KB Home Coastal, Inc. Material and Labor Bond TM30142-1 5028032MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND COI.'NTY OF RIVERSIDB, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Govcmrncnt Codc Scction 66499. l) FOR: Strccts and Drainrgc Tract No. :nra^-r (r..r,,,r^9 .r...^-,) Parccl Map No. BoodNo. 5028p32 Ppsdpm i;;;;;;;;;; prr6 Watcr SystcrD Sewcr Systcm 156.00 s Surcty Bond Safeouard lnsurance Principal KB HOME Coastal.lnc.Addtw8 19'9 S. Hioht.nd Ave.. Btdo. A. Suitr 3OO Addrcss 36310 lnland Vallev DriveCitylsr&Lom bard. lL City/St8te Wildomar CA 7.tp 60148 Zip 92595 Phoac 630-495-9380 Phonc 951-6 91:5245 WHEREAS' undcr thc tcrnc o_f said agrccmcnt, prineipal is rcquircd, bcforc cntering upon thepcrformrrce of tlrc worh to filG a good and sufricicntp"ymnibond with thc coun[ oiRivcrsi& to scculc tho clairns to which rcferpncc is madi in fitb 15 (commcnclng *ith Sr"tioo 30B2) of Part 4 of Divisioo 3 of thc Civil Codc of thc Statc of California; (hurinaftcr &ripatcd as'lrincipal') havc cntcnd i[to, or are about to cntcr into, the attachcdqgrtc rEat(s) whcrEty p6incipal rgrccs lo iastall and complete thc abovc dcsignatcd public inprovcmcnl3 rElating fo (Tracu?alcol)3ou2-1 (indudino d,nn.n , which agrccmcn(s) iValo herebyrcfcrtd to and made I pdt hcrcof: a$d, NOW. THERBFORB, siid principat and thc undcrsigned, as oorpolatc sur€ty, are hctd fimlyunto tbc County of Rivcrsidc and all contractora, subcontractors, laborcrs, matcrial pcrsons and illl llE of said Civil Codc in thc sum of One HundredThoudred F Dollars and Dollars 156 550.00 for matcrialsfirnisbod or labor t[crcon of any tind, or for arnounts duc nndcr thc Uncmploymcnt Insurance Act wfl[ rulpcct to such wort or labor, that sdd surety will pry thc samc in an attxnlnt not excccding tbc unoun! lrorcinrbovc sct forth, and also in casc suit is brought upon this bond, will pay, in addition to thc facc arnount thcreof, costs and rcasonabte cxpcnscs and fccs, including rcasoorble rttorDcy'i fccs, incuncd by thc County io succcssfirlly enforcing euch obligation, to bc awardcd ond firGd by thc cout, and to bo taxcd as costs and to bc includcd io tbc judgcmcnt therein rundcrcd. It is bcnby cxpnssly sripulatcd and agrecd upon that this bond shall inure to thc bcnefit of any and all pcrsons, conpanics urd corporations entitlcs to full claims undcr Title 15 (commcncing with scction 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of thc civil codc, so as to givc a right of acrion to thcm or thcir assigns ia any suit brought upon this bond. Should thc condition of this bond bc fuIly pcrfomrcd, thcn this obligation shall bccomc null and void; othcrwisc, it shall bc and rcmain in ftrll forcc and cffcct. - WHEREAS' thc county of Rivcraidc, statc of califomia, and KB HoME coastar. rnc. MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND Tto rqsy botcby stiFllatcs and agroos "tttat no chango; cxtcnsion of timc, altcration or additiont'' ltlr! tcrns of this agrqcn nt or to thc spccificationl mmpanying tbc samc shall in anywisca&ei its obtiguion oo tblr bon4 rod it docsbooby wdvc uoticc oi"qy,uJ"h-g", Lanriooof timc, dtersrioo or .ddi6oo. &rcry furrhor stipulit u *a "gr"", oat itrc provisioi, oi s""tioo2&[5 of thc civil esd' art aot a ooadition prccJacaiioiurcty's ottigations hcrpundcr and archarby rveivodbynrcty. tN WIINBSS WHEREOF, this imtrumcot hss bccn duly cxccutcd by thc principat and surotyabovc namc4 qr J ne 11 2007 NAMEOFPRINCIPAL KB HOME Coastal AUfUORIZED SIGNATURE(0); By: lnc Tirlc Y P uArvb <-Fort..rA11b ?oa. Atpc- Tidc (IF CORPORATION, AFFD( SEAL) NAMBOFSURETY: Bond Safequard lnsura nce Compan AUIHOruZEDSIGNATURE: Dawn L. Morgan h Attomclr.ilr-Fut v Titlc (IP CORPORATION, AFFD( SEAL) ArrAcll NOTARTAL AcKNou[.EDcrvrENT oF sTcNATUREs oF PRTNCIPAL ANDATTORNEY.IN.FACT. Titlc State of California County of Riverside WITNESS my hand and official seal.(seal) PAMELI, K M:, SIROLE I t!.J coMit. tlS i ?:16tlolrry Pulrtic Catiloml. RIVERSIOI La..rNIY my Comm. Erp. 0ct'15, 2008 mI (nature) Bond POWER OF ATTORNEY oo 51122 INSUBANCE COMPANYSafeguard or other writings obligatory rn nature of a bond BY ACKNOWLEOGEMENT "OFFICIAL SEAL' MAURX,EN K. AYENotrry Publiq State of ntlnolsMy Commisrior Erptres 09/2lA)9 CEBTIFICATE Signed and Seated al Lombard, tinois lhis llth .o'.orlItii'3i'rX^::[tt#li,'"T"',il ff;'Jil'ffig,i:;T#i].",]i;xas passsd by ,he Board or Directors or BoND Flesolved that the President ol the-company is hereby aulhorized to€ppoint and empower any repres€nlarive or the companyor olher person or p€rsons as Atorney-ln-Fact io eiecute on'oenari or -tne ci.p""v ""v b5"0.,',i,J.il*,ng., poricies, contracts otindemnirv or other writinss obrisatorv in nrrrr" or u uonJ ili;il; sr,ooo,odo.ot,.6i"-,;il;;;ffi: which rho company mishrexecute through its dulv elected otficers, and "ni,, irr"1""i ;] ;;;;;rp""y th€reto. Any said €xecution of such documenrs bv anAttorney-ln'Fact shall be as binding upon the company as ,r tt'"y r'"i 0"!n drrv "r""ri"J'unl r"-r""t,"ig"o by th€ regurarry srected:Jff::::'li":;trrnil:#rur;ll;";:;;:#;;J",,llv'l! ,",ou"o'r", s""J ",,";;i-"""'",,no,*, so sranred may be Resolved' that the sionah''lre ol the President and th€ seal of, the company may be aftixed by tacsimile on any power olattorney grant€d' and the signature or tre vice presiienr, "ri'tn" "Er'"r ,n"^gomqany may ge attixeo bf iacsimrte to any certificate ofany such power and anv such oower or cerlificate bearing su"t i"".i,iir" "ign"trre and-seaishal be ,"tii"no oinoing on the company.fH#""if#:H,",""#iJfifllfl:xiT,Ti;:*[t5#,jh;ti"""1";,";";;u,;iil;.;ffi#;il.orunderrakinstowhic; lN wlrNESS THEBEoE BoND saFEGUARo lNsuRANcE CoMPANY has caused this instrument ro bs signed by itsPresident, and its Corporate seal to be affixed thi. ,,r, O"y o, ,rou".O=r-a ,*r. on this 7th dav of November.2oo'1, before me, personaly .rr.1?3y]q E. campbefl to me known, who being dury sworn, diddepose and sav thar he is the Presidenr "t eoro-caiE6ililiriSlna'ce coMpiil,;;;;:;iion oescrioeo in and which:i::'JXltH.X*: instrumenr: that he e'""ut"J ""roln.t,iiiiit-n ilil,t or ,n" "o,porarion by authorit Jhrs oflice under *re By-raws KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEN principal otfice in Lombard, lllinois, does hereby PcgSv Fiulr. Kclly A. Jrcobs. Elainc Mlrcur, .,cm,fcr J its tru€ and laMul Attorney(s)-ln-Facl to make, execule, seal and deliver ror, and on its behalf as surely, any and all bonds, undertakings BOND SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY David E. Campbo President aureen K. Ays Public zo o7 n, Donald O. Buchanan Secrelary l' the undersioned' secrelery of BoN.D sAFEGUARD INSUFANCE COlrpANy, An llinois lnsurance company, oo HEREBy:"tf,t"5:,ll','#""".'jtJ?f,1,:X#',lxi':Z ""*# il-'l&ffi;lll," "no "o,,"", ";pv, ; il;i il; ;;d effecr and has not been - Day of June MorSrn. ) , before me, IelieligM-Plggigsg STATE OF lllinois SSCOUNTY OF On DuPage June 1 1 . 2007 PEITSONALLY APPEARED Dawn L, Morgan personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis ofsatisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is,/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he./she,/they executed the same ln his,/herltheir i-rthorizedcapacity(ies), and that by his,/her,/their signature(s) on theinstrument the person(s), or the en ty upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNE y hand and official seal Signat ariese M. Pisciotto OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and couldprevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACIW CLAIMED BY SIGT{ER DESCRIPTIOII OF ATTACHED DOCUMEITIT fl ttrotvrounL D conponarr orrrcrn TrTrE(S)TITLE OF TYPE OF DOCUMENT E pnnrlen(s)! lrurreo D ceruenelE nrtonruev.tru-rncr D rnusreelsl E cuenotelycor,tsERVAToR D otgrn, DATE OF DOCUMENT NUMBER OF PAGES SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME Ot PTRSON{S)OR TNITY{|€9 Bond Safeguard lnsurance Company SIGNER(S) OTHER TH TA I,IOTAR oFFtctAL SEAL RIEctr PIMSC orT0YPUELs1TEoFrLLIN0rsMYCOltiMtSStONExc1P5s06/25/1 0 This area [or Olflcial Notarlal Seal lD-081 Rev 6/91 AN NAMED ABOVE ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT