KB Home Coastal, Inc. Material and Labor Bond TM30142-1 5028065FOR: Stsectr ead lhrirrle Uludr SystbE $cwciSysch I 1.052.320.00 rt Tlact. No. lojjelj&E4lseJhannel )PucclMapNq;- MATEBIAL . AN.D,:LAEOR BO,ND CouNrI or nrvsRsIDB, srATB oP cAlronNn , t06vomnn;l* @* Sactiqn 66499. l) Surcty Ponq ssfeouad lmuranca Cgmpanv Ad&!si' . 1910 s. HbhLn{ Avi.. Brdo. A. sy(6 soP Ci!y/8lEt6 rd . BondNo.5028065 PrprDium JlrhrtllLio-EedortlrDr! Bond Prlocipal KB HOME Coastal. ;Atl&Qss 38310 lnland Vallev Drlve ; , City/Stilc Wildomar CA 025S5 Ptlnc 951€91-5?45, , l, lnc.WHBBA.S, thq County of Bivseidc, SraF. ofCatif-omia, aod (hadmtcr dciignatcd IB bay?cntcrrd into, or arc about.to o6lcr ioto. thc athchcd S$nlhqbt agr"eE iinpiovepqaa rEfcrrrd to antl rnada s.pofl hprEofi .ssl, o initall and complotc :tbc abovc dcsigoatcd public ) . 30142-l * ,which agrccurent(s) is/dro hcrcby (Iucludtug Channel) WHEREAS, uadar'thc temi of'ssi0agrcanent, Pdrclpal ir rcquirtd. bcforc cntoring upon thc pcrfowi+r.r! ottho worh to filo a good ar-r{ suffiqiqnt paymcnt bond with tho County of irivcrsjdo to scculettiq ctairis (o whictr iofcrencc ir madc in Titlc lf (comrocncing with scction 3092) of tan 4'tif Eivlclpo Sof tho Civil Qpds qf thc Ststc of Califotala; irttris}od or l$otrEqi#n of roy Llnd, or for losrats duc uqdct thc Urcmploynpnr lQsurancc ,961,9$1.pl!*i tosuoh virrk or labor, thet t'Cit rrrrty wiB pry lhc ranc io aD anrermt nol crcccdins dlD :tmulnl hcrcinrboyc sot forlt,tsdd .l8o iD c&ic suit is brought upon tlris b.ond, will oiv. t r adttltlon !o Sic frca Emousf thcrcof, coSb and rpasonablb cxPcoscs End focs, including Lirrltiure'utd-r"ilfi'f(ir, iirgrircd h, rhi couDty i! su.cccssf,rlly onforcing oueh obligation, t9 tr.rirrrded atrd f4cd hy thc court; and o b6 tjrxcd * cosls md to bc faciudod ir tbc judgcmcnt thctcio 6hdcred. Ir is hcrcby cxprcssly stipulatcd and agEod upon thar tbls boud shall iuurr to thc bcucfit of any and all pcisons, conpaoigc and corporrtions cntitles to full clalms under Titlo 15 (commcnclng with s;don 3oE2) ofParr.{of Division 3 of $o civll codo, so es to Sivc s rigtrt bf action to thcin or.thcir assigns in aiy ruit brought trPo[ thls bond. should thc conrliilou of this bond bc fully pcrfbrncd.'then this obligation shall becomc null and void; oScnvisi, it shalt bG rDd rcmsiu in frrll forcc and cffca. zip KB as corporatc surrty, arc hcld firmly. said Codc ($ 1 ,992,320.00 ) for materials iiio DollarE MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND Tto cq!-!ty hcrcby stip$atcc urd agrucs 'llur no chango; cxtcnsion of timc, altcration or addition !o thp tGrns of this attracnmt or to thc spocificatione uompanying thc sarnc shall in mywisc afroet its obligation ol thlr bon4 and it docs lorcby waive noticc of any such changc, cxtcnsion of timc, dtcratioo or rilditl,on. S1u&ty furthor stiFlat$ End agrccs that ihc provisions of Scction 2&[5 of thc Civil Co& rrc oot e ooadition Frocodcnt !o rurety's obligations bcrcun&r aod arc horby weivodbyanrcty. IN WITNBSS WHEREOR this instrumcnt has bccn duly cxccutcd by thc principat and suoty abovo rarno4 oo June'14 2007 NAMEOFPRINCIPAL KB HOME Coastal , lnc. AUTIIOREED SIGNATURE(.S): By: TitlcUP caatio-iko(u A&b PcaatattA e Title AUIIIORIZBD SIG}.IATUBE: Bonnie Kruse fti Titlc (tr coRPoRATtON, AFFD( SEAL) AITAOI NqTARIAL ACXNOX'IJDGME}.TT OT SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNBY.IN.FACT. I Tidc (IF' CORPORATION, AFFD( SEAL) NAMB OF ST RETY; Bond Safeguard lnsurance Company California All-Purpose Acknowledgement State of California County of Riverside On June 18. 2007; before me, Pamela K. Meserole, Notarv public, personally appeared Michael H. Freeman, Jr. personally known to me (orprove+to-me-on@o be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that hLishelthey executed the same in hiqlhs#their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/he#theiFsignature(slon the instrument the person{+), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WIINESS my hand and official seal. (seal) PAMELA K. MTSEROLE (si ture)t!l coMM. tr5i 9506 Noirry Publlc4aliloml. RIVERSIDE COUNIY MyComm. Exp. 0ct 15, 2008 aI9' POWER OF ATTORNEY AO 24038 INSURANCE COMPANY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PBESENTS, lhal BOND SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COIIPANY, an lllinois Corporalion with its principa' otlice in Lombard' lllinois' does h€reby constitut€ and appoinl: Michaet J. schecr, Jamcs r Moorc, Ircne Diaz, Bonnia Krusc, ....rr Stephen T. KazDe!, Dswn L. Morgan Pessy Fausr, Kelly A Jacobs. Elaine Marcus, Jennifer J. M€Conb, Melissa Schmidt, Joel E. SpecknaD its true and lawtul Attorney(s)-ln-Fact to make, 6xecute, seal and deliver ,or, snd on its b€half as suroty, any and all bonds, und€rtakings or oth€r writings obligatory in nature ol a bond. This authority is made under and by the authority ot a resolulion which was pass€d by the Board ol Dir€ctors of BONO SAFEGUARO INSUFANCE CO PANY on the 7th day o, Novombor, 2001 as tolows] Rosolved, that tho Prosident of the Company is hereby authorized to appoinl and empower any rspr€sentatjve ol th€Company or othgr p€rson or p€rsons as Attomey-ln-Fact to gxecute on bohall of the Company any bonds, undenakings, policies, cqtracts of indomnity or oth€r writings obligatory in nature ol a bond, g t00 000.00 T*o million cidr hundrcd dou$nd doll.r3 . BONO SAFEGUARO INSURANCE COMPANY BY David E Campbell President Bond Safeguard ACKNOWLEDGEMENT On this 7fl day of Nov€mber, 2001, bolor€ me, personally came Oavid E. Campbsll to me known, who bsing duly swom. didd€pose and s€y that he is ho Prssid€nt ot BOND SAFEGUAFD TNSURANCE COMpANy, the clrporation describod in a; rvhach executedtha above instrum€nt: thal h€ ex€cuted said instrument on behalf of th€ corporation by authority of his oftice und€r thE By-laws ot saidcorporation. which tho Company might sxocule through its duly olected officers, and alfix the s€al ot the Company thersto. Any said exscution of such docurnonts by an Attom€y-ln-Facl shall bs as binding upon the Company as il thoy had b€€n duty exscutod and acknowledged by the regularly €lected ollicers of lh€ Company. AnyAtlomey-ln-Facl, so appointed, maybe removad for good cause and the auhority ao granted may bo rovoked as speciriod in the Powsr of Attomey. R€solved, that ths signature ol the Prosid€nt and thg seal ol he Company may be atfixed by racsimile on any power ol attomeygrantsd, and thg signature of tho Vice Prgsident, and the soalofthe Company may b€ alfixed byfacsimile to any cenilicati ol anysuch powei and any such power or csrtifcate bearing such facsimil€ signaturs and seal shall be valid and binding on th€ Company. Any such power sooxecuted and s€aled and certaticat€ so srecuted and sealod shall, with respoct to any bond or undertaking to which itis attached, continu€ to b€ valid and binding on the Company. IN WITNESS THEREOF, BONO SAFEGUARO INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this instrument to b€ signed by its Presidsnt, and its Corporate Seal to be affixed this Ttit day of Novgmber, 2OO.t. .OFFICIAL SEAL' LYDIA J. OEJONG Notary Public, Slate ol lllinois My Commission Expies 1l'l2l17 Lydia J. O€Jong Notary Public CERTIFICATE l, the und€rsigned, Vic€ President of BOND SAFEGUARD INSUBANCE COI|PANy, An inois Insuranco Company. DO HEBEByCERTIFY tl6t tle odginal Powgr ol Attom€y of which the lor€going is a true and curect copy, is in lull lorca and otfgct and has not b€enrgvoked and the resolutions as set icrth ar€ now in lorce. ,o 07 ]LLINO S INSUFANCE ao TLUNOTS INSUFANC€ :o Signod and Sealed at Lombard, tttinois ttis 14th O"y ot June Donald D. Buchanan Secratary 4*J 4-l A- t a, /3o./,,,,,. STATE OF lllinois COUNTY OF On ne 14.2 7 PERSONALLY APPEARED Bonnie KTuse , before me,Tariese M. Pisci DuPage ) SS J otto personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is,/are subscribed to the withln instrument and acknowledged to me that he,/she,/they executed the same ln hls/her,/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his./her,/their signature(s) on theinstrument the person(s), or the en ty upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signat ariese M. Pisciotto OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and coutdprevent Fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGIIIER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT E tr.rorvrouer E conponnrr orrrce n TITLE OF TYPE OF DOCUMENTTITLE(S) E eenrrurnlsl D urvrre o E oeruennl Ei nrrontrry-tru-recr E rnusreelsl E c unnorerulcor,tsERVAToR D otrien, DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING; NAMT OT PERSON(S)OR ENTITY{IES) Bond Safeguard lnsurance Company SIGNER(S)OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE NUMBER OF PAGES OFFICIAL SEAL TARIESE M PISCIOTTO-glf"T#3fd?'ffi3I[il],?f This area for Offtcial Notarial Seal lD.08l Rev. 5/9{ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDCEMENT I