KB Home Coastal, Inc. Faithful Performance Bond 30142-1 0151422e coPY
Bd.rbd'. sr'i.-r pb'rph.'c: cr'e Aw ,(9PJ{qfment Code Section 66499.1)
*€'lcrh lxmon ol Grrborr Fd
FOR: Streets and Drainage
Water System
Sewor Systom
TracUParcel Map rorr:-t e..mo'"
Bond No. or:u-
Premium tr; 1;r.{
Pflncipal xB trot'lE co6{tl rlr
AddrcSS rrro ha.d va.y olrvr
which agreemen(s) is/are
Bctllo / Rcgllxrallnruanao Conpany
AddfeSS 5{,5 &!nd 8ad S{n? ro4o
City/State CA
zip code er?03 Zip
P[919 erussc.tro:Phone g:r.asr-s:cs
WHEREAS, the City of Monifee, State of California, and xB HoME '-o!sr.t kE
(hereinafte r designated as 'principal") have entered into, or are about to enter into, the
attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees
public improvements rolating to (fract/Parcel)
lo install and complete the above designated
hereby refened b and made a part hereof. and,
WHEREAS, said principal b r€quircd under the toms of sakJ agreemen(s) to fumish bond(s)
for th6 faithful perfomance of said agreement(s);
NOW, THEREFORE, we the principal and 8c.rrr/ Rcgsl.l llgrdr.. .-m+.ny
surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Menifee hthe penal sum of ry,o iar on H.,d'd
Foity Scvcn Thorls.nd and No/too- Dollats ($lawful rnoney ol the United States, for the
paymenl o, which sum will and truly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors,
executors and administrators, ioinuy and Beverally, firmly by these presents.
The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bonded principal, his or its heirs,
executors, administrators, sucoe&sors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and
well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and provisions in the said
agreement and any altoration therso, made as therein provided, on his or their part, to b€ kept
and performed at the time and in the rnanner therein specified. and in all respocls according
to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Menifee,
its oflicers, agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null
and void; olhorwis€, it shall remain in full brce and efiecl
As a part of the obligalion secured herBby and in additbn to the lace amount specifid
therefore, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including
reasonable attomeys fees, incuned by the City in successfully enforcing such obtigauon, all
to be taxed as cGsts and included in any judgment rendered.
The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alleration or
addition to the terms of this agreement or to the work to b€ p€rbnned th€re under or the
specmcations accompanying the same shall in anywise afiec{ its obligation on this bond, and
it does hereby waive notice of any such change. extension of time, alteration or addition.
Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code and
commencement of construclion are not conditions pr€cedent to surety's obligations hereunder
and are hereby waaved by sursty.
Wh6n the work coverEd by lhe agreernent is cornplete, the City of Menifee will accept the
work and thereupon, the armunt of the obligatirn of this bond is r€duced by 90% with the
remaining 107o held as secrrrity br the one-lrear mair*enance petbd provided for in the
lN WITNESS WHEREOF, thb instrument has beefl duly exearted by the principal and surety
above nam6d, on Arltrn 6
NAME OF pRlNClpAL: xB troME coad.rrlr
Nama: q,c lJa6c
Tilde'. ! ? LAL,D+
F..q, nAtJt 7.
luA (tr fu4 1Y r 14-
Attomey-in-Fact Tifle
Br.rd. WqR Allo.Ir/{DF.cl
2or0 .
State of California
County of Riverside
On Auo 10.2010 before me,rdR Keller, Notary Public,
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of
Califomia that the foregoing paragraph is lrue and correcl.
WITNESS my hand and offlcial seal.
personally appeared Michael H. Freeman. Jr., who proved to me on the
basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(6) whose name(6) is/ar€
subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that
he/sheAhey ex€cuted the same in his/heC$reir authonzed capacity(i€s),
and that by his/he#thei+ signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), orthe entity upon behall of which the person(s) acled, executed the
/./.\ l,L //t-
ISEAL,Richard R Keller
State of California
County of Los Angeles
On Auqust 6. 2O1O before me, Tracy Aston, Notary Public, personally
appeared Brenda Wonq , who proved to me on the basis of
satisfactory evidence to be the person(e) whose name(e) is/are
subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that
he/she/they executed the same in hie/her/their authorized
capacity(les), and that by hie/herltheir signature(e) on the instrument
the person(e), or the entity upon behatf of which the person(e) acted,
executed the instrument.
I certify under PENALW OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of
California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
It^^ -r '-r"t"i Tracy Aston
\t )ll( I llr(' \rJrrrrrl! l,)rin(l .1.(\ll(r( rn rhr\ 11'\\(r i'r .\r1,,!ll.\ rtrrrr\ lh( \rlr{irl\ tlrcrc.,t I'i(.r.c r!\r!s .Jrctull!
k\,ri\ \l I \ll\ ll\ llllsl l,ltl \l \l\ tlrJr ltl ki\l l\ t{l r,i(,\\i l\\t l(\\1 I ( r )\lt'\\\ llre (.,tlrl1Jrrl r.J
.t> tl 'uch bonds hatl btcn dult e\r.ljurcd and ilclno\a lcdt.d b) lhc.c{ul:rrl} clr!tcd (',ti(crs ot rhc ( ontpa,r} al rr5 prrocrpal olljiuthc[ o$n proplir pcrsons.
l'hrs l)o*cr of AItomc). shlll b< con5trucd and (nloaccd m as(ordlncu wi$. Jnd go\'atncd b\. th( laus ofthc Stalc ol l)cl!!^.ar(.
rc\olurron\ \ hlch \r crc duly and valtdl). adopt((l !t ! nEctrng ol lhe Brurd of I)rrc(krr\ ot th. (hnpany hrld on Augusr : I , ll)(I):
''Rl:s()l,l'EI). thal thc propcr ofliccrs ofthc (i)npany arc h('rcby outhorrcd to c\cculc fxl\r'crs ol anomey author[mg and
qualrl_r rng thc altomey-ut-fact nanrcd thcrctn lo c\acuta bonds, unJcrtakings. rerognrranccs, or othcr surctyshtp ohltgattons
\rn hchJlt ol rhc ( ompany. rnd tu all'il( th. corporat( scal ol thc ( ornpan) lo poqcrs ot artomc) e\!,cutcd pursuanr hcteto.
Rt:SOl l'!.1). th,rt such prrucr ol'aLtorrr(\ llnlrls tha JcL\ ol thosc rr.rnrcd tlrurcur to tllc honds. undcrlllrnr:r. rccoqnl/rn((s.
,)r olll,:r \ur.l)shrp oblr8alr()ni spccrlicalll nlnr(J thcrrrn.:rnrl th,rr h.rr{ lto tulho tr tl, hlll.l th( ( L,nlnin\ (\.cpl ln the
IirilnDcl an(l to lhc L.\lent lhcrctn stltcJ. alrtl lurlhtr
RI:SOl-\'l:l). thJt surh f()Rsr ot'Jltortl.\'rc\r,I(\ all prc\tour porrijt: r::ucij on bch,rll o, lh.:rttornc\- t-l!!t rrarrrtl. and
Rl:sol.\ [D, rlut tltc stgnirlurc ul ,ro,, Juthofircd olliicr tnd rh( \c.ll ol lhc ( ontpJn] nu\ bc atiircd hr ta.:trnnk.t,):ro)
po\rL'r ol illtonltv or ccnrtication lhcrco l' irulhonzrng thc cxcculion iltld dclr\at) oIlrN bonrl. u[d.rlJllrg. r(cogfli/unc(. ()r
,rthrr *rrrtlshrp ohlgltton olthc (i,nlprn\..rltl ruch sr{nlturc an(t \i:rl \rhcn *, uscrl slrall lla\'c thc \anr. ll)r,:r rn(l clti,(l i\
ilrrru5ll ntrrruallr atljrcd lhc Cotnp.rnr rll.rl, nllnud to u\( lbr lhc purp,'scr hrrcrrr :tl.rtcJ lhc 1.rr\lnrlc \rSnrturc ()l rtl\
l)cr\on or f,crs{rn\ $ho rhall hatc hcrrr such rrliicrr (tr otliach ol thc ( ornpil[\. nol t\ llh\lundtng thc tilrt lhJt thc\ lir] hu\.a
;t.rsr:d tL, bc such:rt th!. ltntc uhcn su.h tnstrun['nl\ shall r4L ts)ucJ '
l\ \\'ll\l SS \\'tll:Rl Ol . th( ( ontpln) h.rs uurcd lllc\( prri\(nh trr h( srilncJ rDJ trclt{J bt rt. lpploF llurc ollir(l\ rnJ rtr(('rlx'l.rl( \(Jl lt(tculrkt nll_l\(J tht\ . .' ,ll1 .rl ' . . :lrlt)
li,, ' ,
lr.r S I cdcnnlrr
Scnror \ r;r lrr.\r.l{lt .! \(-r(lrr\ :c|r,,r \ r.c l,ri.rJ..r
\\.\R\l\(;: lllls l,()\\}jR l\\'Al.ll)ll \Ol PRl\lt:t)O\ Bl.t t -Bf.RKt.tt"st.( t R \ pAp[R.
st \tt ()t ( o\\u( tI( I | )
(()t \t\ ()t t.\ t ul.t) I
:i!,,rri 1,, hr'lr'r! n1... J \,,rrl\ l,Lrhlrf l h( \rJt..,,r ( L'nnr.rtr!ul thr. JJ\,,1 .rr,lU h.. lt,,h\r, I,r,l,.rnrl Ir.r
Ir ' l . R. r,,itJI l , rr. r.. ( ,,'lltun\
r,,,.,,' l' '1. \r ',. , , ,,, r( tr..r
l\)\\l R ()t .\l I ( )R\i \
Itl.Rt\1.t.\ R!.(;l()\ \l- l\St R.\\( ]: ( (lllP.\\l
\\ ll \ll\r I lr r\ l)j I \,,,, \Rj
llcrlltr Rc'g(r(.r I lr\ur,;nr': ( i,mpJn\
,,, d.tz/, (*
R,)hcrl l' ( i'lc
cERl tH( A t'1.l. thc undcrsrgncd, Assrsllnl Sc(rerar) of IJERKI-tY RICIO\.\L I\StrR,{\( I ( O\ll,A\}. l)(} l tu.lt\' ( l.R l ll.t' rhal thr
ltrlcgr-rtttg rr a lruc, corrcct and ct,,npletc ctrpy ol Ihc origrnal Po\^er of A(om(!. thrl ,iatJ l\rt|cr ot .\trorncv hits n(rt bcen rc\,olcrj
or rcsernrlcd,rnd thrl thc auth()nt) ol lhc A(o.oc) - rn-ljact slcl lbnh U[rcln. *ho crcr:urcr,l rhc bonrl or unrlcnahn[ to xhrsh rhrsI\N rr ('l Atomcy rs arrnchcd. rs rn tull torcc arrd cllccl !sol rhr5 didr. AUG - 6 2010(irr(nun(ltrm!hilndcndscirl ot rhe ( ompanr . rhr. _Jayol'
t-{.-- 1.-. '\-
Stcrcn ( os.rlJ