Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Material and Labor Bond PM31822-1 929630704ENIF 10.15.b MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Govemment Code Section 66499.1 ) 212.2 .00 Parcel Map 31822-1$ $250 00 Other Proj. Ref90 Bond No 92S630704 Premium $ lncl Surety ua Co Sutter Mitland 01 LLC Address 333 S. Wabash Avenue. 41 Floor 3200 Park Center Drive. Suite 1000 FOR: Streets / Drainage Water System Sewer System Total $ 131 .000.00$ 433,500.00 a!N e - o F o co ood, !coI !coo Ec GI c E Eol N CO ci2 oFaco EE G Principal Address City/State Chicaqo. lL City/State Costa Mesa, CA zip 60604 zip 92626 Phone (416)542-7402 Ptlone (714) 200-1534 WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, State of Califomia, and -@il[j!!44.,]q!-ttq, (hereinafler designated as "principal") have entered into, or are about to enter into, the attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complete the above designated public improvements relating to TR 31822-l , which agreement(s) is/are hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and, WHEREAS, under the terms of said agreement, principal is required, before entering upon the performance of the work, to file a good and sufficient payment bond with the City of Menifee to secu!.e the claims to which reference is made in Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 ci Division 3 of the Civil Code of the State of Califomia; NOW, THEREFORE, said principal and the undersigned, as corporate surety, are held firmly unto the City of Menifee and all contractors, subcontractors, laborers, material persons and other persons employed in the performance of said Civil Code in the sum of -@LECnC-fgqThirtv Three Thousand. Five Hundred and no/l00 , Dollars, $ 433.500.00 for materials fumished or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment lnsurance Act with respect lo such work or labot that said surety will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabove set forth, and also in case suit is brought upon this bond, will pay, in addition to the face amount thereof, costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attomey's fees, incuned by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, lo be awarded and fixed by the court, and to be taxed as costs and to be included in the judgment therein rendered. It is hereby expressly stipulatod and agreed upon that this bond shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies and corporations entitles to full claims under Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. Should the condition of this bond be fully p€rformed, then this obligation shall become null and void: otheMise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. 9/8/15 Packot Pg. 328 x-oofl All McB By Th.ac Ptt .!ttr That Co,ltin nt.l Clsu.lty Company, s, lllinois insurmcc comp&y, N.doosl Firc In3!.rrcc Comp.ny ofHardord' an lllinois insurancc c!.nprny, lnd Amnic&r Crgdty CornFaly of Rcadint, P.ansylhni( ! i.nmyh,rnis ins rrncc colnIl.ny (hcrEin callcd"thc CNA ComPtnics"), arE duly or8&iz.d md crinin8 innrrarcc cornFri6 hrving rhcir Fi;cipal officcs inihc City ofChicaso. lnd Stllc oflllinois,and dat they do by vinuc of rhc aitnarurcs and s..b hardn rfiixcd her,cby mrkq co.rnituE .rd lppoint Paul A. Kitchcll, Thelml D. Dul.yr Lirdry M..t.c!L, prtntk R. DieH, Lui. A. Espinozr, Iudivldurlly PO\tr'ER OF ATTORNEY APPONiTINC NDIVIDUAL ATTORNEY.I|'i-F.A,CT 10.r 5.b My Commissioo Expirrs Fcbrusry 12, 202 I S. Eich Public CERTIFIC.{TE I, D. Bult. Assisant Sccrttrry of Cootincotal C--hy ComFny. s, Illinds in$flrc! cqnFoy, Ndioaal Firc tnsrrlocc Cornp.ny of Hartfu. an lllinois in$rlncc cornpdy, ind Anxdca Ca$alty Co{trp6y of Rcsdin& Pqmrylvenir, r PnuEylvrnis insrllncc csnpa.y do h.rdy ccniry thst thc Poud of Anoocy h6ein .bovc 5q fonh is ltill in fdtc, .d findl. ccrtiry Glr fic By-bur .nd R6olutioi of rhc Boo.d of D.r.rots of (hc insurancc of Ssn Franci.co, CA, thcir truc md l.wfirl Auomcr(i)"in-F&r sidl firll po\iE rnd aurho.ity h.rtby 61fu to sign, scal snd .x.cute for and on thcir bchalf bords, undrrtrkirys .nd ollicr obligDory inirrrE,lB of dllilr tt rurE - I! UDliDlt.d AEoultt - and to bind th.rn lhattby as htlly drd to dlc tanc crE! ar if srdr insEtEn.nE \rc! 3ignGd by ! duly ouahorizcd ofEcs of ihcir insursncc compsniG erd all thc acrs ofsaid Anorn.y, purrrdtt ro drc.urhority hcrcby givar is hcr6y ntificd ;d cdtfinncd. This Powtr of AEqncy is m.de ltrd .a.cutcd Frrllrt to &d br.ulhqity ofthc By-L.w rnd RcsolutiGi" prin!.d oo rh. rw6!c hcrEof. dulysdoptod, .s indicltcd. by rhe Bcd. of Dir!do.! of dr ioarzrcc qnptnics ,- lo Wtn.la wtanof, $c CNA CofiFnirJ h.it cansad fl!'c Frscots ro bc aigad by thcir vicc Pr6i&rt urd drcir wporatc raals to bc harlto.mxcd on fii! 5th day of Auglsr, 2015. ie*trike; Coatirrutal Casralty Company Natiooal Firt lnsunncc Coopoy of Hartford Amcrican Couproy of Pcn!sylvania Paul T Bruflrl e President Sratc of Sourh Dalol,, Counry of Minnduhf ti On lhis 5lh dsy ofAutust,2015, b.foc mc Flo lly cIr)c P.ulT. Brufl.t to EE lnown, who, bcint by mcdulyswom. did dcposc and say: rhar hc resid6 in fic City ofsioux F.lls, Slttc ofsoulh D.toE th hc is i vicc Preidcit ofcoorinnrul Csdry Comprny, an lllinois insurencc compsn), Nalional Fire Insuranc Comp.fiy of Hdtfo.d, !n llliloii illluracc con*}[ry, ard Amq"ican Clorllty ComFfiy of Rcading, Pcnnsylveni4 . Pmnrylttlia insuranc! conpany dcsaribad ia lnd yhidr aicclrd dtc abo,4 instnmca( thr hc l(rol,s thc rcalg of srid insrnncc conpmicsi that rhc scels rffixcd to $c said ia$ nEnt rrE luch co(poratc r..k; thlt tltcy wc.r so affixcd FrIirrnt to lurhority givrtr by tic Bo.rds of Dirccto6 of srid insurancc mmpsniB snd lh{ hc sitncd his nrnc thrruo Frrglsrlt to likc rrdlority. and rctnowlcdgcs a&nc io bc thc rt rnd d oflaid insurmcc companics. o- = F o co ! d ! oo (\t !c c0E o (, E E'I (t.t dz F, EE compani6 printcd on rhc rcr,csc hcrcof is insumnce companirs this 6'D day ofMey,tbha,lt nill in fcEa In IcstilrEly wharrof I havc harunto iubaai_bcd my na.nc rnd affixcd the saal oflhe said 20r6.q246lo1o.l Co iDcstsl Clsudty Coryatry Nrtioml FiE lDsur.occ Company of Hartford Ameicrl C.sualry Conpay of Rcadin& Pornsylvaoia Packot Pg. 329 SEAl- r!a? SE^L t!9? E.. l-orm F6853-4/2012 D. Bult \ ecrelary A notary public or other offic€r comPleting this certificate verifies only the idenlity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that docum6nt State of California ) County of _S!-E!a!g[gg_) On May 6, 2016 before me,Thelma D. D rrlav Nota Public o6E o F o co tloEt oo tco@E GI gq, Etuo o' (tN@ dz Fjj Eo EE o Datc personally appeared NA lt(s) of stcNtR{s) who proved to me on th€ bssis of satisfactory evidonce lo be the p€rson(s)whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thet hey'shenhey executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacMies), and that by his/tEr/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon b€haf of whicfi the p€rson(s) act€d, executed the instrumgnt. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY und6r the laws of th6 State of California that the foregoing paragraph is lrue and conect. WITNESS my hand and omcial seal THELIA O. IX'LAY ComlIfilloo , 2t2m7 Nolrry Ar0ac - Clrrtr S..l FflEl3co Corrty SICN TURT OT NOTARY PUEIICocr I OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completint $is information can detel alteration of the docun'rent or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SICNER DESCRIPTION OF ^TTACHTD D()CUMENT (-) INDIVIDUAL (-) CORPORATE OFFICER Material and Labor Eond/City o{ Menilee For SuEer Mitland 01 , LLQBond #9296 704 TITLT OR TYPT OF DOCUMENT (-) PARTNER(S) L) LIMITED (-) CENERAL NUMBER OF PACES ( x ) ATTORNEY-IN-FACT( )TRUSTEE(S)(-) CUARDIATVCONSERVATOR l__) oTHER DATE OF DOCUMENT S'CNER 'S ffPSESEM'NG NAME OF PERSON(s) OR ENTIry(IE5) Continental CasualtY C No Other Sisners tlere hen N.rrp end Title of dp Crlicet Luis A. Esoinoza One Paee (1 ) Mav 5. 20'16 G-10742& SICNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE Packot Pg. 330 10"r 5.b CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPCISE ACKNOWLEDGUENT Civil Code S 1189 CALIFORNIA ALL. PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certilicate verifies only the identityof the individual who signed the document to which this certlficate is attached. and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document State of California County of ) ) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instsumenl and acknowledged to me that he/she^hey executed the same in hictnrrtreir authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/thek signature(E) on the instrument the person(6), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the inshument. On\before me. /'.,., \ ., l. ,tltrumd,raca..rt n I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WTNESS my hand and official seal. a XCy Plrlf.CIurl. Ar{o€ colJflrv lno ''( ., -Lr' --i ''NM (No6yabtasc.l) t Qm erlaJG ta,l0t9 ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT [Toe o. d.scrpliq] d albdtod &orYEr) (ld! 6 d6oS&' d !ffi rbnlr.oft d) Numbor of Pa06s _ Documql th_ 2015 Vereon wwv/ Nol.ryOa8ses clm 800.87!9E65 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM,htFt cqltct w,,lt c''a Cdtldtu fr!.a ..rddtv @dy tddq @n,trt.a*d. d,-A k cor!*r.ltd drG dtoi.bciad.lcba .*Ndtladbr fi., -, b.qt tdtd &E,t/t ,.t,!a r bidsa. n lorYd b rd,tq b, -t 'qrin tb Cr'thne,tuy fi, etold. C&ldad,tury . $a. rld Cdtry nft.I rroo mut b. dlc $rc ud Counry *txr. thc d6um.rnriE(.) F q.[, p!..nd b.fdE d! l|Gy Fruic fE rknoslc4rncrr. Drc of lldrlraEt lrid bc dE drc h.l rhc ltrEla) pcnon lty .pFlrEd \trch mrd.bo t dE r.tlE (h! dr. dnoci.d3rrot 13 co.oplcrd. Ttc i(l.ty Iraa. dl.l Firt [B or h.r n.,lr !r rr rppcts stim hrs or hcr cdrrnl3ld' follo$,ld b, . codr lld unar Fur rdc {.olrry puUE). Pnnr dr nrr(t) of d..lllllc riSrE(s) sl|o !.roo.Iy .Do..r th. nm. of . hdEt tt co?rlct rrxLr a plurl foms by cr6alrt olI mcorr!(l formr (r cl.&E fqr 15t i )d crrcliry r c(rlq ftrfi|s F.it ! lo cnncrly rndic.tc Ulis mfo.m&oi .Er- lad io ltFian of doo,nc lt o.dng. Tt nd.., ,!.1 lpr$on mur b. €hr rri pnotogrphi..l! r.prodrcibl. tiprrasrsr fiirl nd coEr rcrr 6 hn r If r.al nnFBrior nnudG!. iE-sa.l rf irfiei .rq F it. odEwll. cqtl,l.r. r drff(,En rdllowldirnalt f6m. S't,|ir! of ttc mlry Filrc musr mrid $. itn.ru.! or fi|. mrh 0l. oflic. of O Addiudd lnfm tdr t nor llqoirld bd .olild hclp to cnnlr! hr3rhb*t dfrrn r i.. mi9lrd E ech.d ro . d{IaGlr docsmart+ hrd.& ul. r 9F of rra.h.d dodltrdrt rmb.r of Ft6 .nd dr&. " Indirr. dE .rFcity chmd by ltE rifn r lf rh. cl.inEd .rFcity ii .cdro.{c olrt .., rdxr. h. tnk (r... CEO. CFO. S.sdrry). S.ctnd' e.ll ttB &clrrEn to dE rigEd docl,lEn $ r ilrt* CAPACITY CLAIMEO BY THE SIGNER tr lndivijual (s)tr Corporate Ofiicer crde) Parlne(s) Attomcy-in-Fact Trustec(s) Othcr B o tr tr 10.15.b Packot Pg. 331 personally appeared N e = o F o c .9 tog, !co6 !Eoo ! c E o o2 F i..;Eo E G