KB Home Coastal, Inc. Faithful Performance Bond TM30142-1 5028065TAITIIFUL PERBO,RMANCB BOND COI.'NTY OFRIVPR,SIDE, STATB OF CALIPORNIA (Govcrnmt C<ilo Scction 5649.1) FoR: stsootB rDd Draloege $ 2,104@Q__ Tract No.301 42-(Iucludlne Chanllel 3 Parcol Map No. - !6q! l{e. 5028065 PrcmlUrr s13.680.00 Sutlty Bond safeouard lnsurance compenv Principal KB HOME CoastEl. lnc. Addrc.sr 1919S. Hiohlr.d . sldo. r. s,fi.3m Address 38310 lnland Val Driv6 Ciryls tats Lombard, lL Cityrstalc Wldomar CA ?i9 60148 zip 925S5 Phonc 63G49F0380 Phonc.951€9't -5245 WHBREAS, rhG Co.rDty of Rivcrsidc, Statc oi Crtifdruia, md KB HOME Coastal. lnc. (hcrcinaftcr itosigrtatcd rr 'lrinclpal) havc cntcrcd in!o, or aro about to cEt r into, tho dtached agrEc[l.ntG) wbercby grincip8l.agrp.! to install and complctc ttic obqvc doslgrgrcd public improvcmcnts.platin8 to ClracUParcd) 3q142-l .* , which agreemcn(s) is/arc hcrcby rcflrred to ud madc a pait hcEofi ul4 * (rncludlng charinel) WHEREAS; raid principal is rcquired undcr thc tcnns of said a8rccm€nt(s) to fumish bond(s) for the fai6ful pci{ithiucc of said s$lcmcnt(s); NOW, THEFBFORB, wc ttrc principal and Bond pafsquard lnsurance comoanv , as surcty, arc hclil and funrly bound unto thc Couoty of Rivcrsidc in ttrc pcnal stim ofragq- One Hundrud Four Thoussnd S&ndr.d Forty Flv. DoIa[.nO DOllUe ($?r104,645.99__) Iawtut money of thc Unlril Statos, for tl paymcrt of wl.ric| nuq will and tnrly bc rudc, wo bind oursclvcs, our hoirs, rucccrsprB..orooltors .Dd adEfnistsltor, jointly sDd scvcrally, firmly by thcsc arcscnts. Il|s condfulon of thls obtiga{oo is 6uct lhat if thc abvc Uon&d prirciPal, hb or iE bcirE, arocutols, glailig&rldro, suaccssoft or'.ssi8ns, Ehslt is alt things stand to aod a,bldc by, and well rod truly Lcop and pododn t$c covomnts. conditions ard Piovisions in thc eeid agrccmcnt and ary attontioE'thcrtofnadc as thcr,ail providod, on his or thcir Part, to h &GPt rld Prformcd al tto ttnc aad in tho manocr thcrtln rpciclfic4 rnd in all rcsPccts sorqiog to tboi, truo itrtcut 6nd moaaiag, and chrll iudosmi& aod iryc harmloss tbc Qounty of Rivcsldc, lts offrccrs, agcnts and cmployocs, as tbcrointdpulatcd, 0rco this obligation shall bccorop oull and void; othcrwlsc' lt shatl rcnalD fut full forcc and cffect, As I pan of tbc obllption sccurcd boreby and in addition to tbo facc aoount spccificd thcrcfore, tlrcre sbrll bc iaclu&d coss and iSasoaablc oxpchscs aad fccs, including rcasonablc attomcy's fcos, incurrcd by thc County in succassfully cnforciog euch obligation' 8li to bc taxcd ss costs aad included ln anyjudgcmcnt rcndc@ WBtc! SystaD Sowcr Syttclu,( FAITHFUL PENFORMANCE BOND Thc rurety hcrcby 8tiPutat$ and agrcGs that no changc, cxrcnsion of timc, altcralion or addition to thc tssDs of t[is agrcornont or to thc work to bc pcrformcd thcrrundcr or thc spocifications accomproying thc sam ahdl in aoywisc affccr iB obligation on this bond, and iidocs hcrcbywriw notlcc of ray errh changc, a,tcasion of tinc, &ltorarion or nrdition. surcty firthcr stiptlalcs End aglcs rhrt $s ppvi3isas o,f Soctioo ?845 of thc Civil Codc and comrncaccmcnt ofcorstructis lt! rct cottditiotrs prcco&ot to surcty's obligations hersundcr and arc hcrcby waivod by arcty. whco ttc wct covorcd by ttc xgerncot i8 codrplcto, thc comty of Rivcrside wiII rcccpt thc wolt rod tf:rtupou, tho amornt of oo ohligation of this bond is rcduccd by 9o% with rhercmidlB tOS hcld as scctuity for tbc onc-leer mrin1666o* *ri* provided for in thc agrccmcnlr(r). IN WIINESS WHEREOF. this.bstruDcnthas bccn duly cxccuted by thc principal ard sw€ty abovo namcd, on e14 2007u NAn BOFPRIN(I,AL: KB HOME Coasrar,lnc AUTHOREED SIGNATURB(S): By: TitlcV? LA,,b ? Fot<.,t ARb /utoattato Titlc Title (IF CORPORATION, AFFD( SEAL) NA}BOFSURfIY:Bond uard lnsurance Compan Iu Anormy-in-Frt v AUTTIOR&BD SIGNATT,'RE: Bonnie Kruse Titlc (IF CORPORATION, AFFD( SEAL) AITACTI NOTARHL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF EIGNATI,'RES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY.IN.FACT. I California All-Purpose Acknowtedgement PAMELA K, M[IJEROLE =u] coMM. t15i95o5 Itoltry Pubtic.Caltl,ornl. RIVERSIDE COUIITY y Comm. Exp. 0ct 15,2008 mL (s nature) State of California County of Riverside On June 18. 2007: before me, pamela K. Meserole, Notary public, personally appeared Michael H. Freeman, Jr. personally known to me (orEoreo_too,ion@ to be the personS) wfrose namelg i;7a€--subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me tnat rrel+iyHru,executed the same in his/he#their..authorized capa-ity6ies1, and that byhis/rerltfieirsignature(slon the instrument the personffir tne enti( uponbehalf of which the person(s)_acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (seat) POWER OF ATTORNEY Ao 24037 INSURANCE COMPANYBond Safegiuard KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, hat BONO SAFEGUARO INSURANCE COUPANY, an tllinois Corporation with its principal oflic€ in Lombard lllinois' do€s h€reby conslrtute and appoinl: Michacl J. scheer, Jamcs r. Moore, Ir.ne Diaz, Bonlia Krusc, ...... Stephen T. Kazmer, Dswn L Morgan. Pegry Faust, Nelly A. Jacobs, Elaioe Marcus, J€nnifer J. Mcoomb, Melissa Schmidt, Joel E Speclman its true and lawfulAttom€y(s)-ln-Fact to mak6, Exscute, ssa, and deliver for, and on its bshall as surety, any and alt bonds, undertakings or olher writings obligalory in nature of a bond. This aufDrity is rnade undor and by the authority of a resolution which was passed by th€ Board ot Dirsctors of BONOSAFEGUABO INSURANCE COMPANY on the 7th day of November. 2OOt as tollows: Resolved, that the Prosident ot he Company is hereby authorizsd to appoint and smpower any represantative ol tho Company orolherporsonor porsons as Anorn6y-ln-Fact to sxgcute on bshall ol the Co.npany any bonds,undorlakings, policies, cgntracts ot indomnityor other writings obligatory in nature ot a bond, $2 E00 000 00 T mrllion.i$r hundr.d doulend EOND SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY BY Oavid E Campbell President which the Company might exocute hrough its duly sl6cl6d officors, and atfir the seat ol the Company thoreto. Any said execution ol suchdocumonts by an Attomey'ln-Fact shall be as binding upon the Company as il thoy h8d boon duti €xecutod an; acknowt€dgsd by therogularly €locted officers of th€ Company- Any Attom€y{n-Fact, so appointed, may b€ romovsd for good cause and tho authority so grantodmay be rovoksd as spocified in the Power of Anomey. Resolved, that the signature of th€ Presid€nt and the seal ol tho Company may bs alfixed by facsimile on any power ol anornsygranted, and the signature o, the Vice Pr€sidont, and the s€alo, the Company may baaflixod by facsimi6 to any csrtilicat; ol any such pow€rand any such power or corlificate b€aring such facsimile signature and sealshalibo valid and binding on the Company. Any such powsr so€xeculgd and s€al€d and c€rtificato so executed and sealed shall, , /ith respect io any bond or undeiaking to which ifis attactred, conlinuelo be valid and binding on the Company. lN WITNESS THEREOT aoND SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COUPANY has caused this instrumont to bo signod by itsPrssident. and its Corporate Ssal to bo afiixsd this 7th day ol Novemb€r. 2OOl. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT On this 7t1 day ol Novomber,2ool, b€lors m9, personally camo David E. Campboll to mo known, who being duty swom, didd€poss and say thal he is trl€ presidentol BOND SAFEGUARO TNSURANCE CO pAI{y the corporation described in an; which exacutedths above instrumont: that ho oxscuted said instrum€nt on bshall of the corporation by authorii ol his oflice undar tho By-taws of saidcorporation. ,OFFICIAL SEAL' LYDIA J. DEJONG Notary Public, State ol lllinois My Commission Expircs 1l12JO7 Lydia J. OoJong Notary Public CEBTIFICATE l, tho undorsigned, vice Presldenlof BoNDSAFEGUARD lNsuRANcE couPANY, An tihois tnsuranc€ company, oo HEREByCERTIFY that t]e odginal Powsr ol Anomey ol which the tor€going is a tru€ and correct copy, is in ful force and effeci and has not bs€nrsvoked and the resolutions as set lorth are now in force. .zo o7 tLLTNOTS INSUAANCEF ILrr{ors INSUFAICE=oo Signed and Seated at Lombard, tinois tlis 14th o"y ot June Oonald D. Buchanan Secretary 4^^{ *{-l A- Ua b*h,,*, STATE OF lllinois ) ss. COUNTY OF DuPage On June 1 4.2007 , before me,Tariese M. Pisciotto PERSONALLY APPEARED BONNiE KTUSE personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of sattsfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) Is,/are subscribed to the wtthtn instrument and acknowledged to me that he,/she,/they executed the same ln hls/her./thelr authorlzed capacity(ies). and that by his,/her,/their slgnature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of whlch the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS hand and offlclal seal Signature IAR OTA OFF ciAL SEAt E Ea M Pisc OIToRYPu8!c sT ET OF ILLtNolsMfCO,\,,MtSSlON EXPIR ES 06t26/1 0 Thts area for Olflcial Notarial Seal Tariese M. Pisciotto -OPTIONAL- Though the dala below is not required by law it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CIAIMED BY Slcr'lER DESCRIPTIOil OF ATTACHED OOCUMENT E tttotvtouar E conponerr orrrcrn TITLE OF TYPE OF DOCUMENT D penrruEn(s) TirLaFJ D Lrurrgo E cENrarl E erroRruey-tru-rect E rnusrrr(s)fl cuenornvcor',tsERVAToR D otnrn: NUMBER OF PAGES DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME Of PERSONIS)OR ENIITYIIESI Bond Safeguard lnsurance Company SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE lD 081 Rev 6/94 ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT