KB Home Coastal, Inc. Material and Labor Bond TM30142-1 5028064MATERIAL AND. LA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE .(Gtrvcmmcrit €odc Scction(R.C. Box Rebar 6 R.C. Box Concrete) FOR: Strccts and Drainrgc $?,9! 6?9_aS_ Watcr Sysrbm Scwcr SyslcEr f BOR BOND OFCALIFORNIA 66499.1) Tract No, 301/t2-1 (rn.1r',r{ng Channei) Parccl Map No. _ Bond No. so2so64 Pt!&iUrn Incllderl in Pcrformonre lsnd Priocipd KB HOME Coartal. lnc. Phonc 95't-601-5245 WHEREAS, thc Countyof Riv?rE_idc, Statc of Cslifomia, and KB HOME Coastat. tnc. WHEREAS, undcr'thc tcmr of ssid agrtcrnrot, principal is rcguircd, bcfore cntcriog upon thc perform.tlca of tho worh to filc a good and suffici€na paymcnt bond with thc County of Rivcrsidc to sccure thc clairns io which rcfcrpocc is madi in Titlc I 5 (comrncncing with scction 3082) of Pafl 4 of Divlsion 3 of thc Civil Codc of thc Stalc of Colifornla; NOW. TIIERBFORE, sAid principal md rhc undcrslpcd, &s corporatc suDcty, arc hcld fimly unto tta,County of.Rirrcrsidc md all soDtractors, lubconlractors, laborcrs, matcrial pcrsons and olhcr pcnons cmploycd b thc pcrfoanancp of said Civil Codc in thc suro of rwo Miuon rh'!. Hu'dr.d Forty rhous.nd six Hurir;Ed ru,"ni Ehhr oot.,' .,rd Doll* (i4.eg.m _]Eiilffi fuaisbcd Or labor ttrcrcon of any kind, or for rnouots duc undcr thc Uncmploymcnt Inswancc Act wi& rarpcct to such work or lebor, thsl sEid suraty will pey thc saurc iu an E[rount nol crcccdinE tbc amoual lr.rcimbova sct forth, ard slso in casc suit is brought upon this bond, will pay, in rdditioo to tbc fac! rmoult thcrcof, costs &nd rcasonablc cxpcnscs and fccs, includiug rrasotriblc .ttaiircy'i'fcis, bcurrcd by thc Couoty io succassfirlty coforcing such obligation, to bo ewardcd and fixed by thc aoun, and to bc tarcd as cosB rad to bc iacludcd ir! thc judgcmcnt lhcrrin rrodcrcd. It is hcrcby cxprcssly stipulatcd and BgrEcd upon that this boud shall inurc to thc bcDcfit of 8ny and rll pcrsons, compaoics and corporations cntitles to hrll claims undcr Title 15 (commcncing with Scction 3082) of Psn 4 of Divisioo 3 of ttrc Civil Codc, so as to givc a right of action to thciu or tbcir assigns in any suit broughr upoo thls bond. Shoutd thc condiiion of tlrls bond bc ftrlly pcrformctl, thcn this obligation shall bccomc null and void: olhcrwisc, it shall bc and rcmain in full forcc rnd cffcct. SurEtv Bond Sefoauard lnBurance Cornoanv AddtlSC lgtg S Hlshtrnd Av... Atdo. A. suir! 3m City/Stlto Lombard. lL Z;qB0rna phoDr 63G495-9380 Addrrass 36310lnland Vattev Ddve City/Statc Witdomar.CA Zo 92595 rcfcmd o aail madc a Tte sq$y hcrcby stiFrlaEs ad agrccs {tat no chaoga, cxtcnsion of timc, altcration or addition to thc tctms of this attrlcmnt or to thc spocificrtions rccompanying thc sarnc shalt in urywisc afioc{ its cibligation on lhie bond, aDd it docs lorcby waivc noticc of any such chutgc, extcnsion of timc, dtcrstioo or lddi{ofl. Surcty firthcr ctiplrluos and agrecs ,thrt ihc provisiois of Scction 2&[5 of thc Civil Co& arc not a doiaition grocoacnt to a,uty's obligations hcrcundcr urd arcborby wrivodbyarrcty. MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this hstnrmcnt has boen duly cxccutcd by the principal and suroty abow ra6od, oo June 14 2007 NAMEOFPRINCtrAL:KB HOME Coastal, lnc. AUTIIOREED SIGNATIIRE(S): By: t)? LAj)DlPn"^- ^cb ?LANp,Ab Titlc AUIIIORIZBD SIGNATURE: Bonnie Kruse Itr Title (r coRPoRATtON, ASFD( SEAL) ATTACII NOTARHL ACI(NOWLEDCMENT OF SIGNATI,'RES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORilEY.N.FACT. Tidc (IF CORPORATION, AFFD( SEAL) NAIvtB OF ST RBTY: Bond Safeguard lnsurance Company California All-Purpose Acknowledoement State of California County of Riverside On lune 18. 2007: before me, pamela K. Meserole, Notary public, personally appeared Michael H. Freeman, lr. personally known to me4ffiore+to-mion*he r'asis of satisfaetory eviderrce) to be the person(s) whosL name(slis/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me tnat hlTsnqttrey 9xe-cuted the same in his/he4their authorized capaiityliesl, and that byhis/he#their signature(slon the instrument the personis|. or the enti( uponbehalf of which the person(.s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (seal) palarLn x. n/lr,SEROLE tu con!fi!. r15i 95!€tlotery PublicC m(, RitrERst0E aou!rY (si9 re)ily Conrm. Exp.0ct r5,2008 Bond Safeguard POWER OF ATTORNEY AO 26151 INSURANCE COMPANY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that BoND SAFE principal otlice in Lombard, lllinois, does hereby constitut€ and appoint GUARD INSURANCE COMPANY, an t inois Corporation with itsIrmca I Moorc, lrcnc D'd, Bom,c xrulc, Srephln T Xtzm.r, Drwi' L Morgsn, ....r PegSy Fsust, Kelly A. Jacobs, EleiDe Marcu!, JerDifer J. Mccoab. Melissa SchEidt. Joel E Speckman, Hearher A. Beck, Tariese M. pisciotto ft fir.r..hr its true and laMul Attorney(s)-ln-Fact to make, oxecute, s€al and deliver for; and on its behal, as surely, any and all bonds, undertakingsor other wrilings obligatory in nature ol a bond. This authority is made under and by the authority ol a resolution which was passed by the Board ol Directors ot BoNDSAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY on the 7th day of November,2001 as folows: Resolved, that lhe Prssident of the Company is hereby authorized to appoint and empower any representative of the Companyor other indemnity or other writings obligatory in nature of a bond, $ person or persons as Attornoy-ln-Fact to execute on behalf ot the Co 4,800,000 00 Four mllaon cidrmpany any bonds, undertakinos. oolicies. contracts olhudr.d lhousihd dollM .. which the Company might executo through its duty olectsd oflicers, and aflix the sealdocuments by an Aftorney-ln-Fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if theyregularly elect€d otlicers of the Company. Any Attorney-ln-Fact, so appointed, may bemay be revoked as specified in ihe pow€r of Attorney. Resolvsd, thal the signature of the President and the seal of the company may be atfixed by tacsimile on any power ofattorney granted, and the signature of the vice President, and the seal of the compani may be atfixed byiacsimile to any ceriificate ofany such power and any such power or certificate boaring such tacsimile signature ani seaishalt be valii and binding on ihe company.Any such powor so oxecuted and sealod and certificate so executed and seiled shall, *itn respect io any uond or und6rtaking lo which itis attached, continue to be valid and binding on the Company. lN WITNESS THEHEOE BOND SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY has causod this instrument to be signed by itsPresidenl, and its Corporate seal to be atfixed this 7th day of November, 2001. ..OtrFICIAL SEAI,' MAUREEN K. AYE Notary Publig Slrtt of ltllaois My CommhrioD Erpires 09rlltD of the Company thereto. Any said execution of such had b€en duly sxecuted and acknowlodged by the removed for good cause and the authority so granted BOND SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY BY Oavid E. Campbell President reen K. Aye ry Public ,20 07 fl, Donald D. Buchanan Secretary ACKNOWLEDGEMENT on this 7th day ot November, 2oo1-, before me, personally came David E. campbell to me known, tvho being duly sworn, diddepose and say that he is the President ol BoND sAFEGUlnri tHsunlrce couinni, it'" "oiporution described in and whichoxecuted lhe above instrumentl that he sxecuted said instrument on behalf of the corporation by authorrty of his office under the By-lawsof said corporation. CERTIFICATE ---- - !,the undersigned, Secretary ol BoNo SAFEGUAFo INSURANCE CoMPANY, An llinois tnsurance company, DO HEBEBYCERTIFY that the original Power ol Attorney of which the foregoing is a true and correct copy, is in full force and eflect and has not be€nrevoked and the rasolutions as set forth are now in torce. Signed and Sealed at Lombard, lllinois this 14x Day of STATE OF lllinois ) SS, COUNTY OF On DuPage June 1 4.2007 , before me,Tariese M. Pisciofto pERSONALLy AppEARED Bonnie Kruse personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is,/are subscrlbed to the wlthin instrument and acknowledged to me that helshe,/they executed the same ln his/her./their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his,/her,/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS m nd and official seal Signature OFFICIAL SEAL TARIESE M PISCIOTTO }IOTARY PUBLIC .6TATE OF ILIINOIS ti,fY Colitt lSSlOt EXP|RES|0626/1 0 This arca for Olflcial Notarial ScalTariese M. Pisciotto -OPTIONAL- Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and couldprevent Fraudulent reaftachment of this form. CAPACIW CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT TITLE OF TYPE OF DOCUMENTlrrrEts) ! pnnrrurn(s)fl Lturrro E ctruenar E nrronlre v-rrrr-rncr E rnusrre(s) E cuenonMcor.rsERVAToR D otHenr NUMBER OF PAGES DATE OF DOCtll\,4FNT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAMT Of PENSON(S)OR ENIITY(ES) Bond Safeguard lnsurance Company SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE 1D.081 Rev 6/94 E rttotvtouar D conponarr orrrce n ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT