KB Home Coastal, Inc. Faithful Performance Bond TM30142-1 5028033FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND COI.INTY OF RTVERSIDE, STATE OF CAUFORNIA (Govemrncnt Codc Scction 66499.1) Ttfct No.30'142-1 (includino channel) Watcr Systcm Scurcr Systcm $Parccl Map No. 337,500.00 Bond No.5028033 Premium s2,194.00 Su€ty@ hinciPal KB HOME Coastal. I c. Addrcss '1919 S Hiohland . Btdo. A suh6 3oo Address 363'l o lnlan.l Val Drivc Citylstate Lombard IL City/State ?ip 60148 zip Phonc 630-495-9380 Phonc 951-691-5245 WHEREAS, thc County of Rivcrsidc, Statc of Califomia, and KB HOME Coastal lnc (hcrcinafter dcsignatcd as'lrtncipal ") have cntcrcd into, or 8rc sbout to cntcr into' thc sttached agrccmcnt(s) whepby principal agrecs t improvemcnts rclating o (Iract/Parccl) refcncd to rnd madc a part hcrcof: a[d, WHEREAS, said principal is rcquircd undcr thc terms of said agrecmcnt(s) to fumish bond(s) for the faithful pcrformancc of said agrccment(s); o install and comPlctc tho abovc dcsignatcd public 99!31-{r!!4!,na cheEelL, which agrcemcnt(s) iJarc hereby thc Unitd Ststcs, for thc paymcnt of which sum will and truly bc made, wc bind ourselves, our hcirs, succcssors. oxccutoN and administrators, jointly and scvcrally, firmly by thcsc prcscnts. Tbc conditlon of this obligation is such &at if thc abovc bondcd principal, his or its hcirs' cxecutors, adminietntors, suce?ssors or assigns, shall in all tbings stand to 8nd abidc by' and wcll antt truly kccp urd pcrform thc covcnants, conditions and provisions in the said sgrccmcnt and any altcration thcreof madc as thcrcin providcd, on his or thcir part' to bc kept and performcd at thc time and in thc murncr thcrcin spccificd, and in all rrspccB according to thcir tnire intent and mcaning, and shall indemnify and savc harurless thc Couaty of Rivcrsidc, its officcrs, agcns and cmptofcs, as thcrcin stipulatcd, thcn this obligation shall bccomc null and void; othcrwisc, it shall rrmain in full forcc and cffcct. NOSr, TIIBRBFORE, wc thc principal and Bond Safequard lnsurance Comoanv ' &s surcty, are held and firmly bound unto the county of Rivcrside in the penal sum ofr-IL- Hundr€d rhirty ssven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and Do[ars ($337,ffi99-) lawful moncy of As a part of thc obtigation sccurcd hcreby and in addition to the facc amount spccificd thercforc' ttrcreinat U includcd costs md rcasonable cxpcnscs and fccs, including reasonablc attorncy's fccs, incuned by thc County in succcssfully cnforcing such obligation, all to bc taxcd as costs and included in ury judgemcnt rcndcrcd. FOR: Strccts rnd Drainegc t Wildomar, CA 92595 FAITHFUL PEN.FORMANCE BOND Ttr ructy holcby *ipttlucs aad agrccs that no clrangc, oxtcnsioo of timc, altcration or addition !o thc ErDs of this agEcmcnt or to thc work to bc perfonncd thcreundcr or the spocifications accomprnying ttc sam shall i! 8ttyrrisc affect its obligUion on this bood, and it docs hcrebywrirc notbc of any orrch changc, crcnsion of rimc, altcration or addition. surcty furthcr stipuls&E ild sgtcs rhat the pmvirions of Soction 2845 of thc Civil Codc and commcncemcnt of constsnction l!c mt coaditioas proco&nt to surcty's obligations herrundcr and arc hcrcby waivod by urty. who tlc wort covorpd by tho egrccmcnt ie comptctc, thc county of Rivcrside will acccpt thc wort rnd tbcmrpoo, thc uroul of thc obligation of this bond is rcduccd by 9o% with thcremdniq lo% hctd as socurity for tlrc onc-ycar nuintenancc pcriod providcd for in thc aSrccmcBts(s). IN WIT?'IBSS WIIEREOR thiq jasgumcrl 6as bocn duly cxccutcd by thc principal and surcty abovc Dd, o[ June 1'l ,2007 NAMEOFPRINCT>AL: KB HOME Coastal lnc AUTIIORXZED SIGNATURE(S): By: t) ? taat>TlP on, a ro Pc a p att tt r- Tille Titlc (IF CORPORATIQN, AFFD( SBAL) NAIvfiOFSURETY:Bond Safequard lnsurance Com pany AUIIIOREED SIGNATIJTE: Dawn L. Morgan Its Attorocy-in.Fact Titlc (tr coRPoRATrON, AFFD( SEAL) ATTACII NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATIJRES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY-IN.FACT. Californ ia All- Purpose Acknowtedgement State of California County of Rivemide On June 18, 2007; before me, pamela K. Meserole, Notarv public, personally appeared Michael H. Freeman. Jr. personally known to me (orarffion -theiasiq of eatisfaetory ev'denee) to be the person(g) whose name(s) is/a+e subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me ttrat ne/sh€,rth€y executed the same in his/he/their authorized capaiitylieg, and that byhislhs#th€ir signature(s) on the instrument the person'(s), or the entity uponbehalf of which the person(slacted, executed the instrument. WINESS my hand and officiat seal. (seal) =lu 7,G.:*\ PAMELA K. MSSEROLE/..: rrl!) coMH.115i95C6(,'.-:jtdli'.r;l ttora rv n, rr'. {' rriomr. \67 -, .x'I'j'l[i3ii'T,o* m 9. Bond Safeguard POWER OF ATTORNEY AO 511 42 INSURANCE COMPANY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PFIESENTS, that BoND sA principal otfice in Lombard, lllinois, do€s hereby constitute and app FEGUARD INSUBANCE COMPANY, an tinois Corporation with its Oint. Jrm.i I Moorc, kcn€ Dirz, Bonnic tkur..Slcphcn T. lirrn.r, D.wn L Mor8!n, This authority is made under-and by the authority ol a resolulion which was passed by the Board o, Directors of BoNDSAFEGUARD TNSURANCE COMPANY on rh; 7th day of N;vember, 2001 as fo ows: Flesolved, that the President of the_company is hsreby authoriz€d to appoint and empower any representative of the companyor other person or persons as Attorney-ln-Fact lo eiocute on behalf ol the company any bonds, underlakings, policies, contracts ofindemnity or other writings obligatory in nature of a bond not to exce€d Sr,ooo,o<io.oil, one l,liriion oorLis, which the company mightex€cule through its duly elected offlcers, and atfix the seal of the company thereto. Any said execution ol such documenr; by;nAtlorney-ln-Fact shall be as bindino upon ihe company as if they had been du! execuied'ano act<no*teJgeo by th€ regularly olectedotlicers. ol lhe company. Any Attoiney-ln-Fact, so appointed, miy oe iemoveo for good cause and the authority so granted may berevoked as specified in the power of Afiorney. . Fl€solved, that the signalur€ of the President and the seal ol the Company may be atfixed by facsimile on any power ofattorney granted, and lhe signature of the vic€ President, and the seal of the Company mav o" ,trii"o ov i"""imite to any c€rtificat€ ofany such power and any such power or certificate bearing such facsimile signature ani seaishall be valiiano oinolng on the company.Any such power so executed and sealed and certiticate s; sxecuted and sealed shall, with respect to any bond or undertaking to whichit is attached, continue to be valid and binding on the Company. lN WITNESS THEREOE BoND SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this instrument to be signod by itsPresident, and its Corporate seal to be alfixed this 7th day of November, 2001. Flusl, Kclly A Jocobr, Ehinc Marcus , Jcnnif.r J Mccomb, Mcll'ir Schm;dt. .,oct E. S H.ilh.r A Acct. Trn.3c M. pisciono ............... its true and laMul Aflorney(s)-ln-Fact to make, sxecute, s6al and deliver,or, and on its behall as surely, any and all bonds, undertakingsor other writings obligatory in nature of a bond BOND SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY David E. Campbell Pr€sident qOTFICIAL SEAI' MAUREEN K. AYf, Not!ry Publiq Ststr of Itlirols My Commirsion Erpire O9/tU09 aurssn K. Aye Public CERTIFICATE ,zoo7 BY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT on this 7th day ot November, 2001,-b9!ore me, p€rsonally came David E. campbelt to me known, who bsing duly sworn, didd€pose and say lhat he is the President ol BoNo sAFicuABn tNsuRANcE coMpiNy, tt" ""rp"r"ii"" described in and whichexscuted the above instrument: that he executed said inslrument on b€half of the corporation ov ,rttroiitv Jr,i" offic€ under the By-lawsof said corporation. I' the undersigned, secrelary of BoND sAFEGUARD lNsuRANCE coMpANy, An tinois tnsurance company, Do HEREByCERTIFY that the original Power of Attorney of which the loregoing is a true and correct copy, is in lull force and etfecl and has not beenrevoked and the resolutions as sel Iorth are now in force. 0,an Oonald D. Buchanan Sec16tary Signed and Sealod at Lombard, tinois this I I th Day of June STATE OF lllinois ) SSCOUNTY OF On DuPage .Irne 1 1 2o07 before me.Ta M. Pisciott o PERSONALLY APPEARED Dawn L, MoToan personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is,/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helshe,/they executed the same ln his/her,/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by hts/herlthelr signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the en ty upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS hand and official seal U^Signat IAR OTARY OFF ctAL 5EAL IESE M PlsC oIT0PUSUCSTTEOFrttNO ScoirMrssIONEXPIRESi06/2G,1 0 This atea [or Offlcial Notarial SealTariese M. Pisciotto -OPTIONAL- Though the data below is not required by law it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and couldprevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. cAPAclrY ctAlMED BY stcl'tER DEscRtpflotu oF ATTACHED DocuMEI,tr E rr.rotvroueL E conponarE orrrcrn TITTE OF TYPE OF DOCUMENTTrIr€ts) ! panrrurn(s)E rrurtEofl cerurur E ntronruey-tru-ract E rnusrerlsl fl cuenorevcor.tsERVAToR D otxrn, NUMBER OF PAGES SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSONIS) OR INTITY{IES) Bond Safeguard lnsurance Company SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE lD.08l Rev. 6/94 ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I DATE OF DOCUMENT