KB Home Coastal, Inc. Faithful Performance Bond 30142-1 1145786n copy
(Govemment Code Seclion @4S9.1 )B6crbo.E Pt n- I Tr.rtc sttra
FOR: Streets and Drainage
Water Systom
Sewer Syolom
Surety gorllc,. Rcar(,lcl lnsu.ncc Cl,rI,{}/
Addf€SS 5o5 N &!nd grvd . suta !o.o
TracUParcel Map
Bond No. lr3;e6
Prgmium !e.4s(, oo
PfinCiPal rB xoME c o'r'r rn'
Addfgss lslto ffir'.t vd.y orr\l.
City,/Sltate cuno"r" cr City/State
zip COde er:03 zip
Phone sr&s5c1aol Phone s5r-or-szlg
WHEREAS, the City of Menifee. $ate Of Calilornia, and KB Hor.rE .oasd rr
(hereinafler designated as "prlndpal") have ent€red into, or are about to enter into, the
attached agreement(s) whereby prirrcipal agre€s to install and comptete the above designatedpUblic imprOvemenls relating to (Tnact/Parcal) rt lora2'r Bt.tDotr., which agreemen(S) is/are
hereby refened to and made a part hereof; and,
WHEREAS, said principal b roquired under the torm8 of sail agreemen(s) to ,urnish bond(s)
for the faithful performanca of said agre6ment(s);
NOW, THEREFORE, we the principal and Bc'rb, R.effr rE d.Ee c<,p.,yv , as
surety, are held and firmly bound unto lhe City of Menifeo in the penal sum of F,v' Hu'rd'd F<,.ry
Iho|r38nd .nd tb/r,\}---Dollars ($lawful nnney of the United States, for the
payment of which sum will and Uuly be made, we bind ours€lves, our heirs, successors,
executors and adminbtratofs, pinty and saverally, firmly by these pres€nts.
The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bonded principal, his or its heirs,
executors, administrators, succassors or assigns, shall in all things stand b and abrde by, and
well and truly koep and perform the covenants, conditions and provisions in the said
agresment and any alteration therBof made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept
and performed at the time and in the rnannar thsrein specified, ard in all respects according
to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Menifee,
its ofticers, agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligEtion shall become null
and void; otheruise. it shall remain in full forca and efiect
As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to lhe face amount specrfied
therefore, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including
reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, all
to be laxed as costs and included in any judgment renderad.
The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or
addition to the t€rms of this agre€m€nt or to the work to b€ performed there under or the
specificatbns accompanying the same shall in anywise afiec{ its obligation on this bond, and
it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition.
Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisirns ot Section 2845 of the Civil Code and
commencement of construction are not conditions pr€cedenl to sureys obligations hereunder
and are hereby warved by surety.
When the work coverd by the agreement is complete, the City of Menifee will accspt lhe
work and thereupon, the anpunt of the obligation of this bond is reduced by 9O% with the
remaining 10o/o held as security for the one.year maintenance period provided for in the
lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executsd by the principal and surety
NAME OF pRlNClpAL: FB Hot € cGsr'lln
me:. tt't 'ck Ae'- A talA^,'/ t I?
Trlle: yP LApb .- Fo anD ?vA /../ /P(--
, R.grdbl trsr.rEa Cg.rD..l,,
n-Fact Tirle
&!D]l i'v(rq Ano.YarrDFict
above named, on AJe6r 6 ,
State of Califomaa
County of Riverside
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of th€ State of
Califomia that the foregoing paragraph is true and co,rect.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
On Auoust 10. 20'10 before me. Richard R. Keller. Notary public,
personally appeared Michael H. Freeman. Jr., who proved to me on the
basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/aresubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that
he/ehelthey executed the same in his/herllher authorized capacity(ies),
and that by his/he+llheir signature(e) on the instrument the person(6), orthe entity upon behalf of which the person(e) acted, executed the
i.J-eldr2 r,
-6.f, ,,'!l , t Tl9laO
/,./.-t L/L 1/.t<-
IS€AL)Richard R. Kellor
State of California
County of Los Angeles
On Auqust 6. 2010 before me , Tracv Aston, Notary Public, personally
appeared Brenda Wonq, who proved to me on the basis of
satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(e) is/are
subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that
he/she/t$ey executed the same in hie/her/thek authorized
capacity(iae), and that by ttis/herltfreir signature(s) on the instrument
the person(e), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(e) acted,
executed the instrument.
I certify under PENALW OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of
California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
i';),i;",,,;,.;"' J:::.::: I ,\frg*tb:
I ,---t---=FJ:i;J Tracy Aston
\rr. 7951l,o\\lt( ()l \l loR\l \llt RNI r I Rl:(il()\ rl. t\st R-\\( }. ( (r\tt.\\\\\ll\ll\"1'r\ t)t j \\\ \Rt
\()ll( I Ilr! $Jtnltllli'lrrr.l ('l\(\h(rc rn rhr. l\r\!(i(,1 \nt'rn,.\ Jri(t\ th. !rllJrr\ tllcrc,,t I'i..r,i r,,rt(\,! !Jr(.llrllr
\\r,\\ \l I \n\ lt\ I I st t,Rl\l \l\ rtur Ill R[n\ i(lr,ir)\ \l l\\t l{\\( I ( o\ll,\\\ rrlr. .( rxr|.rrrr.r. J
l.l td\rt. Ir.trtlo ll oni:, lluriao B. lopio, tldxarl C Sprntr,.\otai Quiro; or simun( (ilhdn! ol lon RhA lfi\uront-l
Jt"l r" ' \..rr. \(Jl J(tIh'\lc(l(c lnJ Jclr\ct rn) rtJ .rll t\rxl' JrJ und(rtJIrriq.. srrh rlr. .,...p,',,,, ,,t t rrr.rrr.rrl (,u.rrur.rr
Ir:srrr,rrr.:r:. pr,rr rJrru rhJl Do stn8l( obhqltton slull cxlccd tifi! !tilliorl rnd 00/100 Dollrrr ($ m rhc s:lnrc c\tcnl
as tl sueh bond: h;.rd heco (lul) c\ccuted and !ckno$lcd8.d h\ rhc rcqul;rrl) clcctcd olti(crs ofth. (i)nrpan).at tts pnncrpal otl'lcc
rn tllcrr r,\\r nropL.r pcr\(rn\
lhrs ltrrucr ol Aflomcv shall bc construcd end cnforced ln lccorJlncc * lth. urd golcmcrJ b1,. thc ll*s of thc S|arc of [).,1a$arc.
1\ lthoul 8lvln8 cffc'cl lo lhc principlcs of conttcls ofla*s thercol-. Ihrs Poqcr ofAltomcy rs grantcd pursuant lo thc lbllowlng
rcsolulrr)n5 u hrch $crc duly and valdl) adoptcd al ! nleclrng rrl thli Eodrd ol l)rrcetor s ol thc ( oirpany h(ld on Augusl 2 l, 2000
''Rl:SOLt ED, thar th. propc, officers of $c ( o[pany !l hcr.h] aurhon/cd to c\c!ut( porrcrs ol'allomey autborutng andquaLlllng lhc alkrmc\_rn'ftct namcd thcrcrn to c\c('utc bonds, undcntkrngs. ,cao[nlranacr, or othcr sureiyshrp ohlrgatrorrs
on hchall-ol th. ('onlpany. irnd lo !I'l'ir tht corperarc seal ol lhc (bmpJnr lo po$tr\ ot- Jllomc! c\clurcd pur;uanl hcrcto.
aod lirrthcr
Rl'jSOl,\'ED. tltal such p()$tr or'irllomcy hmtll the Jcts ol'thosc nrnl.'d lh(rctn tr) thc bonds. undcrtaktngs. recognr/onccs.or orh(r \ur(.t).shrp ohhgartrls spccrficallv nrmcd thcrcrn. .rnil thcr hart nr),rullx)rrt) tr, hrn(l lh( (irnrpirrr cxccpt rI thcnurrn(r an(l to thc u\tcr thrrcln strtcd. dnd lurthcrRIS()l-\ til). IhJt su.lh p(,r{r,'r o, attornc! rcroles all prcvt()Lri pot\cr,i rsructl oo bchall ot thc utt()rnc}-tn-lact nJn)cd. rn(j
Rl:sOl-\'fD. thlt th( srsn.rlur( ol .rn) Juthorucd olliecr arrrl thc sc.rl ut'rhc (i)opJn\ rru\ bc aliircrl bv tircsrnnlc to rn)pt)\ur t,t Jtlomr) or ccrltficalt()n thertol lulhonztnt rhc cr(ccutron and dclt\er! ol anl hond. untlcnakrng. rcc{)gnt/irncc. (,t
{rlhcr \urcl\\hlf ohlrgttrr,n ol thc (-onrpan\. Jnd such slEnitturc rn(l scal t\hcn,o usil rh.rll harc thc,.rntc torlc Jnd cll(.cl .rrthuugl nuuualll attirr:d Ihc ('ompanl nur lonltnuc to usc l'or thr.. purposcs hcrcrn:il.rrcd thc lur:srntllc srgnaturc ot.a|\
I(r\(nl (!r P(r\ur\ sho sh.rll hlrc bccn such ofiictr or ol'liccr\ ol thc (bntp.lo]. n,rt! tth\litnJrn!: thr hc( thlt lhc! ntJ] hJ\(icJ\.d t(r k( suah rt lhc trnr *'hcn such rnstrunlcnts shall hc r\\uc(l
l\ \\ll\l\s l\lltrRI ()l . thc (omprn!.h.rr iaurcrl rhc\c pre\(nrs t,r hc \rrnc .rrrrl .rrrr:rr(!l h\ rr\ !pproFrnalc (,tli.cri JnJ rl\.,rr| r.rti' ,.'.rl herrullto Jtli\cd rlrrr , .; ,iu1 ,rl '. . .llllr)
lra S I crlcmun
Stnror Vrcc Presdcnl & ScrrstJr\. Scnlr)r \ tls prrsklcnl
\\'ARll\(;: 1H15 PO\\'LR l:{t At.tD tt \OT ptalNl t:D 0\ Bl.t t: -Bt:RKl-}:r - s}:(.1 RI.ft pApf,R.
s | {1 }: (['( o\\].(.1 t(.t T )
) rr:( ot \-t l ()t !AIRFI!:].D )
:$.,l|' t' hcl,,rl nt(. J \i'trt) l,uhli rn rhc Srrt( ol'('.rnll(Ltt(ul rhr, ' ilar ,rr , :01t, hr Rohcn p ( dlc JnJ lr:r
Il. rl '. r 11....:r,:nal ln\urrld( ( i)rrlf\xn\
\!Xilrr Puhlt.. SlJtc ol (i,nDcalrcut
l. th," unrlctrrgled. Assislrnl scrrcrlry ol uLRxLr.\'Rtr(ilo\r\t t\st RA\( t: (L)tlpr\\\'. t)() l.Rt:u\ (t:R tt.th,rr rhcli)rcgortls rs.il lruc. roncct and cornpletc copy ol'lhe original Po$cr tll .\ttt)mc!, thlt s,I(l [r(lu.cr ol.Attorncy has not hccn rcvukctlrrr rttrnd(l and that thc .ulhottly ol lh( A ltont) -rn. f ..'.t \(l lixth thlrcr . shrr crccutcrl rhc bond ot unicnlkrng t(, $htrh tht\I'o\\cr r,l ,\tr,rfilc, 15 u[u.hcd. ts tn full forcc end cflclt ai ol rhl] dJtrtirren unrltr mr harul rnrl sr,al ofrhc (i)rr{ran!. rhr\ , dar ol AUG - 6 201(l .
ltcrllct Rr1frAl In\ur+nLc-( orDpJn\
,,r d.tz/'(.2
Rohcn P. (irll.
r Sfril