*l#l::,,m"H"Tffi,1J;Hiffi,,l:iil;::fl::,".,"H1}:;l;,1,;1";;,1[,T:?:",?iHHii:"ff,l.":l Signed and Sealed at Lombard, lltinois this I I th Day of June STATE OF lllinoi s ) COUNTY OF DuPage SS On June 1 1. 2007 , before me, Tariese M. pisciotto PERSONALLY APPEARED DAWN L Morqan personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis ofsatislaclory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) islaresubscrlbed to the wlthin instrument and acknowledgej to methat helshe/they executed the same in his,/her,/thelr irthorizedcapacity(ies), and that by hts,/her./their slgnature(s) on theinstrument the person(s), or the entlty ,pon b"hulf of *hi.hthe person(s) acted, executed the insEument. WITNESS hand and official sea Signaiu Tariese M. Pisciotto OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and couldprevent fraudulent reattachment of this iorm. CAPACITY Ct AIMED By StGilER DESCRIPTI0N 0F ATTACHED DoCUME|T E tr.totvloulr D conponmr orrrcrn TrTLtlS)TITLE OF TYPE OF DOCUMENT ! eenrrurnlsy E Lturtro E cerurnar E enonruEy-rru-rnct D rnusrrr(s) E cunnonrulcolrsERVAToR D orHen, DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PIRSOI{{S'OR ENIIIYIIES) Bond Safeguard lnsurance Company This area for Of[tcial Notarial Scal 10.081 Rev 6/94 ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT H