KB Home Coastal, Inc. Faithful Performance Bond TM30142-1 5028032FOR: SErcB .ld Draiorge FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND COT'NTY OF RIVBRSIDE, STATE OF CAIJFORNIA (Govcmrncot Codc Section 66499.1) Tract No. s!-132:l-!Elcdr-!s_9E!r9 Watcr Systcm Scw?r Sptcm $313 100.00 Parccl Map No. Bond No.80325 Premium $2.03s 00 Sunot/ Bond Safeouard lnsurance Comoanv Principal KB HOM E Coastal Inc. Addrcss lglg S Hiohlen.l .. Bldo. A. suire 3oo AddfCSS 3631O lnlen.l Vell Drive CityAtat€Lombard IL City6talc Wildomar, CA Zip 60148 Ztp 92595 P[p16 630{95-9380 Phone 951-691-5245 WHEREAS, thc County of Rivcrsidc, Ststc of California and KB HOME Coastal lnc (hcrcinaficr dcsignatcd as 'lrirrigal") havc cntcrcd into, or are about to cntor intq the attached a$oemcnt(s) whqrry principal agrecs to install and complctc thc abovc dcslgnatcd public improvcmcnts rclUing to (Tract/Parccl) 3oi42n (indudino channer) , whieh agrc€mctrt(e) iJarc hercby refcnrd to ud madc a part hereof: and, WHEREAS, s8id principal is requircd undcr thc tems of said agrecmcnt(s) to fumish bond(s) for thc faithirl pcrbrmancc of said agnccmcn(s); NOW, TIIBREFORB, we thc principal and Bond Safeo uard lnsurance Com as surcty, are hcld and lirmly bound utrto thc Couoty of Rivcrsidc in the pcnal sum ofrhge Hundred Thirteen Thousand One Hundred Dollars and Dollars ($313,10099__) Iawful money of thc Unitcd Stttos, for thc payment of which sun wi[ ud truly bc madc, we bind oursclves, our hcirs, succogrors, Gxccutors and adrninistrators, jointly and scvcrally, firmly by thcsc prascnts. Thc condition of tbis obligation is such that if thc abovc bon&d principal, his or its bcirs, cxccutors, edniniotsltors, suceassors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abidc by, and well and truly kocp and pcrform thc covenants, conditions and provisions in the said agrecmcnt and any attcntion thcrcof made as thcrcin ptovided, on his or thcir part, to bc kcpt and Pcrformcd 8t thc timc and in thc manncr thcrpin specificd, and in all r€spects according to their tnrc intcnt and meaaing, and shall indcmnify and savc harmless tbc County of Rivcrsidc, is offrccrs, agents and employccs, as tbcrein stipularcd, thcn this obligation shatl bccomc null and void; othcnrise, it shall remain in full forcc and cffcct. t As a part of thc obligation securcd hcrcby and in addition to the facc amount spccificd thercfore, ttrerc shall bc includcd costs and rcasonablc cxpcnscs and fecs, including rcasonablc attonrcy's fccs, incurrcd by tbc County in succcssfully cnforcing such obligation, dl to bc taxcd as costs and includcd in any judgcmcnt rcndcred. FAITIIFUL PEB,FORMANCE BOND Thc surcty hctcby stipulatar aad agrecs thu ro changc, oxtcnsion of timc, altcration or addition to thc etDs of rhir qgrccmcnt or to thc work to bc pcrformed thcrcundcr or thc spocifications accomprnying thc saoc shall io urywisc affcct its obligator on this bond, and it docs hcreby wriro noticc of rny such change,'cr.tcnsion of tim.c, altcration or addition. Sucty furthcr stiptlatcs qnd ryrcGs tbat thc provirions of Soctioo 2845 of thc Civil Code and comrncrpcment of coostsuctio rre not conditioos prccodcnt to surcty's obligations hereundcr and are hcreby waivod by nrrty. whcn ltc wo'rt covored by tbo rgrccncnt ie cmpleto, thc county of Rivcrsidc will acccpt thcwo* rad rhorcupoo, thc lnouqt of thc obligation of this bond is rcduccd by 9O% with the rcotridttt lO% bcld os sccurity for thc onc-ycar mrintcnancc pcriod providcd for in tbc agemooa(s). IN WIINBSS WIIBI,EOF, thiq.bgtrumcnt has bccn duly above nanrcd, on June 11 200 cxccutcd by thc principal and surety 7 NAMEOFPRINCIPAL: KB HOME Coastal lnc AUTIIORXZED SIGNATURE(S): By: Titlev? LApD -;aDtldAftb Pc{^rsA c' Titlc AUT}IOR&EDSIGNATURB: Dawn L. Morgan Its Attomcy-in.Fact Titlc (tr coRPoRATrON, AFFD( SEAL) AITACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMBNT OF SIGNATI,'RES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATIIORNBY-IN.FACT, Title (tr CORPORATION, AFFD( SEAL) NAIVG OF SURETY: Bond Safeguard tnsurance Company California All-Purpose Acknowledgement State of California County of Riverside On June 18, 2007; before me, pamela K. Meserole, Notary public, personally appeared Michael H. Freeman. Jr. personally known to me (or proved*omeen the-tasisofsatMactoryeviderce) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that heish#they executed the same in hisffitfieirauthorized capacity(ies), and that by his/herltheir signature(a)-on the instrument the person(s|. or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WIINESS my hand and official seal. (seal) PAMELA K, M:.SEROLE cotr \.t. r15 i !506 NoL1ry Pubric{alitroml. RIVERSIDE CCUIITY My Comm. Erp. Oct 15,2008 mI gnature) Bond Safeguard POWER OF ATTORNEY AO 511 41 INSUBANCE COMPANY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PBESENTS, that BOND SAFEG principal ollice in Lombard, lllinois, does hereby constitute and appoint; COMPANY, an lllinois Corporation with its Aonni. Krurc, St.ph.n T Krzn.r, D.wn L. Morsr!, UARO INSURANCE ,rmcs L Moorc, k€nc Dirz, P.g8y Flusr, Kclly A ,!cob!. El.in. M!,cur. ,.nnif.r J M.c6 b. Mclrs3! Schnid!, Jocl E Sp.ckr n, Hcrth.' A Bccl. T.licac M. pilciot its or true and laMul Attorney(s)-ln-Fact to make, exgcute, seal and d€liver forother writings obligatory in nature of a bond. , and on its bohall as surely, any and all bonds, undertakings BOND SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY BY David E. Campbelt P16sident ACKNOWLEDGEMENT gOFFICIAL SEAI"" MAUREEN K. AYE Not!ry Public, StE& of Ilirols My CommlslioD Erpire! OgDll09 K. Aye ry Public CERTIFICATE o720 - - -- -. T!" authority is made under- and by lhe authority of a resolulion which was passed by the Board of Directors of BONDSAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY on ttre Ztr Oay ot ruovemUei, ioor as fo ows: Besolved' that the Pr€sident ol lhe_company is hereby authoriz€d to€ppoint and empower any repres€ntative ol the companyor other person or porsons as Attorn€y-ln-Fact to execute on behalf of the company any oonas, ,ni"rr;.rgr, policiss, contracts olindomnity or other writings obligatory in natur€ of a bond not to "r"""0 $t,ooo,otio.o6, oi" iiirr,r'"-o"r-url, ,ni.n tn" company mightexscute through its duly elocted otficers, and atlix the seal ol the company thereto. Any said execution of such documents by anAtorney-ln-Fact shall be as binding upon the company as if lhey had been duly executed'and ""ino*r"Jg"o by the ragularly electedotficsrs of lhe company Any Attorne.y-ln-Fact, so appiinted, may be removed-lor good cause ano tne a"utnority so granted may beravoked as specilied in the powsr ol Attorney. Rosolved, thal the signalur€ of tho President and th8 seal of_ the company may be altixed by tacsimile on any power ofattorney granted, and the signature of the vice President, and the seat of the corpary may ue affix;;l;iacsimite to any certiricate olany such power and any such power or certificate bearing such facsimile signature ani seaishall be vatii ano oinoing on the company.Any such power so executed and seal€d and certificate s-'o executed and se-aled snarr, *ltr resplciio'"ni [ono or rno"rtaking to whichit is anached, continue to be valid and binding on the Company. lN WITNESS THEREoE BoND SAFEGUABD INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this instrument to be signed by itsProsident, and its Corporate seal to be atfixed this 7lh day ol November, 2001. on this 7lh dav ol November, 2901,-b:191" tg.personally cam.e David E. campbe to me known, who being duty sworn, diddepose and sav that he is th€ Presidenl of BoNo sAiiGUAnd rr{Cunlrce coupiNi, tt" ""ffirion oescrioeo in and whichexecuted the above instrument; that h€ exocuted said instrument on behalf of the corporarion oy-autnoritj Jt i" otri"" ,nder the By-lawsof said corporation. l, the underslgned, secretary of BoNo SAFEGUARD lNsuFANCE coMpANy, An tinois lnsuranc€ company, Do HEREByCERTIFY that lhe original Power of Attorney of which tho forutoing 1" , trr" "nd correct copy, is in lull force and effect and has not beenrevoked and lhe resolullons as set lorth are now in force. Juneot }-,tl p, Donald D. Buchanan Secretary Signed and Sealed at Lombard. lllinois this llth On June 1 1 . 2007 before me,Tariese M. Pisciotto PERSONALLY APPEARED DAWN L. MoTqan personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) islare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he,/she,/they executed the same ln his,/herltheir authorized capacity(ies), and that by hls/her,/thetr signature(s) on the instrument the person(s). or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WIl'NESS hand and official seal Stgnat NOTA OFFICIAL SLALTRAESEMPrsloTToRPUBicSTOFTTINOJsCOMMIONEXPIREs06t26i10 This arca for Olficial Notarial SealTariese M. Pisciotto -OPTIONAL- Though the data below is not required by law it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and couldprevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACIW GTAIMED BY SIGT'IER DES0RIPTIOIII oF ATTAGHED DOCUME]'JT E rruorvroulr E conponerr orrrcen TITLE OF TYPE OF DOCUMENT E ennrrurnlsl rTtE(s) E lrure o! cenemlI nrronlrry-rru-rect E rnusru(s) E cunnontrt/cot'tsERVAToR E otnrn, NUMBER OF PAGES DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S)OR €NT TY(IES) Bond Safeguard lnsurance Compan v SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE lD-081 Rev 6/94 ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF_lltinois ) aor^r" oa O**" l *