Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Rider 929630704CNA To be attached to and form a Part of: BOND NO. 929530704 Type of Bond: Performance & Material and Labor Bond Date Effective: May 6th,2016 Executed by: Sutter Mitland 01 LLC, as Principal, and by: Continental Casualty Company, as Surety, in favor of the City ol Menifee (Obligee) in consideration of the mutual agreements herein contained the Principal and the Surety hereby consent to changing the bond amount: Performance Bond FROM:s867,000.00 TO:s217,000.00 Material and Labor Bond FROM:s433,s00.00 TO s108,s00.00 Nothing herein contained shall vary, alter or extend any provision of condition of this bond except as herein expressly stated. This rider is effective: October 10th,2019 SiBned and Sealed Octobe t 77 . 2019 Sutter Mitland 01, ILC By Q7?rL Continental Casualty Co any Aqtili/,orrjnaz, AttarneY in focl SURETY RIDER NO. 1 A notary public or other officer completing this certi{lcate verified only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached. and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that documenl. SI-ATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Orange ( )rt personally appeared proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be \s ,20t9,bcfore me Danicl M llt Moss , Notary Public, who ibed toeperson(;y' whose n she/the'v/executed "91anl IC STI the within instrument and acknow ged to me thal rhe sanle ln erlthe ir aLrtlrorized capacityllrff and that by,erltheir signatu the instrument the persor$)y', or the entity nt. oll upon behalf of which the personJ:Ia ct executed the i nstrumc I certifu under PENALT'Y OF PERJURY under the laws of lhe State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal d OAN ELLT I{ONIQUE $O5S Notary Publi( . C.lrforni. 0ran8e County Commission , 2254683 l,ly Comm. Expirel AuB 17, 2022 W"-i Notarv Public ) ) ) A Notary Public or other officer completing this certillcate verifies only the identity ofthe individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness. accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Los Anseles on OCI 17 2019 before me,asillas No Publi personally appeared April Martinez who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his,iherltlei+ authorized capacity(es), and that by*is/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalfofwhich the person(s) acled- executed the instrument. o z D. CASIttASCO2162364 fY Publc . Californ iaLo!o Nol6 I certifr under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. Comm ltcs Co!nty tl WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature Signature of Public CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT and thirt they do hy virtue ol the siSnaluros lr0d scals hcrcin rllixcd hcrcby makc. conslilutc and appoint Tracy Aston, Tom Branigan, Edward C Spector, Lisa K Crail, Simone Gerhard, I] Aleman, K D Wapato, April Martinez, Samantha Fazzini, Marina Tapia, Donna Garcia, Rosa E Rivas, Individually ol Los Angclcs. CA. thcir lrue and lrwfll Altorncy(s)-in-Fact with lull power and authority hcrcby conlcrrcd to sign, seal and cxcculc litr and on thcir hch lI bonds. unde(ukings and othcr obligabry instruments ol similar naturc - In Unlimited Anr(,unts - and to bind them thcrcby as fully and to the same extenl as if such instruments werc signed by a duly authorized officer of thcir insurance companies and all the acts of said Atlorney, pursuant to thc authority hcrcby given is hereby ratified and contirmed. This Power of Attorncy is made and executed pursuanl to and by authority ol the By-Law aod Rcsolutions, printed on the rcversc hercoi duly adoptcd, as indicated. hy the Boards of Direclors of the insurancc companics. In Witness Whereof. the CNA Companics havc causcd these presents to be signcd by their Vice Presidenr and their corporatc seals to be hereto allixed on this I 3th day of February, 2019. Continental Casualty Conpany National Fire Insurance Company ot Hnrtlbrd Anrericun Cas Ity Company of Readi ng. Pennsylvania Paul T. Bruflat Vicc Prcsident State ol South Dnkolr. Counly ol Minnchaha. ss: On this I-llh dry ol February. 2019. helbrc nle personally camc Paul T. Brullat k, mc known. who. bcing by rnc duly swom, did dcposc and say: lhut hc rcsidcs in thc City of Sioux Falls. Statc of South Dakota: that hc is a Vice President ol Contincntal Casualty Company. an Illinois insurancc company, Nationa! Firc Insurancc Company ol Hantbrd. an lllinois insurancc company, and American Casuilly Company of Reading. Pennsylvania. a Pcnnsylvania insurancc company descrihcd in and which execulcd thc above insltumcnt: lhal he knows the scirls of said insurancc companics: that thc scals affixed to lhe said instrument are such corporate seals; that thcy were so alfixcd pursuant to authority givcn by the Boards of Dircctors of said insurancc companics nd that he signcd his nanrc thcreto pursuunt lo likc authority, and ncknowlcdges same to bc the act and dccd oI said insurancc companies. My Commission Expircs June 23. 2021 J. Mohr Notarl Public CERTIFICATI] I. D- Johnson, Assislant Sccrctary ol C()ntincntal Casuulty Company. an Ilinois insurance company. National Fire Insurancc Conlpany of H.Lrtlbrd, n Illinois insurancc company, and American Cosualty Company r)l Rcading. Pcnnsylvania, a Pennsylvania insurance company do hcreby certily rhat the Powcr ol Attorncy hcrcin above set forth is slill in [orce. and lirthcr certify that thc By-Law and Resolution of thc Board of Dircctors oi Lhe insuruncc ic;lli#::ilH1l,rhc reverse hercof irrxll(in rbrce . rn rcsrirn:,, -t"l"j[f,f ]ff1!]bscribcd my namc and ar'fixcd thc scar of the said Continental Casualty Col]lpany National Fire Insurance Company of Hilrtlbrd \*mtoraaa, ,U!I II r92 3r Ame rican Casualty pany of Reading. Pcnnsylvunia D. Johrtson Assist nt Sccrclary Form F6853 4/2012 Corrr a Irsu, .r.awmaaa, ,ULY !Its?SEAL 897 ua\) J, MOHR SEAL t 897 F Go to www.cnasuretv.com > Owner / Obligee Services > Validate Bond Coverage, if you want to verify bond authenticity. POWER OI.',\'I"I'ORNEY APPoINTINO INI)IVIDUAL A'I"I'oRNI.]Y.IN.FAC'I' Authorizing By-Laws and Resolutions ,\lX)PTED BY THI: t]OARI) Olj l)lRE( ToRS OITCONTINENT.,\1. Ci\SUALTY COMPTNY Compmy al a meeting held on May 12, 19951 "RESOLVED: Thal any SeniororCr{)up vicc Presidcnt may iluthorire 0nofficcrlosign specific documcnls. agreemenls irnd instrumcnts on beh ll-ot- will be providcd in writing by the Scnior or Croup Vicc Prcsidcnt to the Secretary of lhc Conrpany prior ro such execulio, becoming cIli-clive. ' This Power ol Atlorney is signed by Paul T. Brullat, Vicc Prcsident, who has hccn authorizcd puniuant to the ubove resolution to cxccutc powcr ol' altomeys on behalf of Continenlal Casualty Company. This Power of Attorncy is signed and sealcJ hy lacsimile undcr rnd by lhe authority of thc following Rcsolulbn adopted by rhe Board of Direcrors of the Compuny by unrnirnou\ \r ritren consenr dulcd lhc 25'n dr) ol April. 2012: "Whereas, thc hylaws of the Company or specil'ic rcsolulion of the Board of Dircctors his authorizcd various officers (thc "Authorized Officers") lo execute various policies, bonds. undcnakings and other obligatory instruments of like nature; and Whcreas, from time to time. lhe signaturc of the Authorized OfIicers, in addition to hein8 provided in original, hard copy fbrnrat, may be providcd via facsimilc or othcrwise in an electronic lbrmal (collectively, "Elcctronic Signalures"); Now lherelbre be il rcsolvcd: that the Elcclronic Signature of any Authorized Ofllccr shall be valid xnd hinding on the Company. ' ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF NATIONAL FIRT.] INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD: This Po$er ol'Atlorney is mude and cxeculcd pursuant Io rnd hy duthority of Ihe li)llo$,ing resolution duly adopted by thc Boilrd of Directors ol-thc (i)mpnny by unaninrous writtcn conscnl dirtcd Muy 10, 1995i ''RESOLVED: That any SeniororCroup Vice President may ulhorizc anolllccrlosign specific docuruanls. agreements rnd instrunlcnts on behxll ol' will be providcd in writing by the Scnior or Croup Vice Prc\idcnl lo lhe Secrclary oI lhe Company prior l() such execulion bccomins clltctive. ' This Powcr ol Attomey ir signed hy Paul T. Brullat, Vicc Prcsidcnt. who has hccn authorized pursurnl to the above resolution to execut€ po$'er ol- rlk)meys on behall of National fire Insurancc Company of Hnrtlbrd. Conrpxny hy unai)inx)Lrs wrilten conscnl dirlcd lhe 25'h dry of April. ?0l2: "Whereas, lhe bylaws of lhe Compuny or specitic resolulion of lhe Board of Dircctors has authonzed various otficer! (thc 'Authorized Officers") () cxccute various policies, bonds. undertnkings and other obligatory instnrmenls of Iikc nature: and Whereas. liorn tinrc to time, the signaturc of the Authori4d Ofticers, in uddition to hoing provided in original. hard copy lbrnrnr. nray he providcd vin tacsimile or othcrwisc in an eleclronic lbrmnt (collectivcly. Elcclronic Signaturcs"); N()w theretb.e bc il rcsolved: that thc Elcctronic Signaturc olany Authorizcd Ofliucr shull bc valid and bin{ling on the Conrpany.' r\lX)PlIl)llYIlll:l]O,\RI)t)Fl)l1tl:(lOl{SOIr\\ll'-Rla,\N(.\Slr,\l lY (1)\IP,\N} ()l Rl: \l)lNa;. Pl:NNS) L\',\Nl,\ This Power of Altomey is made and executcd pursuant lo and by authority of the lollowing resolurion duly idopted by the Board o[ Directors otthe Company by unaninDus writlcn consent dated May 10, 1995: "RESOLVED: That any Senior or Croup vice President may uuthorize an officer lo sign specific docunrents. agreemenls und inslruments on bchalf of the Company provided that thc nrme o[ such luthorized ol'l]cer nnd a description ol the documents, agrcemcnts or instrumcnts that such otficer may sign will be providcd in writing by the Scnior or Group Vice President 10 the Secrelary ol lhe Company prior to such execut;on becoming cffcctive." This Pow€r of Attorney is signed by Paul T. Bruflat, Vicc President, who has been aulhorized pursuanl lo the above resolulion to execute powcr of itttomeys on behalfol American Casualty Company of ReadinS. Pennsylvania. This Power of Attorney is signed and scalctl hy lacsimile under und by lhe ruthorily of lhe following Resolution fldopted by the Board of Directors of lhe Compun) hy unJnimou\ writren con\cnl ilillcd Ihe 25'"dry oIApril. :012: ''Whercas. the bylaws of the Compuny or specillc resolution o[ th9 Board of l)ir.crcrs hrN authorized various officers (the "Aulhorized Ofllcers") to execule various policies. bonds. undcnrkings and other obligalory idslrumenrs atl l,l(c nalurcl and Wherer\. iiotn timc to time. the signrturc rrf the Authori,,cJ Oflicir\, in oddrLiiu i, buiag flu!idcd rn onginrl. hard copy lbrmrl. rnay bc proviijed tra tircsimile or othcrwise in an elcctronic format (colledively, 'Electrfiic Sigpatrlrcs ): Nowlhcrefbre be it resolved: that the Electronic Signature of any Aurhorized olficer shall be valid and binding on the Company.'